1、书虫读后感,中文 篇一:书虫系列英文读后感6 The story concerned the lives and loves of 4sisters growing up during the American Civil War. This is the story of their growing maturity and wisdom and the search for the contentment of family life. One of the prominent themes in Little Woman is the coming of age or maturity
2、of the girls, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. During the course of the novel, we see them grow in many ways: physically, intellectually, and especially emotionally. tell me how to deal with the family affairs ,we should know the love between the members .It has become a much loved classic tale and white som
3、e of its issues out date , many of the trails of the sisters are all too relevant as evidenced by its continued following . The four girls, firm and indomitable, treasured what they had, greeting the hopeful future with an optimistic attitude. everyone has inalienable rights for pursuing happiness ,
4、no matter what their social positions ,majority of people always think that there is a destiny in the unseen world , it may be true as assume by them , but I dont believe that there exists something which can control our destination .In this light ,if we can make a stand against the so called Gods w
5、ill ,there can surely be no doubt that we can grasp our destiny in our own hands . But on the contrary, people complain and accept the unfair fate atthe same time, its a fallacy on facial. On one hand ,something unexpected may happen any time ,on the other hand , it goes without saying that there is
6、 always a way out . Life itself is a paradox .though the affair of human life is uncertain, we still sincerely believe in that nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his heart on it. Just spend your life as joyful as possible. If we live through optimistic hope; if we dare to dream; if w
7、e empower ourselves to fully live; then we have regained our sense of happiness, There is no in between. There is no other replacement. We only have one physical life to livewe have no choice but to make the most of it. Vocabulary: 1.plain:not decorated or complicated, simple 朴素的,简单的 2.slipper: a lo
8、ose soft shoe that you wear in the house室内拖鞋:a person who plays drum 鼓手 7.touched:feeling happy or grateful because of sth kind that sb has done 受感动的,激动的8.instruct: to tell sb. to do sth. , especially in a formal or a official way 指示,命令9.governess: a women employed to teach the children of a rich fa
9、mily in their home and to live with them (尤指旧时的)女家庭老师10.offend: to make sb feel upset because of sth. you say or do that is rude or embarrassing 得罪,冒犯11.hint:something that you say in or do in an indirect way in order to show sb what you are thinking 暗示,提示,示意12.spoil: to give a child everything that
10、 they ask for and not enough discipline in a way that has a bad effect on their character and behavior 溺爱,娇惯13.speechless: not able to speak , especially because you are extremely angry or surprised 说不出话的 14.stroke: to move your hand gentle and slowly over an animals hair or fur 轻抚,抚摸15.stoop: to be
11、nd your body forwards and downwards弯腰16.exclaim:to say sth suddenly and loudly, especially because of strong : a part of a piece of furniture such as a desk 抽屉18.silk: a type of fine smooth cloth made from silk thread 丝绸19.curl: to from or make sth from into a curl or curls 卷,(使)成卷状20.bracelet:a pie
12、ce of jewellery worn aed: feeling happy because sth unpleasant has stopped or has not happened 感到宽慰的,放心的 22.napkin: a piece of cloth or paper used at meals for protecting your clothes and clean your lips and your fingers 餐巾,餐巾纸 23.funeral: a ceremony, usually a religious one, for burying 葬礼,出殡 24.mo
13、dest:not very large, expensive, important 些许的,不太大 25.fence: the sport of fighting with long thin SWORDS 击剑 26.temptation:the desire to do or have sth that you know is bad or wrong诱惑,诱惑27.disgusted: feeling or showing disgust 厌恶的,憎恨的 28.betray: to give information about sth/sb to an enemy 出卖,泄露 29.gr
14、ab: to take or hold sb/sth with your hand, firmly or roughly 抓住,攫取30.wig: a piece of artificial hair that is worn on the head 假发 31.departure: the act of leaving a place, an example of this 离开,启程,出发32.sleeplessness: without sleep 失眠33.obedient: doing what you are told to do, willing to obey 顺从的,惟命是从
15、的34.scarlet: bright red in color 猩红的35.pray: to speak to God , to give thanks or ask for help 祈祷36.joyous: very happy 欢乐的,令人愉快的37.consent: permission to do sth, especially give by sb in authority 同意,准许 38.beloved:loved very much by sb, very popular with 深爱的39.faint: feel very weak and tired and like
16、ly to become unconscious 昏厥,昏眩nt: having or showing no interest in sb/sth.冷漠的,漠不关怀的41.prospect: the possibility that sth will happen 可能性,希望 42.thoughtlessness: not caring about the possible effects of your words or actions on other people 粗心大意的,欠考虑的 43.decline: to refuse politely to accept or to do
17、sth 谢绝,回绝44. trustworthy: that you can rely on to be good, honest, sincere, etc. 值得信任的,可依赖的45.in the word : at all 终究46.spotty: having a lot of spots on the skin 多丘疹的,多粉刺的47.tinkle: a light high ringing 丁零声48.poultry:chickens, ducks, and geese, kept for their meat or eggs. 家禽 49.tiresome:making you
18、feel annoyed 厌恶的,令人厌恶的50.appetite: physical desire for food 食欲,胃口篇二:书虫和它的书读后感 书虫和它的书读后感 放假了,妈妈又给我买了特别多书,其中我最喜爱确实实是书虫和它的书。 这本书的主要内容是:一个书虫追书,书扔下了跷跷板这个词时,就有一个跷跷板掉了下来。因此,书和书虫玩起了跷跷板。但是书太重了,把书虫弄到天上去了。之后就有了九个结尾,它们分别是:书虫住进了书里;书猛合上了书页;书虫扇扇翅膀飞走了;书虫遇上了三个糊涂虫;书变成了本子;书虫被小鸡吃了;书字一落地变成了一本书;书虫吃了好多书后开场吐书;书虫和书的故事被写进了一本
19、书。 我觉得这个构造特别独特,能够引起读者读书的热情和兴趣,能够让读者更爱读下去。我要学习它的这种写作方式,把它运用到我今后的写作当中,这会让我收获颇丰。篇三:书虫和他的书读后感3篇 书虫和他的书读后感 暑假的日子里,老师让我们多读书,读好书。我在书店里选到了一本书叫书虫和他的书,由于我特别想明白书虫到底是什么模样的。 刚开场读书时,我觉得书虫是一个吃书里字的坏蛋,由于它总是追在书的后面要吃书里的字,把书都给破坏了。后来渐渐地我又觉得书虫是一个特别仁慈的虫,它把书上的字都吃光了以后觉得让书变成了一个字都没有的本子特别悲伤,因此书虫就又四处吃字,把好不容易吃下的字又吐出来让本子重新变回书,这让我
20、特别喜爱书虫。接着,书虫被小鸡吃掉了,书特别难过。书就在小鸡的四周等着书虫从小鸡的身体里出来。鸡生蛋,蛋生鸡,等了特别久特别久,书终于把书虫等出来了,它俩拥抱在一起,这时的书破旧的几乎站不起来了,这时我觉得书和书虫是一对永远分不开的好朋友。 读完这本书后,我觉得书虫挺让人佩服的,我越来越喜爱它,我也想象它那样和好书做永远的朋友。 书虫和他的书读后感 假期里,我不知不觉的长大了,书,只有书,才是我心灵的家园,书,只有书,才能让我欢乐。我要做一条在书的海洋里游来游去。近几天我读了一本书虫与他的书,这本书确实特别好玩,我一口气就把它看完了,确实蛮好看的。 从书名就明白了讲的是书和书虫的故事。书虫呢是
21、一种出书的虫子,有一天书虫觉察了一本书,书虫看到书虫拼命地逃。书一边逃一边扔下好多的字,字全部都成了确实,书虫一一体验过都不满意,书虫终于落在了书上。开场吃书,每个字都特别美味,书忽然合上了,把书虫压扁了,书特别懊悔,打开书觉察书虫没有死,就给了书虫特别多美食,他们成了朋友。有一天书虫飞走了,书四处找书虫,但是找到时觉察书虫被小鸡吃了。书求小鸡把书虫还给本人,但是小鸡吐不出来。书就不断等到小鸡长大生小鸡在长大再生小鸡再。终于有一天一个鸡蛋破了书虫出来了。 看到这里我特别感动,由于书虫和书有情有义。珍惜四周的朋友吧,友谊天长地久! 书虫和他的书 读后感 暑假期间我阅读了几本老师推荐的书,其中的一
22、本是书虫和他的书,里面第一篇目录确实是书虫觉察了一本书。这本书不管是绘画者的想象力仍然写作者有趣的语言,都给故事情节营建了一个个富于情趣的文字世界,每一句每一段都会让我沉醉在这本书的乐趣当中。 这本书详细的内容是讲述一只出书的书虫和书的故事。书看见书虫特别害怕颤抖的哗啦哗啦响。为了躲避吃掉的命运书不停的跑,书虫呢不停的追。最后书想到了一个好方法确实是不停的扔下一些字,而且字都成确实了。比方其中的狗或者猫字落地以后就成了真正会汪汪叫的大狗,以及温柔的小猫。但是这些都让书虫不太满意,总感受本人吃不饱似得,不停的恳求书。书渐渐变的特别厌烦了狠心的抛下一个山字,转眼间变成了一座大山挡住了书虫的道路。书
23、虫太小了爬到大山的半山腰就没有了力气,而且变得特别虚弱就伤心的哭了起来,藏在草丛后面的书看到了这一切后仍然做出了妥协。 后来的日子书和书虫,每天欢乐的在一起成为了好朋友,还不停的给书虫丰富的营养渐渐的变大,让书虫更富有了。这本书告诉我知识永远都是无极限的,只有不停的去开掘你的梦想才会更近! 高尔基说过,书是人类进步的台阶,书也是我勇气的源泉。书确实是大海,而我是小鱼,在大海中自由自由地巡游,书确实是天空,而我是小鸟,在天空中愉快地飞行。 放假这段日子里我渐渐地体会到了,学会阅读和阅读好书是多么的有趣呀!它让我增长了见识开阔了视野,还提高了我的语言表达才能!相信以后我们也像书虫一样不断的汲取知识,让本人变得更加的充实,更加的自信!加油吧!