1、第二讲,分析市场机会:选择价值,一 市场营销环境,二 收集市场信息和市场需求测量,三 顾客需求分析与培养顾客忠诚度,四 市场竞争分析,Customer-Driven,主要内容,五 STP战略,市场导向的三阶段,STP战略的步骤 Steps in Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning,Segmentation,The process of identifying specific segments whether they be country groups or individual groupsof potential customers with
2、 homogeneous attributes who are likely to exhibit similar buying behavior.,市场细分层次 Levels of marketing segmentation,大众化营销Mass marketing,细分营销Segment marketing,补缺营销 Niche marketing,一对一营销 one-to-one marketing,完全细分 Complete segmentation,不做细分 No segmentation,消费者市场细分的基础,人口统计 Demographic,地理 Geographic,行为 Be
3、havior,心理 Psychographics,有效 Effective Segmentation,Targeting,A set of buyers sharing common needs or characteristics that the company decides to serve.,评价细分市场 Evaluating Market Segments,目标市场选择的5种模式: 1. 密集单一市场,2. 产品专门化,3. 市场专门化,4. 有选择的市场专门化,5. 完全市场选择,市场覆盖战略 Market Coverage Strategies,选择市场覆盖战略 Choosin
4、g a Market-Coverage Strategy,The Plan to entry segments one-by-one,Positioning,The way the product is defined by consumers on important attributes the place the product occupies in consumers minds relative to competing products.,Positioning for Competitive Advantage,决定差异化的标准 Promoting Differences,Pr
5、oduct positioning,High,Productivity,Marketing innovation,Once market share is gained, differentiated products are developed,low,high,Swiss luxury watches,SEIKO,SWATCH,Fashion-based low-cost production,Low-cost volume production,Low,Developing a competitive position in the watch industry,Source: The essence of marketing, Simon majaro, Prentice Hall Europe,1993,Possible value propositions,More,The same,Less,More,The same,Less,Price,Benefits,More for more,More for the same,More for less,The same for less,Less for much less,