1、1学科分类号 740.5011 云南师范大学商学院本科学生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书题 目 The Translation of English Commodity Instructions姓 名 沈 明 华 学 号 07431009 院(系) 外语学院 专 业 英 语 指导教师 杨 嬿 琳 2010 年 10 月 30 日2论文(设计题) The Translation of English Commodity Instructions课题的根据:1)说明本课题的理论、实际意义2)综述国内外有关本课题的研究动态和自己的见解Economic globalization is affecting
2、 the life of Chinese people. Chinese now can buy a lot of products from abroad. But in China many people can not understand English commodity instructions; most of the instructions need to be translated into Chinese. Although some companies provide commodity instructions with more than four language
3、s, because of the different language and different culture, Chinese people can hardly understand the meaning of the commodity instructions. In order to make people use products properly, it is necessary to translate the commodity instructions into Chinese, especially in the field of cosmetics, medic
4、ines, and electronic products. Translating instruction manual is not enough, the translation should be accurate. For example, the translation quality of cosmetics will affect customers purchase desire. In international trade, the effects of instruction translation are powerful. It is important to ex
5、pand products recognition, increase sales, and make customers satisfied. It will influence the development of import and export of the commodities. All of these show that the translation of commodity instructions is important as well as meaningful.Both at home and abroad, the study about translation
6、 is very popular and extensive. As to the translation of English commodity instructions, it looks like not as popular as general translation. But the translation of English commodity instructions is a good objective to research. I referred some books and papers; they only have simple study on this s
7、ubject. Generally, the translation of English commodity instructions can be divided into two parts: one part is the functions and structure of commodity instructions, another part is the language and translation of commodity instructions. Scholars studied this topic by using many examples and descri
8、ptions, and emphasized the features of sentences and words in instructions. Moreover, the economic interests have effects on the study of the translation of English commodity instructions.This topic is well worth studying. The study of instruction translation is very important to the companys long-t
9、erm development, and to improve the international competitiveness. For China, with the development of “reform and opening up” policy and international trade, as a part of the product, the instruction manual is playing an important role. We need to study instruction translation through not only the o
10、riginal theories and methods of translation, but also the reform and innovation of the society. For example, for the instruction manuals of medicines, we need to translate it more accurately, more scientifically and more carefully. Moreover, we should also consider the differences of thinking, langu
11、age and culture. Of course, we should master the language features and syntactic characteristics of commodity instructions, and the methods of translation before the study of instruction translation. With the development of the study, both companies and customers will get benefits.3课题的主要内容:This pape
12、r focuses on the translation of English commodity instructions. The paper contains six parts.The first part is introduction. It mainly introduces the major content of this paper, and the writing background and writing purposes. The second part will give the definition, structure, and characteristics
13、 of English commodity instructions, in which the characteristics of words and phrases, the language using, the grammar using, and the language environment in commodity instructions will be studied. The third part illustrates the principles of translating English commodity instructions. In the fourth
14、 part, some methods of translating English commodity instructions will be discussed, in which examples will be used to explain the translation methods. The fifth part will discuss several problems in instruction translation, which include cultural differences, thinking differences, language differen
15、ces. And the measures can help to solve those problems will also be studied. The last part is conclusion. This part will show the result of the paper and what the conclusion is. 研究方法:1、 从他人的著作或文章中通过分析,找到需要的信息,运用到文章里。2、 用日常生活中说明书的例子阐明翻译的各项要求和特点。3、 总结和归纳书本和网上人们所用的发法并运用到文章里。4、 列举一些生活中由于翻译不当所导致的后果,通过结合翻
16、译原则和翻译方法的分析找到解决办法,并尽量给出翻译建议。4完成期限和采取的主要措施:完成期限:10 月 3 日到 10 月 26 日:选题,列出提纲与指导老师交流,并完成开题报告10 月 30 日:论文开题报告会 2010 年 11 月 22 日前:完成毕业论文的初稿2010 年 12 月 10 日前:完成论文的二稿2011 年 1 月 8 日前:定稿 2011 年 4 月 23 日:毕业论文答辩会主要措施:广泛查阅相关的资料文献,与指导老师联系交流主要参考资料:1 Davis, Linell. Doing-cultural Cross-cultural Communication in Ac
17、tion. Shanghai:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 20032 罗进德. 跨文化交际翻译. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2003.3 李明. 商务英语翻译. 北京:高等教育出版社, 2007.4 余富林. 商务英语翻译. 北京:中国商务出版社, 2007.5 张炜. 外贸英语的语言特点与翻译. 上海:上海交通大学出版社, 2008.6 作者不详. 产品说明书的语言与结构特征.(http:/ 作者不详. 英文药品说明书的写法. (http:/ 作者不详. 产品说明书的特征及翻译. 南京好译来翻译有限公司. (http:/ 作
18、者不详. 片仔癀新英文版产品说明书.(http:/ 作者不详. 商务英语翻译与写作之产品说明书.(http:/ 地点姓名 职务(职称) 姓名 职务(职称)与会人员6会议记录摘要(学生阐述的主要内容,开题小组所提问题及学生的回答等):指导小组意见负责人签名:年 月 日系意见负责人签名:系盖章:年 月 日7云南师范大学商学院本科生毕业论文(设计)指导记录表学生姓名: 学号: 院(系): 专业: 年级:指导教师姓名: 学科专业: 职称:论文题目:指 导 记 录指导教师签名:年 月 日指导教师签名:年 月 日指导教师签名:年 月 日指导教师签名:年 月 日指导教师签名:年 月 日指导教师签名:年 月 日说明:1、此表为学生做毕业论文(设计)过程中教师指导学生的动态记录,供指导教师在每次指导学生时填写并签名。2、此表由学生保管,并于每次接受教师指导时交指导教师填写。论文完成后,此表由学生交指导教师,指导教师收齐后交各院(系)教学秘书处。一同封装进学生的论文中。