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1、cctv 英语演讲比赛主持词篇一:CCTV 杯全国英语演讲大赛主持词CCTV 杯全国英语演讲大赛主持词 概要: (比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒:比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)X:Good morning ladies and gentlemenwelcome to XX“CCTV CUP“English Speaking Contest. .(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒:比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)X:Good morning ladies and gentlemenwelcome to XX“CCTV

2、 CUP“English Speaking Contest.Y:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家(合)早上好!欢迎来到第八届全省高校大学生英语演讲比赛暨 XX 年 CCTV 杯全国大学生英语演讲比赛复赛海南赛区的比赛现场。X:Cosponsored by the China Central Television and Foreign Language Teaching and ResearchCompetition is undertaken(organized)by Hainan Normal University and theEducation Department

3、 of Hainan Province.Y:本次大赛由中央电视台和外语教育与研究出版社联合主办,由海南省教育厅和海南师范大学承办。有来自 17 所各大高校的 40 名选手参加比赛。X:Firstlylets introuduce todays honorable leader and guests.Xiangguo from the Education Department of Hainan Province.Y:光临今天大赛现场的领导和嘉宾是:X:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导的到来!Y:WelcomeX:今天来到比赛现场的还有来自各兄弟院校的领导、老师、参赛选手和观看比赛的同学们。我

4、们以同样热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。X:Once again lets welcome all the teachers and Please welcome professorChen Zonghua to give us a speech.Y:下面有请省教育厅副厅长 XX 讲话。X:Thank you professor Chen. Lets welcome Professor Zhang Chengyi to give us a s welcome.Y:接下来有请本次大赛的承办单位代表海南师范大学陈封椿致欢迎辞。X:Thank youprofessor nowlets introuduce

5、 todays honorable judges. Y:担任本次大赛评委的是:X:Our Question master are Billie Rae Smith MavridesY:提问评委有 外籍教师 SmithY:非常感谢各位评委的到来!X:Welcome!This competition will be divided into three one is prepared speech everycontestant has 3 minutes to deliver their speech.Y:下面向大家介绍比赛程序,本次比赛有定题演讲,即兴演讲和回答问题三个部分,满分 30 分。大

6、赛分为上,下午两个时段、两个轮次三个内容进行。上午为全部选手第一轮次定题演讲及部分选手第二轮次即兴演讲及回答问题的比赛;下午进行其他选手的第二轮次比赛。评委将从语言能力及应用,内容,技巧,时间掌握和整体形象几个方面给选手打分。 首先进行的是第一轮次的比赛:定题演讲,满分十分,时间:三分钟,正负 15 秒,提示铃声为两次,分别在 3 分钟时和 3 分 15 秒时提示,第二次铃声响后,参赛者如果没有结束比赛,则按超时扣分。第一轮次比赛演讲题目为 “融合与多元 化” 。X:Nowplease welcome contestant .Contestant please get ready. Y:比赛正

7、式开始,下面有请一号选手,请二号选手做好准备。X:最后一位选手的演讲结束。下面让我们休息 15 分钟,选手将在这段时间进行重新抽签。请在座的观众在.准时回到会场。X:在短暂的休息过后,让我们继续进行比赛,下面公布 号选手的得分情况下面进行第二轮次的比赛:即兴演讲并回答问题。满分 20 分,时间为 3 分钟。演讲题目由参赛选手当场抽签决定,演讲时间三分钟, (超时扣分)并回答评委提出的问题。有请一号选手 ,请二号选手做好准备。X:上午的比赛到此结束。我们第二时段的比赛将在中午 1 点 30 分进行。欢迎大家到场观看。谢谢,再见!(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒:比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请

8、您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)(中午比赛开始)X:Good afternoon! Ladies and gentlemenwelcome back the XX“CCTVCUP“EnglishSpeaking Contest.Y:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家(合)中午好!欢迎回到海南省第七届大学生英语演讲比赛暨 XX 年 CCTV 杯全国英语演讲大赛复赛海南赛区的比赛现场!X:Nowplease welcome contestant NO. .contestant please get ready.Y:我们将继续第二轮次其余选手的比赛。即兴演讲并回答问题。满分

9、20 分,时间为 3 分钟。下面有请 号选手请号选手做好准备。X:最后一名选手的比赛已经结束,下面有请 进行点评。Y:感谢 的点评。在最后的结果出来前,让我们共同欣赏一段精彩的表演。首先有请海南师范大学艺术系的刘洋同学表演男声独唱疼爱妈妈X:下面请欣赏由海南师范大学艺术系学生 表演的舞蹈邵多丽(宣布最后一名选手的得分)X:请海南师范大学英语指导委员会代表陈宗华教授宣布比赛结果。进行颁奖请在座的领导,嘉宾,评委和选手合影留念。本次比赛到此结束,再次感谢各位的光临,谢谢,再见!(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒:比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)X:Good m

10、orning ladies and gentlemenwelcome to XX“CCTV CUP“English Speaking Contest.Y:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家(合)早上好!欢迎来到海南省第七届大学生英语演讲比赛暨 XX 年 CCTV 杯全国英语演讲大赛复赛海南赛区的比赛现场!X:Cosponsored by the China Central Television and Foreign Language Teaching and ResearchCompetition is undertaken(organized)by Hainan Norm

11、al University and theEducation Department of Hainan Province.Y:本次大赛由中央电视台和外语教育与研究出版社联合主办,由海南省教育厅和海南师范大学承办。有来自 17 所各大高校的 40 名选手参加比赛。X:Firstlylets introuduce todays honorable leader and guests.Xiangguo from the Education Department of Hainan Province.Y:光临今天大赛现场的领导和嘉宾是:海南省教育厅高教处处长李向国 X: Zhongze from th

12、e Education Department of Hainan Province. Y:海南省教育厅高教处副处长 韩忠泽X: Shujing from Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. Y:外语教学与研究出版社 李淑静 女士X:Professor Zhang Chengyifrom Hainan Formal University.Y:海南师范大学副校长 张诚一 教授X:Y:海南省大学英语教学指导委员会副会长 陈宗华 教授X:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导的到来!Y:WelcomeX:今天来到比赛现场的还有来自各兄弟院校的领导、老

13、师、参赛选手和观看比赛的同学们。我们以同样热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。X:Once again lets welcome all the teachers and Please welcome professorChen Zonghua to give us a speech.Y:下面有请省教育厅高教处处长李向国同志讲话。X:Thank you professor Chen. Lets welcome Professor Zhang Chengyi to give us a s welcome.Y:接下来有请本次大赛的承办单位代表海南师范大学副校长张诚一教授致欢迎辞。 X:Thank youpr

14、ofessor nowlets introuduce todays honorable judges. Y:担任本次大赛评委的是:X:Professor vice director of Faculty of Foreign LanguagesHainan University. Y:海南大学外语学院副院长 杨云升 副教授X:Y:海南师范大学外语系 唐卫平 副教授X:Y:海南医学院基础教学部副主任 齐红 副教授X:Y:琼州学院外语系主任 尚志强 教授X:Y:华南热带农业大学基础教学部副主任 陈谦 副教授X:Y:海南职业技术学院大学英语教学部主任 党登奎 副教授X:Y:海口经济技术学院 姚中 副

15、教授X:Our Question master are Billie Rae Smith MavridesY:提问评委有 外籍教师 Billie Rae SmithMavrides(沈睿杰)Y:非常感谢各位评委的到来!X:Welcome!This competition will be divided into three one is prepared speechevery contestant has 3 minutes to deliver their speech.Y:下面向大家介绍比赛程序,本次比赛有定题演讲,即兴演讲和回答问题三个部分,满分 30 分。大赛分为上,下午两个时段、两

16、个轮次三个内容进行。上午为全部选手第一轮次定题演讲及部分选手第二轮次即兴演讲及回答问题的比赛;下午进行其他选手的第二轮次比赛。评委将从语言能力及应用,内容,技巧,时间掌握和整体形象几个方面给选手打分。 首先进行的是第一轮次的比赛:定题演讲,满分十分,时间:三分钟,演讲题目为 “融合与多元化” 。X:Nowplease welcome contestant .Contestant please get ready. Y:比赛正式开始,下面有请一号选手,请二号选手做好准备。X:最后一位选手的演讲结束。下面让我们休息 15 分钟,选手将在这段时间进行重新抽签。请在座的观众在.准时回到会场。X:在短暂

17、的休息过后,让我们继续进行比赛,下面公布 号选手的得分情况 下面进行第二轮次的比赛:即兴演讲并回答问题。满分 20 分,时间为 3 分钟。演讲题目由参赛选手当场抽签决定,演讲时间三分钟, (超时扣分)并回答评委提出的问题。有请一号选手 ,请二号选手做好准备。X:上午的比赛到此结束。我们第二时段的比赛将在中午 1 点 30 分进行。欢迎大家到场观看。谢谢,再见!(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒:比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)(中午比赛开始)X:Good afternoon! Ladies and gentlemenwelcome back the XX“

18、CCTV CUP“EnglishSpeaking Contest.Y:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家(合)中午好!欢迎回到海南省第七届大学生英语演讲比赛暨 XX 年 CCTV 杯全国英语演讲大赛复赛海南赛区的比赛现场!X:Nowplease welcome contestant NO. .contestant please get ready.Y:我们将继续第二轮次其余选手的比赛。即兴演讲并回答问题。满分 20 分,时间为 3 分钟。下面有请 号选手请号选手做好准备。X:最后一名选手的比赛已经结束,下面有请 进行点评。Y:感谢 的点评。在最后的结果出来前,让我们共同欣赏一

19、段精彩的表演。首先有请海南师范大学艺术系的刘洋同学表演男声独唱疼爱妈妈X:下面请欣赏由海南师范大学艺术系学生 表演的舞蹈邵多丽(宣布最后一名选手的得分)X:请海南师范大学英语指导委员会代表陈宗华教授宣布比赛结果。进行颁奖请在座的领导,嘉宾,评委和选手合影留念。本次比赛到此结束,再次感谢各位的光临,谢谢!再见!篇二:英文演讲比赛主持词英语演讲比赛主持稿开头: A:Good afternoon my dear teachers and fellow students. Now you are watching the finals of the XX “FLTRP”Cup English spee

20、ch contest of the Fujian University of Technology. We are honored to co-host the competitionB:女士们,先生们,大家下午好,欢迎您来到 XX 年“外研社杯”全国大学生英语演讲赛福建工程学院选拔赛总决赛的现场!A: Thank you for coming to this afternoons competition. In todays show, there are 15 contestants. They are coming from different major and different g

21、rade. They are ready to show :在今天的决赛当中共有 15 名选手入围,这十五名选手可谓是各个系里的精英啊,他们通过系里的初赛选拔来到了今天的决赛现场!让我们拭目以待! A: Todays competition gives all the contestants kinds of speeches, such as Prepared speech,Questions and answers and Impromptu speech. The judges will judge you by the substance ,style and delivery of

22、your speech.B:今天的总决赛中,每位选手都要完成定题演讲、回答问题和即兴演讲这三个部分,评委将从选手的演讲内容、流畅程度、语音语调、和表现力几个方面综合评定。 A: In Prepared speech, if your speech is more than 3 minutes and 15 seconds or less than 2 minutes and 45 seconds, the score of yours will deduct points; this round will be 50 points In Impromptu speech and Questio

23、ns and answers , if your speech is more than 70 seconds, or less than 50 seconds, the score of yours will deduct points, this two rounds will be 30 points and 20 points. A:这里要特别提醒一下各位参赛选手:命题演讲时间超过 3 分 15 秒,或不足 2 分 45 秒,适当扣1 分;即兴演讲和回答问题时间超过 70 秒,或不足 50 秒,适当扣1分。大赛要求参赛选手脱稿演讲,带稿者适当扣分。 Ok, now, I think i

24、ts better for me to introduce our excellent judges. They are: 评委:1 our beautiful foreign teacher and dear friend Fiona .2 our lovely foreign teacher and dear friend Berry.3 specially invited judge MR comes from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University. Welcome!特邀评委 来自福建农林大学的黄坚老师欢迎! 4、MISS 张 welcom

25、e外语系张小红老师欢迎!5、MISS 马 welcome 外语系 马彦婷老师 欢迎!6、MR.陈 welcome 外语系陈宁老师欢迎!7、MR.邢 welcome 外语系邢凡夫老师欢迎!8、MR.张 welcome 外语系张炜老师欢迎!And also we have our honored specially invited guests they are: 1、Vice-principal Chen welcome副校长陈文哲教授2、Secretary of Youth League Committee MISS 陈 welcome 校团委书记陈瑛书记欢迎!3、teacher of the

26、 deans office Mr.江 welcome 教务处江吉彬老师欢迎! 4、 Dean of Students Affairs Office Mr. 何 welcome学生工作处何仕处长欢迎!5、Vice Director of the Department of Foreign language Mr.张 外语系副主任张红深老师!6、Professor 牛 welcome 牛励强教欢迎!7、Vice General Secretary of Foreign Language Department Miss.徐 welcome 党总支副书记徐品晶老师欢迎!We have the repr

27、esentatives of all the department ! 还有各系的学生代表欢迎你们!比赛开始:Welcome all of you to join us! Ok, time for show.1、lets warmly welcome contestant 何鲁 comes from journalism major 1002 . Her topic is “ Younger generation and the Internet”And contestant ,get ready ,please.有请一号选手 何鲁 来自新闻 10022、Now. lets warmly we

28、lcome contestant from Traffic Engineering major 0802 .His topic is “Cultural unity and diversity” and contestant ,get ready ,please. 有请二号选手徐超来自交通工程 0802.3、We are going to welcome another contestant 郑舒梅 comes from Public Administration major 1001. Her topic is “The greatest invention in my eyes”. And

29、 contestant , get ready, please.有请三号选手郑舒梅来自公共事业管理 10014、Herecomesthenextcontestant岑双冶comes fromNetworkEngineeringmajor0902 .Histopicis“Hi-tech DevelopmentandSafetyFood”and contestant ,get ready ,please.有请四号选手岑双冶 来自 络工程09025 、lets warmly welcome contestant张雅婧comes from Engineering Costmajor 0906. Her

30、topic is “The greatest invention in my eyes”. And contestant , get ready, please.有请五号选手张雅静 来自工程造价 09066、letswarmlywelcomecontestant罗海辉comesfromelectric engineering major 1001 . His Topic is“Younger generation and the Internet”And contestant ,get ready ,please. 有请六号选手罗海辉 来自电气 1001 7、lets warmly welco

31、me contestant 戴建祥comes from civil engineering major 1001Histopicis “Thegreatestinventioninmyeyes”.And contestant , get ready, please.有请七号选手戴建祥 来自闽台土木 10018、letswarmlywelcomecontestant朱翊葭comes fromEnglish篇三:XX 外研社杯英语演讲比赛主持词Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. Welcome to this “Foreign Language Teaching

32、 and Research Press ” Cup English public speaking contest in Tianshui Normal University. Im -, Im -, Im -, and Im -.Up to now, weve successfully held different types of English speaking contest, including “star of outlook”, “21st century”, “CCTV Cup” and CCTV English speaking and talent competition.

33、 All of these contests have played important roles in our English learning, as well as given us an opportunity to demonstrate ourselves. All students are encouraged to participate in our English speech contest. Shakespeare said: The world is a stage. All the men and women are merely players. Tonight

34、 this competition provides a stage for all the contestants and let their voice be heard. Every year students are very concerned about the topic, because it requires your time and effort, fresh ideas, sometimes your unique way of thinking, to stand out among others. So what is the topic of this yearW

35、ell, the topic of this year is Change the Unchangeable. Changeis a big and wide topic, the unchangeable seems to be unchangeable. But how can people change the unchangeableWe are looking forward to our contestants ideas, perspectives and stories on this topic.The past few days the preliminaries, and

36、 semi-finals, the contestants have given very impressive performances. So we know that today will be a very rigorous competition. After a few rounds of very heated competition, we are going to see 16 finalists in todays Grand Final. Now lets give a warm welcome to our contestants. Yes, so, what are

37、they going to do Well, contestants need to know the rules of todays competition. This contest consists of three parts: first, every contestant will be given 3 minutes to deliver his prepared speech. Then comes an impromptu speech, every contestant should choose a number on the big screen, 30 seconds

38、 for preparation and the speech should be finished in no more than 2 minutes. The last part is question and answer session, contestants need to answer questions raised by our question masters, our foreign teachers.Okay, today we are honored to have some guests and foreign teachers to be here, please

39、 allow me to introduce our guests and teachers, They are - One again lets give our teachers a round of applause, welcome!All right, now lets begin our English speech contest.Welcome contestant , contestant , please get ready.So, honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, the most exciting time for toni

40、ghts contest! The contestants who get the - prize are -O, congratulations!The contestants who get the third prize are -O, congraulation!The contestants who get the second prize are -O, congratulation!The contestant who gets the top prize is -O,congratulations!Welcome to the stage and lets have-to gi

41、ve the to all the contestants and thank all teachers and guests. Thank you for coming!L and G, our competition has come to an end. Lets look forward to the next years competition!Thanks again!篇四:英语演讲比赛主持稿英语演讲比赛主持稿开头:A: Good afternoon,my dear teachers and fellow students. Now you are watching the fin

42、als of the XX “FLTRP”Cup English speech contest of the Fujian University of Technology. We are honored to co-host the competition B:女士们,先生们,大家下午好 ,欢迎您来到 XX 年“外研社杯”全国大学生英语演讲赛福建工程学院选拔赛总决赛的现场!A: Thank you for coming to this afternoons competition. In todays show, there are 15 contestants. They are comi

43、ng from different major and different grade. They are ready to show themselves.B:在今天的决赛当中共有 15 名选手入围,这十五名选手可谓是各个系里的精英啊,他们通过系里的初赛选拔来到了今天的决赛现场!让我们拭目以待!A: Todays competition gives all the contestants kinds of speeches, such as Prepared speech 、Questions and answers and Impromptuimprmptu: speech. The ju

44、dges will judge you by the substance 、style and delivery of your speech.B:今天的总决赛中,每位选手都要完成定题演讲、回答问题和即兴演讲这三个部分,评委将从选手的演讲内容、流畅程度、语音语调、和表现力几个方面综合评定。A: In Prepared speech, if your speech is more than 3 minutes and 15 seconds or less than 2 minutes and 45 seconds, the score of yours will deduct points; t

45、his round will be 50 points In Impromptu speech and Questions and answers , if your speech is more than 70 seconds, or less than 50 seconds, the score of yours will deduct points , this two rounds will be 30 points and 20 points.A:这里要特别提醒一下各位参赛选手:命题演讲时间超过 3 分 15 秒,或不足 2 分 45 秒,适当扣1 分;即兴演讲和回答问题时间超过 7

46、0 秒,或不足 50 秒,适当扣1 分。大赛要求参赛选手脱稿演讲,带稿者适当扣分。 Ok, now, I think its better for me to introduce our excellent judges. They are: 评委:1、our beautiful foreign teacher and dear friend Fiona .2、our lovely foreign teacher and dear friend Berry.3、specially invited judge MR.黄坚 comes from Fujian Agriculturelt and F

47、orestry fristri University. Welcome!特邀评委 来自福建农林大学的黄坚老师 欢迎!4、MISS 张 welcome 外语系 张小红老师 欢迎!5、MISS 马 welcome 外语系 马彦婷老师 欢迎!6、MR.陈 welcome 外语系 陈宁老师 欢迎!7、MR.邢 welcome 外语系 邢凡夫老师 欢迎!8、MR.张 welcome 外语系 张炜老师 欢迎!And also we have our honored specially invited guests they are:1、Vice-principalprinspl Chen welcome

48、副校长陈文哲教授2、Secretarysekr.teri of Youth Leagueli:g Committeekmiti MISS 陈welcome校团委书记 陈瑛书记 欢迎!3、teacher of the deans office Mr.江 welcome 教务处江吉彬老师 欢迎!4、Dean of Students Affairs Office Mr. 何welcome 学生工作处何仕处长 欢迎!5、Vice Director of the Department of Foreign language Mr.张 外语系副主任张红深老师!6、Professor 牛 welcome 牛

49、励强教授 欢迎!7、Vice General Secretary of Foreign Language Department Miss.徐 welcome 党总支副书记 徐品晶老师 欢迎!We have the representatives of all the department ! 还有各系的学生代表欢迎你们!比赛开始:Welcome all of you to join us! Ok, time for show.1、lets warmly welcome contestant 何鲁 comes fromjournalismd:nm major 1002 . Her topic is “Younger generation and the Internet” And contestant ,get ready ,please. 有请一号选手 何鲁 来自新闻 10022、Now. lets warmly welcome contestantkntestnt 徐超 comes from Traffic Engineering major 0802 .His top


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