1、1. The expansion of Rome.While the Romans were developing their form of government,they were also expanding their holdings on the Italian peninsula.In the following decades the Romans continued their conquests -through wars with Macedonia ,Syria,annexation of Greece, the Punic Wars.the republic even
2、 created province in Aisa Minor.Thus,the period of imperialistic expansion forms Rome s new territories which across Europe ,Africa and Asia.With Roman troops and administrators poured ,the Rome has become a republic under an “empire“. The contradiction between the central and local governments, the
3、 ruling class and the ruled class indicated that the Rome Republic requested a formation of an even more powerful autocracy,from which Europe descend:the Rome Empire.2. The development of Rome economy. on the one hand,Roman expansion and pillage promoted the economic development of Roman Republicthe
4、 provinces furnished financial support for the Roman Republic.Some had to pay tribute in virous forms,while others were assigned a fixed sum of money. The increase number of slaves also do a favor. Economy determines politicy,Roman Republic domestic slavery economic prosperity reflected a correspond
5、ing political reform and a new regnant structure.on the other hand , the tax collectors came from a class known as equestrians,who originally formed the cavalry in Romes military forces,over the years of invasion ,stopped fighting on horseback and became a social class,roughly the businessmen of Rom
6、e.Together with the emerging nobilities,they possessed wide estates,numerous fortunes and control trade and market.They had to be of high financial standing,and could interfer Senate.As a result ,many peasants lost their land due to large scale land annexation and then became lumpen-proletarian. Tra
7、ditional political power was based on the strength of a mans family and on the alliances he formed with other families ,once this family form undermined ,the foundation of republic shaked and ruined.3. The struggles among the warlords.The Gracchi could not protect themselves from the violence of the
8、 Senate because they had no army.But as Roman conquests brought the state into futher wars,powerful generals appeared who did have the support of their aramies and used it to seize power.their struggles against one another undermined the republican consititution and the state finally collapsed into
9、dictatorship.Sulla had thousand of his opponents executed and had himself named dictator without limit of time,thus breaking the customary six month limit for holding that office.After Caesars consulship,during which Caesar handed a superb theme for his own propaganda:he could proclaim that he was d
10、efending the rights of the tribunes,of the common people of Rome who had elected them.Augustus was Caesars adopted son ,the last warlord of the republic,he resigned the consulship but received two additional powers from the Senate,Also,he was the “princeps”.He finally formed the structure from which modern Europe has decended-the Roman Empire.