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1、美国人的生活方式家庭关系美国人有关家庭的概念不同于印度这类的国家。大多数美国家庭由一个父亲一个母亲和平均一到三个孩子组成。在美国,父母双方都做全职工作而他们的孩子去上学或被送到日托机构的是非常普遍的现象。同时美国也有大量的由于离婚或未婚而导致的由 一个父/母亲和孩子组成的单亲家庭。在大多数家庭里,一旦孩子们长大成人并从学校毕业,他/她通常会离开自己的家庭开始独立生活。对于大多数家庭成员来说,他们会聚到一起庆祝一些对家人重要的日子,不管身在何方,像婚礼、家庭团圆日、生日、感恩节、圣诞节以及其它的一些重要节日。在美国,一个成年人的父亲或母亲不再被认为是家属或家庭的一部分。一些人结过好几次婚,甚至有

2、私生子。这样的关系会令人非常困惑。听到像“她是我父亲的妻子” (不一定是自己的母亲) ,“他是我妈妈的男朋友” (未必是自己的爸爸) ,或“他是我儿子的父亲” (未必是自己的丈夫)这样的话是很常见的。Family RelationshipsThe concept of family is different in the U.S. compared to countries like India. Most American families consist of a mother and father with an average of 1-3 children. It is very c

3、ommon in most families that both the mother and the father are employed full time and are at work while their children are at school or a daycare facility. There are a large number of families inthe United States that consist of one single parent and children as a result of divorce or being unwed.In

4、 most families, once the child has become a teenager and graduatedfrom high school, he or she leaves the home and leads an independentlifestyle. Most families, regardless of where they are located, willall get together to celebrate family occasions such as weddings, reunions, birthdays, Thanksgiving

5、, Christmas, and other holidays. In the U.S., the parents of an adult person are not considered their dependents or part of his/her immediate family. Some people get married and divorced several times, or even have children out of wedlock. Relationships are sometimes confusing. It is notuncommon to

6、hear phrases like “she is my fathers wife“ (not necessarily the mother), “he is my mothers boyfriend,“ or “he is my sons father“ (not necessarily the husband). 时间观念大多数美国人都是十分守时的。约会的时候大多数人会准时到达甚至提前几分钟到。即使一些高科技的工作并不要求准确的到达和离开时间,在多数工作岗位的大多数人依然会准时到达并在自己的值班时间勤奋工作。如果意外耽搁了,他们习惯上会马上打电话就见面迟到向对方道歉。据说印度人对这种在非工

7、作场合信守时间的观念并不接受,很多人会在像聚餐、晚会之类的社交场合迟到。Time PunctualityMost Americans are very punctual. Most people arrive exactly on time or a few minutes early for an appointment. Although most high tech jobs dont require exact arrival and departure times, most people at most jobs arrive on time and work hard durin

8、g their shifts. If there is an unexpected delay, it is customary to inform the other party by calling them about the delay and apologize immediately upon meeting. It is sad that many Indians dont accept this concept of being on time in a non-work related environment. Most people are late to social g

9、atherings like parties or dinners.散步美国人非常喜欢散步。人们通常会在清晨或晚饭后出去散步。当然也有一些人因为太忙了或喜欢待在家里看电视或者因别的活动而不去散步;还有人喜欢慢跑。大家一般会在公园里、社区里的人行道和小路上慢跑。很多人更喜欢去当地的体育馆里锻炼以保持身体健康。Golds Gym 是一家最受欢迎的健身连锁店。但是记好了,并不是你想去哪散步就可以去哪。如果你去不合适的地方散步(像高速公路) ,可能会被警察处以罚单和罚款。Going for a WalkGoing for a walk is quite popular among Americans.

10、 Usually people go for a walk during the early morning hours and after dinner. Many people dont go for a walk because they feel theyre too busy or prefer watching TV or other activities. Some people also go jogging and running. Walking or jogging is usually done in public parks, at sidewalks in resi

11、dential areas, and walking trails. Many people prefer to go to the local gym to stay physically fit. Golds Gym is a very popular national chain.Keep in mind that you cant walk anywhere you like. If you walk at inappropriate places (such as highways), the police may issue you a ticket and fine.社交礼仪直接

12、出现在别人家门前是不礼貌的。你必须首先打电话问一下对方在特定的日子和时间是否有空。如果对方随意地说一句“随时欢迎” ,可千万别当真。如果他真是希望你前去拜访,他一定会指定一个日期和时间。若不是紧急情况,突然到访时很不合适的。即使你们已经约定好了在确定的时间前去拜访,出于礼貌,你也应该在出发前打电话给对方,以便于主人估计你到达的时间。在印度,同性之间拉手或拍肩膀是一种友好的手势。但在美国千万别这么做。如果你是一个男的,拉着另一个男人的手或者把手搭在他的肩上,你会被视为基佬的。同样,除非关系亲密,你得和异性保持距离。无论是在办公室、在公共场合还是在家里,大家坐在一起时都会保持一段合适的距离。人们说

13、话时总是温柔、低声的。在平常交流时,声音不宜太大。打电话时也是一样的,以防干扰到旁边的人。Social mattersIt is inappropriate to just show up at someones house. You must first call and ask them whether they are available at a particular date and time. If someone casually says “come any time,“ please dont take it literally. If that person really

14、wants you to visit, they will specify a date and time. Unexpected visits are not appreciated, except in an emergency. Even if youre invited at given date and time, as a courtesy, you should call the host and inform them just before you leave so they can estimate your time of arrival. In India, peopl

15、e of the same sex hold hands or touch shoulders as a gesture of friendship. Never do that in the U.S. If you are male and hold another mans hand or put your arm around his shoulder, you mightbe considered gay. Also, unless you have an intimate relationship, you should keep your distance even from th

16、e people of the opposite sex. At the office, in public, and at home, people keep a comfortable distance while sitting next to each other. People speak softly and with low voices. In general conversation, your voice should not be too loud. Have the same manners while talking on the phone so you dont

17、disturbthose around you.会面通常,你只在受到邀请时才去拜访别人的家。一般会是一起吃零食,午饭,晚餐或聚会。按惯例你得给主人带去礼物,当然,礼物的类型得视场合而定,礼物的价值要看你与主人之间的关系了。有些主人会立刻拆看礼物并表示感激,别的可能不会当面拆开。如果你是去别人家吃晚饭,你得提前到那喝会饮料聊会天。吃完饭后不要立刻离开;相反,留下来和主人深聊一番。如果你被邀请参加聚会,离开之前通常得跟主人说一下。Social MeetingGenerally, you will only visit someones home if youre invited. It may e

18、ither be a general visit or for snacks, lunch, dinner, or for a party. It is customary to bring a gift for the host. Of course, the nature of the gift would depend on the occasion, and the value of the gift may depend on your relationship with the host. Some hosts may open the gift right away and ex

19、press gratitude, while others may open the gift later. If you are visiting for dinner, you may want to arrive early for drinks and conversation. Dont leave immediately after dinner; instead, stay for further chat.In case you are invited for a party, it is customary to inform the host before leaving

20、the party.先人后己无论什么时候你去参观一个公共场合,开门让身边其他人先进都被认为是一种有礼貌的行为,为女士这样做就更为重要了。你让别人先进,他们通常就会说“谢谢” ,然后你就应该回答“不客气” 。当然了,如果你正在排队买东西(在邮局,百货商店等等) ,或者在申请某些东西的时候,你就不必让别人先行。每个人都要排队。Others FirstWhenever you visit a public place, it is generally considered courteous to open the door for others nearby to let them pass th

21、rough first.It is even more important to do so for ladies. The person who you let through first will generally say “thank you,“ and you say “you are welcome.“ Of course, if you are waiting in line to buy something (at the post office, grocery store, etc.) or to apply for something, you dont haveto l

22、et others go through first. Everyone waits their turn.周末大部分人都是一周工作五天,一般都是从周一到周五。周六和周日统称为周末。大部分人都是字工作日里努力工作,在周末好好休息。多数的社交活动、运动会和其他一些和工作无关的室外活动都会被安排到周末。比如,足球比赛往往都是在周日的。很多人往往利用周末去做家务活,例如洗衣服,打扫房间,购置生活用品等等。当然了,人们也会做一些休闲运动,例如游泳,划船,徒步旅行,或者滑雪,这些都取决于个人兴趣。很多人会在剧院或者家里面看电影。成千上万的的美国人一年中有五个月都是用来看足球比赛了。 总的说来,你不愿意周

23、末还工作。当然,这是要取决于个人的职业。除非事情不紧急或者是工作的一部分,要不然你是不会周末还因为一些工作的事而去给同事或者上级打电话的。大多数的美国节日通常都被安排到周末或者周一。甚至传统上不是那样建立的印度的节日也会在周末庆祝。在周末人们会庆祝排灯节、胡里节(两者都是印度的宗教节日)等等。甚至是著名的“九夜节” ,应该是九个连续的夜晚,每次也是在三个周末,三个晚上庆祝的。WeekendsMost people work five days a week, typically Monday through Friday during the day. Saturday and Sunday

24、are collectively called the weekend. Most people work hard during the weekdays and enjoy the weekend. Mostsocial activities, sports, and other non-work related outings are scheduled during the weekend, e.g., a football match would typically be on Sunday. Many people use weekends to dohousehold work

25、like laundry, cleaning, getting groceries, etc. Of course, people also do leisure activities such as swimming, boating, bowling, hiking, or skiing, depending upon individual interest. Many people watch movies either at theaters or at home. Millions of Americans spend Sunday watching football games f

26、ive months out of the year. Generally, you are not expected to work during the weekends. Of course, it depends upon the individuals profession. You wouldnt call your colleagues or superiors for work-related reasons on weekends unless it is urgent or required as part of work. Most American festivals

27、are mostly scheduled around weekends or Mondays. Even Indian festivals that are traditionally not set up that way are celebrated during the weekends. People celebrate Diwali, Holi, etc., on weekends. Even the Navratri festival, which is supposed to be for nine continuous nights, is celebrated over three weekends, three nights each.


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