1、考研翻译核心词汇08 年46) believe, assert, claim, argue, assume, maintain, contend, point out, be convinced that, accept, prove, demonstrate, validate, state, scribe, tell, show, consider, opine, difficulty, difficult, compensate, compensate for, advantage, advantageous, advance, force, strength, power, thus,
2、 therefore, hence, enable, detect, detector, error, mistake, false, flaw, shortcoming, reason, reasoned, reasoning, reasonable, observe, observation, observer;47) follow, pure, purely, abstract, concrete, limit, confine, certain;48) as well, as well as, found, charge, change, critics, criticize, cri
3、tical, criticism, while;49) add, addition, in addition, additional, tradition, traditional, humble, humbly, perhaps, possible, possibly, probable, probably, superior, superior to, super, inferior, inferior to, common, ordinary, banal, notice, attention, escape, carefully, careful, care, take care of
4、;50) loss, lose (lost), at a loss, take a loss, injurious, injure, injury, intellect, intellectual, intelligence, wisdom, moral, virtue, virtually, virtual, character, characterize, characteristic;07 年46) legal, law, preserve, conserve, institution, constitution, view, viewas, regardas, takeas, seea
5、s, special, specialize, specific, especial, especially; peculiar, peculiar to, particular, particularly, rather than, necessary, essential, essence, critical, significant, significance, equipment, equip, facility;47) link, connect, connection, on the other, on the other hand, on the one hand, concep
6、t, notion, real, reality, in a way, in a manner, in a form, parallel, parallel to, journal, journalist, base, basic, basis, comment, comment on, cover;48) idea, profound, profoundly, far-reaching, citizen, rest on/upon, rely on, depend on/upon, responsible, responsibility, be held responsible for, r
7、esponse, media, news media, news agency, establish, established, establishment, convention;49) grasp, have a grasp of, command, have a good command of, feature, competent, competition, competitive, compete, 50) reaction, react, action, in action, interaction, enhance, promotion, promote, preferable,
8、 prefer, infer, confer, favor, flavor, favorite, judge, judgment, make judgments of;06 年46) define, definition, defineas, select, elect, individual, active, activity, primary, duty, thinking, thought;47) analogous, analogous to, analyze, analysis, function, obligation, be obliged to do sth., be obli
9、ged to sb., obligate, be obligated to do sth., clear, course, cause, lead to, reveal, decision, decisive, decide;48) exclude, exclusive, include, conclude, conclusion, contribute, contribution, contribute to, make contribution to, distribute, distribution, accomplishment, accomplish, complete, solut
10、ion, solve, resolve, be charged with, approach, aspect, inspect, expect, respect, expect, task;49) code, rule, dedicate, dedicate to, govern, government, energy, conduct, conduction, production, produce, explore, exploration; more than, less than, no more than, no less than, more than +数字 , more tha
11、n +名词/ 动词, more than +形容词/副词, no more than=no any more than;50) independent, independence, interdependence, reflect, reflection, make reflection on, earn, involve, salary;05 年46) television, means, feeling, convey, connect, nation, create, invent, event, recent;47) multi-media, increase, increasingl
12、y, bring, publish, in relation to, relation, relate, related to, concern, concerning;48) alone, only, survive, underline, undergo, undertake, undermine, state, statistics, loss, take a loss, at a loss,49) identify, identity, respect, expect, aspect, represent, present, presentation, fabricate, fabri
13、c, continent, task, demand, choose, choice, strategic, policy;50) deal with, deal, challenge, scale, onscale, exaggeration, it is no exaggeration to say, unite, unity, divide;04 年61) structure, instruction, instrument, construction, process, procedure, schedule, real, reality, realize, diversity, di
14、verse, philosophy, philosopher;62) grateful, gratitude, different from, vanish, abolish, assimilate, similar, native, local;63) describe, description, strike, striking, remark, remarkable, accuse, accuseof, data, date;64) interested in, relationship, relative, relatively, determine, habit, habitual,
15、 though;65) come to, believe in, a sort of, linguistics, physics, psychology, aesthetics, art, fine art, archaeology, anthropology, economy, psychiatry, law, media, cross-culture, mathematics, math, physician, chemistry, humanity, form, formula, formulate, grammar, pattern, produce, consequence, con
16、sequently;03 年61) furthermore, further, ability, able, enable, inability, modify, change, charge, exchange, environment, deteriorate, subject, reject, refuse, fancy;62) branch, inquire, acquire, require, endeavor, order, disorder, system, passion, seek, scientific, science, phenomenon;63) combine, i
17、ntegrate, integration, perspective, unique, distinct, distinctly;64) complex, complicated, sophisticated, include, conclude, exclude, conclusion, custom, consume, consumer. Simple, simplicity, implicit, explicit;65) makepossible, research; 02 年61) almost, behavior, trait, trace;62) explain, explanat
18、ion, explanatory, item, hard, remain, obscure;63) evolution, revolution, innovation, invention, invest, investigation, recognize;64) possess, possession, govern, government, theory, essential, credit, achieve, achievement, conduct, conduction;65) until, till, issue, 01 年71) chat, host, hold, polluti
19、on, containment;72) personality, personnel, personal, relax, relaxation, recreation, digital;73) breakthrough, break out, breakout, out-break, outset, take place, discover;74) ultimate, terminate, termination, century, millennium, decade, thousands of, hundreds of, for the better part of decade, hal
20、f, quarter, triple, double;75) home, demotic, exotic, apply, apply to, application, appliance, control, operate, operation, cooperation, corporation, company;2000 年71) condition, situation, circumstance, situate, vary, varying, various, variety, variety of, expert;72) obvious, ambiguous, be bound up
21、 with, bind, efficient, efficiency, industry, agriculture, horticulture, in turn, effort, all kinds;73) owing to, remarkable, mass, communication, community, expose, be exposed to, introduce, for the reason given above;74) pattern, spread, or so;75) stress, migrate, migration, arise from, arise, ris
22、e, give rise to, raise, 1999 年71) while, almost, historian, history, practice, conform, conform to, inform, uniform, attempt;72) valid, validate, validity, discipline, code, rule, intern, extern, quarrel, among;73) transfer, transparent, augment, argument, design, interpret, interpretation, evidence
23、, evident;74) agreement, refer to, in general, generally, generally speaking, largely, appropriate, inappropriate;75) equal, equally, equate, equatewith, source, resource, activity, animate, animation;1998 年71) look into, exist, exit, existence, resident, residence, citizen;72) giant, enormous, virt
24、ually, virtual, virtue, put forward, propose, dominant;73) report, finding;74) triumph;75) odd, sound, inflation, inflate, plausible, elementary, primary;1997 年71) actually, in fact, account, accountant;72) contract, entitle, title, entitlement;73) discuss, discussion, consider, consideration, eithe
25、ror, neithernor, whetheror, extend, extend to, treat;74) relevant, extreme, choose, choice;75) encourage, instinct;1996 年71) cause, complete, result, result from, result in, to some extent, accelerate;72) trend, detail, in detail;73) support, an amount of, goal, immediate;74) elegant, elegance, in p
26、rinciple, principal, fascinate, delight;75) standard, criterion;1995 年71) target, attack, in doing sth., divert, diversion, competent, incompetent, competition, competitive;72) predict, prediction, reliable, skill;73) experiment, experience, avail, available, comparative, compare, contrast;74) quali
27、ty, precise;75) favorable, favor; youngster, tell; 1994 年71) not so muchas, asas, not soas, through, insight, welfare, health, worth, genius, improve, tool;72) contend, as we call it, number, numerable, innumerable, expand, a series of, direction, direct;73) ignore, careless, fundamental;74) revolve
28、;75) finance, financial, vice versa, etc, et al.根据近五年的真题发现,图画分成两大类,一类是静态图,二是动态图。近两年的趋势是喜欢出双图题。无论是动态还是静态,我们都可以用 As vividly depicted in the cartoon 去起开始段。后面的句子要按照:“先总体描述,再具体细节,最后细微特征”这样的逻辑顺序来组织语言,这样很符合英语的“先总后分”的思维方式,文章的的结构也会显得异常的清晰。至于具体的句子结构我们又可以进行创新,如果是一个静态的图,我们可以写一个倒装,以 06 年“小贝头”第一副图为例,可以写成: On his
29、face is written the name of “Beckham” to show his fascination on super stars. 如果是一个动态的图: 我们就可以用分词来起始一个句子,以 06 年“小贝头”第二副图为例: Copying the hairstyle of Beckham, the young man is voluntary to spend three hundred Yuan in the hair studio. 这样写起来就会有焕然一新的感觉,而且我们写作思维可以固化,很容易掌握吸收,在思维上已经领先于别人!如果有的同学觉得自己的水平不够,还可
30、以在描写之前加上一个万能的“引入话题”的句子,这样很容易凑足字数,比如刚才所说 06 年的题,我们就可以加上:_ has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way.这样就很轻松的搞定作文的起始段,考官会重点看起始段落,会对整篇文章的评分产生深远的影响,夸张一点说,起始段会决定你整个作文的成败!2009 年考研英语新题型考研阅读理解 B 新题型部分,分值大(五个空,每空 2 分),对词汇、语法、阅读精度等要求不高,根据全国平均分测算,
31、其难度系数低于英语知识运用和英汉翻译部分。这种高性价比的题目不能不引起最后复习阶段考生们的关注。在今年 8 月出台的大纲样题中,具体给出了四种备选题型,即填空式阅读,概括标题,信息匹配,排序题。但有意思的是教育部考试中心同期发行的英语考试大纲解析中却仅对其中三种题目的特点和策略给与了分析,对于样题题型 3 信息匹配题,没有提及也没有给出题目分析。这种题目要求将题干中五个段落中的论点句(1 至 2 句)与选项中的 6 个段落的论据实现一一匹配,其中有一个为干扰项。细细想来,由于英语段落的“单一率” ,即一段只有一个主题的特点,论据与论点之间的关系往往是非常单纯的。论点与论据之间无非是举例说明,下
32、定义,总分论述,分析原因等关系,必须说同一件事,论点方向必须要一致。如此一来,这种题目的难度系数就非常小了。事实上,谈如何写简历的这篇大纲样题中,给出的 6 个段落( 参考2009 年非英语专业考试大纲高教出版社)无一例外地是对原文论点的举例阐述,只不过有时是正例,有时是反例。经过测试,考研班学员平均在 8 分钟左右完成,且准确率多在 80%以上。这说明这一题目类型因难度系数低,区分度不强。不被出题老师看好,看来是情理之中。建议同学们在复习中了解、熟悉一下就可以了。那么出题老师看好什么题呢?英语考试大纲解析中另一有趣的现象是浓墨重彩地力推排序题,提出排序题和填空式阅读(2005 ,2006 年
33、考察)都考察“文章整体结构” ,但“排序题的难度系数大于的填空式阅读” ,而标题题“偏向于考察文章各部分内部的逻辑关系” ,出题人似乎对于排序题情有独钟。结合 2007 年标题题全国平均分过高的情况,今年的新题型必须要提高难度系数,选择排序题似乎是有理由的。但是,排序题自身存在的两个致命缺陷,不能不引起广大考生的高度重视:第一、不上天堂就下地狱。什么意思呢?以样题为例,答案是 CEABD, 而某考生的答案是 ABDCE, 那么计算机阅卷的情况下他得多少分呢?0 分。但是,实际上,这个同学已经找出了 AB 之间、BD 之间、以及 CE 之间的顺序,应该至少得到 6 分,在考研这样一种一分之差英语
34、不过线而导致满盘皆输的考试中,这种情况的出现是否说明该种题目区分度不够,不够成熟呢?第二、这一考察形式为 5 选 5 的排序题,选项数等于答案数,那么考生只要把所有选项选成一样的,如 AAAAA, 就一定可以得到 2 分,考虑到完型填空部分每一道题 0.5 分的惨淡境遇,这种不费吹灰之力稳得 2 分的题目是否欠缺些公正 ? 也就是说,如果今年果然考排序题,基础薄弱的同学们大可 2 秒钟之内稳得 2 分,而基础好的同学反而有可能 0 分收场,与其这样,不如大家都稳得 2 分,那么,这种题目又有什么区分度可言呢?新题型势必沦为众矢之的。那么,在剩下的两种题目中,就只有填空式阅读和标题题了。如果想换
35、换花样,就继续考标题题,难度系数不大,全国平均分应该在 6 分以上。如果要加大难度系数,就只有继续考填空式阅读了。所以考生应在最后阶段关注这两种题型。尤其是难度系数较大的填空式阅读,更应花点功夫总结出稳定的做题策略和规律来。这种题目最能体现 2009 新大纲对阅读理解 B 节的测试要求:“考查考生对诸如连贯性、一致性等语段特征以及文章结构的理解。 ”在做题思路上严格遵守三条原则:一、扫读段首段尾,精读空前空后。填空式阅读为雅斯考试思路,考察的是巨量信息中提炼主题的能力,因此不要求精读全文。阅读时以寻找主旨词、做题标志词为终极阅读目的。而一旦找到能够总结大意的主旨词和做题标志词,阅读目的即告达到
36、,划出相关词后,就可以继续阅读下一段了。二、连贯性原则,利用标志词优先定位。填空式阅读五道题目中,一般有两道题考查连贯性,这种题对语言基础要求不高,只要熟悉英语中实现语篇连贯的显性连接标志,就可以迅速定位。具体而言,最常见的显性连接手段有六种:1.代词呼应:选项和原文之间通过代词指代关系实现衔接。这就要求对选项中和空前空后的代词保持敏感。2.同类数字:比如选项中有 2 million years ago, $2500 等,如果原文中也有类似的数字,且出现次数不多,就构成同类型数字,可帮助定位。3.对称结构: 如原文中的某个句式结构和选项句式结构如出一辙,形成排比、对称关系,则多处在相近位置,这