1、哈工大附中 2010 年初中招生简章这是一篇关于哈工大附中初中部,哈尔滨工大附中初中部,哈工大附中高中部的文章。很多学生及家长对这所学校的性质不清楚校长:哈工大附中是一所民办学校,原投资主体是哈工大八达集团,2008 年八达集团改制,哈工大附中现已归哈工大直接管理。 记者:哈工大附中初中部是否享受省重点高中配额生指哈尔滨工业大学附属中学创建于 2001 年 9 月,是由哈工大主办,八达集团公司投资,经市、区教育主管部门批准的全日制完全中学,属于国有民办学校。 学校办学规模从 20012002 学年度的 12 个教学班(初中 8 个、高中 4 个) ,学生 480 人发展到 2006-2007
2、学年度的 74 个教学班( 初中 46 个、高中 28 个),学生 3684 人。初中学生来源于哈市各小学,高中学生绝大多数来源于哈市各初中。对哈工大初中招生情况,记者做了如下访问。本文由一起去留学编辑整理,转载自一起去留学记者:请问张校长,20102011 学年度哈工大附中初一招生工作计划是否已经确定?校长:20102011 学年度初一招生工作计划已经拟定,招初一新生 14 个班,招生对象为小学应届毕业生(六三学制为六年级毕业学生) 。记者:招生工作日程是怎么安排的?校长:二 0 一 0 年四月初,学生、家长可到我校招生办(西大直街 55 号)领取招生简章。二 0 一 0 年五月一日,在哈工
3、大附中西大直街校区举办 2010 年小升初咨询会。二 0 一 0 年六月五日 六月六日(8:00 16:00)在哈工大附中西大直街校区报名。二 0 一 0 年六月十五日(8:00 15:00)开始录取、交费。交费额满为止。由于报名数量很大,不能一一通知,六月十七日以后未接到通知者视为未被录取,请原谅!记者:怎样报名?报名需携带哪些东西?校长:六月五日到六月六日到哈工大附中招生办办理报名手续(南岗区西大直街 55 号) ,报名时需携带户口簿及复印件、二张一寸免冠照片。哈工大事业编正式员工还需携带工作证、身份证及与学生有父(母)子(女)关系的相关证明材料。记者:收费方式和标准如何?有何优惠政策?校
4、长:收费方式是一年一收;收费标准是 7000.00 元人民币/ 学年/人。在音乐方面有小提琴、大提琴、小号、大号、长号、圆号、打击乐(能够演奏定音鼓) 、中阮、琵琶、二胡专项特长的学生,在信息技术方面有智能机器人专项特长的学生,可按市教育局规定的特长生录取规定降标准录取;成绩特别优秀的经济困难生可获得免学费、入学奖学金等优惠政策。记者:一些学习较好的学生希望有重点班,还有学生希望平行分班,贵校如何操作?校长:在举国极力倡导和谐教育的今天,哪能还搞重点班?承认学生的差异性,满足不同层次学生的需求,也是我校重要的教学理念之一。进入哈工大附中初中部的学生都是同龄人的佼佼者,而且哈工大附中近年来省、市
5、重点统招进段率已超过 90。所以,我校初中部历来不办重点班。我校各学科都设立了提优小组和补习小组,经过几年的实践,效果很好,完全能满足学生的不同需求,促进所有学生的全面发展、个性见长。记者:听说贵校英语教学比较突出,请校长介绍一下这方面的情况。校长:目前,英语在学校的地位和作用已不是一个学科的问题,它将决定学生未来发展的层次。我校首届初中毕业生邢妍以出色的表达、较强的英语能力通过了英国牛津大学的入学答辩,被英国牛津大学生物系录取,现任英国牛津大学学生权益保障协会的主席。我校除开设国家课程英语外,又开设了旨在提高英语能力的牛津英语 ,还开设了四门双语课(历史、黑土风情、生物、计算机) ,我校历年
6、中考英语平均分都在 107 分及以上,最高达到 110.3 分。所以,学习英语吃力的学生最好不要报考我校。我校从去年开始试用 eec 和外研社两种英语教材,效果很好,今年继续使用。学校从今年开始思考初中国际教育的新途径,力争为国际社会的优质高中、第一流大学输送数量更多、质量更高的优秀人才。记者:有人说,贵校初中部开设二外,是真的吗?校长:是的,我校初中部从 05 级初一起开设二外,在校的 06 级法语、07 级日语、08 级俄语、09 级法语、10 级日语。有人问我,二外中、高考都不考,贵校开它干嘛?搞教育不能急功近利,而要为学生的终生发展负责,教育部支持有条件的初中开设二外,掌握二门及以上外
7、语已成为未来人才的基本素质之一。但是,家长不能要求学校二外达到一外的水平,我们的目标是:达到能自学的水平及能力。记者:有人说初中部的校舍要动迁,是真的吗?校长:据我所知,近期没有这方面的规划。记者:可否介绍一下师资情况?校长:我们首先确定了“ 高薪养教”的大政方针,哈工大附中教师的薪酬水平在哈市,在黑龙江省是第一流的,不但工资、奖金是第一流的,我们还解决了一部分教师的住房问题,全部解决了教师的三险一金问题,这就为吸引和稳定优秀教师创造了必要条件。“筛选 淘汰”是我校教师队伍管理的基本机制。所谓筛选就是在应聘的教师中通过试教笔试面试体检进行严格的筛选;所谓淘汰就是定期对在校教师进行综合评价,不适
8、者淘汰。 “筛选 淘汰”机制的运行,使哈工大附中教师队伍充满了生机与活力。学校重视教师的继续教育,每年都派遣大量的教师出国、出省、出市参观、学习、考察,教师的教育教学理念和教育教学执行力不断在提升。哈工大附中有严格的教师考核制度学生满意度测评(权重 0.4) 、j 值测评(权重 0.4) 、教师专业化测试(权重 0.2) ,管理十分严格。哈工大附中初中部 80 的教师都经历了 12 个小循环,在历届中考中都取得了优异的成绩,所有教师都接受了严格的检验。总之,这支队伍是完全可以信赖的!记者:贵校已送走了五届初中毕业生,校长对五届初中毕业生的质量如何评价?校长:还是让社会去评价吧!托尔斯泰说过自己
10、地方课程我们做到了开全、开满、开好;现已开发的校本课程有:双语黑土风情、双语历史、双语生物、双语计算机、牛津英语、俄语、日语、法语,数学 a、数学 b、物理 a、物理 b、化学 a、化学 b、信息科学与技术等。我校双语教学水平已迈入全国先进行列,多次在上海、长沙、广州等地展示并受到好评,自编双语教材已使用多年。记者:请张校长介绍一下初中部的基本情况。校长:建校八年多,我校初中部取得的主要成绩有 :其一,办学规模不断扩大,新学年初中部已拥有教学班 59 个,学生 3304 人,教职工 234 人;其二,教学质量经受了严峻的考验,成功地送出了五届毕业生,中考成绩连续五年在哈市所有初中中非常出色,取
11、得社会公认。其三,全面推进素质教育,以六项常规活动即军训、体育节、科技艺术节、国内外交流活动、综合社会实践活动、主题班会活动为载体,使学生的综合素质全面提升;其四,参加国家级竞赛,取得了一系列优异成果,其中在数学、物理、化学、计算机、生物创新、电脑机器人、noc、di 等大赛中多次荣获一等奖,为黑龙江省赢得了荣誉;其五,牢牢地在教育市场中立足,现已成为广大小学毕业生及家长的第一选择。记者:哈工大附中是一所建校时间不长的学校,很多学生及家长对这所学校的性质不清楚校长:哈工大附中是一所民办学校,原投资主体是哈工大八达集团,2008 年八达集团改制,哈工大附中现已归哈工大直接管理。记者:哈工大附中初
12、中部是否享受省重点高中配额生指标?面对配额政策的实施,前景如何?校长:哈工大附中正常享受根据中考配额生政策规定所分配的南岗区配额生指标。30 的配额政策不至于对我校初中部省级重点中学进段率产生太大的影响,我们还进行了一系列的调整,力争通过 2010 年中考,实现我校既定的目标“中考六连冠”。.在下面每个句子所给的四个选项中,找出一个正确的选项,并将其字母表示填在前面的括号内。 (5 分)( )1.Lets go to the zoo. That sounds_.A.well B.nicely C.good D. more good( ) 2. Each of them_a ball.A.hav
13、e B.is C.are D.has( ) 3.Please_these books with you, Kate.A.take B.bring C.get D.make( ) 4.Does Ann have a bike?-_A.No, she doesnt B. No, she does.C.Yes, she doesnt D.No, she isnt( ) 5.Could you_me some water, please?A. gives B.give C.giving D. to give( ) 6._Are you Miss Green?A.Sorry B.How are you?
14、 C.How do you do? D. Excuse me.( ) 7.-_in the boxes?-Oh, bananas.A.What is B.Where is C.What are D.Are what( ) 8.Mary often gets home_six_the afternoon.A.in, at B.on, at C.at, in D.at, on( ) 9.-How are your parents?-_A.Theyre good. B.They dont know. C.Theyre very much. D.Theyre both fine.( ) 10.Febr
15、uary is _ month in a year.A. the third B.the fourth C.the first D. the second.按要求对下列句子进行改写或转换。(10 分)1.There is a piano in the classroom.(变成一般疑问句)_2. That child loves his mother. (改写成复数形式)_3. Winky had a slight fever last night.(变成一般疑问句)_4. Im making pan cakes. (对划线部分提问)_5.It takes a day to go to Par
16、is. (对划线部分提问)_.下面表格中各项活动时 Tom 在上周做过的事情,帮他用正确的时态完成下面短文的填空。(5分)Mon. go to the museum Thu. see a good movieTue. meet Bill at home Fri. buy a penWed. clean my room Sat. play computer gamesHi, Im Tom. I_to the museum on Monday last week.On Tuesday I_my friend Bill at home, and we talked about study. I cl
17、eaned my room on Wednesday. On Thursday I_a good movie. I_a pen on Friday and I_computer games on Saturday afternoon. I had a good time the whole week. 依据所给的中文内容将下列英语句子书写完整,每空只限填一个英文单词。(10 分)1. 她唱歌很好听,人们都爱听她唱。She_well, and people all_ _listen to her.2. 珍妮常在晚饭后做作业。Jenny usually_homework_dinner.3. 这本书
18、不是我的,是你们的。This book_ _, it is_.4. 请写信告诉我关于你在周末的情况。Please write and _ me_ your_.5. 桑迪现在正在穿衣服。Sandy_ _ _now.短文填空。下面短文中,每一空白处都对应四个选项,找出最符合句子意义的一个选项填入短文下面对应的括号内。(10 分)There are eighteen boys (男孩) and twenty-two girls(女孩)in our class._1_the boys is English. His_2_is Mike. He is twelve. Two of the_3_are A
19、merican. They are twins._4_names are Lucy and Lily. They are thirteen. They are my_5_.All of the other boys and girls are_6_. _7_all like the English boy and the American girls,_8_they like us, too. We play games together. We help_9_and they help us.Look, there_10_the twins! They are walking this wa
20、y. Lets say hello to the two sisters.( ) 1.A.One of B.Three of C. Many D.Every( ) 2.A.school B. sister C.brother D.name( ) 3.A.brothers B.sisters C.girls D.boys( ) 4.A.Your B.Their C.Our D.Hers( ) 5.A.teachers B.friends C.brothers D.students( ) 6.A.Chinese B.English C.American D.Australian( ) 7.A.Yo
21、u B.We C.They D.parents( ) 8.A.but B.or C.and D.so( ) 9.A.her B.them C.him D.us( ) 10.A.wait B.is C.go D.come.阅读理解(10 分)Im Dick Read, and I work in a middle school. Mike is my brother, he works in a police station. We have a sister. She is a doctor, and we call her Sarah. We have breakfast at home.U
22、sually I have a light breakfast, but my brother has a big one. Sarah has only a glass of milk in the morning.We live in the U.S.A.with our parents.I usually work at eight thirty in the morning. I have twenty-eight students. They all like me very much. I work hard all day and have lunch at about twel
23、ve. I have no time to go home for lunch. I leave my school at three thirty in the afternoon. My grandma cooks supper for us each evening.依据阅读内容,将下列句子补充完整(每空只填一词),并回答问题。1. There are_people in Dicks family.2. Sarahs last name is_3. Mike eats_food for breakfast.4. Dick works_hours a day in school.5. Wh
24、at do Sarahs brothers do? (要求用完整的句式回答 )08 年工大附中小升初入学考试真题 32009-11-18 15:22EEC 必会词汇练习(英文)2009-11-18 15:25Unit1thefirstmathvolleyballbasketballChinesesoccernumbermiddlemiddle schoolfavoritesubjectlikeplaystudygo toreallycomputerafirst-yearstudentwherelanguagememberclubpracticehow aboutridebackpackpian
25、oeveryonedogladmeetrobotsciencesportteethdoestireddeliciouschocolatefunhungry(定冠词)用于名词前,表示特指的人,物或事第一的,最初,首先数学排球篮球中国,中国人足球数字,号码中间的,居中的中学最喜欢的科目,学科喜欢,喜爱玩,游戏,演奏研读;学习;研究到去确实地;真正地电脑;计算机(不定冠词)一(个),用于可数单数名词前一年级(的)学生在哪里语言成员俱乐部实践;实习(询问)怎么样?骑;搭乘背包钢琴每人;人人(助动词)用已构成疑问式或否定式;做,行动高兴的相见;遇见机器人科学体育活动;运动牙齿(tooth 的复数形式)(
26、行为动词或助动词 do 的现在时单数第三人称形式)疲劳的美味的巧克力乐趣饥饿的Reading(1)根据短文内容,判断对错(True or False)Tom and Fred are students. They are both twelve years old, and they are in the same class in their school. Last Friday afternoon they have a fight in class, and their teacher is very angry. He says to both of them, “ Stay her
27、e after the lessons this afternoon, and write your names a hundred times.” After the last lesson, all the other boys go home, but Tom and Fred stay in the classroom with their teacher. They begin writing their names. The teacher looks at him and says, “ Why are you crying, Fred?” “Because his name i
28、s Tommy, and my name is very very long. My name is Frederick Hollingsworth.” Fred says.( )1. Tom and Fred are classmates.( )2. Last Friday Fred and Tom have a fight in class, and their teacher is very happy.( )3. All the other boys go home after school.( )4. Tom and Fred do not go home. They stay in
29、 the classroom and write their teachers name.( )5. Fred begins crying, because be cant write his name.Reading(2)根据短文内容,判断对错(True or False) Man: Hello, Kate. Are you in Class One?Woman: Yes, I am.Man: How many students are there in your class?Woman: There are forty-five.Man: How many boys and girls a
30、re there in your class?Woman: There are twenty-two boys and twenty-three girls.( )1. The boy and Kate are in the same school.( )2. Kate and the boy are in the same class.( )3. There are forty-five students in Kates class.( )4. There are fifty-five students in the boys class.( )5. In Kates class ther
31、e are twenty- three boys and twenty-two girls.Reading(3)根据短文内容,选择正确的答案I have a good friend in my home. Its a cat. Its name is Mimi. Its white and yellow. And its very beautiful. I play with it after school. It often plays with a ball or lines. My friends, Mary and Alice come to see it, but it is beh
32、ind sofa or in a box. Our families sit in a sofa and it can go there with us. In the evening, I must study at my desk, but it is on the desk, too. At that time, I put it down. Is it my good friend? Guess, please.( )1. Mimi is the name of a_.A. boy B. girl C. cat D. bird( )2. Who is my friend in my h
33、ome? A. Mary B. Alice C. Mimi D. My brother( )3. Can my friends see my cat in my home?A. Yes, they can. B. No, they cant. C. Yes, they cant. D. No, they can.( )4. I often play with_after school.A. a ball B. the cat C. books D. lines( )5. _and I put the cat onto the floor.A. The cat isnt my good frie
34、nd. B. I dont play with the cat.C. I want to go to bed. D.I must study in the evening.Reading(4)根据短文内容,选择正确的答案Fred and Jean are brother and sister. They are Americans. They are in the same school. Their school is not far from their home. Fred is in Mr Blacks class. He is thirteen. He is one of the b
35、est students in his class. Mr Black likes him. He is good at Chinese, but Mr Black is not. Jean is eleven. She is in Mrs Blacks class. Mrs Black is an English teacher. Jean is good at English, but she is not good at Chinese.( )1. Are Fred and Jean twins?A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent.C. Yes, th
36、ey are in the same class. D. No, they are not American.( )2. How old is Jean? She is_.A. eleven B. twelve C. thirteen D. ten( )3. Who is good at Chinese?A. Mr Black B. Mrs Black C. Jean D. Fred( )4. Where is Fred and Jeans school?A. Its in China. B. Its behind a hill.C. Its near their home. D. Its i
37、n England.( )5. Which sentence is wrong?A. Fred and Jean are in the same family.B. Mr Black and Mrs Black are Fred and Jeans father and mother.C. Mr Black likes Fred very much.D. Mrs Black is Jeans English teacher.Reading(5)根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。 Miss Gao is our teacher . She likes to tell us about her wee
38、kends . She usually gets up early on Saturday . She exercises in the garden for about half an hour . Then she has her breakfast . She doesnt do housework in the morning . She often plays with her dog for about two hours in the park . The dog runs , barks and jumps happily . She has lunch at a small
39、restaurant near her home . She doesnt take a bus home . She enjoys walking down the street and saying hello to her neighbours . In the afternoon , she cleans her house . She often cooks dinner for herself .Then she watches TV . She enjoys her weekends very much . ( ) 1. Miss Gao _ early and _ in the
40、 garden on Saturday . A.get up ; exercise B.gets up , exercises C. gets up , exercise ( ) 2. She doesnt _ in the morning . A.get up B.have breakfast C. do housework ( ) 3. Who does she often play with in the park ? _ . A. Her neighbours B.Her dog C. Her teacher ( ) 4. She _ in the afternoon . A. exe
41、rcises B. cleans her house C. watches TV ( ) 5. She often _ for _ . A.walks ; her neighbours B.watches TV ; herself C.cooks dinner ; herself Reading(6)仔细阅读短文,理解全意,判断所给句子的正(T)误(F)There is a big park beside my home. It has many trees and flowers in it.Under a big tree, theres a big table and four stoo
42、ls. After supper, a lot of people go for a walk in the park. Some of them play badminton under a big tree. Some of them play checkers near the lake. And the children like to play on the playground(游乐场). The people in the park are all very happy. ( ) 1. The park is not big. ( ) 2. The park is far fro
43、m my home. ( ) 3. After lunch, many people go for a walk in the park. ( ) 4. The children like to play on the playground. ( ) 5. There is a lake in the park. ( ) 6. Everyone in the park is very happy. Reading(7)根据短文内容,选择正确的答案 The New Years Eve party was going on when the bell rang. A tall man opened
44、 the door and came in. Nobody knew him, but the host went over and took him in. The man sat there happily for an hour and drunk.Then he said, “Nobody invited me to this party.I dont know you, or anyone else here.My wife and I wanted to go out in our car, but one of your friends cars was in front of
45、our gate, so I came here to find him, and my wife is still waiting in our car!”1. When did the story happen?A. At 7:00 B. In December C. On New Years Eve D. When the bell rang2. The “bell” here means the _.A time bell B doorbell C church bell D bell for class3. The host went to meet and took him in
46、because he took the tall man for _.A one of his friends B his brotherC his classmate D his teacher4. The tall mans wife waited in the car for _.A a long time B two hours C a half hour D an hour 5. At last, the host might be a little_.A happy B surprised C worried D afraidReading(8)根据短文内容,回答下列问题.Betty is seven years old. She studies in Chaoyang School. Every day, she