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1、j1签证,学习计划篇一:签证用英文学习计划书Study PlanDear Visa Officer:Its my great honor that Ive been admitted to the University of Toronto in the program of Social Science as a transfer student. (Although the offer letter didnt mention the specific major, an email that sent from U of T later made sure of the program.

2、 The copy version of the email is enclosed with the Study Plan.) The program will begin on September 13th, XX. And U of T marked me as “year:3” student.A brief introduction of my background and my choice of sociologyMy name is Yingchu Mao, born on June 1st, 1989, in Hangzhou, China. Currently, I am

3、a sophomore of Wuhan University,majoring in Editing and Publishing Science. Last semester, Ive got a chance to attend the AIESEC (one of the largest students organization around the world) Youth Leadership Conference in Wuhan. The conference focused on Non-governmental Organization topic with severa

4、l excellent speeches made by Julie, Wei Zhang and Cong Du who worked in Wall Street for more than 10 years before he quitted and devoted himself to NGO-the Chiheng Foundation have left me a deep impression and arouse my intense interest on NGO.Whats more, I happened to have applied for an internship

5、 in Xiaoshan Nanshi Community Center last summer vacation. And I found out that successfully running a NGO is everything but simple. You should be well equipped with a strong knowledge background in social science. I feel Ive got that passion to study this issue. Meanwhile, I was attending a sociolo

6、gy-related course which I found social science a magical field using a variety of unique methods and skills exploring individual and collective ways of thinking, feeling and acting.Since going abroad to study the advanced knowledge is what I always have in mind, I started to browse some famous unive

7、rsities websites and finally made a decision to abandon the major Im not interested and to transfer to Canada given Chinese social science is still in the beginning stage and many theories are introduced from western countries.My Choice of University of Toronto in CanadaFirst, Canada is a peaceful,

8、beautiful and harmonious country which means two things to me. First it means that the country can provide the international students the high-quality education at lower expenses relative to UK and US. And second, those features just well show the sociology theories are closely combined with the pra

9、ctice within this country. Besides, Canadas social science is covering more and more topics and the level of specialization is high, which indicates the highly development of the discipline.Second, University of Toronto is ranked one of the worlds best universities with a long history. UT was establ

10、ished in 1827, one of the oldest universities around North America. The richness embedded in its history nurtures the ground for studying humanities disciplines. Matter of fact, UT has a strong academic background of those social science subjects. And UTs Sociology classes discussed a wide range of

11、social issues which fit my interest a lot and will be quite useful in NGO operation.Plans to achieve my academic goalFirst, because I applied as a transfer student, I must try my best to catch up with the regular students there. So I keep practicing English every day, trying to read some original no

12、vels and monographs. Only in this way can I conquer the language barrier as soon as possible when I start my study in UT.Then although Im a transfer student who can receive transfer credits to reduce the length of completing the program, I know my current major is not similar with sociology, so that

13、 means I have to work harder and take some first and second level courses to make up the missing credits. If possible I will make use of the summer vacation to take some courses.Simultaneously, I know that the practice related with the program will include some field research. I wish that I can catc

14、h the chance to visit some NGOs in Canada, and write some reports about their operation patterns in order to learn the advanced modes.Career opportunity in ChinaUpon my graduation in U of T, I plan to return to China for the following reasons:Firstly, my training in sociology will provide skills for

15、 jobs in many fields in China, including government, politics, industry, education, journalism and so on. So there are many job opportunities lying ahead of me. But I am particularly interested in working at NGOs. There are more and more NGOs established in China, such as Chiheng, Narada, Greenpeace

16、(China) and Action Aid(China). However they just need some more advanced ideas and talents to support the institution. With a degree from world-famous university and my skill in thinking and research that Ive been taught when I study in UT, I am confident that I can find a place in Chinese NGO that

17、fit me the best.Secondly, sociology is about the way of thinking and acting which is penetrated into the local culture. I was born and living here, so it will be more confident and comfortable for me to apply the theory to Chinese conditions than any other countries.Last but not the least, I wish to

18、 go back to my hometown Hangzhou, which is a metropolitan city with many great job opportunities and a very beautiful and comfortable city for living. Besides I love my parents very much. For I am the only child of them, I wish to go back and take good care of them.Yours sincerely,Date Signature of

19、Applicant 有关学习计划!感觉这个相当相当滴重要感觉 VO拒你滴什么学习能力移民倾向这些原因,很大程度上需要你 SP来打消人家滴怀疑!即使你找中介也要自己搞定 SP呵呵把偶自己滴 SP贴出来讨论一下。 。 。 。 。专家高手无视就好Study Plan Dear visa officer:. My name is *, female, born on 27th of Feb * in Qingdao, Shandong province, China. I received my admission to Qingdao University in XX, majoring in En

20、glish After muchcalculation, I believe that studying abroad to broaden my horizon is a better choice for me.Therefore, Im applying a further study in Canada. In this case, I can not only improve my English, but also have a more challenging and promising major that Im interested in -Accounting andFin

21、ance.(第一段主要是把自己滴情况主要表述了一下,以及这个出国打算)In my view, Canada has a more peaceful and harmonious environment for studying and it is rich in educational resources comparing to other countries.(加拿大方面滴优秀之处一笔带过) The reason that I choose Seneca is for its true knowledge learning and real experience gaining. Unli

22、ke Chinese universities or colleges, Seneca offers co-operative education programs that allow students to gain real work experience and apply what they have learned in the workplace. A more attractive factor is Seneca offers many different opportunities for students success. Students are able to tra

23、nsfer credits from some of its diploma programs to its degree programs, and Seneca has transfer agreements with educational institutions across Canada and even around the globe. (介绍seneca,说实在,偶真不知道怎么说,然后就到它滴站上看人家怎么说滴,然后自己再写滴。感觉要写优点。更要写对你有用滴优点,因为我在下面提出 seneca只是一个桥梁,过渡期后会再转学滴。所以说了 seneca滴转学校方面。说了这个学校实

24、践性比较强,是国内大学不可比滴。这样才体现了放弃原有大学去学个这个 college滴必要性么。 。 。 )Thus, with those opportunities, I am sure I will at a higher level after I complete my study in Canada.The program of Accounting and Finance offered by Seneca College attracts me just like a bridge to a higher education. In this program, many impo

25、rtant subjects are provided, such as Accounting Basics,Business Statistics,Mathematics of Finance,Organizational Behaviour, Co-op Professional Theory, and Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making etc. As far as Im concerned, those subject regarding accounting and finance are quite necessary to me.

26、 I can get a better understanding on accounting knowledge and get closer to a true accountant through them. Moreover, Im quite interested in the Organizational Behaviour and Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making which can give me a chance to be wiser and of great executive ability. (你必须说清楚你将要学习

27、的专业,大家最好说一下自己的课程,其中具体课程的名字,例如第一学期有些什么重要的课程,第二学期有什么,你感兴趣的,等等,必须写清楚,这样签证官就会觉得你很认真,是过去学习的!课程你自己从学校站上找,都找得到。 )What I have planned is that after a period of adaptive phase, I will go to a university for a degree and then one-years master. matter what, I want to pass CA (chartered accountant) exam during

28、my study in Canada, and then back to China to apply myself into accounting and finance.(提到自己滴目标和打算,让人家感觉你是个很有计划有目标滴好孩子!而且说了自己会回国) My parents have sufficient money to supply me to study abroad and steady income. They are definitely willing and able to afford my education.(小提一下父母提供了资金) In fact, Im an

29、easily homesick girl. Whats more, I always put my family, my parents first. From the date of my birth, my parents spare most of their love, time and money on me. Im so grateful for having such parents. However, my parents are not young and healthy as before any more. Going back to China and take goo

30、d care of them after finishing my study is my responsibility.(说出父母滴原因偶 必须回国) In additional, Chinas governmental policy is more attractive to me. The government values the returned students more and more highly. With the development of China, large amounts of qualified people are in great demand. Acc

31、ordingly, there are sufficient jobopportunities for returned students, and suitable conditions supplied for their personal and professional development. I believe that if I go back to China, I will have a brighter employmentprospect. (说出外部条件,偶回国会很好)应该说,偶滴 SP也改了很多遍。 。 。一开始滴时候有将近两页捏。 。 。而且还弄了 outline,

32、写滴相当详细。 。 。后来经过不少人指点尤其一个在多 college念硕士文凭滴哥哥给了最大滴帮助他就是自己 DIY而且只是个college人家 20多天就来体检表了。 。 。唉其实偶米寄掉体检表滴话,也差不多挺快滴。 。 。一些小建议1,出去念书,以及去这个学校念书,要说出你自己滴意愿!你自己滴原因。 。千万别说你父母希望你出去。 。你父母感觉怎么样。 。 。而且我觉滴,说自己从小梦想出国也挺牵强。 。 。 2,SP 一定要拒绝模板每个人滴情况各有不同!而且你需要 SP去体现你自己滴想法坚决不要雷同!雷同卷万一碰上了那就是咔嚓了3,SP 不是要求你写作文华丽滴句子,优美滴词藻这些都不是必须滴

33、。花里胡哨滴。 。 。大汗捏你只要说得明白,讲得清楚,说得让人信服那就是王道!4,SP 最好是一页纸,不要多了,但也不能少,400 词左右。 。 。偶写滴就有点多, , ,虽然也是一页但是 500多字了。 。 。关于签证时的 Study Plan问题 (包含 4个 Study Plan 范例)寄托天下 XX 年 03月 26日 我要说两句近来签证时不断有 VO问及 Study Plan,我收集了一些类似的,仅供大家参考.美国签证, 这是沈阳领事馆页上个人简历中对学习计划的要求!学习计划 :简洁并详细地描述有关计划学习的领域,包括研究方法,和研究的应用范围。说明主管教授的名字和他/她的专业领域说

34、明即将进行此项研究的学院名称和系部名称在申请留学及签证的过程中,经常会被要求写学习计划书(study plan),本文作者长期从事留学文书写作,因此结合自己的工作经验,介绍一下学习计划书的写作。一般来说学习计划书可以按照提交目的分成两类,给大使馆申请签证用的,或是给学校申请录取用的。用来申请学校的学习计划从本质上讲和个人陈述是同一类型的文书,关于学校申请类的学习计划书可以参考个人陈述方面的文章,本文主要介绍提交大使馆签证用的学习计划书。欧美国家,特别是移民国家,如法国,澳大利亚,新西兰,加拿大等国针对留学生签证的时候往往要求提供学习计划书,通过学习计划书使签证官了解您的背景,选择留学专业的动机

35、条件,选择该国留学的理由,和清晰的未来留学时间安排,职业目标和回国理由,配合审核您的其它材料决定是否给您发放留学签证,因此学习计划书是一份很关键的文件。篇二:签证的学习计划篇一:签证用英文学习计划书study plandear visa officer:its my great honor that ive been admitted to the university of toronto in the program of social science as a transfer student. (although the offer letter didnt mention the s

36、pecific major, an email that sent from u of t later made sure of the program. the copy version of the email is enclosed with the study plan.) the program will begin on september 13th, XX. and u of t marked me as “year:3” student. a brief introduction of my background and my choice of sociologymy nam

37、e is yingchu mao, born on june 1st, 1989, in hangzhou, china. currently, i am a sophomore of wuhan university,majoring in editing and publishing science. last semester, ive got a chance to attend the aiesec (one of the largest students organization around the world) youth leadership conference in wu

38、han. the conference focused on non-governmental organization topic with several excellent speeches made by julie, wei zhang and cong du who worked in wall street for more than 10 years before he quitted and devoted himself to ngo-the chiheng foundation have left me a deep impression and arouse my in

39、tense interest on ngo.since going abroad to study the advanced knowledge is what i always have in mind, i started to browse some famous universities websites and finally made a decision to abandon the major im not interested and to transfer to canada given chinese social science is still in the begi

40、nning stage and many theories are introduced from western countries.my choice of university of toronto in canadaplans to achieve my academic goalfirst, because i applied as a transfer student, i must try my best to catch up with the regular students there. so i keep practicing english every day, try

41、ing to read some original novels and monographs. only in this way can i conquer the language barrier as soon as possible when i start my study in ut.simultaneously, i know that the practice related with the program will include some field research. i wish that i can catch the chance to visit some ng

42、os in canada, and write some reports about their operation patterns in order to learn the advanced modes.career opportunity in chinaupon my graduation in u of t, i plan to return to china for the following reasons: firstly, my training in sociology will provide skills for jobs in many fields in chin

43、a, including government, politics, industry, education, journalism and so on. so there are many job opportunities lying ahead of me. but i am particularly interested in working at ngos. there are more and more ngos established in china, such as chiheng, narada, greenpeace(china) and action aid(china

44、). however they just need some more advanced ideas and talents to support the institution. with a degree from world-famous university and my skill in thinking and research that ive been taught when i study in ut, i am confident that i can find a place in chinese ngo that fit me the best. yours since

45、rely,date signature of applicant有关学习计划!感觉这个相当相当滴重要感觉 vo拒你滴什么学习能力移民倾向这些原因,很大程度上 需要你 sp来打消人家滴怀疑!即使你找中介也要自己搞定 sp呵呵把偶自己滴 sp贴出来讨论一下。 。 。 。 。专家高手无视就好study plandear visa officer:.my name is *, female, born on 27th of feb * in qingdao, shandong province, china. i received my admission to qingdao university

46、in XX, majoring in english after muchcalculation, i believe that studying abroad to broaden my horizon is a better choice for me.therefore, im applying a further study in canada. in this case, i can not only improve my english, but also have a more challenging and promising major that im interested

47、in -accounting andfinance.(第一段主要是把自己滴情况主要表述了一下,以及这个出国打算)the program of accounting and finance offered by seneca college attracts me just like a bridge to a higher education. in this program, many important subjects are provided, such as accountingbasics,business statistics,mathematics of finance,org

48、anizational behaviour, co-op professional theory, and quantitative approaches to decision making etc. as far as im concerned, those subject regarding accounting and finance are quite necessary to me. i can get a better understanding on accounting knowledge and get closer to a true accountant through

49、 them. moreover, im quite interested in the organizational behaviour and quantitative approaches to decision making which can give me a chance to be wiser and of great executive ability. (你必须说清楚你将要学习的专业,大家最好说一下自己的课程,其中具体课程的名字,例如第一学期有些什么重要的课程,第二学期有什么,你感兴趣的,等等,必须写清楚,这样签证官就会觉得你很认真,是过去学习的!课程你自己从学校站上找,都找得到。 )what i have planned is that after a period of adaptive phase, i will go to a university for a degree and then one-years master. matter what, i want to pass ca (chartered account


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