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1、 Early or Later Day Care The British psychoanalyst John Bowl by maintains that separation from the parents during the sensitive period from birth to three may scar a childs personality and predispose to emotional problems in later life. Some people have drawn the conclusion from Bowlbys work that ch

2、ildren should not be subjected to day care before the age of three because of the parental separation it entails, and many people do believe this. But there are also arguments against such a strong conclusion. Firstly, anthropologists point out that the insulated love affair between children and par

3、ents found in modern societies does not usually exist in traditional societies. For example, in some tribal societies, such as the Ngoni, the father and mother of a child did not rear their infant alone far from it. Secondly, common sense tells us that day care would not be so widespread today if pa

4、rents, care-takers found children had problems with it. Statistical studies of this kind have not yet been carried out, and even if they were, the results would be certain to be complicated and controversial. Thirdly, in the last decade there have been a number of careful American studies of childre

5、n in day care, and they have uniformly reported that day care had a neutral or slightly positive effect on childrens development. But tests that have had to be used to measure this development are not widely enough accepted to settle the issue. But Bowlbys analysis raises the possibility that early

6、day care has delayed effects. The possibility that such care might lead to, say, more mental illness or crime 15 or 20 years later can only be explored by the use of statistics. Whatever the long-term effects, parents sometimes find the immediate effects difficult to deal with. Children under three

7、are likely to protest at leaving their parents and show unhappiness. At the age of three or three and a half almost all children find the transition to nursery easy, and this is undoubtedly why more and more parents make use of child care at this time. The matter, then, is far from clear-out, though

8、 experience and available evidence indicate that early care is reasonable for infants. 第一篇 早期或 稍晚期的日托 英国心 理分 析学 家约 翰 波比指 出, 在婴 儿出 生至3 岁这个 敏感 的“ 依恋 ”期 里把孩 子与 父母 分开 会 对儿童 日后 的个 性形 成留 下伤痕 或是 易导 致成 年后 的生活 中出 现情 感上 的问 题。 有 人从 波比 的研 究中得出 结论: 儿童3岁 前不 该送 日 托,因 为这 会使 孩子 不得 不与父 母分 开。 此结 论确 实到许 多人 认同 ,但 如此 肯 定

9、的结 论仍 存在 争议 。 首先, 人类 学家 指出 ,现 代社会 中父 母与 孩子 的爱 被隔离 ,这 样的 情况 在传 统社会 中通 常并 不存 在 。 譬如, 在一 些如 诺戈 尼的 部落社 会里 ,父 母并 不单 独抚养 婴儿 远非 如此 。其次 ,一 般常 识告 诉我 们 , 如果父 母发 现孩 子日 托存 在问题 , 日托 就不 会如 此 广泛的 发展 。 对此 事的 统 计研究 仍没 开展 , 即便 有 , 结 果肯定 既复 杂又 具争 议 ; 第三 , 最 近10 年里 , 对 美 国儿童 的日 托问 题已 有了 一些细 致的 研究 , 他们 一 致报 告称日 托对 儿童 的成

10、 长存 在中 性 或稍 有益 的影 响。 但用以 衡量 这种 进展 的试 验并没 有被 人们 广泛 的认 可 和 接受。 但波比 的分 析提 出了 “ 早 期日托 会产 生消 极作 用 ” 的可能 性 。 这 种日 托可 能 导致的 后果 是 : 在15 或20 年后孩 子可 能患 上精 神疾 病或者 犯罪 , 只 能用 统计 的方法 来探 究了 。 无 论以 后长时 间的 后果 如何 , 儿 童 年 的父母 有时 会觉 得眼 前的 结果难 于应 付。3岁 以下 的 儿童可 能会 抗议 日托 或表 现出不 高兴 。而3岁到3岁半 的儿童 就会 容易 接受 这种 从父母 到幼 儿园 的过 渡了

11、。 这无 疑就 是越 来越 多的 父母在 此时 利用 日托 服务 的 原 因了。 但是 这种 现象 远没 有明确 ,尽 管有 经验 和证 据表明 早期 的托 儿对 婴儿 来 说是 合理 的。 1. Which of the following statements would Bowlby support? ( 下列 叙述 哪一 项波比 支持 ) A) Statistical studies should be carried out to assess the positive effect of day care for children at the age of three or ol

12、der. B) Early day care can delay the occurrence of mental illness in children. C) The first three years of ones life is extremely important to the later development of personality. ( 前三 年你 的生 活是 非常 重要的 对 的 后期 人格 发展 ) D) Children under three get used to the life at nursery schools more readily than c

13、hildren over three. 2. Which of the following is derivable from Bowlbys work? ( 以下 哪些 是从 鲍比 的 工作推 导出 来 ) A) mothers should not send their children to day care centers until they are three years or older. ( 母亲 不应该 把孩 子送 到日 托中 心,直 到他 们三 年或 以上 ) B) Day care nurseries have positive effects on a childs d

14、evelopment. C) A child sent to a day care center before the age of three may have emotional problems in later life. D) Day care would not be so popular if it has noticeable effects on a childs personality. 3. It is suggested that modern societies differ from traditional societies in that (有人 认为, 在于

15、现代 社会 与 传统 社会 的区 别 ) A) the parents-child relationship is more exclusive in modern societies. (父 母 与子女 的关 系是 现代 社 会更排 斥的 。) B) a child more often grows up with his/her brothers or sisters in traditional societies. C) mother brings up children with the help of her husband in traditional societies. D)

16、 children in modern societies are more likely to develop mental illness in later years. 4. Which of the following statements is NOT an argument against Bowlbys theory? ( 以下哪 项陈 述是 不是 对 波比 的理 论之 争 ) A) many studies show that day care has a positive effect on childrens development. B) Day care is safe

17、, otherwise there wouldnt be so many nursery schools. C) Separation from parent for very young children is common in some traditional societies. D) Parents find the immediate effects of early day care difficult to deal with. ( 家 长发现 早期 日间 护理 的直接 影响 不好 对付 ) 5. Which of the following best expresses th

18、e writers attitude towards early day care? (以 下哪 项最 能表 达 作者的 态度 趋于 早日 日托 ) A) Children under three should stay with heir parents. B) Early day care has positive effects on childrens development. C) The issue is controversial and its settlement calls for the use of statistics. (这个问题 是有 争议 的, 其结算 的使 用

19、统 计数 据的 调用) D) The effects of early day care on children are exaggerated and parents should ignore the issue. Education of Students with Vision Impairments This is specially designed education for children who are either partially sighted or blind. Vision impairments are diagnosed by medical doctors

20、 who examine the physical structures in the United States, approximately 12 out of 1, 000 children receive some form of special education because of visual impairments. Partially sighted children may use a variety of adaptive aids to see more clearly and to read printed text. These aids include magn

21、ifiers, which may be attached to eyeglasses; electronic systems for enlarging print and making it easier to see; and large-print books. Blind children usually are taught to read Braille, a system of raised dots embossed on paper and read by touch. In the past, turning conventional books into pages o

22、f Braille was very time-consuming, and the large books required enormous storage areas. However, most Braille texts are now done electronically. Many students read paperless Braille with the aid of machines that mechanically raise the dots in a small panel as the reader progresses through the text.

23、Because Braille cannot be read very rapidly, many blind students prefer to listen to books being read on tapes. Some students also use reading machines equipped with cameras that scan lines of print, which computers then convert to synthesized speech. Many blind and partially sighted children receiv

24、e orientation and mobility training as a part of their education. Specialists teach them how to travel independently in their schools and communities, often with and aid, such as a cane. Most children with vision impairments are educated in schools within their communities. Vision specialists may pr

25、ovide special materials and equipment, help teachers and classmates may also teach partially sighted children how to use their remaining vision more effectively and instruct them in the use of adaptive aids. Some children with vision impairments attend special schools designed to meet their particul

26、ar needs. Like boarding schools, these schools often provide residential services as well as educational programs. They also have specially designed facilities, which may not be found in neighborhood schools, for blind children to participate in athletics and other activities. The education of many

27、children with vision impairments is further complicated by their having other disabilities, such as physical disabilities, developmental impairments, or hearing loss. Education for those children might emphasize the development of language and communication, and personal, social, and vocational skil

28、ls rather than academic skills. 视力损 伤的 学生 的教 育 这种教 育是 专为 全盲 或半 盲儿童 设立 的。 医生 通过 检查眼 球的 结构 和测 试儿 童在不 同的 距离 看大 小 不 同的物 体的 情况 来诊 断视 力是否 受到 损伤 。 在美 国 ,1000 个 儿童 中约 有12 个 因为视 力损 伤而 接受 某种 特殊 教育。 半盲的 儿童 使用 多种 可调 节的辅 助装 置可 以看 得更 清楚并 能阅 读印 刷品 。 这 些装置 包括 安装 在眼 镜 上 的放大 镜 。 能 够放 大印 刷 字体方 便阅 读的 电子 设备 以及大 号字 体的 书籍

29、 。 而 全盲的 儿童 通常 学习 阅读 盲文, 盲文是 由在 纸上 浮突 出来 的小圆 点构 成的 ( 文字 ) 系统 , 用 手触 摸着 读。 把 普通的 书籍 转化 成盲 文在 过去 是很花 时间 的事, 保存 大 开本的 书也 要占 很多 地方 。 然而, 现 在大 多数 盲文 文 体是用 电子 手段 转化 而成 的、 许多学 生阅 读的 是非 书本 形式的 盲文 。 阅读 时使 用 权的辅 助装 置可 以自 动抬 升一块 小板 上的 圆点 。 盲 文读 起来速 度不 快, 所以 盲人 学生更 喜欢 听录 在磁 带上 的文章 。 有 些学 生还 使用 阅读机 , 这 种阅 读机 装有

30、摄 像 机来扫 描印 刷字 体 , 然 后 电脑再 把它 们转 化成 电子 合成的 声音 。 许多 全盲 和 半盲儿 童接 受方 位和 移动 训练 的教育 。 在 专 家的 指导 下 , 他 们学 习如 何在 学校 和 社区里 独立 行走 , 当然 经 常要依 靠一 个辅 助装 置 , 比如 拐杖。 大多数 视力 损伤 的儿 童都 是就近 入学 。 眼科 专家 提 供专门 的材 料和 设备 , 帮 助老师 和同 学了 解盲 童的 境况还 可以 提供 额外 指导 。 这些 专家 还会 指导 儿童 如何更 有效 地运 用他 们微 弱的视 力并 指导 他们 使用 可 调 节的辅 助装 置。 有些视

31、力损 伤的 儿童 进入 那些能 够满 足他 们特 殊需 要的专 门学 校 。 如 同寄 宿 学校一 样 , 这 些学 校除 了 教学课 程以 外还 提供 各种 住宿设 施 。 这 些学 校还 拥 有别的 学校 没有 的特 殊设 备, 以方 便盲 童参 加体 育 等活 动。 对于许 多视 力损 伤的 儿童 来说, 他们 还患 有其 他伤 残, 如 身体 残疾, 发育 不 良, 听 力消 失, 因 而这 种 教育更 加复 杂化 。 对 这样 的儿童 的教 育也 许要 强调 语言和 交流 能力 以及 个人 、 社会 和职 业技 能的 培养 , 而 不是强 调他 们要 有学 问。 1. Various

32、 adaptive aids are used to ( 对用 过 各 种各 样 可调节 的辅 助装 置 ) A. cure children of their vision impairments. B. help children see more clearly and read books and so on. (帮助 孩子 更清 楚地 看 到,阅 读书 籍等) C. teach children how to turn Braille into synthesized speech. D. teach children how to use their remaining visio

33、n more effectively. 2. Large-print books are those books which. (那 些 书籍是 大字 体书 ) A. are printed with large pages. B. have large words in them. (有 大量 的单 词) C. can be read by using a magnifier. D. can be read with the aid of machines. 3. Many blind students like to listen to books because.( 因 为许 多盲 人学

34、 生喜 欢听书.) A. these books can talk by themselves. B. the synthesized speech is very interesting. C. this can save time.( 这 样可 以节 省时 间 。) D. these students are lazy. .( 定 向行 动训 练 的目的 是教 盲人 和弱 视儿 童) A. how to understand part of their education. B. how to use a cane. C. how to move around without other

35、peoples help.( 没 有别 人的 帮 助 该如 何到 处移 动) D. how to help other people to travel independently. 5. It may be good for children with vision impairments to live in special schools because these schools.( 这可 能是很 好的 视力 障碍 儿童 的生活 ,因 为这 些学 校的 特殊学 校) A. can save the trouble of their coming from and going back

36、homes. 可以节省 他们 来自 和重 返家 园的 麻烦。() B. are built of nice wooden boards and so are clean and comfortable. C. have educational programs for the blind. D. offer training in vocational skills rather than academic skills Water Pollution withdrawal of fresh water from rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and other sou

37、rces has increased fourfold. Of the water consumed each year, 69 percent is used for agriculture, 23 percent for industry, and 8 percent for domestic uses. Sewage, industrial wastes, and agricultural chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides are the main causes of water pollution. In 1995, the US

38、 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). reported that about 37 percent of basic uses such as fishing or swimming, during all or part of the year. In developing nations, over 95 percent of urban sewage is discharged untreated into rivers and bays, creating a major human health hazard. Water runoff ca

39、rries fertilizing chemicals such as phosphates and nitrates from agricultural fields and yards into lakes, streams, and rivers. These combine with the phosphates and nitrates from sewage to speed the growth of algae, a type of aquatic plant. The water body may then become choked with decaying algae,

40、 which severely depletes the oxygen supply. This process can cause the death of fish and other aquatic life. Runoff also carries toxic pesticides and urban and industrial wastes into lakes and streams. Erosion, the wearing away of topsoil by wind and rain, also contributes to water pollution. Soil a

41、nd silt washed from logged hillsides, plowed fields, or construction sites, can clog waterways and kill aquatic vegetation. Even small amounts of silt can eliminate desirable fish species. For example, when logging removes the protective plant cover from hillsides, rain may wash soil and silt into s

42、treams, covering the gravel beds that trout or salmon use for spawning. The marine fisheries supported by ocean ecosystems are an essential source of protein, particularly for people in developing countries; approximately 950 million people worldwide consume fish as their primary source of protein.

43、Yet pollution in coastal bays, estuaries, and wetlands threatens fish stocks already depleted by over fish William Sound, a pristine and rich fishing ground. In 1992 there were 8, 790 reported spills in and around U. S. waters, involving 5. 7 million liters (1. 5 million gallons) of oil. 水 污 染 随着世 界

44、人 口的 增长 ,对 淡水的 需求 持续 增长 。从19401990 年 ,从 河流 、湖 泊、水 库和 其他 资源 中 减少的 淡水 的数 量翻 了4 翻 。在每 年消 耗的 水中 , 农 业用 水69% ,23% 用于 工业 ,8% 用 于家 庭。 污水, 工业 废水 和农 业化 学品: 如肥 料和 农药, 是 水污染 的重 要原 因。1995 年, 美 国环 境保 护总 署宣 布大约37% 的湖 泊和 海湾 ,36% 的 河流 污染 严重 , 以 至 在一年 或一 年中 的部 分时 间里不 能用 于如 钓鱼 、 游 泳 等基本 活动 。在 发展 中国 家,超 过95% 的 城市 污水 未

45、 经处理 就被 排放 进河 流可 海湾中 ,制 造了 重大 的人 类 健康危 机。 流动的 水把 肥料 化学 品 , 如磷酸 盐 、 硝 酸盐 等从 农 田带到 湖泊 、 小溪 和河 水 中。 这些 和污 水中 的磷 酸 硝酸盐 结合 在一 起, 加快 了一种 水生 植物 水藻 的生长 。 水 体中 充满 了耗 尽氧气 的腐 烂的 水藻 。 这 个 过 程会导 致鱼 和其 他水 中生 命的死 亡。 流水也 把有 毒的 农药 和城 市工业 废水 带到 湖和 小溪 中。 侵蚀 , 表 层土 壤被 风和 雨 风化 , 也 是水 污染 的原 因 之一 。 从 被砍 伐的 山坡 上 、 耕 地上 或工 地上 冲刷 下 来的土 壤和 淤泥 会堵 塞水 道并杀 死水 生植 物。 甚至 很少量 的淤 泥就 会使 有用 的鱼种 灭绝 。 例 如, 当伐 木 破 坏了山 东省 上的 保护 植被 , 雨水 会把 土壤 和淤 泥


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