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1、西安交通大学是国家教育部直属重点大学,为我国最早兴办的高等学府之一。其前身是 1896 年创建于上海的南洋公学,1921 年改称交通大学,1956 年国务院决定交通大学内迁西安,1959 年定名为西安交通大学,并被列为全国重点大学。西安交通大学是“七五 ”、“八五”首批重点建设项目学校,是首批进入国家“211”和 “985”工程建设,被国家确定为以建设世界知名高水平大学为目标的学校。2000 年 4 月,国务院决定,将原西安医科大学、原陕西财经学院并入原西安交通大学组建新的西安交通大学。今日的西安交通大学是一所具有理工特色,涵盖理、工、医、经济、管理、文、法、哲、教育和艺术等 10个学科门类的

2、综合性研究型大学。学校设有 23 个学院(部)、8 个本科生书院和 12 所附属教学医院。现有教职工 5595 人,专任教师 2686 人,教授、副教授 1500 余人。学校教师队伍中有两院院士 21 名,其中 11 名为双聘院士。国家教学名师 6 名,教育部“长江学者”特聘教授和讲座教授 44 名,国家杰出青年基金获得者 31 名,国家有突出贡献专家及中青年专家 15 名, “长江学者和创新团队发展计划”创新团队带头人 15 人,“千人计划”49 人,教育部“新世纪优秀人才培养计划入选者”211 名,对国家做出突出贡献并享受政府特殊津贴的专家 544名。西安交通大学现有全日制在校生 2957

3、8 人,其中研究生 13452 人。全校有本科专业 78 个,拥有 27 个一级学科、154 个二级学科博士学位授权点,45 个一级学科、242 个二级学科硕士学位授权点,18 个专业学位授权点。学校有 8 个国家一级重点学科,8 个国家二级重点学科,3 个二级学科国家重点(培育)学科,115 个省部级重点学科。22 个博士后流动站,5 个国家重点实验室,4 个国家专业或专项实验室,2 个国家工程研究中心,59 个省部级重点科研机构。西安交通大学建校 110 余年来,形成了兴学强国、艰苦创业、崇德尚实、严谨治学的优良传统和爱国爱校、饮水思源的品格,坚持“起点高、基础厚、要求严、重实践”的办学特

4、色,不断开拓创新,精勤育人。蔡锷、黄炎培、邵力子、李叔同、凌鸿勋、邹韬奋、陆定一、侯绍裘、钱学森、王安、田炳耕、江泽民等,为历届学子中的杰出代表。茅以升、吴有训、朱物华、张光斗、张维、吴文俊等 200 余位校友成为中国科学院、中国工程院院士。迁校 50 余年来,西安交通大学为国家输送了大批的各类专门人才,毕业生在社会各界享有良好的声誉。近年来,学校积极探索,大胆创新,实现了办学模式的全方位改革。学校积极推进基于通识教育、科研能力和创新能力培养的“2+4+X”研究型大学人才培养新模式,实现从知识传授型向探索研究型教育的转变。2006年始,西安交大在国内高校率先实行“书院制”,全体本科生进入书院。

5、书院和学院的“双院制”培养模式为学子插上了腾飞的翅膀。2007 年,学校创办“钱学森实验班”,因材施教,培养拔尖人才;创办医学“宗濂实验班”,探索符合医学教育规律的人才培养模式。学校兴建了旨在发展学生科技兴趣爱好、鼓励发明创造的“工程坊”,鼓励学生“小发明、大创造”。2010 年,学校首届“基础学科拔尖人才实验班”开课。作为目前国内仅有的两所开办“少年班”教育的高校之一,西安交大以其独特的教育理念,宽松的学习氛围,强大的师资配置,良好的教学效果得到了学生和家长的好评。迄今为止,学校取得国家级教学成果奖 60 项,现已建成 34 门国家精品课程,拥有 8 个国家级教学基地,9 个国家级教学团队。

6、获“全国百篇优秀博士论文奖”23 篇,并有 38 篇获提名奖。西安交通大学科技工作以面向国家重大需求、瞄准国际前沿、突出自主创新、加速成果转化为发展战略,不断增强科技创新能力,提升科技竞争力。2000 年至今,本校教授作为首席科学家主持的“973 计划”项目 13项,获批国家自然科学基金项目 1489 项,基础研究项目数和经费在全国高校位居前列。2000 年以来,学校以第一完成单位获国家科学技术奖 31 项。依托学科与人才培养优势,创新产学研合作模式,与政府、大中型企业建立研发中心,注重解决行业关键性技术问题,充分发挥科技对区域经济和社会发展的支撑作用。学校精心营造“思想活跃、学习活跃、生活活

7、跃”的大学文化氛围。拥有国家大学生文化素质教育基地和181 个文化社团。科技、文艺、体育等活动丰富多彩。“九州名家”、“纵论四海”、“思源大讲堂”、“学而论坛”成为学生开拓视野的经典品牌。近年来,交大学子在亚太机器人大赛、国际大专辩论赛、国际辩论邀请赛、国际英语演讲大赛、ACM 国际大学生程序设计大赛亚洲区选拔赛、国际数学建模大赛、世界大学生建筑设计竞赛、“挑战杯”课外科技大赛、“挑战杯”创业计划大赛、智能车竞赛全国总决赛、“爱迪生杯”技术创新竞赛、全国航空航天模型(科研类)锦标赛、中国励志计划大学生创业计划大赛中摘取桂冠。西安交通大学国际交往广泛,自 2000 年以来,邀请了 14 位诺贝尔

8、奖、1 位菲尔茨奖获得者及 2000 余位国外教授来访讲学,合作研究、学术交流的世界各国学者、企业高层、政府要员达 17000 余人;先后派出赴国外访问、进修、研究及攻读学位的教师和学生 8000 余人次,参加国际会议 2000 余人。与美、日、英、法、德、意、新、韩等 42 个国家和地区的 145 所高等学校和研究机构建立了校际合作关系。目前有来自 70 余个国家的 1020名外国留学生就读于西安交大。 西安交通大学位于陕西省西安市,现有兴庆、雁塔和曲江三个校区,总占地面积 3849.84 亩,各类建筑总面积 176.23 万平方米。坐落在兴庆校区的图书馆是 1995 年 5 月 4 日经中

9、共中央宣传部批准用钱学森学长之名进行命名,江泽民主席为之题写了馆名的“钱学森图书馆”,总建筑面积近 4 万平方米,阅览座位 3518 席。图书馆累计藏书 474.67 万册(件),报刊 10053 种,现刊 4089 种。引进国内外电子资源 252 种;中外文全文电子期刊近 28639 种,电子图书 107 万册。15 种百年以上历史的世界著名期刊。图书馆自动化集成系统与校园网、CERNET 和 Internet 连接,校内外用户均可通过远程终端或互联网访问。学校有具备国际先进大学水平的校园计算机网。学校建有条件良好的现代化学生公寓及学生综合餐厅,有总面积达 1 万多平方米的“思源学生活动中心

10、”,有设施先进的体育运动场。学校奖助体系完备,本科生年度奖学金达 1200 余万元,年发放助学贷款 1440 余万元。学校设立的用于研究生培养的创新基金,每年额度 5000 万元左右。学校还建有现代化的大学生心理健康教育与咨询中心。2009 年 6 月 5 日温家宝总理亲临学校,与交大师生亲切交谈,温总理“百年交大永远年青,永远富有生机!”的寄语牢记于师生心中。江泽民学长先后四次拨冗专程回母校看望师生,并称赞母校“校园苍松翠柏,环境优美,是学习的好地方,应该出科学,出智慧,出新的科学家。”在新的历史起点上,西安交通大学不断适应国内外高等教育改革发展的新形势,逐步搭建起适应国际潮流的高等人才培养

11、基本构架,建立起现代化的科学决策体系、执行体系和监督体系,使学校的管理模式和国际接轨,奠定了建设世界知名高水平大学的坚实基础。校训:精勤求学、敦笃励志、果毅力行、忠恕任事。使命:致力于培养崇尚科学、求实创新、勤奋踏实、富有社会责任感和高尚品质的杰出人才,保存、创造和传播知识,为中国乃至世界科技进步、社会发展和人类文明做出重要贡献。愿景:在人才培养、科学研究和社会服务方面保持领先,创造卓越成就,到本世纪中叶,把西安交通大学建设成为大师名流荟萃、莘莘学子神往、栋梁之材辈出的世界一流研究型大学。OverviewXian Jiaotong University, a national key univ

12、ersity under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, is one of the countrys oldest institutions of higher learning. Founded in Shanghai in 1896 as Nanyang Public, it was renamed Jiaotong University in 1921. In 1956, at the direction of the State Council, the university was moved to Xia

13、n, and renamed Xian Jiaotong University (XJTU). As one of the countrys national key universities, it was included in the first group of universities singled out for high priority development under the countrys seventh and eighth five year plans. It was also included in the first group of universitie

14、s to benefit from Project 211 and Project 985, with the goal of becoming a world class university. Under a plan adopted by the State Council in April, 2000, the original Xian Jiaotong University was merged with the Xian Medical University and the Shaanxi Institute of Finance and Economics to form th

15、e new Xian Jiaotong University.Today, Xian Jiaotong University is a comprehensive research university offering programs in ten areasscience, engineering, medicine, economics, management, art, law, philosophy, education, etcwith a major emphasis on science and engineering. It includes 23 schools, eig

16、ht undergraduate residential colleges, and 12 affiliated teaching hospitals. XJTU has a faculty and staff of about 5600, of which 2686 are full-time teachers, including over 1500 professors and associate professors. The faculty includes 21 academiciansten members of the National Academy of Sciences

17、and eleven members of the National Academy of Engineering-among whom eleven are members of both. The university has had six recipients of national teaching awards. Among current faculty members, 43 have been designated as “Chang JIang Scholars” by the Ministry of Education; 31 have been honored by N

18、ational Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars; 15 have been recognized as national experts who have made outstanding contributions to the nation. An additional 211 teachers have been selected to participate in the Ministry of Educations “New Century Program for Promising Young Talent,” and a

19、nother 544 have been awarded government stipends for their outstanding contributions to China. Pursuant to its precept that “talent makes the university strong,” XJTU has continues to add to its strength by attracting to the campus leaders in a wide range of disciplines and will continue the process

20、 of building its team of top-level talent.XJTU has a current enrollment of about 30,000 full-time students, including over 13,000 masters and doctoral candidates. The university offers 78 undergraduate majors, and awards masters degrees in 242 disciplines and Ph.D. degrees in 154. Among these, there

21、 are 8 which are designated as first-order key disciplines by the Chinese government, and 8 which are designated as secondorder key disciplines. In addition, 115 disciplines are recognized as key disciplines at the provincial and ministerial level. XJTU offers Master degrees 18 areas, including engi

22、neering, clinical medicine, business, and MPA; it has 20 research facilities for post-doctoral students, five national key laboratories, four national special laboratories, two national engineering research centers and 59 key research centers and laboratories at the provincial and ministerial level.

23、Xian Jiaotong Universitys more than 110 years of history have been informed by a set of principles to which it has remained true: devotion to learning makes the country stronger; creation grows out of hard work; honor rectitude and respect truth; learn teaching rigorously and the character of loving

24、 China and the university and bearing in mind where ones happiness comes from, insists on the school-running characteristic of “high staring point, profound foundation, strict requirement and focusing on practice,” continually carves out and innovates and trains people diligently. Numbering among Ji

25、aodas outstanding alumni are Cai E, Huang Yanpei, Shao Lizi, Li Shutong, Ling Hongxun, Zou Taofen, Lu Dingyi, Hou Shaoqiu, Qian Xuesen, Wang An, Tian Binggeng, and Jiang Zemin. Over 200 XJTU alumni, including Mao Yisheng, Wu Youxun, Zhu Wuhua, Zhang Guangdou, Zhang Wei and Wu Wenjun have been honore

26、d with membership in the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering. Since moving to Xian over 50 years ago, Xian Jiaotong University has educated a large group of talented individuals in many fields, and its graduates have achieved distinction in all walks of life.In recen

27、t years, the university has been following a path of active exploration and bold innovation as it seeks to implement the national reform plan for the comprehensive restructuring of higher education. An important element of this reform is the new “2+4+X” model for research universities, a model which

28、 emphasizes providing the student with a solid foundation of general knowledge, sound research skills and the ability to innovate. The goal is to transform the university from one which simply transmits knowledge to one which emphasizes active engagement in research. In 2006, Xian Jiaotong Universit

29、y took the lead among Chinese universities when it undertook to create a system of residential colleges modeled on the traditional Chinese academy of learning. This twin college system is aimed at giving our students the best possible chance for success. In 2007, XJTU established the “Qian Xuesen Ex

30、perimental Class” for particularly gifted students and the “Zonglian Experimental Class,” whose purpose is to develop an appropriate classroom model for medical education. The university also set up its “engineering workshop” to stimulate student interest in science and technology and to encourage i

31、nnovation and creativity, in keeping with the adage that “small inventions lead to big creations.” XJTUs priorities in education are reflected in the following series of maxims: “Science before engineering,” “engineering before medicine, management, and law”. As a result of this unique model, many g

32、raduates of XJTU have acquired multidisciplinary skills, a fact which has not gone unnoticed by the larger society. As one of only two universities in China with a “class for gifted young people,” Xian Jiaotong University has received praise from students and parents alike for its unique educational

33、 model, its favorable study environment, excellent teachers and substantial teaching resources, and its positive good teaching results. Since 2000, the university has received 60 national teaching awards. In addition, it currently has 34 national elite courses, 8 nationallevel teaching centers, and

34、9 national-level teaching teams. To date, 23 XJTU dissertations have been recipients of the annual award given to “Chinas 100 best doctoral dissertations;” another 38 have been nominated for that award.While attentive to international developments, research in science and technology at Xian Jiaotong

35、 University is directed primarily at meeting the nations most important needs, and in contributing to autonomous creation. To this end, XJTU is continually strengthening its capacity to innovate while seeking to raise its level of competitiveness, by, among other approaches, working to shorten the t

36、ime needed to transform laboratory results into productive products and processes. Since 2000, faculty members and researchers from XJTU have headed 13 projects under the 973 Program, and participated in over 100 others. In the same time period, university scientists and engineers have had 1489 proj

37、ects approved by the National Natural Science Fund. Its total number of basic research projects and grants places XJTU in the front rank among Chinese universities. Also in the period since 2000, the university has been awarded 31 national science and technology prizes. Recent years have also seen a

38、 notable increase in the amount of research devoted to the humanities and the social sciences, with significant contributions to the major projects in those areas identified by the National Social Science Fund and the Ministry of Education. In 2008, the number of SSCI papers published by XJTU resear

39、chers ranked fourth in China. To produce these results, the university relies on its strength in key disciplines and on its unique educational model, with its emphasis on the integration of production, study and research. In addition, it has, in cooperation with the government and with large and mid

40、-sized enterprises, established research and development parks whose aim is to help solve the key technological problems facing industry and to strengthen the contributions of science and technology to the regional economy and the development of the local social structure.Xian Jiaotong University ha

41、s worked hard to create an environment conducive to “dynamic thinking, dynamic learning, and dynamic living.” It has created a national-level center for cultural education and supports 181 student organizations. It sponsors a rich and varied calendar of activities in science and technology, literatu

42、re and the arts, and sports. “Jiuzhou Experts,” “Discussing the World,” “Grand Schoolroom in Siyuan,” and “Study Forum” have become well-known venues in which students can expand their horizons. In recent years, XJTU students have collected awards in a wide range of competitions, including the Asia-

43、Pacific Robot Contest, International Varsity Debate, International Debate Tournament, International English Speech Contest, Asian Area Selection Match for ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, International Mathematical Contest in Modeling, the World Architecture Design Competition for U

44、niversity Students, “Challenge Cup” National University Student Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Work Competition, “Challenge Cup” Business Plan Competition, the National Intelligence Vehicle Competition, “Edison Cup” Technology Innovation Competition, National Aviation and Space Mode

45、l (research- type) Tournament and University Students Business Plan Competition of Chinese Inspiration Program.Xian Jiaotong University has extensive ties to the world of international scholarship and research. Fourteen Nobel laureates, one Fields Prize winner and over 2000 foreign professors have b

46、een invited to the campus to lecture. Over 17,000 scholars, CEOs, and high-level government officials from around the world have been involved in exchanges or other kinds of collaborative activity with Jiaoda. More than 8000 XJTU teachers and students have gone abroad to visit, study, do research, o

47、r participate in degree programs, and over 2000 faculty members, and researchers have traveled abroad for conferences. The university has conducted joint programs for both undergraduates and graduate students with nearly 20 outstanding universities in France, the US, Italy, Canada, Japan, New Zealan

48、d and Belgium. The“4+4” undergraduate exchange programs conducted in cooperation with Frances Groupe des Ecoles Centrales has been enthusiastically endorsed by both the French and Chinese Ministries of Education. XJTU, in cooperation with the University of Liverpool, has established XJTU-Liverpool U

49、niversity, which is the first university in China to be established as a joint undertaking between a Chinese university and a foreign university, and to receive the approval of the Ministry of Education, XJTU-Liverpool University focuses on engineering. The university has also been involved in the establishment of two Confucius Institutes. One, in the American state of Nebraska, is a joint undertaking of XJTU and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln; the second was established in the UK in collaboration with the University of Liverpool. Since 2000, the university


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