1、中国互联网法制建设进程在第四届中美互联网论坛的发言北京邮电大学人文学院院长、教授 李欲晓2010 年 11 月 8 日The course of building the legal system for the Internet in ChinaBy Li YuxiaoProfessor, Dean, School of Humanities, Beijing University of Posts and TelecommunicationsNovember 8, 2010各位专家、各位朋友,女士们,先生们,大家下午好!很高兴在这里和大家探讨互联网法制建设的话题。人类由于网络的出现已经不可
2、逆转地进入到信息社会,我们看到网络应用正在成为人们工作、学习和生活的组成部 分,网络占用人生有效的时间在持续增长,网络化生存已经从个体行为向群体行为转化。全球范围内互联网覆盖率已经达到 28.7%,在过去十年增长了 444%。一个新型的社会形态正在形成,数字世界不同于物理世界的各种特征正在越来越深刻地展现在人们面前。这样一个新世界的社会规则在哪里是人们共同关 心的话题。构建网络法治社会逐渐成为世界多数国家的目标,中国也在为实现这一目标而努力。十多年来,中国互联网立法正在步入良性发展的轨道,初步形成了以 网络专门立法和其他立法相结合、涵盖不同法律层级、覆盖互联网主要领域的网络法律制度。Human
3、s have irreversibly entered the information society with the advent of the Internet. Constructing a rule of law for cyber society has gradually become a goal of the majority of countries in the world, and China is also striving to reach that goal. At present, the legislation of Internet law in China
4、 is stepping into the track of healthy development, having established a legal institution for the Internet of specialized Internet legislation combined with other legislations, covering various law hierarchies and main areas of the Internet.我今天想和大家从以下几个方面交流,一个是探讨中国互联网立法现状,第二是对中国网络法学的学术研究成果进行回顾,之后在分
5、析中国互联网法制建设面临的问题基础上提出我们对互联网立法的展望,也希望借这个机会得到美国同行们的宝贵建议。一、中国互联网立法现状I. The current situation of the legislation of Internet law in China1994 年 2 月 18 日,我国国务院颁布了中国第一部有关互联网的法律文件中华人民共和国计算机信息系统安全保护条例,由此拉开了我国网络立法的序 幕。到目前为止,中国已出台与网络相关的法律、法规和规章共计两百多部,形成了覆盖网络安全、电子商务、个人信息保护以及网络知识产权等领域的网络法律体 系:On February 18, 199
6、4, China promulgated its first legal document concerning the Internet - Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China for Safety Protection of Computer Information Systems. The curtain was rung up on a new epoch in the formulation of Internet laws. China has since promulgated more than 200 laws, stat
7、utes and regulations as regarding the Internet, forming a system of Internet law covering cyber security, e-commerce, protection of personal information and online intellectual property rights:(一)保障网络信息安全的法律1. Legislation protecting security of online information为应对日益严峻的网络安全威胁,我国刑法(285、286、287 条)对违反
8、国家规定,侵入计算机系统,提供专门用于侵入、非法控制计算机信息系统的 程序、工具,对计算机信息系统功能进行删除、修改、增加、干扰,造成计算机信息系统不能正常运行,故意制作、传播计算机病毒等破坏性程序,或者利用计算机 实施传统犯罪的行为进行定罪处罚全国人大常务委员会关于维护互联网安全的决定规定,对危害网络信息安全的行为依照刑法的相关规定定罪处罚。此外, 对不构成犯罪的危害网络安全的违法行为,可依照中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法、中华人民共和国电信条例、计算机信息网络国际联网安全保护管理办 法和互联网信息服务管理办法等法律法规予以行政处罚。To tackle the ever growing thr
9、eats against network security, the Criminal Law (Articles 285, 286, 287) and the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress on Preserving Computer Network Security stipulates detailed penalties against purposely making or transmitting damaging programs such as computer virus
10、es, and acts breaching network security, which include illegally intruding into or attacking computer systems and telecommunications networks. Illegal activities that do not constitute criminal offence shall receive administrative punishments according to the Law on Public Security Administration Pu
11、nishments, Telecommunications Regulations, and Measures for Security Protection Administration of the International Networking of Computer Information Networks and Administration of Internet Information Services.(二)有关电子商务的法律2. Legislation on e-commerce我国于 1999 年颁布的合同法第 11 条和第 16 条正式确认了以电子形式订立的合同的法律效
12、力。2005 年实施的电子签名法,开启了我国网络法制建 设的新阶段。电子签名法实施五年来,我国的电子签名及认证服务业得到了迅速发展,依法设立的电子认证服务机构达到 30 家,发放有效证书超过了 1000 万张。这些证书广泛应用于报税、报关、外贸管理、网上支付等政务和商务领域,有效地保障了网络交易安全,并为构建网络社会信任体系奠定了基础。同时,一些 地方性法规也对电子商务进行了规制,例如,2002 年广东省人大常委会颁布了广东省电子交易条例。In its Contract Law promulgated in 1999, China officially recognized the force
13、 of law of contracts concluded electronically. The Electronic Signature Law promulgated in 2004 has opened a new era in the formulation of Internet laws, effectively protected the security of online transactions, and laid a foundation for constructing a trust system in cyber society.(三)保护个人隐私和个人信息的法
14、律、法规及行业自律规范3. Legislation protecting personal privacy and information2009 年刑法修正案(七)规定了出售、非法获取和提供个人信息罪,2010 年 7 月 1 日实施的中华人民共和国侵权责任法明确规定了对公民个人隐私 权的保护。此外,全国人大常务委员会关于维护互联网安全的决定、电信条例、计算机信息网络国际联网安全保护管理办法、网络游戏管理暂行办 法、互联网医疗保健信息服务管理办法、 网络商品交易及有关服务行为管理暂行办法、互联网视听节目服务管理规定和上海市促进电子商务发展规 定等法律、行政法规、部门规章以及地方性法规也有保护
15、个人信息的规定。我国互联网行业从业单位还以行业自律规范的形式签署了中国互联网行业自律公约,公 约中规定互联网服务提供者必须采取有效措施保护用户的个人隐私。上述规定,构建了以法律保护为主、行业自律为辅的个人隐私和个人信息保护模式。In 2009, the seventh amendment to the Criminal Law defines the crime of selling, illegally obtaining and providing personal information. The PRC Tort Liability Law that took effect on Ju
16、ly 1, 2010 clearly stipulates protection of citizens rights to personal privacy. The self-discipline codes of the Internet industry regulates that Internet service providers shall adopt effective measures to protect users privacy. In combination, these laws and regulations have formed a system to pr
17、otect privacy and personal information with legal protection as the mainstay and industry self-discipline as the supplement.(四)保护网络知识产权的法律4. Legislation protecting online intellectual property rights为应对网络对知识产权保护提出的挑战,我国修订了著作权法,制定了计算机软件保护条例、互联网著作权行政保护办法和信息网络传播权保护条 例 ,最高人民法院出台了关于审理涉及计算机网络著作权纠纷案件适用法律若干
18、问题的解释。针对域名管理有关问题,中国有关部门相继制定了中国互联网 络域名管理办法、中文域名争议解决办法 、中国互联网络域名注册实施细则和中国互联网络信息中心域名争议解决程序规则等规范性文件,最高人民 法院也出台了关于审理涉及计算机网络域名民事纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释,这些规定为我国域名注册、管理和争议解决提供了基本的依据,有效地平衡 了域名持有人与商标权等其他民事权利人之间的利益。To tackle the challenge posed by the Internet to intellectual property rights, China has amended the Cop
19、yright Law, made the Regulations on Computers Software Protection, Measures for the Administrative Protection of Internet Copyright, Regulation on the Protection of the Right to Network Dissemination of Information, and issued the Interpretation of the Supreme Peoples Court on Several Issues concern
20、ing the Laws Applicable to the Trial of Copyright Disputes Involving Computer Networks Interpretations, offering basic legal ground for protecting online intellectual rights. Regarding the administration of domain names, China has formulated a string of regulations, such as the Administration of Int
21、ernet Domain Names, Measures on the Settlement of Chinese Domain Name Disputes, Provisions on Internet Domain Name Registration, Rules for CNNIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and Interpretation of the Supreme Peoples Court on the Several Issues concerning the Application of Law to the Trial
22、of Civil Dispute Cases Involving Computer Network Domain Names, offering basic legal ground for domain name registration, administration and dispute settlement, effectively balancing the interests between domain name owners and the holders of trademark right and other civil rights.(五)网络业务市场准入的法律5. L
23、egislation on access to the Internet market为规范网络业务市场的竞争秩序,适应电信业对外开放的需要,我国颁布了电信条例、外商投资电信企业管理规定、电信终端设备进网审批管理规定、 计算机信息网络国际联网管理暂行规定、中国公用计算机互联网国际联网管理办法、电信业务经营许可规定,上述法律文件详细规定了接入单位的接入 条件以及经营网络业务的企业的设立条件。 互联网信息服务管理办法、互联网视听节目服务管理规定、互联网新闻信息服务管理规定、互联网文化管 理暂行规定、互联网出版管理暂行规定对从事新闻、出版、教育、药品和医疗器械等互联网信息服务实行前置审批制度,对非经
24、营性互联网信息服务实行备案 制度。To regulate competitions in the Internet market and cope with the needs of opening telecommunications industry to the outside world, China has successively promulgated the Administration of Approval of Network Access License of Telecommunications Terminals, Provisional Regulations o
25、n the Management of International Networking of Computer Information Networks, Regulations on the Administration of International Networking of Public Computers, Telecommunications Regulations and Administration of Business Sites of Internet Access Services, explicitly stipulating conditions for acc
26、essing the Internet and establishing network service enterprises. Moreover, China applies categorized licensing system to Internet information services. In line with the Administration of Internet Information Services Procedures, filing system is applied to non-profit Internet information services a
27、nd prior approval system is applied to services concerning news, publication, education, healthcare, medicine, medical instruments and other fields.(六)确保未成年人上网安全的法律6. Legislation ensuring the online safety of minors中国有世界最大规模的网民,4.2 亿网民中未成年人约占 1/3,互联网对未成年人成长的影响越来越大。同时,网络淫秽色情等违法和有害信息严重危害青少年 的身心健康,成为社会
28、普遍关注的问题。为依法保护未成年人上网安全,营造有利于未成年人健康成长的网络环境,2004 年最高人民法院、最高人民检察院联合 出台了关于办理利用互联网、移动通讯终端、声讯台制作、复制、出版、贩卖、传播淫秽电子信息刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释,根据该司法解释,向 不满十八周岁的未成年人贩卖、传播淫秽电子信息和语音信息的,依照制作、贩卖、传播淫秽物品罪的规定从重处罚。2006 年 12 月19 日全国人大常委会对 中华人民共和国未成年人保护法进行了修订,规定了预防未成年人沉迷网络和接触有害信息的具体措施。2010 年 3 月文化部颁布了网络游戏管理暂行办 法,规定以未成年人为对象的网络游戏
29、不得含有诱发未成年人违法犯罪的行为和妨害未成年人身心健康的内容。上述法律为保障网络社会的公民合法权益提供了基 本依据,为维护网络信息安全、促进互联网普及和应用发挥了重要作用。除以上国家机关制定的法律外,中国政府还积极倡导行业自律。由中国互联网协会组织先后 制定并发布了中国互联网行业自律公约、互联网站禁止传播淫秽色情等不良信息自律规范、抵制恶意软件自律公约、博客服务自律公约、反网络 病毒自律公约、中国互联网行业版权自律宣言等一系列自律规范,促进了互联网的健康发展。并形成了以法律规范与行业自律相结合的治理模式。但我们也注 意到,规范网络社会所需的法律仍处于不断探索的阶段,立法滞后于实践的现象明显存
30、在。现行网络立法中有些规定过于笼统,特别是欠缺保障网络信息安全以及对 个人信息权利进行保护的基本法,这些需要引起有关方面的重视。To prevent illegal or harmful information, which includes pornographic or obscene information, from damaging the physical and mental health of minors, in 2004, the Supreme Peoples Court and Supreme Peoples Procuratorate jointly promulga
31、ted the Interpretation of Several Issues on the Specific Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases about Producing, Reproducing, Publishing, Selling and Disseminating Pornographic Electronic Information via the Internet, Mobile Communication Terminals and Sound Message Stations, stipulati
32、ng that anyone who sell or disseminate pornographic electronic information to minors under the age of 18 shall be punished severely according to the law. On December 19, 2006, the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress amended the Law of the People Republic of China on the Protection of
33、 Minors, stipulating detailed measures to prevent minors from getting obsessed with the Internet or getting in contact with harmful information. In March 2010, the Ministry of Culture issued the Interim Measures on the Administration of Online Games, ruling that online games oriented to minors shall
34、 not contain any content that may induce minors to imitate activities against public morals and laws, or contain any horrific or cruel content that may damage the physical and mental health of minors. These laws and regulations build up a cyber environment that is conducive to the healthy developmen
35、t of minors. The aforementioned laws and regulations provide basic legal ground for protecting the legitimate interests of citizens in cyber society and play an important role in safeguarding Internet information security and promoting advanced applications of the Internet. But we have also realized
36、 that, the international community is still continuously exploring the legislation needed in regulating the cyber society, which just emerged as a new societal pattern. Moreover, the results of legal research have failed to provide necessary theoretical support for the making of Internet law in Chin
37、a, and the country has yet to include Internet law in its legislative plan in the near future. Therefore, some stipulations in the present Internet law are too general; in particular, basic laws protecting cyber information security and individual rights to information is in absence.二、中国网络法学发展的回顾II.
38、 The current situation of the development of the studies of Internet law我国对网络法学的研究,是从上个世纪八十年代末开始的。自从 1987 年郑成思先生出版国内首部网络法律专著计算机、软件与数据的法律保护后,网络 法开始进入了学者的视野。随着越来越多学者的加入以及对网络法律问题研究的不断深入,网络法学在中国逐渐成为显学,到目前为止,国内学者发表的网络法论文 (包括公开检索到的期刊、硕士和博士论文、会议论文等)大约有九千篇,著作一百多部,逐步构建起中国特色网络法学的学科框架,特别是来自一线人员的案例与 实务研究丛书起到了指导
39、实践的作用。与此同时,广西大学(网络法律研究中心)、北京大学(雅虎互联网法律研究中心)、北京邮电大学(亚太网络法律研究中 心)北京师范大学(互联网政策与法律研究中心)等高校相继成立了网络法律研究的专业机构。在网络法学的学科建设上,2010 年北京邮电大学建立了国内首个 涵盖网络法、网络管理、信息安全、管理科学的网络治理交叉学科,并提出了网络治理系统化研究的理论。回顾上述成果的同时,我们也认识到网络法学研究的薄弱 环节。由于缺乏对网络社会的新型态和新型社会关系的研究以及对网络规律的认识,高质量的、理论性的学术精品较少,尤其是对互联网法律进行系统、深入研究的 专著较为缺乏,更没有产生如美国贝克报告
40、、洛克菲勒报告那样的对国家网络信息资源管理有重大影响的报告。此外,我国网络法学缺乏一个统一完整的研 究体系模型,需要在基础性和理论性层面做好扎实的研究工作,从而真正系统化地提升研究水平。In China, the study of computer-network law began in the late 1980s. Since the publication of “The Legal Protection of Computers, Software and Data“ in 1987 by Zheng Chengsi, which is Chinas first book in th
41、e field, computer-network law has begun to enter the view of scholars. With the deepening of the research into issues of the Internet law and the increase of the number of scholars entering the field, Internet law has become a prominent subject of study in the country. So far Chinese scholars have p
42、ublished more than 9,000 treatises (including journal articles, master and doctoral dissertations and conference papers) and more than 100 books on Internet law. A scientific framework with Chinese characteristics for the study of Internet law is basically in place. With the deepening of the study,
43、academic groups and professional research institutions were set up one after another: institutes specializing in Internet law were established at Guangxi, Peking, Beijing Normal and other universities; and in 2009, the Internet Governance and Law Research Center, the first of its kind in China, was
44、established at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT). Speaking of the building of the subject of Internet law in 2010, the BUPT created Chinas first cross-discipline subject on Internet governance covering Internet law, Internet governance, information security and management sci
45、ences. When reviewing the progresses, we also must soberly understand the weak points. Despite the continuous emergence of research results in Internet law, high-quality, original and theoretical academic works are few and in particular, books are rarely seen on systematic and in-depth research into
46、 Internet law. Due to the lack of study and vague understanding of the cyber society and ensuing new personal relationships, controversies still exist on issues of cyber privacy, the right of reputation, personal information, virtual asset protection, because they involve new patterns and relationsh
47、ips of cyber society. Furthermore, China lacks a unified and complete research system model in its study of Internet law, and it has yet to produce a practical investigative research report, such as the Baker or Rockefeller reports in the US, to exert great influence on the management of national In
48、ternet information resources. Therefore, in the future, research in Internet law should pay close attention to the practice in China, and thorough investigations should be done and more pertinent and instructive investigation reports be produced to raise the level of development of a legal system fo
49、r the Internet in China.三、互联网法制建设遇到的挑战III. Challenges met by the building of a legal system for the Internet随着网络融合、网络技术革命以及网络在生产和生活领域的深层次应用,再加上层出不穷的网络滥用与网络犯罪行为,互联网法制建设面临更加严峻的挑战。With technological revolutions, profound-level applications of the Internet in production as well as peoples lives, and endless abuses of the Internet and cyber crimes, the building of a legal system for the Internet has met unprecedented challenges:(一) 互联网的发展问题目前,我国网络融合正处于起步阶段,市场监管体系、服务质量体系和信