1、 1 / 20Chapter 1 A Comparison between English and Chinese(3)Discourse 在小句及句子层面主要要解决信息的组合以及句子的构建问题, 而在段落和篇章层面则主要解决小句及句子之间的逻辑连接问题。当然, 在整个翻译过程中译者不能忘记语篇的文体特征、作者的风格等。What is the difference between discourse translation and sentence translation?语篇翻译与单句翻译的区别:语篇翻译与单句翻译在翻译标准与技巧等方面有许多共同之处。但篇章翻译还别具自己的特色,即它拥有一个
2、范围较大的舞台语境。在一定的上下文的帮助下,译者有可能比较准确地掌握原篇的中心思想,理解其疑难隐晦之处;表达时也有比较宽松的回旋变通的余地,有可能把译文再现得更加通顺可读。从这个角度来看,篇章不失为一个比较理想的翻译单位。Part I Cohesion and CoherenceSection A Cohesion衔接与连贯 (cohesion and coherence )衔接是语篇的有形网络。 连贯是语篇的无形网络。衔接手段(cohesive ties):Halliday 在 Cohesion in English 一书中将英语的衔接手段分成五大类:1.照应 (reference) 2.替
3、代 (substitution) 3. 省略 (ellipsis) 4. 连接 (conjunction) 5. 词汇衔接 (lexical cohesion) 1.照应 (reference)照应关系是正确理解语篇中句与句,段与段之间关系的纽带。照应又称指称照应:按指称范围分:语外照应(外指) (exophoric reference )例如:张明是我的朋友。(外指, “张明”存在于客观世界之中)语内照应 (内指): (endophoric reference)1)前照应(回指)(anaphoric reference )3 / 202)后照应(下指)(cataphoric referenc
4、e)例如:张明是我的一个朋友。他是西安人。 (内指, “他”回指“ 张明 ”)他在那边!张明。 (内指, “他”下指“ 张明”)这件事我不清楚,我不知道他是否参加了那次会议。 (下指)他参加了那次会议? 这我不清楚。 (回指)指称照应按指称手段分:1.1 人称照应(personal reference)人称照应是通过人称代词(they, she, him 等) 、所属限定词(his, your, its 等), 和所属代词(hers, theirs,mine 等)来实现。英语人称代词以及相应的限定词的使用频率远高于汉语。无论汉语语篇还是英语语篇,主语都起着重要的衔接作用。在汉语语篇中,主语的衔
5、接作用主要是通过对原词的重复,省略或代词替代来实现。而英语语篇中的主语则往往避免重复原词,更不能省略原词,而更多地使用照应和替代来衔接上下文。根据汉语的习惯,若一个主题第一次提出后,下文又是同一个主题,那么主语常常可以省略。柯灵 ,生于 1909 年,浙江省绍兴人。中国现代作家。1930 年任儿童时代编辑。1949 年以前一直在上海从事报纸编辑工作,并积极投入电影、话剧运动。解放后,曾任文汇报副总编辑。现任上海电影局顾问。任儿童时代编辑be one of the editors of Children Times从事报纸编辑工作be engaged in editorial work in n
6、ewspaper offices任文汇报副总编辑fill the post of deputy editor-in-chief of Wenhuibao 任上海电影局顾问be adviser of Shanghai Film Bureau但是,在英语这种主语突出的语言中,只要是句子就须有主语;如果主语是相同,那么同一主语在第二次出现时往往用代词指代照应。 Ke Ling was born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province in 1909. He is a modern Chinese writer. He was one of the editors of Chil
7、dren Times from 1930 onwards. Before 1949 he was all along engaged in editorial work in newspaper offices and took an active part in activities of film and modem drama in Shanghai. After liberation he filled the post of deputy editor-in-chief of Wenhuibao for a period. He is at present adviser of Sh
8、anghai Film Bureau.请试译:孔乙己 是站着喝酒而穿长衫的唯一的人。他身材高大;青白脸色,皱纹间时常夹些伤痕;一部乱蓬蓬的花白的胡子。穿的虽然是长衫,可是又脏又破,似乎十多年没有补,也没有洗。 (孔乙己 )每年农历十二月二十以后,海岛上的居民便开始进入过年倒计时。先搞卫生,掸去一年尘土。接着准备食品,做年糕,炒倭豆、炒番薯片、打米花糖。二十五、二十六起,家家户户开始“谢年 ”:祀祖先。Every year after the 20thof the lunar 12thmonth, inhabitants on the island would start their count
9、down on the Spring Festival. They would sweep their houses clean, flickering every bit of dust off the furniture. After that they begin to prepare various foods: steamed New Year cakes, fried beans, fired sweet potato chips, and baked rice cookies. On the 25thand 26thof the month, 4 / 20households s
10、tart their “New Year Thanks-giving” rites to pay homage to their ancestors. 那年冬天, 祖母死了, 父亲 的差使也交卸了,正是祸不单行的日子,我从北京到徐州,打算跟着 父亲 奔丧回家。到徐州见着 父亲 ,看见满院狼藉的东西,又想起祖母,不禁簌簌地流下眼泪。 父亲 说:“事已如此,不必难过,好在天无绝人之路!” (朱自清 背影In that winter, my grandma died and my father lost his job. I left for Xuzhou to join him in hasten
11、ing home to attend my grandmas funeral. When I met him in Xuzhou, the sight of disorderly mess in our courtyard and the thought to my grandma started tears trickling down my cheeks. He said, “Now that things have come to such a mess, its no use crying. Fortunately, heaven always leaves one a way out
12、.” (张培基 译)汉语常重复名词作为衔接手段,但英语习惯用人称代词照应。例如:许多家用电器都是在中国制造的。 这些家用电器 性能可靠,操作方便。A lot of home appliances are made in China. These home appliances are reliable in performance and easy in operation. ()A lot of home appliances are made in China. They are reliabe in performance and easy in operation. 请试译:他的指教对
13、我的成功帮助很大。我决不会忘记 他的帮助 。1.2 指示照应(demonstrative reference)指示照应指说话人通过指明事物在时间和空间上的远近(proximity)来确定所指对象。王治奎:“汉语的 这和那以及英语中的 this 和 that 都常用于指示照应,在语义上基本相同,但指称功能却大不一样。汉语的这 往往起一种化远为近的作用,其功能负荷量大于那,因此使用频率也高于 那 。而在英语中却恰恰相反。 ”例如:“这倒难以说定。可是你只要看看这儿的小客厅,就得了解答。这里面有一个金融界的大亨,又有一位工业界的巨头; 这 小客厅就是中国社会的缩影。 ” (子夜 )“Its a ta
14、ll order, your question. But you can find an answer in the next room. There you have a successful financier and a captain of industry. That little drawing room is Chinese society in miniature.” (Tr. Sidney Shapiro)试翻译以下句子:1. 这幅画是一部用思考和修养完成的杰作,它既有历史感又有现代艺术语言的独特性。(袁运甫 我所认识的吴冠中及其绘画 )2. 稍稍能安慰我们的,是在 那 石上
15、有一个不大不小的坑凹儿,雨天就盛满了水。 (贾平凹 丑石 )3.这种 力, 是一般人看不见的生命力,只要生命存在, 这种力 就要显现 (夏衍野草 )5 / 20再如: To be, or not to be, that is the question.生存还是毁灭, 这 是一个值得考虑的问题。 (朱生豪译)生或死, 这 就是问题所在。 (王佐良译)活下去还是不活, 这 是问题。 (卞之琳译)是死去还是活着, 这 是一个需要仔细掂量的问题。 (宋天锡译)例如:“High” and “tall” are synonyms: this may be used in speaking of what
16、grows-a tree; that in speaking of what does not grow-a mountain.“High” 和“tall”是同义词: 这个 用以指生长的东西,如树; 那个 用以指不生长的东西,如山。()“High” 和“tall”是同义词: 后者 用以指生长的东西,如树; 前者 用以指不生长的东西,如山。()注释:句中 this 和 that 都起着指示照应的作用,不作“这个”、 “那个”讲,this 用来指代两个事物中较近的一个,即后面的,一般可译为“后者”;that 用来指代两个事物中较远的一个,即前面提到的,一般可译为“前者”。再如:请试译:1. Hea
17、lth is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that.照应关系是正确理解语篇中句与句,段与段之间关系的纽带。2. Everybody has a responsibility to the society of which he is a part and through this to mankind.3. I could not feel my heart. It had stopped beating. I have since been induced to come to the opinion tha
18、t it must have been beating, but I cannot account for it.再如:Americans have a warmth and friendliness which is less superficial than many foreigners think. They are considered sentimental. When on ceremonial occasions they see a flag, or attend parades celebrating Americas glorious past, tears may co
19、me to their eyes. Reunions with family and friends tend to be emotional, too. They like to dress correctly, even if “correctly” means flamboyantly. They love to boast, though often with tongue in cheek. They can laugh at themselves and their country, and they can be very self-critical, while remaini
20、ng always intensely patriotic. They have a wide knowledge of everyday things, and a keen interest in their particular city and state. Foreigners sometimes complain, however, that they have little interest in or knowledge of the outside world. 美国人 热情友好,这感情并非象许多外国人认为的那样浅薄。 美国人 被认为多情善感。当 他们 举行仪式见到国旗,或者
21、缅怀光荣的往昔举行游行的时侯,总是热泪盈眶。家庭团聚,朋友相会也总是很动感情。 美国人 讲究衣着“得体”,甚至“得体”意味着奢华。 美国人好说大话,虽然常常前说后忘。 美国人 可能会嘲笑自己,嘲笑自己的国家,严厉地自我批评,但始终保持强烈的爱国热情。 美国人 有广泛的日常知识,对他们所在的城市和所在的州甚为关注。不过,外国人有时说, 他们 对外面的世界不大感兴趣,或者说知之甚少。6 / 202.替代 (substitution)替代指用替代形式(pro-form )去替代上下文出现的词语。它的语义要从所替代的成分去索引。Halliday 和 Hasan 把替代分成三类: 名词性替代,动词性替代
22、和从句性替代。名词替代(one;ones;the sort;none;some 等)我能看看那条围巾吗?可以。哪一条?红的还是黑的?May I have a look at that scarf?Yes. Which one? The red or the black one?请翻译:这鞋我穿太小。有大些尺码的鞋吗? 动词替代 (do; do so)她的英语说得很流利,但我不能肯定她弟弟的英语也说得流利。She speaks English very fluently, but Im not sure whether her younger brother can do so.请翻译:她歌唱得
23、比去年好。 从句替代 (so; not)A: Do you think hell come tomorrow?B: yes, I think so. A: Our president will be back tonight. B: If so, the meeting will be held tonight.C: What if our president will not beback tonight? B: If not, there wont be any meeting tonight.3.省略 (ellipsis)省略是指将语言结构中的某个成分省去不提。被省略的成分通常可以从上下
24、文中推知,因此省略具有语篇衔接功能。Why so often the coarse appropriates the fine thus, the wrong man the woman, the wrong woman the man?为什么总是粗野的占有了精致的?男人能占有他不应占有的女人、女人能占有她不应占有的男人?- “Will it target only existing customers?”- “At first, yes. But if the TV ads go well, then were going to do a larger follow-up mailshot.
25、 Well see what happens.”- 这只是面向现有的顾客吗?- 是的,起初是这样的。不过如果电视广告进展良好,我们将把更多的广告信函邮寄给潜在的顾客。我们要看一看事情的发展情况。But because of The Theory of Relativity, the scientists never again regarded the world as they had before. 但是由于有了相对论,科学家们不再像从前那样看待世界了。7 / 20请翻译:我们到那儿去春游?(我们)到百岁山(去春游).工业园区土地使用权转让的成本价目前为每亩 16 万人民币,年内,对符合国
26、家产业导向,规模大、科技含量高的外商投资项目,按照每 100 万 美元 用 10 亩土地的比例,给予特殊价格优惠,其中注册资本在 100 万 美元 到 300 万 美元 的,每亩地价为 8 万元人民币 ;300 万 美元 到 500 万 美元 的,每亩地价为 7 万元人民币 ;500 万到 1000 万 美元 的,每亩地价为 6 万元人民币 ;1000 万 美元 以上的每亩地价为 5 万元人民币 。Currently the cost of land use transfer in the Zone is charged at the ratio of 160 thousand yuan pe
27、r Chinese mu, whereas before the end of the year, the price will be lowered down to 1 million US dollars every 10 mu for those large and technology-intensive foreign projects that are run in compliance with the industrial orientation of the country. As regards those conglomerates with a registered c
28、apital ranging from 1 million () to 3 million US dollars, the price is 80 thousand yuan per mu, () 70 thousand yuan for those with that from 3 million () to 5 million (), 60 thousand () for those from 5 to 10 million () and 50 thousand () for those over 10 million(). 以往过年都是打发小孩一点钱,现在 可不这样了 。In the p
29、ast, they would dismiss the kids with some money as a gift for the lunar New Year, but not () nowadays. 外商在开发区的投资越来越 多 ,进出口贸易也随之 增加 。Foreign investment are on the rise in the Empowerment Zone, so are imports and exports. 请翻译:去年有 50 个社区获“文明社区” 称号,今年又将有 20 个 社区 获此殊荣。4. 连接 (conjunction) 连接是表示各种逻辑意义的连句手
30、段,又称“逻辑联系语”( 黄国文, 1988) 。通过使用各种连接词语,句子间的语义逻辑关系可以明确表示出来。 (also, but, why, because, at first, then, in front of), 汉语重意合,多用隐性连贯(covert coherence) ,借助语序表示逻辑关系;英语重形合,采用显性衔接(overt cohesion),大量使用关联词。我们轮流值班,大家都不感觉累。We took turns at keeping watch, none of us felt tired. ()As we took turns at keeping watch, n
31、one of us felt tired.西边闪电,天要下雨。It lightens in the west, it is going to rain. ()If it lightens in the west, it is going to rain.表示添加信息:and, also, too, besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition, what is more 表示因果关系:because, for, since, thus, for this reason, as a result, therefore, so, consequently,
32、 accordingly表示文章意义的转折或对比:although, however, on the contrary, still, otherwise, but, despite, nevertheless, though, in fact, on the other hand, as a matter of fact表示文章中事件发生的时空顺序:first, second, third after this/that, meanwhile, 8 / 20suddenly, and so on, then, before, next, formerly, later, finally in
33、 the end, at last表示列举:firstly, secondly; for one thing, for another; first of all, to begin with, then, last, in conclusion, to conclude表示举例、解释:for example, for instance, that is, namely, to illustrate表示总结:in short, to sum up, in conclusion, briefly, on the whole, to conclude, to summarize例如:What ex
34、plains the growing trend towards delayed childbearing? First, the high divorce rate is making newlyweds think twice about starting a family. Furthermore, many young couples want to be financially secure before having children. Above all, more married women prefer to devote time to their careers befo
35、re having a baby.再如:Foreign cars are often more expensive to own in the U.S. than American cars. For one thing, foreign cars cost more to buy. Then, high tariffs on many foreign models have raised prices. Furthermore, foreign cars often cost more to register. In addition, insurance rates can be high
36、er. Moreover, parts and repair costs are much greater than they are for American cars.5.词汇衔接 (lexical cohesion)词汇衔接是通过运用一组意义相关的词语以达到语篇衔接的目的。同义词、近义词、上义词、下义词、概括词、反义词. 运用这些词可以产生很强的粘合力,形成一张“词汇网”(lexicon network), 赋予语篇连贯性。分为两大类:1. 复现 (reiteration) 2. 同现 (collocation)1. 复现(同词重复或异词重复)1) 原词复现 During all the
37、 years of my life, until that moment, I had carried the menacing, the hostile killing world with me everywhere. No matter what I was doing or saying or feeling, one eye had always been on the world - that world which I had learnt to distrust almost as soon as I learnt my name, that world on which I
38、knew one could never turn ones back, the white mans world. ( This Morning, This Evening, So Soon by James Baldwin)乡镇工业 园区 已经成为我市乡镇 企业 “二次创业”的有效载体,极大地改善了 企业 的发展环境。目前已有 3772 家 企业 进驻 园区 。Township industrial zones provide solid vehicles for the citys enterprises in running new businesses and greatly imp
39、rove the setting for the development of such entities. So far, 3772 establishments have found home in these quarters. 2) 同义词或近义词复现 (synonyms 它象征着结束,也象征着开始; 它意味着更新,也意味着变革。请翻译:孔乙己便涨红了脸,额头上的青筋条条绽出,争辩道: “窃 书不能算 偷窃 书读书人的事,能算 偷 么?”9 / 203) 上义词和下义词 复现 (superordinate works in conjunction with our STAB-1 pro
40、gram development system (STAB-1 is a soft ware writing language derived originally from BCPL). A similar tool could be constructed for use with virtually any language or program development system. Here we would like to direct attending o what we believe are the major advantages of this type of tool
41、 ,and to indicate which features have been most successful, and wet think are worth incorporating in other similar systems. 引言 本文描述了一种程序设计工具,我们使用这种工具已将近两年。这种工具,对于寻找“故障”和检验程序的正常运行,都是很有效的。这种工具结合我们 STAB-1 程序编制系统一起工作(STAB-1 是一种最初从 BCPL 派生出来的软件写作语言)可以制成一种类似的工具,实际上可供任何语言形式或程序编制系统使用。这里放在我们所认为的这种工具的主要优点上,并指
42、出哪些特征是最成功的,以及有哪些特征使我们认为值得引进到其他类似系统中去。 (5)广告英语翻译 The Northern Trust Company in Chicago is grateful we did not inspire that telling quotation from Robert Forts ,Frost was a four-time recipient of the Pulitzer Prize Poetry ,and his remark demonstrates his crusty New England sense satire.For over 96 yea
43、rs weve been protecting people from a rainy day, and now weve serving todays generation. With personal banking products like our Equity Credit Line. It lets you use the roof over your head to gain a personal line of credit We want to talk to you about it. And about all your banking needs. If you don
44、t want to get well , give us a call . We want to talk, and you can quote us. 我们芝加哥“北方信托公司”非常庆幸没有激发弗罗斯特写出这么一句惊人的名言。弗罗斯特曾今因其诗歌四次获普利策奖,他这番话倒是显露出此人犀利的新英格兰讽刺感。 96 年来我们一直在雨天防护者人们,而如今我们正以个性化的银行产品如“Equity Credit Line ”方案,来服务今天的这一代,让您利用头上的屋顶,获得个人贷款的最高额。我们想跟您谈谈这个方案,以及您需要的一切银行服务 如果您不想淋湿的话,请给我们一个电话。 16 / 20我们需要
45、谈一谈,您可以相信我们所说的. (二)汉译英 1.Ode to the Autumn Sound 作者:欧阳修(宋朝)2 Written by Ouyang Xiu (Song Dynasity) 简介及其英译: 秋声赋是宋代文赋的典范。文章第一段写作者夜读时听到秋声,从而展开了对秋声的描绘。第二段是对秋声的描绘和对秋气的议论。从“草木无情”到“黟然黑者为星星”,作者将无情的草木和有灵的人类作对比,从而推出题旨:“奈何以非金石之质,欲与草木而争荣。念谁为之戕贼,亦何恨乎秋声!”这一段,作者在极力渲染秋气对自然界植物的摧残的基础上,指出对于人来说,人事忧劳的伤害,比秋气对植物的摧残更为严重得多;
46、因而,想想这是谁对他们的伤害,就不会去怨恨秋声了,这也就是作者要表达的文中主题。全文紧扣题目,意境、气氛统一;而结尾表现的孤独感,更深深感染读者。人事忧劳对人的伤害更甚于秋气对草木的摧残,这是作者经历了数十年宦海沉浮后对人生的慨叹。Brief Introduction: Ode to the Autumn Sound was a good model of the article with the ode style in the Song Dynasty. In the first paragraph the author wrote that he heard the autumn sou
47、nd in his night reading, thus he spread out the description of the autumn sound in detail. The second paragraph described further the autumn sound and commented on the sough autumn air. From “the grass and trees are heartless“ to “the black hair turns to hoary“, the author compared the heartless gra
48、ss and trees with the intelligent human being and then pushed forward the subject of this article: “The peoples bodies are not made up of metal and stone, why they compete with grass and trees for glory? One should consider who is injuring himself, therefore there is no need to hate the autumn sound
49、 again. In this paragraph, the author, on the base of making every effort to dramatize how the autumn sound ravaged extremely the plants in nature, and then pointed out that the injury to human being due to anxiety and exhaustion is more critical than the plants destroyed. Therefore, if considering of who is injuring people themselves, they need not hate the autumn sound again. This was the main subject of this article, which the author wanted to express. The full text of this article grasped