1、Comment 中中中中中中中1: 中国饲料技术网提醒您,请调节合适的显示比例,以方便您的观看,如果您在阅览中发现页面最后几行缺失,请点击视图使用“普通”浏览方式。分类目录常量矿物质;微量矿物质;博士学位论文;序号37776中图分类S812 题名青藏高原东北缘土草畜系统矿物质元素动态研究 作者辛国省首作者单位兰州大学学文献来源出版时间2010,10关键词矿物质元素;博士论文;博士学位论文;学位论文;土-草 -畜;饲料添加剂;常量矿物质;常量元素;Ca;K;Mg;Na;S;P; 微量矿物质;微量元素;Fe;Mn;Zn;Cu;Co;Mo;Se;牦牛; 缺乏;相关性;青藏高原;添加剂文章摘要:本文以
2、青藏高原东北缘土壤-牧草- 家畜矿物系统为研究对象,选择具有青藏高原典型代表性的四个县级区域,天祝(甘肃省)、大通(青海省)、玛曲(甘肃省)和若尔盖(四川省)。分别在夏季(7 月份)和冬季(12 月份)采集其土壤、牧草、动物组织样品,对其中的 6种常量元素(Ca、K、Mg、 Na、S和 P)和 7种微量元素(Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu、Co、Mo和 Se)的含量和动态变化进行了分析研究,并分别探讨了影响土-草-畜系统矿物元素动态变化的因素,以及各元素在土草畜系统内的相互关系。对该地区土壤、牧草和家畜矿物营养水平进行科学评价。为牧草生产中合理施用化学肥料,在饲料生产中科学运用矿物元素与添加剂提供科学
3、依据。青藏高原东北缘土草畜系统矿物质元素动态研究The Mineral Dynamics of Soil-Plant-Animal System from Northeast of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau【作者】 辛国省; 【导师】 龙瑞军; Guangdi Li; 【作者基本信息】 兰州大学, 草业科学, 2010, 博士 【摘要】 本文以青藏高原东北缘土壤-牧草- 家畜矿物系统为研究对象,选择具有青藏高原典型代表性的四个县级区域,天祝(甘肃省)、大通(青海省)、玛曲(甘肃省)和若尔盖(四川省)。分别在夏季(7 月份)和冬季(12 月份)采集其土壤、牧草、动物
4、组织样品,对其中的 6种常量元素(Ca、K、Mg、Na 、S和 P)和 7种微量元素(Fe、Mn、 Zn、Cu、Co、Mo和 Se)的含量和动态变化进行了分析研究,并分别探讨了影响土-草- 畜系统矿物元素 动态变化的因素,以及各元素在土草畜系统内的相互关系。 对该地区土壤、牧草和家畜 矿 物营养水平进行科学评价。为牧草生产中合理施用化学肥料,在饲料生产中科学运用矿物元素与添加剂提供科学依据。土壤矿物元素分析:共计采集了来自该地区不同土壤类型(高山草甸土、亚高山草甸土、沼 泽土)的 256个表层土壤样品,分析土壤中 11种矿物元素的有效含量(Ca、P、 S、K、Mg、Na、Fe、x Mn、Zn、
5、Cu和 Co)和 2种矿物元素(Mo 和 Se)全部含量。结果发现,土壤中多数矿物元素含量随着地区和土壤类型的不同而表现出明显的差异性,土壤中多数矿物元素含量与土壤有机碳和全氮呈显著的正相关关系,而与土壤 pH呈现一定的负相关性。土壤中除了矿物元素有效磷和镁外,其它元素的有效含量均高于动物可能出现缺乏的临界水平;另外土壤中总硒的含量严重低于动物硒缺乏的临界值。土壤中磷、镁、硒的缺乏可能会引起该地区放牧家畜该类矿物元素缺乏,并影响家畜正常的生理功能和生产性能。草地牧草矿物元素分析:牧草矿物元素的含量具有明显的季节变化,夏季牧草中多数矿物元素含量相对较高。夏季,所有地区和草地类型牧草中元素钠和硒的
6、含量均低于家畜缺乏的临界水平,个别地区还出现元素铜和钴的缺乏。然而,夏季牧草过量的 钾可能会影响家畜对元素钠 的吸收,加剧家畜元素钠的缺乏;牧草中铁的含量过高同样可能会影响家畜对元素铜的吸收。冬季,所有地区和草地类型牧草中元素钠和硒的含量均低于家畜矿物元素缺乏的临界值,牧草中元素磷、硫、钾、锌、和铜存在广泛的缺乏现象,个别地区还出现元素钴的缺乏;结果表明,该调查地区牧草矿物质元素存在广泛的缺乏和季节性缺乏现象。因此 ,在放牧生产中补充 矿物元素添加剂或舔砖对于满足家畜矿物元素的需求,提高家畜生产力和健康水平有重要意义。牦牛组织矿物元素分析:牦牛血液中所有矿物元素均受季节因素的显著影响(P0.0
7、5),肝脏中元素铜、钴和硒的含量同样受季节因素的显著影响(P0.05),牦牛组织中多数矿物元素在夏季含量相对较高。夏季,所有地区牦牛血液中元素钠和硒的含量均低于家畜缺乏的临界值,天祝地区牦牛肝脏元素铜含量也处于缺乏的临界水平。冬季 ,所有地区牦牛血液中元素硒的含量同 样低于缺乏临界值;除天祝地区外,牦牛血液中磷、钠、铜的含量均低于家畜缺乏的 临界值,牦牛肝脏铜以及部分地区肝脏硒的含量也低于家畜缺乏临界水平。 结果表明,放牧牦 牛存在广泛的元素钠和硒缺乏,同时还表现出元素磷和铜的季节性缺乏。因此 ,在牦牛放牧生 产中有必要应用矿物元素添加剂来提高牦牛矿物营养、健康和生 产力水平。土 -草- 畜矿
8、物元素相关性分析:季节因素可引起矿物元素在土-草-畜系统中相关性的变化。在夏季 ,除元素磷外 ,牦牛血液中所分析的矿物元素与牧草中的矿物元素具有显著的相关性(P0.05)。除牧草钾(P 0.01)和硒(P0.05)外,土壤和牧草中的矿物元素没有显著的相关性(P0.05)。同 样,在土壤和牦牛血液之间仅有元素钾表呈现出显著的相关性(P0.05)。相反 ,在冬季,除元素硒(P 0.05)外,矿物元素在牧草和牦牛之间没有显著的相关性(P0.05)。土壤和牧草之 间仅元素磷有显著相关性(P 0.05)。然而,矿物元素钾、钠、锰、硒在土壤和牦牛之间有显著的相关性(P0.05),元素镁(P=0.067 )
9、、锌(P=0.053)、铜(P=0.073)、钴(P=0.067)也呈现出一定的相关性。因此,在评价自由放牧牦牛矿物营养水平时,可以通过草地牧草分析来评价牧草和家畜的夏季矿物营养水平;而在冬季,土壤矿物元素分析却能更好的用来评价牦牛的矿物营养状况。 更多还原【Abstract】 Contents of macro (Ca, K, Mg, Na and P) and micro minerals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Co, Se) were analyzed in soils, forage and yak tissues in summer (July) and winter (
10、December) at Tianzhu County, Gansu (TC), Datong County, Qinhai (DC), Maqu County, Gansu (MC) and Ruoergai, County, Sichuan (RC) in northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The primary objective was to study the mineral dynamics and relationships in soil-plant-animal system, which would provide guidelin
11、es for fertilizer application in grassland management, and supply recommendations for mineral addition in animal feed and feeding systems.The concentrations of mineral elements in soils varied with region and soil types. Soil characteristics have significant effects on the status of minerals, especi
12、ally for soil organic carbon (SOC), soil pH and soil total nitrogen (TN). The concentrations of all mineral elements analyzed were above the critical levels for animal nutritional requirements except for Mg, P, and Se. The deficiencies of these minerals in soils would have potential adverse effects,
13、 resulting in the deficiency and/or imbalance of mineral elements in plants and animals.Results from plant analysis showed that concentrations of mineral elements varied with seasons. Most minerals in forage were below their critical level in winter in one or more counties, particularly for Na and S
14、e for all regions. The excess K in forage may aggravate the deficiency in Na in summer. Similarly, the Cu deficiency may be induced by high Fe in forage. However, only Ca, Mg, Fe, and Mn were sufficient in the forage to meet the yak requirements in both winter and summer.Yak had high concentrations
15、of most mineral elements in blood serum and liver in summer. However, Se in yak blood serum and liver was below the critical level in all regions in both summer and spring. Sodium in blood serum was also below the critical level in all regions except for yak in TC in winter. There was evidence for w
16、idespread deficiency in P for most regions in winter. In addition, the Cu deficiency occurred in all regions during winter and marginal deficiency in summer. Minerals in blood serum were correlated to minerals in forage except for P in summer. In contrast, there were no significant correlation for m
17、inerals between soil and forage except for K (P0.01) and Se (P0.05). No relationship were found in minerals between soil and yak except for K (P0.05). Deficiency of minerals from soils could explain the variation in forage and yak blood and tissues. However, there were no significant correlations be
18、tween forage and yak blood in winter except for Se. Minerals in soils were highly correlated to those in yak blood for most minerals. It was suggested that soil analysis was not reliable to assess the status of mineral elements in forage and yak for most minerals in summer. However there was close r
19、elationship existed between forage and yak blood, indicating that the forage analysis was reliable to predict the mineral status in yak free-grazing on native pasture in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in summer. In contrast, minerals analysis in soil could be used to predict the mineral status in yak i
20、n winter rather than mineral analysis in forage. The seasonal dynamics could have great effects on the correlation of minerals in the soil-plant-animal system.Results showed that the deficiency in minerals was very common in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, especially in forage and animals. Therefore, s
21、upplementation of minerals would be necessary for yaks to increase essential mineral level in blood, hence improving productivity of yaks. However, further research is needed to ascertain whether mineral deprivations are limiting productivity of grazing yaks. 更多还原 【关键词】 土-草-畜; 常量元素; 微量元素; 牦牛; 缺乏; 相关性; 青藏高原; 【Key words】 Soil-Plant-Animal; Macro minerals; Micro minerals; Yak; Deficiencies; Correlation; The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau;