1、Welcome to our class!,Remembering that Ill be dead soon is the most important tool Ive ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, le
2、aving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. -Steve Jobs,A Brief Introduction of CET-4,1. 考试时间,全国英语四级考试每年举行两次,具体时间是12月、6 月
3、的第三个周六上午9:0011:20。本次考试为12月17日。,2.考试成绩分制;资格线,710分制。考委会将根据四级考试的总体情况,在420分至480分之间确定一个分值,作为当次报考六级的资格,此资格线适用于历次参加过四级考试的在校生。近年来,大学英语四六级考试都是425分通过,包含425分,通过就可以报考六级.85 %分为优秀(603.5)。,3. 考试流程,8:45 验证入场(在校本、专学生需考试证、准考证),8:50-9:00 试音时间,9:00-9:10 播放考场指令(禁止进入考场),发放答题卡1、2(注意:答题卡1背面还有写作文的空间)。9:10取下耳机(请关闭耳机) ,开始作文考试
4、。 9:35发放含有快速阅读的试题册(但9:40才允许开始做)。,9:40-9:55 做快速阅读,9:55-10:00 收答题卡1(即作文和快速阅读),9:55-10:00 重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备听力考试。 10:00开始听力考试,电台开始放音。 10:35 听力结束(请关闭耳机),10:35-11:20 完成剩余考项。(包括一篇选词填空、两篇阅读理解、一篇完形填空、五道翻译)(11:10 宣布距考试结束还有10分钟),4. 考试题型,听力: 短对话短文听力,每题算1个,共25个; 听写共11题,单词2题算1个,句子每题算2个,共10个。 阅读: 快速阅读每题算1个,共10个; 阅读填词
5、2题算一个,共5个 篇章阅读每题算2个,共20个。,完形: 每2题算1个,共10个; 翻译:每题算1个,共5个。,71分是最高分数,5. 四级对阅读能力的要求,1)词汇量:,词汇量的较低要求:领会式掌握4200单词(其中复用式掌握的单词为2500)以及由这些词构成的常用词组(包括中学所掌握的单词和词组),并具有按照基本构词法识别生词的能力。,汇量的较高要求:领会式掌握5500单词(其中复用式掌握的单词为3000)以及由这些词构成的常用词组(包括中学所掌握的单词和词组),并具有按照基本构词法识别生词的能力。,2)阅读能力:,阅读能力的较低要求:能顺利阅读并正确理解语言难度中等的一般性题材的文章,
6、掌握中心大意。了解说明中心大意的事实和细节,能根据所读材料进行一定的分析、推理和判断。了解作者的观点和态度,阅读速度达到每分钟70词。在阅读篇幅较长、难度较低 、生词不超过总词数3%的材料时,能正确理解中心大意,抓住主要事实和有关细节,阅读速度达到每分钟100词。,阅读能力的较高要求:能顺利阅读并正确理解语言难度较高、题材广泛的一般性文章,掌握中心大意,理解有关的事实和细节;能就文章的内容进行分析、推理、判断和综合概括。了解作者的观点和态度,阅读速度达到每分钟70词。在阅读篇幅较长、难度较低 、生词不超过总词数3%的材料时,能正确理解中心大意,抓住主要事实和有关细节,阅读速度达到每分钟120词
7、。,规律,方法,词汇大量阅读,语言功底,6. 提高英语水平的普遍方法,1) Use all your senses to learn English. You must hear English, read English, touch English, smell English, and taste English. Feel English with your heart. Immerse yourself in this language. Begin to think in English.,2) Try to think in English whenever possible.
8、When you see something, think of the English word of it; then think about the word in a sentence.,3) Practice tenses as much as possible. When you learn a new verb, learn its various forms. A thousand words will not leave so an deep impression as one deed.,5) Make your friends proud by teaching them
9、 some English sentences. You can become an excellent teacher through tutoring your friends. Teaching is a great way to learn! Also remember, learning English can make people happier, feel younger and live longer!,6) Keep English constantly in your mind by listening, speaking of reading every day! Co
10、nstant exposure will make it much easier to master this language. If you review only once a week, you will have a hard time remembering what youve learned.,4) Keep an English journal. Try to write a few sentences about your day and then blurt them out as many times as possible before you go to sleep
11、. This will teach you to “think” in English. This habit will also help you live a move organized and fruitful life. Besides, you will score higher on your composition exams!,德国有一位著名的心理学家名叫艾宾浩斯(Hermann Ebbinghaus,1850-1909),他在1885年发表了他的实验报告后:人们接触到的信息在经过人的学习后,便成为了人的短时的记忆,但是如果不经过及时的复习,这些记住过的东西就会遗忘。 并且艾
12、宾浩斯做了个著名的实验。他选用了一些根本没有意义的音节,也就是那些不能拼出单词来的众多字母的组合,比如asww,cfhhj,ijikmb,rfyjbc等。他经过对自己的测试,得到了一些数据 :,然后,艾宾浩斯又根据了这些点描绘出了一条曲线,这就是非常有名的揭示遗忘规律的曲线:艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线,图中竖轴表示学习中记住的知识数量,横轴表示时间(天数),曲线表示记忆量变化的规律。,这条曲线告诉人们在学习中的遗忘是有规律的,遗忘的进程很快,并且先快后慢。观察曲线,你会发现,学得的知识在一天后,如不抓紧复习,就只剩下原来的25%。随着时间的推移,遗忘的速度减慢,遗忘的数量也就减少。有人做过一个实验,两组
13、学生学习一段课文, 甲组在学习后不复习,一天后记忆率36%,一周后只剩13%。乙组按艾宾浩斯记忆规律复习,一天后保持记忆率98%,一周后保持86%, 乙组的记忆率明显高于甲组。,7. 单词记忆方法:,1) 快速多次大量。背单词时不要一次在某一单词上花费大量的时间太多,一定要每次都大量的背。它可以使单词的意思牢牢地在同学们的头脑中生根,不易遗忘。只有快速,才能多次。只有多次,才能记住。有的同学会问:“背多遍会不会浪费时间呢?”实际上,一本单词书背第一遍的时候,可能需要一个月,而第二偏的时候,由于一部分单词已经背会,不会的单词也有印象,可能十来天就背完了。第三遍也许5天时间就可以完成。因为只背一遍
14、对单词的印象是不太深刻的,那么遗忘的速度和遗忘率都会很高,不如多背几遍,省时省力还有效。,2) 在语言环境中背单词。没有环境自己创造环境去记忆。,【abandon - accent】 At times I like to abandon my ability to speak and write in an academic way, which my friends call an abuse of language. When I am about to go aboard a plane to go abroad, I often still think about this. At t
15、hese times I am so absent-minded that I almost miss the call for “all aboard“. In another country I often avoid abstract language when talking to other academics and try not to accent every word. Instead, I aim for clear and simple communication to help others absorb what I am saying. It is not easy
16、 since I like to abuse language and always try to use the full range of language to the best of my ability. However, I think that one can abandon oneself to new experiences when overseas without treating ones training with abandon. It has also been suggested that I get rid of my strong accent, and m
17、y absence from my country might accelerate this change. In the meantime, Ill think of ways to use Band 4 words, in concrete ways, rather than in the abstract. Readers can then abstract what suits them best, from the book, towards developing absolute faith in their ability to master English.,有时我希望放弃用
19、摘取最适合自己的信息,从而对自己掌握英语的能力树立绝对的信心。,3) 分析单词,Eg: access 知道,获得,了解,认识词根cess相当于go,为其一个变体,当然,go有许多变体,cess是其中一个非常重要的变体. 前缀a,其作前缀最常考的意思就是to,有去,之,往的意思。 To go 走过去-知道,走过去-接近,走过去-了解,走过去-获得。 accessible ible,常考的形容词后缀,能够的。 inaccesssible in作前缀,常考的意思是否定。 例如:indifferent 此种记忆单词的方法名之为“理化”。,8. 克服不良的阅读习惯,请对照检验一下自己在阅读过程中,是否存
20、在下列现象,如果存在务必克服: 阅读时你的嘴唇和舌头是否在动,是否在以很小的声音“默读”; 阅读时你是否用铅笔或手指着书上的每一行左右移动; 阅读时你是否一边阅读一边念出声或一边读一边翻译; 在阅读时你的头是否随着所读文字的位置而左右移动; 你是否读得非常仔细、非常慢,并且不能确信自己能全部理解所读材料; 你是否经常回读,即读过的东西又重新读一遍,甚至重读几遍直至你确信自己已理解; 你是否以基本相等的速度读所有体裁的文章; 你是否有很多单词不认识,或不知道它在文章语境当中的含义; 你是否先读文章然后再做题。,9. 养成良好的阅读习惯,1) 视幅要宽: 即每一眼看的词要尽量的多。在快速阅读中,
21、考生要努力使自己的眼睛变成“广角镜”, 把尽可能多的词一次“尽收眼底”。 2) 视时要短: 即第一眼和第二眼之间停顿的间隙要尽量短。 3) 意群要长: 即不能在每个视幅中把很多单个的单词都收进脑子, 而是要善于从中摄取有意义的词组, 这个“有意义”的词组就是意群。在快速阅读中, 考生应该半句或一句句地读。视幅大大加宽, 停顿的间隙少而短, 获取的都是有意义的词组, 因而能较快较好地理解全句或全段。,逐词阅读: When/ you/ phrase/ read/ it/ should/ feel/ like/ this. /Your/ eyes/ should/ move/ and/ stop,
22、/move/ and/ stop. /Each /time /your /eyes /stop, /or /fixates, /it /should /see /a /meaningful /phrase. /Phrase /reading /will /improve /your /comprehension /and /help /you /read /faster. 意群阅读: When you phrase read/it should feel like this. Your eyes should move and stop, /move and stop. /Each time
23、your eyes stop, /or fixates, /it should see a meaningful phrase. /Phrase reading will improve your comprehension /and help you read faster. 如果逐词去读,目光需要停顿42次才能读完这段文字,而如果按照意群来读,目光只需停顿9次,其速度快慢的悬殊是显而易见的。只要在平时的阅读中加强练习,正确划分意群,注意扩大视幅,缩短视线停顿时间,一目十行的高效阅读是完全可能的。,1. 快速阅读,3. 篇章词汇理解(选词填空)、完型或改错,2. 阅读理解(多项选择),整体安
24、排,一、快速阅读,快速阅读要求考生在15分钟内完成一篇1200字左右的文章和后面的10道题。前面7个题可以是选择题,也可以是判断正误(Y,N,NG题),后3个是填空题(答案基本都是原文中出现的原词)。该题型需要通过略读和寻读法,乃至文章逻辑关系、标点符号等方面的综合运用,实现对随后的题目有效的判断和填写。其考察并非阅读能力,而是提取信息和检索信息的能力。,解题方法:,1. 时间分配:3(略读) + 10(寻读)+2(机动),2. 略读:略读是指以尽可能快的速度阅读文章以迅速获取文章大意或中心思想。在略读中,考生可以通过阅读每个段落的主题句和结论句来掌握段落大意,同时跳过某个或某些部分不读,也就
25、是说不阅读细节而预测文章意义。,Definition: 1. skimming在牛津词典当中的解释是:“read quickly, noting only the chief points” 在韦氏词典里的的解释是 “to read, study, or examine superficially and rapidly; especially: to glance through (as a book) for the chief ideas or the plot”,从这里我们不难看出,skimming主要是用来抓住文章的主要要点的(chief points),因此,我们可以把这种读法理解
27、落都是为这个中心服务的,无论是考查细节理解或是推断或作者态度,都离不开这个中心思想。,1) 有副标题的文章:,看大标题即文章的题目,看第一段,看第一个副标题的前一句:steps; ways; measures; strategies; process; tips,看所有副标题,(06 12; 07 6),2) 没有副标题的文章:,看大标题、看第一段、看最后一段 (07 12),3. 寻读:寻读又称查读, scanning在牛津词典当中的解释是“glace at quickly but not very thoroughly ”在韦氏词典当中的解释是:“ to glance from point
28、 to point of often hastily, casually, or in search of a particular item (scan the want ads looking for a job)”即从大量的资料中迅速查找某一项具体事实或某一项特定信息, 如人物、事件、时间、地点、数字等, 而对其他无关部分则略去不读的快速阅读方法。寻读既要求速度和准确性, 又要求考生阅读时带有明确的目的性。,寻读技巧如下所示: a. 利用材料的编排形式。不管资料来源怎样, 它都是按照某种逻辑方法排列的。例如, 要知道某事是何时发生的, 要查日期;某事是谁做的, 要查人名等。,b. 利用章
29、节标题。略读之后, 首先看看文章标题或章节标题, 确定文章是否包含自己所需要的材料, 这样可以直接翻到那个部分, 进行寻找。,c. 抓提示词。读者找到包含所需信息的章节, 准备寻读。这时, 要留心与那个具体信息有关的提示词。以意群为单位, 一组一组视读。减少眼停次数, 缩短“眼脑直映”时间。,d. 抓定位词。要充分利用阅读材料中的标题、副标题、小标题、斜体词、黑体词、脚注、标点符号等定位词。,4. 解决Y / N / NG,Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and
30、answer the questions on Answer Sheet I Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage NG (for Not Given) if the information is not given in the passage,Yes/No/Not Given 判断标准和原则,A. Yes 选择标准和原则:
31、 1)题干与原文一样(很少见) 2)题干命题是原文出处一致:同义转换 句型结构推论 原文的主语范围包括了题干的主语范围。 简单的数字运算原则 双重否定得肯定 概括总结, 句型结构推论:A is better than BB is not the best one如:原文:The mothers warning is a better predictor than any advice from the father in these tasks.题干:The fathers advice is not the best in these tasks.,eg:, 原文的主语范围包括了题干的主语范
32、围。原文为题干的充分条件。一定是主语比较。原文:All the students and staff are automatically members of this center.题干:The girl students can become the members of the center., 简单的数字运算原则。原文只出了几组数据和数据之间的逻辑关系,而题干则是在这种逻辑关系下几组数据通过运算得出新的结论。原文:As many as 20%of all children in the United States suffer from dyslexia(诵读困难)。题干:One ou
33、t of five American children suffers from dyslexia., 双重否定得肯定。 原文:Only 14 percent fathers are highly participant in terms of time spent on family work. 题干:The vast majority of fathers do not take part of any great extent in family.,注意:否定词: no; not; never; none; nothing; hardly; seldom; rarely; barely;
34、 scarcely; few; little否定前后缀: dis; un; im; in; il; ir; less, 概括总结。题干对原文的抽象总结 原文:Yet both police officers and the public define “rapid response” as responding up to 10-12 minutes after calling the police for help. 题干:The public and the police generally agree on the amount of time normally taken for a
35、rapid response.,B. No选择标准和原则:,1) 题干的表达与原文直接相反; 2) 排他类情况;原文列举的是多种情形,即几种情况都对,但题干则只说一种情况是对的。通常这类题干种含有must, only等排他性的词汇,这样就直接否定了原文中其他正确的情形。如 原文: AX, B X, C X. 题干:only A X.,原文:You can join the association for as little as one month and for up to one year at a time. 题干:Membership must be renewed monthly.,
36、3) 部分代替整体。部分必要条件代替整体。 A+BX 题干:A X题干命题缺少原文的必要条件,尤其是当原文中包含由如unless, provided, while, if, when 引导的状语。或由without, with, but, for, except引导的介宾结构,或由动名词作原因伴随状语,而题干中不存在这些条件。,原文:The Internet has often been a hazardous tool if it is in the hands of young computer users. 题干:The Internet has often been dangerous
37、. 原文:Even in wet areas once teeming with frogs and toads, it is becoming less and less easy to find those slimy, hopping and sometimes poisonous members of the animal kingdom.题干:Frogs and toads are usually poisonous.,C. Not Given选择标准和原则,1) 在阅读文章中根本没有提及题干所讨论的内容 2) 题干作为整条信息在原文中没有提及 3) 题干将文章所涉及的事物更加具体化
38、,而文章根本没有指明或确定,从而无从考证,原文:The Japanese government decided to send some officials to business schools in the US to receive the best business education in the world. 题干:Two hundred officials were to be sent to US to study business by the Japanese government.,4) 在阅读文章中提及若干事物,但是没有做出比较,题干当中对这些事物进行了比较,从而无从考
39、证 5)在阅读文章中人为的目标,目的,愿望,誓言等的内容,在题干中成了现实。目标:aim, object, objective, goal, 目的:purpose, motive, intention愿望:hope, wish, desire, dream誓言:swear, pledge, vow, promise,原文:His aim was to bring together, once every four years, athletes from all countries on the friendly fields of amateur sport. 题干:Only amateur
40、 athletes are allowed to compete in the modern Olympics.,几个Not Given 题: 原文:Many teachers find their jobs very rewarding. 题干:The majority of teachers get satisfaction from their work. 原文:The tourists come mainly from Europe. 题干:The tourists come mainly from the UK.,Words Review,fossil,fossil fuels,we
41、ary,reclaim,bid farewell,guilt,branch out,integration,geopolitical,stability,ambassador,fraud,identity,abandon; abandon oneself to; with abandon,ability,aboard,abroad,absent-minded,abstract,absolute,accent,academic (s),aim,accelerate,Exercises,Many lecturers find their jobs very rewarding.A. Many le
42、cturers are well paid. B. All lecturers get something positive from their work. C. The majority of lecturers get satisfaction from their work.,NG,N,NG,2. Computers are gaining in popularity, despite their cost. A. Computers are getting cheaper.B. Computers are expensiveC. Computers used to be more p
43、opular than they are now.,NG,NG,N,3. As a result of increasing wealth, an ever larger number of families now have two cars.A. Most families nowadays have two cars.B. People are getting richer.C. Cars are becoming more expensive.,keys: NG, Y, NG,4. Educational standards in schools have, in general, b
44、een gradually improving.A. Schools have been getting better.B. The education in schools has not been improving.C. Educational standards are not as unsatisfactory as they used to be.,Keys: Y, N, NG,5. In families, the traditional roles of men and women are often reversed if the man becomes unemployed
45、.A. Unemployment can affect the way that families operate.B. In families where the woman has a job, men and women usually have traditional roles.C. Unemployment does not affect the role of a man in the family.,Y, NG, N,6. Although the hazards (danger) of boxing have been well publicized, the governm
46、ent has yet to introduce a ban (forbid) on the sport.A. The government does not want to ban boxing.B. The hazards of boxing are not very well-known.C. A ban on boxing has not been introduced yet.NG, N, Y,7. There is much money to be made from the sale of umbrellas on rainy days, as there is from col
47、d drinks when the temperature rises.A. Cold drinks sell well when it gets warmer.B. When it rains, older people buy umbrellas.C. The author is a shopkeeper.Y, NG, NG,8. While it is acknowledged for many years that an increasing number of animals are bound to become extinct, it is only recently that
48、the problem has been addressed by politicians.A. Recently people have been writing to our politicians about animals becoming extinct.B. We have known for a long time that more species of animals will disappear.C. Politicians have been fighting animal extinction for many years.NG, Y, N,9. Most people
49、 would be amazed if they realized how many different types of insect life exist in their very own garden.A. The majority of gardeners are not surprised at the range of insect life in their garden.B. It is impossible to count the different types of insect life in a garden.C. There are more types of insect life in the average garden than most people think.NG, NG, Y,正式考试中NG 绝不会出现在第一题,有且只有一个,只在后三题出现. 所以,如果到第六小题做完还没有出现NG,那么第七小题就不用再考虑了。,5. 快速阅读中的信号词,1. 题干中的信号词:,a. 人名、地名、国家、语言、组织机构等专有名词所产生的大写单词,b. 时刻、年份、价格、比例等所产生的数字,c. 生僻的或冗长的名词(这些名词有序数词、形容词比较级、最高级、定语从句来修饰)、动词、形容词(比较级、最高级),