1、(Please write the title of your paper here)(字体 Arial, 字号 1,加粗,居中)Submitted by_Student ID number_Supervised by_(字体 Arial, 字号 小三,加粗,居中)A paper submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of Associate Diploma of Economics Methods (Briefly explain your procedure.); Results (What did you find when you w
2、rote your paper?); Conclusion (What is your interpretation of what these results mean? Why should anyone become excited about or interested in your findings?). Suggest length: 250 words. Key words: college English majors; listening ability; teaching格式说明:1Abstract 三号,Times New Roman,加粗,居中。2Key words
3、四号,加粗,关键词具体内容采用四号字体,一般采用 3-5 个关键词,中间用分隔符号,与中文摘要的关键词一致。3英文摘要字数要求:250 字左右。采用小四号,Times New Roman,页边距:上 3CM、下 2.5CM、左 2.5CM、右 2CM,行距:1.25 倍,两端对齐。浙江越秀外国语学院毕业论文(设计)Table of ContentsIntroduction . 11. 11. Rationale . 1.2 .1.2.1 2. Results 2. Analysis & Discussion.2.1 2.1.1 .2.2 Personal Vi
4、ews (Strategies or Solutions).3.1 .3.1.1 4. Conclusion.Acknowledgements.Bibliography格式说明:1. Table of Contents :三号,Times New Roman,加粗,居中。2. 一级目录:四号,Times New Roman,加粗,实词首字母大写。3. 二三级目录:小四,Times New Roman,不加粗。各级标题应突出重点,简明扼要。浙江越秀外国语学院毕业论文(设计)1Paper TitleIntroductionThe introduction includes1. RationaleT
5、his paper 1.1 1.1.1 .2. Analysis & Discussion2.1 .2.1.1 3. Personal Views (strategies or solutions)3.1 3.1.1 .4. Conclusion AcknowledgementsBibliography 1 Ager, D., Musken, G. & S. Wright. (Eds). (1993). Language Education for Intercultural Communication. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.张民伦. 多元文化与当代英
6、语教学M. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002.论文格式及小论文写法. http:/ Paper Title: 三号,Times New Roman,加粗,居中。2. 一级标题:四号,Times New Roman,加粗,实词首字母大写。3. 二级标题:小四号,Times New Roman,加粗。4. 正文:小四号,Times New Roman,页边距:上 3CM、下 2.5CM、左 2.5CM、右 2CM,行距:1.25 倍,两端对齐。5. 参考文献标准:先列英文参考文献,然后列中文参考文献,最后是网络参考文献。英文按作者姓的字母顺序列出各条参考文献,中文参考文献按作者姓名拼音的字母顺序排序。英文的书名用斜体字。中文:宋体 小四 英文:Times New Roman 小四。