1、 公司论文:我国公司司法解散制度研究【中文摘要】我国公司司法解散制度是指公司法第 183 条规定的,当出现法定情形导致股东利益受损且通过其他手段无法取得救济时,人民法院根据股东的请求而判决解散公司的一种公司强制解散制度。公司司法解散制度的建立为通过司法程序解决公司内部纠纷提供了一种可行的途径,建立了有效的股东退出机制。但我国公司司法解散制度建立的时间短,还存在许多不完善的地方。本文将从公司司法解散制度的基本理论出发,在剖析我国现行立法的基础上,根据我国司法实践的需要,对我国公司司法解散制度相关立法的完善提出建议。全文共分为四个部分:第一部分是公司司法解散制度概述。公司司法解散制度以公司股东合理
3、具有特殊的规则。例如公司司法解散诉讼的审理要遵循公司自治优先原则、利益平衡原则、替代措施优先原则、审慎的强制解散原则。第四部分分析我国公司司法解散制度的立法现状及完善路径。我国公司司法解散制度的确立具有立法进步意义,但立法存在着欠缺公司司法解散的替代性救济措施、公司司法解散诉讼的相关程序规则缺失、防止股东滥用公司司法解散请求权的机制不健全等问题。我国立法需要进一步完善公司司法解散的替代性救济措施、完善公司司法解散诉讼的相关程序规则、健全防止股东滥用司法解散请求权的机制。【英文摘要】Chinas company judicial dissolution is a company compulso
4、ry dissolution system which under ChinasCompany Lawarticle 183 when there is legal situation cause damage to the interests of shareholders and can not get relief through other means, so the peoples court rule dissolving company based on the request of shareholders. The establishment of company judic
5、ial dissolution put up a possible way to resolve disputes within the company through judicial process and establish an effective exit mechanism for shareholders. However, the company justice dissolution system was established for a short time, there are still many imperfections. This article make re
6、commendations to improve the related legislation from the company justice dissolution system basic theory and based on the analysis of existing legislation and the needs of our judicial practice. This paper is divided into four parts:The first part is an overview of the company judicial dissolution
7、system. Company judicial dissolution system takes the shareholders disappointed reasonable expectations theory, theory of appropriate intervention,theory of rights judicial relief as the theoretical basis.It has the functions of maintenance legitimate interests of shareholders, the interests of stak
8、eholders, social stability and economic order, make up for lack of corporate autonomy and other functions.The second part analyzed the Chinas company judicial dissolution system application. According to ChinaCompany Lawrequirement, the company judicial dissolution system has the substantive element
9、s and form elements when applies, including the operation and management of the company in serious difficulties, the company continues to exist would lead a significant loss of shareholder interests, and can not be solved by other means,has eligible shareholders. In judicial practice, we need to cor
10、rectly understand, identified serious management difficulties, the interests of shareholders subject to significant losses, the nature of other channels.The third part is the proceedings of Chinas company judicial dissolution. Company judicial dissolution belong to a special civil action, the compan
11、y judicial dissolutions jurisdiction, litigants, the principle of trial, mediation, referee has special rules. For example, the company judicial dissolution trial follow the principles of priority of corporate autonomy, the principle of balance of interests, give priority to the alternative measures
12、, force dissolution prudently.The fourth part analyzed company judicial dissolution system legislation status and improve path. The establishment of judicial dissolution of the company is a progressive legislation, but there is a lack of judicial dissolution of the companys alternative remedies, lac
13、k of company judicial dissolution related procedural rules, the mechanism of prevent misuse of company shareholders request right is not perfect and so on. The legislation need to further improve the company judicial dissolution alternative relief measures, improve judicial dissolution related proce
14、edings rules, improve the mechanism of prevention abuse of shareholders judicial dissolution claim right.【关键词】公司 司法解散 制度 完善【英文关键词】company judicial dissolution system perfect【目录】我国公司司法解散制度研究 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 引言 9-11 1 公司司法解散制度的基本理论 11-20 1.1 公司司法解散的含义和制度特征 11-13 1.1.1 公司司法解散的含义 11-12 1.1.2 公司司法解散的
15、制度特征 12-13 1.2 公司司法解散制度的理论基础 13-17 1.2.1 公司股东合理期待落空理论 13-15 1.2.2 国家适度干预理论 15-17 1.2.3 权利的司法救济理论 17 1.3 公司司法解散制度的功能 17-20 1.3.1 维护股东合法权益 18 1.3.2 促进大股东履行诚信义务 18 1.3.3 维护利益相关者利益、稳定社会经济秩序 18-19 1.3.4 弥补公司自治不足 19-20 2 我国公司司法解散制度的适用条件 20-29 2.1 公司经营管理发生严重困难 20-23 2.2 公司继续存续会使股东利益受到重大损失 23-24 2.2.1 对股东利益
16、的界定 23-24 2.2.2 对重大损失的认定 24 2.3 公司僵局通过其他途径不能解决 24-26 2.3.1 对其他途径的理解 24-25 2.3.2 通过其他途径不能解决在诉讼进程中的作用 25-26 2.4 有适格原告的请求 26-29 3 我国公司司法解散的诉讼程序 29-38 3.1 公司司法解散的诉讼管辖 29-30 3.2 公司司法解散的诉讼当事人 30-32 3.2.1 公司司法解散诉讼的原告 30-31 3.2.2 公司司法解散诉讼的被告 31-32 3.2.3 其他股东的诉讼地位 32 3.3 公司司法解散诉讼的审理 32-34 3.4 公司司法解散诉讼的调解 34-
17、36 3.5 公司司法解散诉讼的裁判 36-38 3.5.1 公司司法解散裁判的形式 36 3.5.2 公司司法解散判决的效力 36-37 3.5.3 解散公司生效判决的再审问题 37-38 4 我国公司司法解散制度的完善 38-45 4.1 我国公司司法解散制度存在的问题 38-40 4.1.1 欠缺公司司法解散的替代性救济措施 38-39 4.1.2 公司司法解散诉讼的相关程序规则缺失 39 4.1.3 防止股东滥用公司司法解散请求权的机制不健全 39-40 4.2 我国公司司法解散制度的完善 40-45 4.2.1 完善公司司法解散的替代性救济措施 40-43 4.2.2 完善公司司法解散诉讼的相关程序规则 43-44 4.2.3 健全防止股东滥用司法解散请求权的机制 44-45 结论 45-46 参考文献 46-48 致谢 48-49 个人简历、在学期间发表的学术论文与研究成果 49