1、To study and implement the spirit of the two sessions is the primary political task of the educators in 2018. Through the study of the spirit of the two sessions, I have a profound awareness that the key to the prosperity and development of the country lies in the Party, and the key to the all-round
2、 rejuvenation of the nation lies in education. The two sessions were held on March 3, and the two sessions have attracted much attention. The Congress of democracy, unity, harmony, and pragmatism has determined the work of economic and social development in 2018, which is of great significance for f
3、urther promoting scientific development, promoting social harmony, and continuously opening up a new situation for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. At present, the most important political task before us is to concentrate on the two Will spirit study well, carry out well. Reform
4、is still the focus of this years two sessions. Our party should continue to deepen the reform in an all-round way and unswervingly go on, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance ability, which requires the Party to improve its governing ability and efficiency a
5、nd raise its work level. The anti-corruption issue is also the focus of more efforts, because in the past year, our country has made great progress on the road of fighting corruption and promoting integrity, and has cracked down on many corrupt officials. To those who do not wholeheartedly for the w
6、elfare of the people of the government personnel heavy blow and warning. And it is precisely because of the vigorous administration of the party and the state that some public funds eat and drink. Corruption and other phenomena have mostly disappeared, so this years deep reform语言表达简明、得体(时间:45分钟分值:26
7、分)题组一简明1(2015重庆卷)阅读下边一段文字,按要求答题。(3分)在 山谷里,有一处高数千尺的断崖,崖上有一株小小的百合, 长得和野草一模一样,但它知道自己并不是野草。它心里有一个念头:“我是百合,不是野草。能证明这一点的,就是开出美丽的花朵。”百合深深地扎根,努力地吸收水分和阳光,终于结出了第一个花苞。百合很高兴, 杂草却很不屑,七嘴八舌地嘲讽道:“你别费力气了,即使你真的能开花,在这荒郊野外,不也是没人欣赏吗?”百合说:“我会开花,无须别人欣赏,我一定用花朵证明自己与众不同。”有一天,百合终于开花了,那洁白成为断崖上最美丽的颜色。文中处,有三处多余,这三处是_。答案2阅读下面的一则报
12、”重复,可删去“任其”。答案很大、法律、任其。题组二得体6(2014北京卷)日常交际中,“得体”是语言表达的一项基本要求。完成(1)(2)题。(4分)(1)下文是一份请柬中的四句话,其中表述不得体的一句是()(2分)(甲)我校文学社定于本月18日晚7点在学校礼堂举行“民俗文化报告会”。(乙)您是著名民俗专家,对民俗文化的研究造诣颇深。(丙)今诚挚邀请您莅临会议,为我社民俗文化活动的开展做出认真的指导。(丁)敬请届时光临。A(甲) B(乙) C(丙) D(丁)(2)午宴上,某中学生遇到父母的朋友劝酒,下列回应得体的一项是()(2分)A下午还有两门考试呢,别劝了,行不?B谢谢足下,家父从来不准许我
13、喝酒。C不喝,不喝。中学生不是不能喝酒吗?D谢谢,谢谢!我年龄还小,不能喝酒。解析(1)邀请对方进行指导,却提出“认真”的要求,显然不得体,将“做出认真的指导”改为“提出宝贵的意见”。(2)A项,“别劝了,行不?”是对劝酒人的诘问,用语太不礼貌,不得体;B项,“足下”“家父”文言色彩很浓,不适于劝酒的场合;C项,“不喝,不喝”口气生硬,另外,反问语气也太生硬,不得体;D项,礼貌拒绝,最为得体。答案(1)C(2)D7. 下面是我校生物社团学生负责人王哲给诺贝尔医学奖得主、中国著名药学家屠呦呦写的一封信,其中有几处用语不得体,请指出并改正。(4分)尊敬的屠奶奶: 您好!作为当今国际中医界霸主,您能
14、够应允忝列本社顾问,百忙之中挤出时间为本社的发展提供绵薄之力,我们十分感激。本社广大中医学佼佼者恳请您不吝赐教。敬祝编安。生物社团王哲2016年5月10日(1)将_修改为_;(2)将_修改为_;(3)将_修改为_;(4)将_修改为_。答案(1)霸主大家(2)忝列屈就(3)绵薄之力指导帮助(4)佼佼者爱好者(5)编安安康This years two sessions of the National peoples Congress were held under the leadership of the party Central Committee to hold high the bann
15、er, to develop scientifically, to reform and innovate, and to make steady progress. Although this session of the National peoples Congress and the last session of this session of the Chinese peoples political Consultative Conference were held, they were lively and fruitful. Such words as seeking pro
16、gress in a steady way, reasonably anticipating, deepening reform, government responsibility, and peoples livelihood construction have become the focus of peoples attention. To sum up, the main tasks of this year are to stabilize growth, control prices, adjust structure, benefit peoples health, grasp
17、 reform and promote harmony. It is necessary to profoundly grasp the objectives, tasks, and work priorities of this years economic and social development, and earnestly unify the thinking and action with the central authorities scientific judgment of the situation. Unified to the central governments major policy-making arrangements, and the implementation of the actual work.