1、283材料物理专业本科生培养方案Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Materials Physics一、培养目标、Educational Objectives本专业培养德、智、体全面发展,具有坚实物理基础理论和方法,较系统地掌握材料科学的基础理论与技术,具备材料物理相关的基本知识和基本技能,能在材料科学与工程及其相关领域从事研究、教学、科技开发及相关管理工作的材料物理高级专门人才。This program is designed to nurture innovative talents with thorough grounding in the
2、theoretical principles and methods of physics and materials science. The students will possess good knowledge and ability in materials physics, they can pursue a career to do scientific research, teaching, technology development and management and operation in the field of materials science and engi
3、neering and various fields.二、培养要求、Professional Skills Profile1掌握材料物理专业所必需的较系统的基础科学理论、较宽广且扎实的技术理论及必要的专业知识,要求理论基础扎实,同时具有向其他专业拓宽渗透的能力。2懂得一定的社会、人文科学知识,法律知识和国防知识,了解有关科技发展的新动态。3具有本专业所必需的设计、运算、实验、测试、表达等基本技能。4发挥理科特点,具有较强的自学能力;具有一定分析解决理论和实际问题的能力及设计能力;具有初步科学研究、技术开发能力和组织管理能力;具有较强的计算机应用能力;基本掌握一门外语,能比较顺利地阅读本专业的外
4、文书刊,具有听、说、写的基础。5了解体育运动的基本知识,初步掌握锻炼身体的基本技能,养成科学锻炼身体的习惯,身体健康,达到大学生体育合格标准。1Fundamental theories and technologies in materials physics, abilities to study;2Attainment in society, humanities and art, law and national defense, skills to understand the development and trend in the related fields;3Special s
5、kills contain design, calculation, experiment, testing and expression;4Skills to study, research and solve problem, develop technology, manage, use computer, read foreign book and magazine, can listen, read and write;5Principles of physical exercise and qualified diathesis.三、学制与学位III、 Length of Scho
6、oling and Degrees修业年限:四年Length of schooling:four years284授予学位:理学学士Degree conferred:Bachelor of Science四、学时与学分IV、 Hours/Credits总学分:199Total Credits: 199课内教学学时/学分:2522/149.5 占总学分的比例:75%Curriculum Class Hours/Credits:2524/159 Percentage in Total Credits:75%其中:Including:通识教育基础课学时/学分: 1172/73 占总学分的比例:37%
7、Class Hours/Credits of General Education:1172/73 Percentage in Total Credits:37%专业基础课学时/学分:1010/65 占总学分的比例:33%Class Hours/Credits of Basic Technical Courses:924/59.5 Percentage in Total Credits:33%专业课学时/学分:340/21.5 占总学分的比例:11%Class Hours/Credits of Specialized Courses:340/21.5 Percentage in Total Cr
8、edits:11%集中性实践环节周数/学分: 42.5 周/39.5 占总学分的比例:20%Weeks/Credits of Major Practical Training:42.5week/39.5 Percentage in Total Credits:20%五、主干学科V、Major Disciplines材料物理与化学 Materials Physics and Chemistry六、主干课程VI、 Main Courses力学 Mechanics、电磁学 Electromagnetism、光学 Optics、原子物理 Atomic Physics、分析力学Analytical Me
9、chanics、热力学与统计物理 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics、电动力学Electrodynamics、量子力学 Quantum Mechanics、固体物理 Solid State Physics、数学物理方法 Method of Mathematical Physics、非晶与准晶态物理 Amorphous and Quascicrystal Physics、材料制备与性能Preparation and Properties of Materials、纳米材料与技术(英)Nano Meter Materials and Technology、
10、材料分析与测试技术 Instrumental Analysis of Materials七、总周时分配VII、The Distribution of Total Weeks学期Semester周数Weeks项目Item285一1st二2st三3st四4st五5st六6st七7st八8st合计Total理 论 教 学Theoretical Teaching 16 16 16 17 20 18.5 16 0 119.5实 验 教 学Experiment Teaching(2)(2.5) (2) 2 2课程设计( 大作业)Course Design考 试Examination 1.5 1.5 1.5
11、 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 10.5上 机 训 练Computer Practice 2 2制 图 测 绘Graphing and Mapping教 学 实 习Teaching Practice 2 2 4认 识 实 习Acknowledge Internship生 产 实 习Engineering (4)毕 业 设 计 (论文)Undergraduate Thesis 20 20公 益 劳 动Laboring for Public Benefit 1 1军 训Military Training 3 1 4社 会 调 查Social Survey毕 业 鉴 定Graduation App
12、raisal 1 1机 动Flexible Schedule 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 3寒 暑 假Vacations 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 38总 计Total 26 26 25 27 27 26 27 21 203八、课程设置及教学进程VIII、Course Settings and Teaching Process286学 院:理学院 专 业:材料物理School:School of Science Specialty:Material Physics考核分配Measurement学时分配HoursDistribution各学期学时分配Hours Distri
13、bution in Semesters课程类别Course Classified课程代码CourseCode课 程 名 称Course Name学时/学分Hre/Cre 考试Exam.考查Investigation讲课Teach-ing实验Exp一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th必修课Required2010011-4 体 育Physical Education 144/9.0 144 36/2.5 36/2.0 36/2.5 36/2.01310011-4 英 语College English 240/15 240 60/3.5 60/4 60/3.5 60/4
14、1110011-2 高 等 数 学Higher Mathematics 192/12 192 96/6 96/62010041-4 形势与政策Situation and Policy 32/2.0 32 8/0.5 8/0.5 8/0.5 8/0.52010030 思想道德修养与法律基础Ethics and Fundamentals of Law 48/3.0 48 24/1.5 24/1.52010010 军事理论课Military Theory 36/2.0 36 36/2.01010010 大学计算机基础Fundamental of College Computer 24/1.5 24
15、24/1.51010130大学计算机基础实验Experiment of College Computer Fundamentals30/2.0 30 30/2.01010020 C 语言程序设计Advanced Programming Language(C) 48/3.0 48 48/3.01010140C 语言程序设计实验Experiment of Advanced Programming Language(C)30/2 30 30/21010080 软 件 技 术Software Technology 54/3.0 54 54/3.01010200 软件技术实验Experiment of
16、Software Technology 30/2 30 30/21310200毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要概论The Fundamentals of Mao Zedong Thought、 Deng Xiaoping Theory &“Three Represents”Important Thought64/4 64 64/41310240 概论社会实践课Fundamentals of Society Practice 32/2 32 32/21310210 中国近代现代史纲要Essentials of Chinese Modern History 32/2.0 32 32/2.0
17、1310190 马克思主义基本原理The Fundamental Principles of Marxist 48/3.0 48 48/3.01120050 线 性 代 数Linear Algebra 40/2.5 40 40/2.51120220 概率论与数理统计Probability and Mathematics Statistic 48/3.0 48 48/3.0选修课Elective Courses文化素质选修课Elective courses of Quality Education 128/8 理工科学生应在管理、经济、人文类课程每类中至少选修一门通 识 教 育 基 础Gener
18、alEducationCourses小 计Sub-Total 1172/73 1050 122314/19.5374/23.5200/12.5 152/9.5 132/8 128/81120360 力 学Mechanics 60/4.0 60 60/4.01120740 电 磁 学Electromagnetism 60/4.0 60 60/4.01120380 光 学Optics 60/4.0 60 60/4.01120390 原 子 物 理 学Atomic Physics 40/2.5 40 40/2.5技 术 基 础 课BasicTechnicalCourses1120650 数学物理方法
19、Method of Mathematical Physics 90/5.5 90 90/5.52871120720 理 论 力 学Theoretical Mechanics 56/3.5 56 56/3.51120400 电 动 力 学Electrodynamics 60/4.0 60 60/4.01120430 热力学与统计物理Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics 72/4.5 72 72/4.01120410 量 子 力 学Quantum Mechanics 60/4.0 60 60/4.01120420 固 体 物 理 学Solid State P
20、hysics 60/4.0 60 60/4.00520030 机械制图Mechanical Graphing 54/3.5 48 6(大作业) 54/3.51120061-2 物 理 实 验Elementary Experiments of Physics 50/3.0 50 26/1.5 24/1.51120672-2 技术物理实验Advanced Physics Experiments 62/4.0 62 30/2.0 32/2.01110070 普 通 化 学General Chemistry 48/3.0 48 48/3.01120500 物 理 化 学Physical Chemist
21、ry 64/4.0 64/4.00520430 电 工 技 术Electrotechnics 44/3 44 44/30520480 电工技术实验Experimentin Elextrcal Technology 16/1 16 16/10520440 电 子 技 术Electronic Technology 38/2.5 38 38/2.50520490 电子技术实验Experiment in Electronic Technology 16/1 16 16/1小 计Sub-Total1010/65 144 114/7.5 134/8.5324/20.5192/12.5186/12 60/4
22、必修课Required1130830 材料物理基础Fundamental of Material Physics 40/2.5 40 40/2.51130740 纳米材料与技术( 英)Nano Materials and Technology 60/4.0 60 60/4.01130340 非晶与准晶态物理Amorphous and Quascicrystal Physics 40/2.5 40 40/2.51130370 材料分析与测试技术Instrumental Analysis of Materials 40/2.5 40 40/2.5选修课 以下任选课至少选修(160)学时/10Ele
23、ctive Courses each student must choose at least (160) hours from the blow elective courses 120/7.51140450 声学原理与技术Acoustics Principles and Technology 40/2.51140430 凝聚态物理基础(英)Fundamental of Condensed Matter Physics (English) 60/4.01140140 空间材料科学导论Introduction of Materials Science in Space 40/2.5112073
24、0 激光原理与技术Laser Principles and Technology 56/3.51130720 软物质物理Soft Matter Physics 40/2.51130730 半导体物理与器件Semiconductor Physics and Apparatus 40/2.51130300 测试与传感技术Testing and Sensory Techniques 40/2.51141170 真空与低温技术Vacuum and Crgogenics 40/2.51141200 功 能 材 料Functional Materials 40/2.51130390 光 电 技 术Phot
25、oelectric Technology 40/2.51130420 光学测试技术Optical Testing Technology 40/2.5专 业 课SpecializedCourses1141220 科学研究方法Method of Scientific Research 40/2.5288小 计Sub-Total 156/9.5 200/12.5理论课学时共计Total Hours 2258 266 374 504 508 344 174 292 200 (128)理论课学分共计Total Credits 23 31.5 32 22 11.5 18.5 12.5 (8)2390010
26、 金 工 实 习Industrial Practice 2w/2 2w2390030 电 子 实 习Electrical Engineering Practice 2w/2 2w1190130 上 机 训 练Computer Operating 2w/2 2w1190081-2 近代物理实验Modern Physics Experiment 4w/4 (2w) (2w)1190110 材料物理专业实验Specialized Experiment of Materials Physics 3w/3 3w1190030 生 产 实 习Engineering Internship 4w/4 4w11
27、90270 毕 业 设 计Undergraduate Thesis 18w/18 18w1190050 网 络 课 程Network Course /22090010 军 事 训 练Military Training 3w/1.5 3w1190260 社 会 活 动Social Activities 1w/0.5 1w1190320 公 益 劳 动Commonweal Activities 1w/0.5 1w实 践 环 节PracticeTraining小 计Sub-Total42.5w/39.5必修课学时/学分小计:2362/149.5 Sub-Total class hours/credits of required courses:2362/149.5限选课学时/学分小计:288/18. Sub-Total class hours/credits of restricted electiye courses:288/18实验学时/学分小计:266/16.5 Sub-Total class hours/credits of experiment and operation:266/16.5