2、研究指南.18十一、其他.193澳科大法學院法律研究主要網路資源指南謝耿亮助理教授 整理一、法學學術檢索1. 月旦法學知識庫(http:/.tw/anglekm/lawdata-htm/freesearch.htm)“法律人立即線上體驗頂級超強資料庫,兩岸法學文獻任你查! ”。 12. CNKI(http:/ 即中國知網檢索,可以查閱絕大部分大陸地區出版或者公開的期刊論文、博士論文和碩士論文的目錄和摘要,最大限度便利檢索和使用中文文獻。3. Google 學術搜索( http:/ “Google 學術搜索提供可廣泛搜索學術文獻的簡便方法。您可以從一個位置搜索眾多學科和資料來源:來自學術著作出版
3、商、專業性社團、預印本、各大學及其它學術組織的經同行評論的文章、論文、圖書、摘要和文章。 Google 學術搜索可幫助您在整個學術領域中確定相關性最強的研究。 ”2 特別推薦使用 Google 學術搜索英文版(在網頁點擊 Google Scholar in English進入)進行英文文獻搜索。4. 萬方資料知識服務平臺(收費資料庫,通過澳門科技大學圖書館登陸使用) 3 “萬方資料知識服務平臺全新平臺資源集學術期刊、學位論文、會議論文、專利技術、中外標準、科技成果、政策法規以及企業資訊 8 大塊資源,為讀者提供全面的服務。平臺增加了學術專題搜索,業內科技新聞抓取,以及資源相互鏈結等功能。具有檢
4、索功能強大、資源組織方式靈活、服務功能個性化等特點。 ”4 5. 港澳期刊網(http:/hkmpnpub.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/search.jsp)“ 期刊網 目前主要收錄在香港及澳門出版的中文及雙語期刊,內容方面以人文科學及社會科學為主。引用的期刊共超過三百種;大部份期刊之索引資料從一九八零年開始,但重要之學術期刊則從創刊號開始。收錄最早之期刊為香港第一份中文1 月旦法學知識庫:http:/.tw/anglekm/lawdata-htm/freesearch.htm ,2009-10-17 訪問。2 Google Scholar: http:/ 訪問。3 如果沒有特別說明,本指
5、南中所述網站均為免費提供資料服務的網站。4 萬方資料知識服務平臺:http:/lib.must.edu.mo/library/databases.jsp ,2009-10-17 訪問。4刊物 遐邇貫珍 (一八五三年八月一日出版 ),故此庫內資料的年份跨逾一個半世紀。為使資料庫內容更充實,回溯建檔的工作一直在進行中,所以每種期刊的開始年份會有差異。 ”5 6. (臺灣地區)中文期刊篇目索引(http:/readopac1.ncl.edu.tw/nclserialFront/search/search.jsp?search_type=sim BAILII; CanLII; HKLII; LII (
6、Cornell); and PacLII. WorldLII also includes as part of this searchable collection its own databases not found on other LIIs. These include databases of decisions of international Courts and Tribunals, databases from a number of Asian countries, and databases from South Africa (provided by Wits Law
7、School). Over 270 databases from 48 jurisdictions in 20 countries are included in the initial release of WorldLII. Databases of case-law, legislation, treaties, law reform reports, law journals, and other materials are included.”17 2. The Public Library of Law(http:/www.plol.org/Pages/Search.aspx)“P
8、LoL is the largest free law library in the world, because we assemble law available for free scattered across many different sites - all in one place. PLoL is the best starting place to find law on the Web.What is available on PLoL? Cases from the U.S. Supreme Court and Courts of Appeals Cases from
9、all 50 states back to 1997 Federal statutory law and codes from all 50 states Regulations, court rules, constitutions, and more!”1817 World Legal Information Institute: http:/www.worldlii.org/worldlii/index.html,2009-10-17 訪問。18 The Public Library of Law: http:/www.plol.org/Pages/Search.aspx#,2009-1
10、0-17 訪問。83. Public Legal(http:/ “PublicLegal, a product of the Internet Legal Research Group (ILRG). A categorized index of more than 4000 select web sites in 238 nations, islands, and territories, as well as thousands of locally stored web pages, legal forms, and downloadable files, this site was e
11、stablished in 1995 to serve as a comprehensive resource of the information available on the Internet concerning law and the legal profession, with an emphasis on the United States of America. Designed for everyone, lay persons and legal scholars alike, it is quality controlled to include only the mo
12、st substantive legal resources online.”19四、大中華區法律(一)內地法律1. 北大法意 (收費資料庫,通過澳門科技大學圖書館登陸使用)“北大法意網旨在提供最權威、最及時、最全面、最規範、最精准的法律資訊。目前已構築起當今全球領先、完備實用的中文法律資訊服務平臺。北大法意網提供17 個資料庫檢索服務:法院案例庫、法律法規庫、法學論著庫、合同文本庫、法律文書庫、法律諮詢庫、法學辭典庫、統計資料庫、金融法庫、 WTO 法律庫、政報文告庫、審判參考庫、立法資料庫、行政執法庫、法務流程庫、司法考試庫、法律人庫。 ”202. 北大法律網(收費資料庫,通過澳門科技大學
13、圖書館登陸使用)北大法律網即北大法寶網。 “北大法寶 -中國法律資訊總庫,是由北京大學法制資訊中心與北大英華科技有限公司聯合推出的智慧型法律資訊檢索系統。同時擁有中國法律檢索系統、中國法律英文檢索系統、中國司法案例檢索系統、中國法學期刊檢索系統等多個檢索系統,內容全面涵蓋法律法規規章、司法解釋、司法案例、仲裁裁決、裁判文書、中外條約、合同範本、法律文書、法學教程、法學論文、法學期刊、參考資料及 WTO 法律檔等中國法律資訊各個方面。 ”213. 律商網(收費資料庫,通過澳門科技大學圖書館登陸使用)19 Public Legal: http:/ 訪問。 20 北大法意:http:/ 訪問。21
14、北大法律網:http:/ 訪問。須特別說明的是,目前澳門科技大學圖書館只是訂購北大法寶中的“中國法律檢索系統”資料庫,其他資料庫並未訂購。9“律商網自 2005 年正式推出以來,迅速贏得了專業人士的廣泛認可。經過 2008 年的全面改版和 2009 年的全面擴充,律商網從內容和功能上都有了極大的提升。律商網擁有目前中國市場上最為完整、全面的法律法規資料庫,及時更新的判決文書,同時提供精准的英文法規翻譯,以及便捷的翻譯定制服務。除此之外,律商網秉承一貫 “實務 ”理念,為客戶提供最具實踐性的業界專家視點,以深入透徹的法律評述帶給客戶清晰法律指導;其豐富實用的範本範本和實務指南,提供客戶最全面的實
15、務指導。 ”224. 中國網政策信息 http:/ 5. 中國人大網http:/ 6. 地方立法網 http:/ 7. 中國法院網http:/www.chinacourt.org/html/fyxw/ 8. 中國知識產權裁判文書網 http:/ipr.chinacourt.org/ (二)澳門法律1. 澳門印務局:澳門政府公報法例批示通告公告http:/cn.io.gov.mo/2. 澳門法例資料查詢系統http:/legismac.informac.gov.mo/chinese/c_main.asp 3. 澳門法律網 http:/www.macaolaw.gov.mo/cn/index2.a
16、sp 4. 澳門特別行政區立法會http:/www.al.gov.mo/cn/cn_main.htm 22 律商網:http:/.libezproxy.must.edu.mo/lnc/landing.php,2009-10-17 訪問。須特別說明的是,澳門科技大學圖書館特別訂購了兩個專題資料庫,即“知識產權實務”和“勞動法實務” ,寫這兩方面論文的同學可以特別留意這兩個專門資料庫。105. 澳門特別行政區法院http:/www.court.gov.mo/c/cdefault.htm 6. 澳門特別行政區檢察院http:/www.mp.gov.mo/main.htm 7. 澳門特別行政區法律改革
17、諮詢委員會 http:/www.ccrj.org.mo/ContentFrame.aspx?ModuleName=main.ascx (三)香港法律1. Hong Kong Legal Information Institute(香港法律資訊研究中心)http:/www.hklii.org/c_index.shtml 2. 律政司雙語法例資料系統 http:/www.legislation.gov.hk/chi/home.htm3. 香港特別行政區立法會 http:/www.legco.gov.hk/ 4. 香港特別行政區司法機構http:/www.judiciary.gov.hk/tc/in
18、dex/index.htm 5. 香港特別行政區政府律政司 http:/www.doj.gov.hk/chi/sitemap/index.htm (四)臺灣法律1. (臺灣地區) “全國法規資料庫”http:/law.moj.gov.tw/2. 法源法律網http:/.tw/index.php3. Taiwanese Legal Research Guidehttp:/law.wustl.edu/Chinalaw/taiwan.html11五、國際法與比較法(一)重要國際組織1. 聯合國系統內各組織官方網站定位元器(中文)http:/www.unsystem.org/cn/2. UN News
19、 Center(聯合國新聞中心)http:/www.un.org/news/ 3. United Nations Treaty Collection(聯合國條約庫)http:/treaties.un.org/Pages/Home.aspx?lang=en4. The International Law Commission 聯合國國際法委員會http:/www.un.org/law/ilc/5. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) 聯合國人權事務高級專員辦事處http:/www.
20、ohchr.org/EN/Pages/WelcomePage.aspx6. International Court of Justice(ICJ) 國際法院 http:/www.icj-cij.org/homepage/index.php 7. International Criminal Court(ICC) 國際刑事法院 http:/www.icc-cpi.int/home.html 8. Permanent Court of Arbitration(PCA)國際常設仲裁院http:/www.pca-cpa.org/showpage.asp?pag_id=3639. Internation
21、al Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes(ICSID )解決投資爭議國際中心http:/icsid.worldbank.org/ICSID/Index.jsp 10. United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)聯合國國際貿易法委員會http:/www.uncitral.org/uncitral/en/index.html 11. International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDR
22、OIT) 國際統一私法協會http:/www.unidroit.org/english/news/main.htm 12. The Hague Conference on Private International Law(HCCH)海牙國際私12法會議http:/ 13. World Trade Organization 世界貿易組織http:/www.wto.org/ 14. World Bank 世界銀行 http:/www.worldbank.org/ 15. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) 世界知識產權組織htt
23、p:/www.wipo.int/portal/index.html.en 16. International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)國際商會http:/www.iccwbo.org/ 17. The International Development Law Organization (IDLO) 國際法律發展組織http:/www.idlo.int/English/External/IdloHome.asp (二)重要研究機構和免費資料庫1. The Pace Database on the CISG and International Commercial La
24、w http:/www.cisg.law.pace.edu/ 2. Rome-Convention.Orghttp:/www.rome-convention.org/index.htm 3. Conflict of Laws .nethttp:/ 4. The Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law (HiiL)http:/www.hiil.org/ 5. WTO Analytical Index Guide to WTO Law and Practicehttp:/www.wto.org/english/res_e/booksp
25、_e/analytic_index_e/analytic_index_e.htm6. United Nations International Crime and Justice Research Center (UNICRI) http:/www.unicri.it/ 7. American Society of Comparative Law http:/parativelaw.org/ 8. The British Institute of International and Comparative Law http:/www.biicl.org/ 139. Oxford Univers
26、ity Comparative Law Forumhttp:/ouclf.iuscomp.org/10. The World Society of Mixed Jurisdiction Jurists http:/www.mixedjurisdiction.org/ 11. 中國國際法學會http:/ 中國國際經濟法學會http:/www.csiel.org/13. 中國際私法學會http:/ 中國涉外海事商事審判網http:/ 中國仲裁網http:/www.china- The Roman Law Libraryhttp:/upmf-grenoble.fr/Haiti/Cours/Ak/in
27、dex.htm 2. Roman Law Resources http:/ 3. Roman Lawhttp:/home.hetnet.nl/otto.vervaart/roman_law.htm 4. Smiths Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities http:/penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/secondary/SMIGRA/home.html (二)歐盟法1. Guide to European Legal Databases http:/ 142. Essential European
28、 Union Law Websiteshttp:/www.eurunion.org/eu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2038 3. The Court of Justice of the European Communities(ECJ)http:/curia.europa.eu/en/transitpagetxt.htm 4. European Court of Human Rightshttp:/www.echr.coe.int/echr/ 5. European Judicial Network in Civil and Comm
29、ercial Mattershttp:/ec.europa.eu/civiljustice/index_en.htm 6. Joint Network on European Private Law(CoPECL)http:/www.copecl.org/ 7. Study Group on a European Civil Lawhttp:/www.uni-graz.at/bre1www/tom/index.html 8. European Law Monitor http:/ 9. Academy of European Lawhttp:/www.era.int/web/en/html/i
30、ndex.htm 七、大陸法系(一)德國法1. Lexetius(最高院司法解釋德語版)http:/ 2. Dejure(德國法律法規大全德語版)http:/dejure.org 3. Bundesministerium der Justiz(德國司法部法律法規官方網站德語版)http:/www.gesetze-im-internet.de/ 4. German Law Archivehttp:/www.iuscomp.org/gla/ 5. German Law Journalhttp:/ 15(二)法國法1. French Lawhttp:/ 2. Internet Law Library
31、: Francehttp:/ (三)日本法1. Japanese Law Linkshttp:/www.law.usyd.edu.au/luken/japaneselawlinks.html 2. Japanese Law: In English. Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. http:/www.mizuho- 3. English Translations of Japanese Lawshttp:/ (四)荷蘭法1. Netherlands Law: Internet Law Libraryhttp:/ 八、英美法系1. Academic Universe (L
32、exis-Nexis) (收費資料庫,通過澳門科技大學圖書館登陸使用) “Academic Universe (Lexis-Nexis) covers nearly 5,000 publications. Most of which are available in full text. They include news, business, legal research, medical and reference. Of which, the first three are the most comprehensive.”23 (一)美國法1. Cornell Legal Informa
33、tion Institute(http:/www.law.cornell.edu/)23 澳門科技大學圖書館:http:/lib.must.edu.mo/library/databases.jsp ,2009-10-17 訪問。16“The LII is known internationally as a leading law-not-com provider of public legal information. We offer all opinions of the United States Supreme Court handed down since 1992, togeth
34、er with over 600 earlier decisions selected for their historic importance, over a decade of opinions of the New York Court of Appeals, and the full United States Code. We also publish important secondary sources: libraries in two important areas (legal ethics and social security) and a series of “to
35、pical” pages that serve as concise explanatory guides and Internet resource listings for roughly 100 areas of law. ”242. AltLaw(http:/altlaw.org/v1/about) “AltLaw provides the first free, full-text searchable database of Supreme Court and Federal Appellate case reports. It is a resource for attorney
36、s, legal scholars, and the general public.”253. American Law Sources On-line(http:/ “The home of American Law Sources On-line (ALSO!), providing a comprehensive, uniform, and useful compilation of links to freely accessible on-line sources of law for the United States and Canada. (See also a link be
37、low for Mexico.) This site contains additional links to sources of commentary and practice aids that are available without charge (or available at a reasonable charge from governmental and nonprofit providers).”264. Office of the Law Revision Counsel(http:/uscode.house.gov/lawrevisioncounsel.shtml)
38、“The Office of the Law Revision Counsel prepares and publishes the United States Code, which is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States.”27 5. GovTrack.us(http:/www.govtrack.us/ ) “GovTrack.us is a tool by Civic Impulse, LLC to help t
39、he public research and track the activities in the U.S. Congress, promoting and innovating government transparency and civic education through novel uses of technology. Youll find here the status of U.S. 24 Cornell Legal Information Institute: http:/www.law.cornell.edu/lii.html,2009-10-17 訪問。25 AltL
40、aw: http:/altlaw.org/v1/about,2009-10-17 訪問。26 American Law Sources On-line: http:/ 訪問。27 Office of the Law Revision Counsel: http:/uscode.house.gov/lawrevisioncounsel.shtml,2009-10-17 訪問。17federal legislation example, voting records in the Senate and House of Representatives example, information on
41、 Members of Congress example, district maps, as well as congressional committees and the Congressional Record.”286. LawG(http:/ LawG Web Site is owned and operated by WebSiteBroker, Inc. a California Corporation. LawG was originally started in 1996 by a Los Angeles law firm and has evolved into one
42、of the most popular legal web sites on the Internet. It is offered as a free service to the entire Internet Community. Please note that WebSiteBroker, Inc. is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice.”29(二)英國法1. OPSI(http:/www.opsi.gov.uk/about/index.htm) “OPSI provides the Click-Use system
43、for obtaining a licence to re-use Crown copyright and public sector material through an online licensing process and is responsible for the Information Asset Register (IAR) that lists information assets held by the UK Government with a focus on unpublished material. OPSI also provides a secretariat
44、to the Advisory Panel on Public Sector Information (APPSI), which advises Ministers on how best to encourage the re-use of public sector information.”302. Lawindexpro(http:/www.lawindexpro.co.uk/index.php) “Lawindexpro has the case law you need, with judgments, summaries, citations and cross referen
45、ces for matters from English courts and tribunals and European courts and tribunal from all ages and on all subjects, including employment law, intellectual property, criminal law, human rights law, housing law, immigration law, land law, landlord and tenant law, family law, constitutional law, admi
46、nistrative law, negligence, defamation and other torts. We link to full text judgments, summarise significant cases, and cross-reference and note up earlier cases.”313. The UK Statute Law Database(http:/www.statutelaw.gov.uk/) 28 GovTrack.us: http:/www.govtrack.us/about.xpd,2009-10-17 訪問。29 LawGuru.