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3、4-1769.2019.12.021:430022(,),(,),();();();();(,);():,E-mail:,(),E-mail:2019-04-19【】,。,“6S”,JBI(2014)。,22,、(、)、9。,ICU,。【】;Best evidenc e summar y for preventio n and managemen t of entera l feedin g intoleranc e in criticall y ill pa-tients/M I Yuanyuan,HUANG Peipei,DONG Jiang,CAI Zheyi,WU Bain,WANG
4、Lifei,SUN Liang,ZHANYuxin,MING Yaohui,LI Qiaoyun,LI Suyun,LUO Jian,HANG Haiyan【Abstract】Objective To select and obtain the best evidence of prevention and management of feeding intoler-ance(FI)in critically ill patients with enteral nutrition support so as to provide guidance for clinical practition
5、ers to reduce the incidence rate of FI.Methods Using the method of evidence-based nursing,clinical question of FIprevention and management in critically ill patients with enteral nutrition support was raised.Relevant research was retrieved by computer search.JBI evidence appraisal tools and recommen
6、dation system were used to evaluate quali-ty of studies and level of evidence.Results Combined with the judgment of clinical professionals,totally 22 items of evidence were selected,including FI assessment,risk factors of FI,enteral formula management,enteral feeding pathway,position management,gast
7、ric residual quantity monitoring,drug administration,intra-abdominal pressure moni-1868 C M Y K 49 1 2014 Chin J Nurs,December 20 19,Vol.54,No 12 20 19 12 54 12 1,。ICU,。,。,、,、ICU。Taylor 2,ICU 30%70%,ICU 80.2%85.0%3-4,41.27%73.6%5-7。,8。,。,、,。9,。,、,。1 1.1 10,PIPOST,P():;I():、;P():;O():、;S():;T():、,。1.
8、2“6S”11,。:BMJ Best Practice、UpToDate、Joanna Briggs Institute(JBI)、Essencial Evidence plus、Cochrane Library、Pub-Med、ScienceDirect、。:Feeding intol-erance/Feeding tolerance/Enteral nutrition/Tube feed-ing*/Intensive care patient*/Critically ill/Critical ill-ness*/ICU*。:“”“”“”“”“”“”。2019 3 25。1.3、:;、;()
9、();、(10)、,(15);。:、;toring and traditional Chinese medicine therapy,etc.Conclusion This study summarized the best evidence for pre-vention and management of FI in critically ill patients with enteral nutrition support and help clinical nurses and nursing administrators with decision making,ultimately
10、 through adapting the best evidence and using scientific nursing methods to cope with the clinical problems and improve nursing quality.【Key words】Enteral nutrition;Feeding Intolerance;Intensive care;Evidence-Based Nursing 1869 C M Y K 49 1 2014 Chin J Nurs,December 20 19,Vol.54,No 12 20 19 12 54 12
11、;。1.4、,;2012(Appraisal of Gui-delinesfor Research and Evaluation,AGREE)12;、JBI(2016)。1.5 2,。,、。2 2.1,366,35,1 13,4 14-17,2 2,18,5 19-23,14 24-37,1 38,1 39,3 40-42,1 43,2 9,44,1 45。2.2(1)2.3 2.3.1(2)2,1 2,1 18,2,2,2。2.3.2 6,1 19 JBI,2 20-21 PubMed,2 22-23,1 46。6,“”。2.3.3 18,3 24-26 Cochrane Library,7
12、 27-33 PubMed,2 34-35,1 36,1 37,5 26,47-50(1 26 Cochrane Library)。,Mcquiggan 24 4“”6“”,10“”“”,“”;Petros 25 4、6“”,“”;Wang 26 2“”“”,4、5“”6“”,“”;Gholipour 27 4、9“”“”,“”;Chunfang 28 36 5、6“”,“”;Kongmiao 29 4、5“”,“”;Nasiri 30“”;Reddy 31 6“”,“”;Ozen 32 4、5、6、8“,”9“”,“”;Lu 33 35 2、4、5、6“”,“”;Heimburger 49
13、2、6、8、9“”,“”;Homann 50 2、5“”,“”;Rice 47 4、5、6“”,“”;34 1“?”“”,2、4、5、6“”,“”;Heyland 48 1“”,4、6“”,“”;37 2“”,4、5、6“”,“”。2.3.4 1 38,。5“,1870 C M Y K 49 1 20 14 Chin J Nurs,December 20 19,Vol.54,No 12 20 19 12 54 12 1(BMJ)(JBI)(ESPEN)(ASPEN)(Essencial Evi-dence plus)(Co-chrane library)(PubMed)(Scie-nce Di
14、rect)Madison 13 Stephanie 14 Stephanie 15 Janita 19 Pierre 18 Stephen 2 Bankhead 44 Margaret 24 Sirak 25 Wang 26 Afshin 27 Chunfang 28 Kongmiao 29 Morteza 30 Fraser 45 Dickerson 43 Xian 40 Richard 31 Wang 20 Nurten 32 Lewis 21 Lu 33 Alicia 39 Isabel 41:Meta ICU ICU ICU ICU-Lyte 148 Meta ICU ICU ICU(
15、18),(,),(,)ICU 7 d ICU 5 d ICU 14 ICU 48 h ICU ICU ICU 1871 C M Y K 49 1 2014 Chin J Nurs,December 20 19,Vol.54,No 12 20 19 12 54 12”、6“”8“”“”,“”。2.3.5 1 39,Science Di-rect。“”。2.3.6 4,1 40 PubMed,1 41 Science Direct,1 42 1(CINAHL)Wesselink 42 9 22 16 17 34 23 35 36 38 37、ICU ICU:18 ICU ICU ICU ICU I
16、CU,3 d;3 d;2080 18;1030;3;ICU 7 d 7 d 18;,24 28 h,7 d Taylor 2 Pierre 18 2 76.3391.67(%)69.2950.00 63.5491.84 79.7394.44 69.4654.17 76.8291.67 60%()64A B 30%()66 1872 C M Y K 49 1 2014 Chin J Nurs,December 20 19,Vol.54,No 12 20 19 12 54 12 3(、)1.,、()、,。GRV500 ml,。(A)2.。(B)3.(GRV 2 h 50%)(IAP 20 mmHg
17、)。(A)4.、-、。(A)5.、。(B)6.1 h,(),。(B)7.、,。,;(、,),;,/。(A)8.24 48 h,(GRV500 ml)、,。(B)9.,15 50 ml/h,4 24 h 10 50 ml/h,6 d,。(A)CINAHL,1 51。,Xian 40、Wesselink 42 Arzola 51 10“”“”,“”;Isabel 41 2“,”10“”,“”。2.3.7 1 43,PubMed。“”。2.3.8/3,1 52 JBI,1 44 Essencial Evidence plus,1 9;3,1 53 BMJ,1 54 JBI,1 45 PubMed。3
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