1、健康心理学 Health Psychology,Chapter 5 mental stress,Chapter Outline,What is stress? what is general adaptation syndrome? Personality and coping Coping style What is social support ? Effects of social support How to manage stress?,Section 1Introducingmental stress,一、应激与疾病,Stress is how the body prepares
2、for and responds to change. Perception of change determines the type of response + Stress is positive when a person feels stimulated & able to manage the situation - Stress is negative when a person feelsthreatened & not in control of the situation。,一、应激与疾病,+ Stress is positive when a person feels s
3、timulated & able to manage the situation- Stress is negative when a person feels threatened & not in control of the situation。,Hans Selye: Performance-Stress Relation,二、一般适应综合症,他将这个涉及全身的非特异性生理生化反应称为“一般适应综合征” 包括警戒期、抵抗期、衰竭期三个阶段。,二、一般适应综合症,警戒期(Alarm) 肾上腺分泌增加,血压升高,呼吸、心率加快,血糖上升,将全身血液集中供应到心、脑、肺、骨骼肌系统,使机体处
4、于最好的准备阶段抵抗期(Resistance) 机体对应激源表现出一定的适应,激素水平恒定衰竭期(Exhaustion) 若应激源持续时间长或持续强度大,机体则因资源消耗而进入疲惫期。,三、心理应激的现代概念,心理应激:个体在察觉需求与满足需求的能力不平衡时,倾向于通过整体心理和生理反应表现出来的多因素作用的适应过程。,四、心理应激的意义,(一)应激的积极意义 适度应激是维持正常心身功能活动的必要条件 适度应激是人成长和发展的必要条件,四、心理应激的意义,(二)应激的消极意义 频繁、强烈和过度的应激使心身功能和社会活动出现障碍 持久、慢性应激导致心身疾病,加重已有的精神和躯体疾病 应激引起适应
5、不良,Section 2stressor,一、概念,应激源(stressor) 向机体提出适应要求,并可引起应对反应、稳态失衡的客观变化的环境事件或情景。,二、应激源分类,根据应激源的性质分为: 生物性应激源 心理性应激源 社会性应激源:重大生活事件、日常生活困扰 、工作相关应激源、环境应激源 文化性应激源,三、生活事件(life event),(一)生活事件分类 按事件的现象学分类 (1)工作问题 (2)家庭、婚姻问题 (3)人际关系问题 (4)经济问题 (5)个人健康问题 (6)自我实现、自尊方面,三、生活事件(life event),(一)生活事件分类 按事件对个体的影响 (1)正性生活
6、事件 (2)负性生活事件 (3)日常困扰、微应激源,三、生活事件(life event),(二)生活事件的量化评估Holmes编制了社会再适应评定量表(Social Readjustment Rating Scale, SRRS),每种生活事件标以不同的生活变化单位(life change units, LCU),用以检测事件对个体的心理应激强度,(资料来源:Holmes TH Rahe RH.The social Readjustment Rating Scale.J.Psychosom.Res.1967,11:213218),三、生活事件(life event),(二)生活事件的量化评估H
7、olmes发现,LCU与疾病发生明显相关:若一年累积的LCU小于150,提示来年基本健康 一年累积的LCU超过300,来年86%可能患病 一年累积的LCU达到150 300,来年50%患病,三、生活事件(life event),(三)生活事件导致疾病必备的条件 生活事件的性质:有丧失感的生活事件 生活事件的量:超过个体耐受能力 个体对生活事件的认知,Section 3Stress Reaction,一、应激反应概念,应激反应(stress reaction) 个体因为应激源所致的各种生物、心理、社会、行为方面的变化,二、应激的心理行为反应,(一)情绪反应 焦虑:最常见的情绪反应 恐惧 抑郁 愤
8、怒 敌意,二、应激的心理行为反应,(二)行为反应 逃避与回避,二、应激的心理行为反应,(二)行为反应 敌对与攻击 退化与依赖 固着与僵化 物质滥用,三、应激的生理反应,(一)自主神经反应(交感-肾上腺素髓质系统) 强烈应激状态时,大量儿茶酚胺释放,增加心、脑、骨骼肌的血液供应,心率、心排血量、血压都增加,呼吸加深加快,血糖升高。,三、应激的生理反应,(二)内分泌反应 (下丘脑-腺垂体-靶腺轴) 腺垂体分泌的 ACTH作用于肾上腺皮质,使盐皮质激素、糖皮质激素分泌增加。使水钠潴留,血容量增加,血压升高,肝糖异生加强,使血糖升高。 还有垂体-甲状腺、垂体-性腺、胰岛素系统的参与。使血容量增加、血压
9、上升,心率、呼吸加快,血糖升高。,二、应激的心理行为反应,(三)免疫系统反应 应激状态时,免疫功能下降。,心理- 神经- 免疫机制,Section 4心理应激的调节因素及其调节作用,一、应对方式(Coping),The process by which people try to manage the perceived discrepancy between the demands and resources they appraise in a situation May manage by correcting or mastering the problem, or by changi
10、ng perception of it. Involves transactions with the environment.,一、应对方式(Coping),Involves a dynamic series of appraisals and reappraisals of the person -environment. A classification of coping strategies: problem-focused and emotion-focused,一、应对方式(Coping),应对(coping):个体解决生活事件或减轻事件对自身影响的各种策略 情绪指向性应对 问题
11、指向性应对,一、应对方式(Coping),(一)情绪指向性应对 改变认知评价 学会放松技术 利用心理防御机制,一、应对方式(Coping),Emotion-focused copingEmotion-coping Emotion-focused (or palliative) coping refers to thoughts or actions whose goal is to relieve the emotional impact of stress. These are apt to be mainly palliative in the sense that such strate
12、gies of coping do not actually alter the threatening or damaging conditions but make the person feel better.,心理防御机制,心理防御机制(mental defense mechanism) 个体处在挫折与冲突的情景时,在其内部心理活动中具有解脱烦恼,减轻内心不安,以恢复情绪平衡与稳定的一种适应性倾向。,心理防御机制的主要形式,自恋的防御机制:包括否认、曲解、投射等。 不成熟的防御机制:退化、幻想等。 神经症性防御机制:有转移、隔离、反向、合理化、抵消等。 成熟的防御机制:升华、幽默等。,
13、常见心理防御机制,(1) 否认 拒绝接受不愉快的现实以达到保护自我,减轻心理压力的作用。 例子:“眼不见为净”“掩耳盗铃”“鸵鸟策略”,常见心理防御机制,(2)退行(退化) 遭遇严重挫折时,放弃成熟应对策略而采用不成熟幼稚的方式应对环境变化。 如“病人角色强化” (3)曲解: 对外界事实加以曲解、变化以符合内心的需要,常见心理防御机制,(4)投射 凭主观想法去推及外部事实,或把自己的过错归咎于他人的一种心理防卫术(5) 幻想 通过想象去满足受到挫折后需要没有得到满足的心理 例子:“灰姑娘的故事”、“自我陶醉”、“白日梦”,常见心理防御机制,(6)转移 一个人限于理智或社会的制约,将对某一对象的
14、情绪或态度,在潜意识中转移到另一个可替代的对象身上。 例子:“迁怒于人”、“替罪羊”、“移情”等,常见心理防御机制,(7)合理化 一个人遭遇挫折或无法达到自己的目标时,以各种理由为自己辩解而摆脱痛苦。 例子:“酸葡萄心理”、“甜柠檬心理”、“知足常乐”、“比上不足,比下有余”,常见心理防御机制,(8)反向 由于道德或行为规范的制约,将潜意识中某种不能直接表达的欲望和冲动,以完全相反的方式表现出来。(9)隔离 将部分事实从意识境界隔离不让自己意识到,以免引起精神上不愉快,常见心理防御机制,(10)抵消 以象征性的事情来抵消已经发生的不愉快的事情,以补救心理上的不舒服(11)升华 将潜意识中不能直
15、接表达的愿望、动机导向被社会认同或接受的目标,常见心理防御机制,(12)幽默 运用合适的幽默打破窘境,改变困难局面(13)潜抑 把不能被意识接受的有威胁性的冲动、欲望、情感体验抑制到潜意识领域,以保持心境的安宁。,一、应对方式(Coping),(二)问题指向性应对:应对直接指向应激源,解决问题 预期应对 社会支持(Social support),一、应对方式(Coping),Problem-focused coping Problem-focused coping refers to efforts to improve the troubled person-environment rela
16、tionship by changing things. For example, by seeking information about what to do, by holding back from impulsive and premature actions, and by confronting the person or persons responsible for ones difficulty,一、应对方式(Coping),Gender and CopingGender Coping Men generally employ problem-focused coping
17、strategies more than emotional focused strategies. Opposite for women, with women more often employing emotion-focused strategies. If men and women in same occupation, gender differences disappear, suggesting that societal sex roles influence choice of coping strategies.,一、应对方式(Coping),Coping Strate
18、giesCoping Strategies Problem-focused Coping used to reduce demands or expand resources when the situations are changeable. Emotion-focused coping utilizes behavioral and cognitive techniques to deal with unchangeable conditions. People more likely to use: Problem-focused for work-related Emotion-fo
19、cused for health-related,二、人格(Personality),Negative affectivity(负性情感) Pessimistic explanatory style() Hardiness Optimism Locus of control Type A behavior pattern,二、人格(Personality),Negative affectivity Neuroticism tendency to often experience negative emotions: distress, anxiety, nervousness, fear, s
20、hame, anger, and guilt describe themselves as having a greater number of physical symptoms frequency of illness, cardiovascular problems, digestive problems, fatigue Costa & McCrea (1987) describe themselves as having more severe and uncomfortable symptoms,Negative affectivity,二、人格(Personality),pess
21、imistic explanatory style optimistic vs. pessimistic (depressive attribution style) Study: College students with negative explanatory style measured in the first year had higher levels of depression in third year as compared to positive explanatory style students. Alloy et al., 1999 Study: 2800 mid-
22、aged males studied, those H in hopelessness were 2X as likely to die of cancer or 4X as likely to die of CHD(冠心病) than those L in hopelessness. Everson et al., 1996,二、人格(Personality),Hardiness(坚毅性) A personality style that Kobasasays explains why some people get sick under stress. Characteristics co
23、ntrol -belief that one can influence events commitment -sense of purpose or involvement challenge -viewing changes as opportunities for growth Retrospective and prospective studies found hardy people have fewer illnesses and deal with stress more effectively.,二、人格(Personality),Hardiness(坚毅性) Retrosp
24、ective and prospective studies found hardy people have fewer illnesses and deal with stress more effectively.,二、人格(Personality),Optimism expectation of good things will happen and bad things will not happen, contrasted to pessimism Positive Psychology A sense of hope Related to psychological well-be
25、ing, physical well-being experience lower levels of depression experience fewer infectious diseases live longer,二、人格(Personality),Optimism a glass of watera water How do you perceive this? A glass with half empty? Or a glass with half full?,二、人格(Personality),Locus of control(控制点) internal LC-control
26、 of events lies within us external LC-situations/others control what happens Assessing LOC I-E Scale by Rotter high ILC believe have influence on behaviors & decision to influence outcomes, a sense of control less depression in response to major illnesses allows one to remain healthy when experienci
27、ng many stressful life events,二、人格(Personality),Type A behavior patternType pattern(A型行为) based on Friedman & Rosenman(1974) study of 3000+ men over 8 years, 256 developed CHD, 69% were type A, 31% were type B 竞争性、成就动机强, 时间紧迫感 易怒 / 敌意,二、人格(Personality),Type B 放松、有耐心、宽容 冷静. Life is easy,三、社会支持(Social
28、 support),三、社会支持(Social support),为心理应激提供缓冲,三、社会支持(Social support),What is social support? 指来自社会各方面(包括父母、亲人、朋友等)给予个体精神或物质上的帮助和支持的系统。 客观支持 主观支持 对社会支持的利用度,三、社会支持(Social support),Emotional support(精神支持) 讨论问题 鼓励 正性反馈 支持个人价值观,三、社会支持(Social support),Informational support(信息支持) 提供有价值的信息帮助个体解决问题,三、社会支持(Social support),幸福感与社会支持 高社会支持高心理幸福感 消沉的人拥有的社会支持较少,四、认知评价(cognitive appraisal),个体对遇到的生活事件的性质、程度和可能的危害情况作出估计 Folkman和Lazarus将评价分为初级评价和次级评价 初级评价(primary appraisal):是个体对应激源性质的判断,判断事件是否与自己有利害关系,是否构成威胁。 次级评价(secondary appraisal):是个体对自身在刺激情景下应对能力的估计。,