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1、EV Coupe(酷沛)新能源概念车新闻通稿EV Coupe Press ReleaseEV Coupe(酷沛)是广汽研究院基于自主研发的A级平台打造的一款纯电动概念车。前倾的车身姿态、标志性的溜背车顶、节奏丰富的车身线条,赋予新能源车别样的酷炫活力。EV Coupe is an electric concept vehicle created by GAC Engineering based on its own A-class platform. This NEV (New Energy Vehicle) is alive and cool with the forward pitchin

2、g attitude, featured fastback roof and lines full of rhythms.EV Coupe将轿跑与SUV跨界车型完美融合,比例独特创意十足。其后备厢不仅储藏空间充足,更具有功能的可拓展性。例如:为摄影迷度身定制的专业器材收纳空间。此外在后保险杠位置还设计了一个抽屉式储藏空间,内置一个航拍飞行器。车主能通过航拍换个视角看风景,又或是远程监控路况,既文艺又实用,充分满足了新潮人群的多样化需求。 EV Coupe perfectly presents the fusion of Coupe and SUV characteristics, with d

3、istinctive proportionality and amazing originality. The trunk is designed to have adequate storage space and more extensible functions. Such as the customized storage space for professional equipments of photography enthusiasts, and even a drawer type storage hidden in the rear bumper with an aero-

4、photo telecraft inside, facilitating the customers to have different sightseeing or monitor the traffic remotely, which are artistic but yet practical for fulfilling the diverse needs of trendy groups.EV Coupe采用纯电动绿静技术:零排放、零污染,安静舒适。先进的高能锂电系统和电机系统为EV Coupe提供了安全而强劲的动力源,最高稳定车速大于150km/h,0到百公里加速时间9.8秒,最大

5、爬坡度大于35%。EV Coupe的先进ESP模块与电机系统协同工作,既保障了安全可靠的刹车制动性能,又尽量把制动时的能量转化回收,增加了续航里程,使其最大续航里程大于240公里。Applied with the Green-Mute EV technology, EV Coupe makes zero emission/pollution and extreme quietness and comfort. The advanced high-energy lithium battery pack and e-machine system form the safe andforceful

6、powertrain, which makes the vehicle capable of reaching a speed of 150km/h, a 0-100km/h acceleration time of 9.8s, and a gradeability greater than 35%. Its cutting edge EPS system workscooperatively with the e-machine, to guarantee a safe, reliable but energy re-generative braking, which contributes

7、 to the vehicles maximum possible driving range of 240km.EV Coupe可采用普通家用电器接口电源或是标准化专业快、慢速充电桩,方便快捷地补充能量。以一天上下班50公里计算,一周仅需充电1-2次。EV Coupe 展示了广汽集团在汽车构型创新、绿色环保新能源车型研发等方面的最新探索,其成果在即将量产上市的后续新车型上将应用体现。EV Coupe can be conveniently re-charged by usingordinary household power socket, or by using dedicated, st

8、andardized fast/slow charging-piles. It only needs to be re-charged once or twice per week if used to commute 50km per day.EV Coupe reveals GACs latest probe into automotive configurational innovation and more eco- friendly NEVs, and the results will be soon applied to GACs upcoming mass-production

9、car models.i-Lounge(朗智)概念车新闻通稿i-Lounge Concept Vehicle Press Releasei-Lounge(朗智)是广汽研究院自主研发的一款全新车型,是广汽自主品牌七座MPV向外界的首次概念展示。i-Lounge外造型丰实矫健,稳中有动。前脸采用头灯与格栅联通的处理手法,强调了“凌云翼”这一造型DNA。如“海豚跃动”的主题腰线搭配简洁的一体式带状尾灯,为沉稳舒缓的车身增添了动感的时尚气息。内饰采用优雅舒适的环绕式设计格局。通过“商用”和“家用”两种氛围灯模式设定,可伸缩式副仪表台配合琴弦式按键,在车内营造出听弦品茶“的高雅氛围。i-Lounge i

10、s an all-new vehicle independently developed by GAC Engineering, which is the first concept revealment of GACs own-brand 7-seat MPV. The exterior styling of i-Lounge is burly but vigorous, steady but dynamic. Its head-lights are integrated with the strong frontal grill, emphasizing the facial DNA of

11、 GACs Trumpchi brand, known as the “Flying dynamics”. Its smooth and elegant “beltline” resembling an jumping dolphin, is matched with the concise strip tail-light, makes the steady body stylish and vivid. For the interior, an elegant and comfortable surrounding pattern is designed, along with busin

12、ess/family 2-mode mood-lamps, retractable console plus piano-like keyboard etc., to create a graceful atmosphere.i-Lounge的轴距为3000毫米,具有优于同级别的舒适空间。最新研发的2.0T发动机配以6AT自动变速箱,为其提供了充足的动力。i-Lounge采用前麦弗逊、后四连杆悬架系统,并且配置双侧电动滑移门、多功能头等舱座椅、后排分区空调、后排娱乐系统等,为用户提供超值的用车享受。i-Lounge不仅装载了“智联传祺”车联网系统,能通过手机APP远程监控、远程启动/熄火、远程

13、诊断、远程座椅控制以及救援求助等,还具有3D立体全液晶仪表屏幕和三维立体导航功能,其后排触控屏幕更增添人脸识别技术,可通过分析乘客的年龄、情绪等数据,智能推送适合当前状态下观看的电视节目、电影、音乐等,全方位满足用户对未来智能移动生活的畅想。Wheelbase of i-Lounge is 3000mm, which leads to a superior cozy space of the segment. GACs newly-developed 2.0T turbo engine matched with a 6AT will provide sufficient power. i-Lo

14、unge is equipped with McPherson front-suspensions and 4-rod rear-suspensions, two automatic sliding doors, multi-functional first-class seats, personalized air-conditioning and rear seat entertainment system etc., to provide the consumers a fully enjoyable vehicle experience. In more, it is also equ

15、ipped with “Trumpchi Smart Connectivity of Vehicles” or GACs innovative T-BOX and Telematics, which can provide remote monitoring, start/stop,diagnosis, seats adjustment and rescue-autocall of the vehicle etc., through the smart phone APP. It also has functionalities like 3D navigation with 3D LCD i

16、nstrument screen, rear screen facial recognition that can smartly push suitable TV shows, movies or music to the rear passengers by analyzing their ages and current moods, and so on, which brings futuristic smart connection to the reality. i-Lounge同时配置多项主动安全技术,如:360全景泊车、车道偏移预警、前碰撞预警、紧急制动辅助、盲区侦测等,凭借高

17、科技可靠提升整车安全性。 i-Lounge 是广汽集团对未来汽车生活“以人为中心”的智联化趋势探索的新载体,由此也可窥见到传祺7座MPV量产车型正一步步走来的身影。Many active safety technologies have been used in i-Lounge too, such as 360panoramic parking, lane deviation warning, frontal collision warning, EBA, Blind spot detection etc., which make the vehicle at an even higher

18、safety level.i-Lounge is new carrier of GACs human centered Vehicular Smart-Connection, from which one can get a glimpse of the upcoming mass production 7-seat Trumpchi MPV. GA3S PHEV新能源汽车新闻通稿GA3S PHEV Press ReleaseGA3S PHEV 是广汽集团自主研发的一款插电式新能源汽车,搭载了自主研发的高效1.5L阿特金森循环发动机和GMC(GAC Mechatronic Coupling)先

19、进机电耦合系统、液冷电池系统及先进油冷电机,为整车提供了充沛的动力。0到百公里加速时间仅8.9秒,最高车速达到180公里/小时。NEDC综合工况下纯电续航里程大于70公里,最大纯电续航里程超过100公里,总续航里程大于500公里;综合百公里油耗小于1.5L,综合百公里电耗为仅为13.6千瓦时,充分体现了新能源汽车低碳、环保的理念。GA3S PHEV还具有丰富的高科技配置,全景泊车系统、车道偏移警示系统、盲区检测系统、阳光雨量光线传感系统等,为用户提供安全驾驶的周到保障。GA3S PHEV is independently developed by GAC Group, equipped wit

20、h efficient 1.5L Atkinson engine, advanced G-MC (GAC Mechatronic Coupling) system, liquid-cooling battery system and liquid-cooling e-machines. The vehicle is powerful and energetic, reaching a speed of 180km/h, a 0-100km/h acceleration time of 8.9s. The EV mode mileage exceeds 70km in NEDC, and pos

21、sibly over 100km in actual driving conditions, the overall mileage goes beyond 500km. Meanwhile, the combined cycle equivalent fuel consumption is less than 1.5L/100km and equivalent electricity consumption is 13.6 kWh/100km, which fully exemplifies the low-carbon and eco-friendly idea. GA3S PHEV al

22、so has a series of high-tech configuration such as panoramic parking, lane deviation warning, blind spot detection, rain-sunlight sensing systems etc., which enables safe driving and excellent protection.1.5L发动机采用先进的阿特金森循环技术,增大了压缩比(1:13),极大的提高了发动机燃烧效率,最低燃油消耗率仅225g/kWh。The advanced 1.5 L Atkinson eng

23、ine has an enlarged compression ratio (1:13), which highly improves fuel efficiency with the lowest fuel consumption 225g/kWh only.G-MC是由广汽研究院独立自主开发的全新机电耦合系统,高效地将发电机、驱动电机、离合器、传动系统以及差减速器集成于一体,通过合理控制三动力源(发动机及各电机)的动力耦合输出,实现纯电动、増程、混动等多种驱动模式。As a brand new mechatronic coupling system developed by GAC Eng

24、ineering, G-MC highly integrates the generator, traction motor, clutch, drivetrain and differential as a whole system. By rational controlling and coupling outputs of three power sources (engine & e-machines), G-MC can realize various driving modes such as EV mode, range extended mode and hybrid mod

25、e etc.GA3S PHEV的内外饰设计在GA3S常规版车型基础上进行了升级,包括具有鲜明新能源特征的蓝色“凌云翼”格栅、银蓝双色轮毂、10英寸全液晶组合仪表、8英寸悬浮式中控屏幕,带有液晶屏幕的换档旋钮,深灰色环保低VOC材料搭配碳纤维质感的饰件等等. 同时,由于电池系统布置与地板下,行李箱容积做到了和常规汽车相同的容积(450L),为用户带来健康环保、高科技感、品质时尚、舒适宽敞的驾乘体验。The interior and exterior of GA3S PHEV is upgraded from its conventional version, which includes “Fl

26、ying Dynamics” grille in special blue color with new energy features, bi-color silver and blue hub, 10-inches LCD instrument panel, 8 inches floating central screen, rotary gearshift knob with LCD, and dark grey decoration made of low VOC material with carbon fiber texture and so on. Meanwhile, the

27、trunk storage remains the same (450L) as the conventional version thanks to the under-floor battery pack layout. Above all, this vehicle provides high-tech, fashion and roominess for healthy and comfortable driving experience.GS4 EV新能源SUV新闻通稿GS4 EV Press ReleaseGS4 EV是广汽集团基于其畅销车型传祺GS4研发的纯电动SUV车型。GS4

28、 EV采用纯电动绿静技术:零排放、零污染,安静舒适。先进的高能锂电系统和电机系统为GS4 EV提供了安全而强劲的动力源,电机最大扭矩250N.m,峰值功率105kW,最高稳定车速大于150km/h,0到百公里加速时间仅11.8秒,最大爬坡度大于35%。先进ESP模块与电机系统协同工作,既保障了安全可靠的刹车制动性能,又尽量把制动时的能量转化回收,增加了续航里程,使其最大续航里程大于240公里(60km/h等速工况)。Applied with the Green-Mute EV technology, EV Coupe makes zero emission/pollution and extr

29、eme quietness and comfort. The advanced high-energy lithium battery pack and e-machine system form the safe andforceful powertrain, which makes the vehicle capable of reaching a maximum torque over 250N.m, a peak power 105kW, a speed of 150km/h, a 0-100km/h acceleration time of 11.8s, and a gradeabi

30、lity greater than 35%. Its cutting edge EPS system workscooperatively with the e-machine, to guarantee a safe, reliable but energy re-generative braking, which contributes to the vehicles maximum possible driving range of 240km.GS4 EV延续了GS4常规版的造型特点,但在格栅、Logo、轮毂处的蓝色点缀清新醒目,直观展现了它的环保特征。GS4 EV电池包享受长达 8年

31、12万公里免费质保。可采用普通家用电器接口电源或是标准化专业快、慢速充电桩,方便快捷地补充能量。以一天上下班50公里计算,一周仅需充电1-2次。GS4 EV inherits the body styling features of its conventional version. However, its environmental conception is directly highlighted by adding bright blue on the grille, logo and wheel hub.The battery pack enjoys the free warranty period of 8 years or 120,000km. GS4 EV can be conveniently re-charged by using ordinary household power socket, or by using dedicated, standardized fast/slow charging-piles. It only needs to be re-charged once or twice per week if used to commute 50km per day.


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