1、英国年轻人就业难 态度是关键Having a good work ethic is more important than skills in securinga first job, according to a new study.一项新研究显示,在应聘第一份工作时,良好的职业道德比工作技能更重要。Eight in ten employers rated attitudes to work as important when recruitingfor entry level posts, compared to just 38 per cent who named literacy an
2、d numeracy.十分之八的雇主认为在应聘“入门级”职位时,工作态度很重要,相比之下,只有 38%的雇主认为文化程度和运算能力很重要。The report from the Centre for Social Justice think-tank comes just days after business leaders brandedmany British youngsters too lazy and ill-educated to compete for jobs.英国智库社会公正研究中心发布这一报告数天前,曾有商界领袖批评许多英国年轻人太懒,教育程度太低,没有就业竞争力。The
3、y were responding to a plea from Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smiths to give our young people a chance, and not fall back onlabour from abroad.这一评价回应了工作和养老金部部长伊恩 邓肯 史密斯提出的请求。史密斯希望“给英国的年轻人一个机会,不要依赖外来劳动力”。The report found that poor work attitudes among the long-term jobless were the major b
4、arrier to tacklingunemployment.报告发现,在那些长期失业的人群中,恶劣的工作态度是他们解决失业问题的主要障碍。It called for a fourth R - responsibility - to be added to schools traditional core subjects of reading, writing and arithmetic.研究认为,应该把第四个 R,即责任感(Responsibility),加入到学校的传统核心课程(阅读、写作和算数)中去。Asked why they turned downapplicants for u
5、nskilled jobs in sectors like catering, manufacturing and retailing, 62 per cent of employers cited poor work attitude and ethic.当饮食业、制造业和零售业等领域的雇主们被问及为什么不雇佣一些求职者从事那些非技术性工作时,62%的雇主称是因为他们的“工作态度和职业道德欠佳”。Bosses blamed 57 per cent on poor presentation, compared to just 29 per cent who complained of lack
6、 of academic skills.57%的老板们将求职者的失败归咎于“表现太差”,而只有 29%的老板们抱怨求职者学识不够。Entry level jobs of this kind make up about one-third of the total UK workforce of 27 million, but many are taken by migrant workers, said the report.该报告称,英国大约有三分之一的劳动力(2700 万)从事的都是这种“入门级”的工作,但是许多这种工作岗位都被外来劳动力占据了。 Around 80 per cent of
7、 the jobs created under Labour went to migrant workers, and official figures suggest the figure has risen since the coalition government took power last year.劳动部制造的就业机会约有 80%被外来劳动力得到了,官方数据显示,自从联合政府去年掌权以来,这一数字还提高了。The CSJ report said: Many employers told us that they believe students should leave edu
8、cation work ready and that currently too many students fall short.社会公正研究中心的报告称:“许多雇主告诉我们说,他们认为学生在离开学校时就应该为工作做好准备,但现在太多学生都无法满足要求。Timekeeping, self-awareness, confidence, presentation, communication, teamwork and an ability to understand workplace relationships are too often below the standard require
9、d, particularly in younger jobseekers.“在守时、自觉、自信、表现、交流、团队合作和对职场关系的理解力这些方面,许多求职者都不符合要求,特别是一些年轻的求职者。The education system needs to also focus on the fourth R, responsibility, enabling young people to take greater ownership over their future, to seek out the information that they need to make the right choices now, and to understand how their decisions today are likely to affect their future.“教育体制需要加强责任感(R)教育,让年轻人对自己的未来能有更大的自主权,找到他们现在做出正确选择所需的信息,让他们理解自己今天做出的决定会如何影响自己的未来。”