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1连江二中 2015-2016 学年第一学期期中考高一地理试卷【完卷时间:90 分钟 ;满分 100 分】第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共 50 分)1、单项选择题(本大题共 25 小题,每小题 2 分,共 50 分。在每小题列出的 4 个选项中只有 1 项是正确的。 )1.太阳系八大行星中离地球最远的是 ( ) A.水星 B.金星 C.木星 D.海王星2.在太阳系八大行星中与地球毗邻的行星是( )A.水星、金星 B.木星、火星C.水星、木星 D.火星、金星3.下列天体系统中,中心天体为行星的是( )A.太阳系 B.河外星系C.地月系 D.银河系4.读下图,若图中 S 表示太阳,E 表示地球,则该图所包括的天体系统有 ( )A.一级 B.二级 C.三级 D.四级读“太阳及其大气结构示意图” 。5.日全食时,人们用肉眼可以观察到的太阳大气层是( )A.①和② B.①和③C.②和③ D.只能观察到③6.太阳黑子和耀斑( )A.都发生在①层 B.分别发生在①层和②层C.都发生在②层 D.分别发生在②层和③层下图为“公转轨道相邻的三大行星相对位置示意图” 。读图,回答 8~9 题。7.此时( )A.是地球上北极地区进行科学考察的黄金季节B.地球处于近日点附近,公转速度较快C.我国从南向北白昼变短,黑夜变长D.②是太阳系中距离太阳、地球最近的大行星28.与①②行星相比,地球具备生命存在的基本条件之一是( )A.适宜的大气厚度和大气成分B.强烈的太阳辐射和充足的水汽C.复杂的地形和岩石圈结构D.强烈的地震和火山活动嫦娥一号是我国的首颗绕月人造卫星。以中国古代神话人物嫦娥命名,于2007年10月24日18时05分左右在西昌卫星发射中心成功发射。嫦娥一号发射后将绕在地球绕转数天,再变轨奔向月球。发射卫星的条件十分严格,选择发射场地和发射时间都是经过严格选择的。 9.下列天体属于卫星的是( )A.海王星 B.月球 C.火星 D.金星10.发射同步卫星与地球线速度密切相关,下列最合适发射的地点为 ( )A.酒泉(40°N) B.肯尼迪(28°N) C.库鲁(5°N) D.拜科努尔(46°N)11.太阳活动最主要的标志是( )A.黑子和日珥 B.黑子和耀斑C.耀斑和太阳风 D.日珥和太阳风12.全球各地昼夜等长的日期是( )A.不 存在 B.春、秋分日 C.冬至日 D.夏至日13.对地面起保温作用的辐射形式是( )A.地面辐射 B.大气辐射 C. 大气逆辐射 D.太阳辐射14.下列说法不正确的是( )A.夏季多云的白天气温不太高是因为大气的反射作用 B.冬天阴沉多云的黑夜不太冷是因为大气保温作用C.晴朗天空蔚蓝是因为大气散射作用 D.地表温度在夜晚不会降得太低是因为大气的削弱作用15.地球自转一周 360°,所需要的时间是( )A.24 小时 B.23 小时 56 分 4 秒 C.24 小时 3 分 56 秒 D.23 小时 48 分 46 秒读太阳直射点回归运动示意图,回答 16-17 题16.当太阳直射点处在 d 位置时,下列说法正确的是( )A.d 地昼夜平分 3B.北半球各地昼长达一年中最大C.南半球各地正午太阳高度达一年中最大 D.南极圈及其以内为极昼17.当太阳直射点移动从 d→a 之间时,下列说法正确的是( )A.北极圈内的极夜范围逐渐增大 B.地球公转逐渐趋向远日点C.连江县琯头镇的正午太阳高度角逐日增大 D.南半球各地黑夜逐渐变短,白昼逐渐变长18.下列地球现象中,属于地球自转产生的是( )A.地球表面的昼夜现象 B.昼夜长短的变化C.昼夜更替现象 D.正午太阳高度的变化19.下图中能正确表示等压面分布的是( ) 。20.某地一年中没有阳光直射现象,该地可能在( ) A.赤道上 B.赤道与回归线之间C.回归线上 D.回归线与极圈之间21.飞机从上海于 10 月 1 日 17 时飞往美国旧金山(西八区)需飞行 14 小时,到达目的地时当地时间是( ) A.10 月 1 日 3 时 B.10 月 1 日 15 时 C.10 月 2 日 3 时 D.10 月 2 日 15 时22.在晚秋或寒冬,用人造烟幕来防御霜冻的原理是( )A. 增强太阳短波辐射 B.增强大气逆辐射作用C.增强大气对太阳辐射的散射作用 D.增强大气对太阳辐射反射作用23.水平运动的物体向右偏,且一年中只有一次太阳直射的地点在( ) 。A .南回归线 B .北回归线 C .南纬 20º D .北纬 20º 24.地球内部圈层划分的依据是( )A.地震波速度的变化 B.地下水位的垂直变化C.内部压力的变化 D.物质组成的变化425.下列情况,昼夜温差最大的是( )连江二中 2015-2016 学年第一学期期中考高一地理试卷第Ⅱ卷(答题卷)题号 选择题 综合题 总分得分第Ⅰ卷选择题答题栏:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25第Ⅱ卷(综合题 共 50 分)26.读太阳系示意图回答问题:(14 分)(1)八大行星绕太阳公转的共同特有 、 、 。(6 分)(2)太阳系的中心天体是 ,其能量的来源是 。(2 分)(3)写出图中天体名称 A B C D (4 分)(4)小行星带位于 (填名称)轨道和 (填名称)轨道之间。(2 分)527.读“太阳外部结构层次图” ,回答下列问题(每空 1 分,共 6 分)(1)图中 A、B、C 三层(由外到里)分别表示太阳大气结构的 层、 层、 层。(2)发生在太阳大气最里层的太阳活动是 ,它的大小和多少可作为太阳活动强弱的标志。(3)太阳大气中有时会出现一些突然增大、增亮的斑块, 是太阳活动最激烈的显示。这些斑块出现在图中的 层。(填名称) 28. 读右图回答下列问题(共 11 分):(1)地球公转至 D 时,日期为 日左右,北半球是 节气。(2)在图中画出地球公转的方向。 (共 2 分,别漏做)(3)在图中 B 位置画出晨昏线并用斜线表示夜半球。 (2 分)(4)地球公转到 点和 点时,全球昼夜平分(填字母) 。 (5)地球在公转轨道上最接近近日点的是 (填字母) ,其公转速度较 。(6)在北极圈及其以北地区均出现极夜的是 (填字母) 。29.读下图,填空。 (7 分)太阳BCA宇宙空间6(1)上图中A 表示 辐射,B 表示 辐射,C 表示 辐射。(2)由图可知,大气对地面之所以具有保温作用,就是因为大气吸收 辐 射使大气增温,同时又以 辐射的形式把热量归还给地面的缘故。(3)太阳辐射和地面辐射相比较,辐射波长较长的是 ,较短的是 。 (填名称)30.读地球光照图,回答下列问题。 (12 分)( l ) A 、B 两点此时是 (填“日出”或“日落” ) , A 点昼长 小时。 (4 分)( 2 )写出过 A 点的经线是 (2 分)( 3 )此时,北京时间是 月 日, 时。 (6 分)地面7连江二中 2015-2016 学年第一学期期中考高一地理试卷参考答案26.读太阳系示意图回答问题:(14 分)(1)八大行星绕太阳公转的共同特有 同向性 、 共面性 、 近圆性 。(6 分)(2)太阳系的中心天体是 太阳 ,其能量的来源是 核聚变 。(2 分)(3)写出图中天体名称 A 水星 B 天王星 C 海王星 D 土星 (4 分)(4)小行星带位于 火星 (填名称)轨道和 木星 (填名称)轨道之间。(2 分)读“太阳外部结构层次图” ,回答下列问题(每空 1 分,共 6 分)(1)图中 A、B、C 三层(由外到里)分别表示太阳大气结构的 日冕 层、 色球 层、 __光球____________层。(2)发生在太阳大气最里层的太阳活动是 黑子 ,它的大小和多少可作为太阳活动强弱的标志。(3)太阳大气中有时会出现一些突然增大、增亮的斑块, 耀斑 是太 阳活动最激烈的显示。这1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25太阳8些斑块出现在图中的 色球 层。(填名称) 27.读右图回答下列问题(共 11 分):(1)地球公转至 D 时,日期为 12 月 22 日左右,北半球是 冬至节气。(2)在图中画出地球公转的方向。 (2 分)(3)在图中 B 位置画出晨昏线并用斜线表示夜半球。(2 分)(4) 地球公转到 A 点和 C — 点时,全球昼夜平分(填字母) 。 (5)地球在公转轨道上最接近近日点的是 D (填字母) ,其公转速度较 快 。(6)在北极圈及其以北地区均出现极夜的是 D (填字母) 。28、 读下图,填空。 (7 分)(1)上图中A 表示 太阳 辐射,B 表示 地面 辐射,C 表示 大气逆辐射。(2)由图可知,大气对地面之所以具有保温作用,就是因为大气吸收地面 使大气增温,同时又以 大气逆辐射 的形式把热量归还给地面的缘故。(3)太阳辐射和地面辐 射相比较,辐射波长较长的是 地面辐射 ,较短的是 太阳辐射 。 (填名称)29、读地球光照图,回答下列问题。 (12 分)( l ) A 、B 两点此时是 日落 (填“日出”或“日落” ) , A 点昼长 4 小时。 (4 分)( 2 )( 2 )写出过 A 点的经线是 30°W (2 分)( 3 )此时,北京时间是 12 月 22 日, 24 时。ABC9(或 12 月 23 日 0 时) (6 分)考试范围:必修 1 第一单元和第二单元第一节第一课时12015—2016 学年上学期高一年段半期考试试题物 理(必修 1)(满分 100 分,考试时间 90 分钟)一、选择题(每小题 4 分,共 48 分;每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题意,有选错或不答的得 0 分。 )1.在 2008 年央视开年大戏《闯关东》中,从山东龙口港到大连是一条重要的闯关东路线.假设有甲、乙两船同时从龙口港出发,甲船路线是龙口——旅顺——大连,乙船路线是龙口——大连.两船航行两天后都在下午三点到达大连,以下关于两船全航程的描述中错误的是( )A.在研究两船的航行时间时,可以把船视为质点 B.两船的路程相同,位移不相同 C.题中所述的“两天”指的是时间, “下午三点”指的是时刻 D.两船的平均速度相同2.关于速度和加速度的关系,下列说法正确的是( )A.物体的速度越大,加速度也越大 B. 物体加速度的方向,就是物体的速度方向C.物体速度的变化量越大,加速度越大D. 物体的速度变化越快,加速度越大3. 物体在做匀减速直线运动时(运动方向不变) ,下面结论正确的是( )A、加速度越来越小 B、加速度总与物体的运动方向相同C、位移随时间均匀减小 D、速度随时间均匀减小4.下面几个速度中表示平均速度的是( ) A.子弹出枪口的速度是 800 m/s B.汽车从甲站行驶到乙站的 速度是 20 m/sC.火车通过广告牌的速度是 72 km/h D. 人散步的速度约为 1 m/s5. 一个小球以 5m/s 的速度水平向左运动,碰到墙壁后经过 0.2s 后以 2m/s 的速度沿同 一直线反弹。则小球在这段时间内的平均加速度为( )A、15m/s2,方向向右 B、15m/s 2,方向向左C、35m/s 2,方向向右 D、35m/s 2,方向向左6.A 为实心木球,B 为实心铁球,C 为空心铁球。已知三个球的直径相同,A、C 球质量相同。它们从同一高度同时由静止开始下落,运动中空气阻力不计,以下说法中正确的是( )A.三个球同时落地 B.A 球先落地 C.B 球先落地 D.C 球先落地7.汽车以 20m/s 的速度作匀速直线运动,司机见前方有障碍物立即刹车,刹车后加速度大小为 5m/s2,则汽车刹车后 6s 内的位移为( )2A、30 m B、40 m C、210 m D、120 m8.某质点由 A 经 B 到 C 做匀加速直线运动历时 4 s.前 2 s 和后 2 s 位移分别为 AB=8 m 和 BC=12 m,该质点的加速度及经 B 点的瞬时速度的大小分别是( )A.1 m/s 2 5 m/s B.2 m/s 2 5 m/s C.1 m/s 2 10 m/s D.2 m/s 2 10 m/s9. 竖直升空的模型火箭,其 v—t 图象如图所示,由图可知( )A. 火箭上升的最大高度为 40mB. 火箭上升的最大高度为 120mC. 火箭经过 6s 落回地面D. 火箭上升过程中的加速度大小始终是 20m/s210.一物体从高 h 处自由下落,经过 t 秒达到地面,那么它从开始下落经过 t /2 秒,物体距地面的高度为( )A、h/2 B、h/4 C、3h/ 4 D、3h/ 811. 物体从静止开始做匀加速直线运动,第 3 s 内通过的位移是 3 m,则( )A、第 3 s 内的平均速度是 2 m/s B、物体的加速度是 1.2 m/s2C、前 3 s 内的位移是 6 m D、3 s 末的速度是 4 m/s12.甲、乙两物体由同一地点沿同一直线运动的 υ-t 图像如图所示,下列说法正确的是( )A.0—4s 内,甲、乙两物体间的距离一直在减小B.0—4s 内,甲、乙两物体间的距离一直在增大C.在第 2s 末两物体相遇,此时它们的速度相同D.在第 4s 末两物体相遇,此时它们的位移相同二.填空、实验题(共 20 分)13.(6 分)如图所示为某物体运动的 v-t 图像,由图可求得物体在 0-10s 内的加速度大小为 m/s 2,0-60s 内物体的位移大小为 m。14.(8 分) (1)在做用打点计时器测速度的实验时,要用到打点计时器,打点计时器是一种计时仪器,其电源频率为 50Hz,常用的“电磁打点计时器”使用的电压是 V 的 ____ (直流电,交流电) ,它们是每隔__ __ s 打一个点。(2)接通打点计时器电源和让纸带开始运动,这两 个操作之间的时间顺序关系是:______________A、先接通电源,后让纸带运动 B、先让纸带运动,再接通电源t/sv/m·s-120204 64010 20 30 40 50 601020300v/(m·s -1)t/s3C、让纸带运动的同时接通电源 D、先让纸带运动或先接通电源都可以 15.(6 分)电磁打点计时器是一种使用低压交流电源的计时仪器。某次用打点计时器研究小车运动的实验中得到一条纸带如图所示,从比较清晰的 0 点起,每五个打印点取为一个计数点,分别标明0、l、2、3、4……,量得 0 与 1 两点间距离 x1=30.0mm,1 与 2 两点间距离 x2=36.0mm,2 与 3 两点间距离x3=42.0mm,3 与 4 两点间的距离 x4=48.0mm,则小车在打计数点 2 时的瞬时速度为 m/s,小车的加速度为 m/s 2。三、计算题(本题共 3 小题,共 32 分。解答应写出必要的文字说明 、方程式和重要演算步骤,只写最后答案的不给分,有数值计算的题,答案中必须明确写出数值的单位。 )16. (8 分)一只花盆从离地面 20m 高的某座楼 5 层自由下落,经过多长时间花盆落到地面?花盆到达地面时的速度有多大?17.(12 分)汽车自 O 点由静止在平直公路上做匀加速直线运动,途中 5 s 时间内依次经 过 P、Q 两根t电线杆.已知 P、Q 相距 50 m,汽车经过 Q 时的速率为 15 m/s,则S2v(1)汽车经过 P 时的速率 是多少?1v(2)汽车的加速度 为多少?a(3)O、P 间距离 为多少?0S18.(12 分)近年来,我国高速公路网发展迅速。为了确保安全,高速公路上行驶的汽车之间应保持必要的距离,已知某高速公路的最高限速 =24 m/s。某司机驾车在该高速公路上以限定的最高速度行驶,突然0v前方约 90 m 处有一车辆因故已停挡住去路,司机从发现后便操作紧急刹车,到汽车开始匀减速所经历的时0 1 2 3 44间(即反应时间)为 t0=0.50 s(注:在反应时间内汽车做匀速运动) ,刹车时汽车的加速度大小为 4.0 m/s2,试通过计算说明是否会发生追尾事故?2015—2016 学年上学期高一年段半期考试答题卡物 理(必修 1)(满分 100 分,考试时间 90 分钟)一、单项选择题(每小题 4 分,共 48 分;每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题意,有选错或不答的得 0 分。 )题号 1 2 3 4 5 6答案题号 7 8 9 10 11 12答案二、填空、实验题(本题共 20 分)13. 14.(1) (2) 15. 三、计算题(本题包括 4 小题,共 48 分;解答应写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤,只写出最后答案的不能得分;有数值计算的题,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位)16.517. 18.1连江 2015—2016 学年第一学期期中考试高一英语试题【完卷时间:120 分钟; 满分:150 分】本试卷分第一卷,第二卷和答题卡三部分;请将选择题答案用 2B 铅笔填涂在答题卡上;非选择题答案用黑色水笔填写在答题卡上;考试结束,将答题卡交回。第一卷:选择题(100 分)第一部分 听力(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What happened to Annie?A. She hurt her arm. B. She hurt her leg. C. She hurt her head.2. How does the woman feel about the new house?A. Excited. B. Satisfied. C. Disappointed.3. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student. B. Schoolmates. C. Workmates.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Watching TV. B. Buying a TV. C. Placing the TV.5. How does the woman want to get to the bank?A. On foot. B. By car. C. By bus.第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6. Where is the man from?A. America. B. England. C. Australia.7. What time will the director meet the man on Monday morning?A. At 8:00 B. At 9:00 C. At 10:00听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。8. Why does the boy want to get cable TV?A. There are more channels.B. It is cheap and convenient.2C. The programmes are more interesting.9. What kind of programmes does the boy watch only?A. Action movies. B. Advertisements. C. Educational programmes.10. What can we lean from the conversation?A. The boy is spoiled by the woman.B. The boy has to study hard this term.C. The woman agrees to get cable TV finally.听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。11. Where is the Flower Show?A. In the City Park. B. In the Forest Park. C. In the Flower Park.12. What did the woman’s daughter say about the Flower Show?A. It was beautiful. B. It is open in the morning.C. It is one of the tourist attractions in her city.13. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The man will go to the Flower Show.B. The woman has been to see the Flower Show once.C. The woman’s daughter went to the Flower Show yesterday.听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 题至 17 题。14. What is the woman’s problem?A. She forgot to buy apple pies.B. The apple pies she made have gone bad.C. She doesn’t know what to have for dessert.15. What does the woman say about Steve’s parents?A. They are too polite. B. They always complain to Steve.C. They like to have healthy food.16. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Go out to have dinner.B. Buy some fruit and vegetables.C. Prepare fruit and cheese for dessert.17. What is the probable relationship between the woman and Steve?A. Husband and wife. B. Brother and sister. C. Colleagues.听第 10 段材料。回答 18 至 20 题。18. What is the speaker’s main purpose of coming to England?A. To visit the city. B. To visit her boyfriend. C. To attend a conference and exhibition.19. What did the speaker do yesterday?A. She visited Chinatown. B. She did some shopping. C. She went to an exhibition.320. Where is the stand of the speaker’s company?A. Near the restaurant. B. Near the coffee shop. C. Near the clothes shop.第二部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)一、阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。AAs we know, there are differences between Western culture and Chinese culture.We can see differences when we pay attention to the way some words are used.Let's look at the words about animals and ants.Although dogs are thought to be honest and good friends of humans,most expressions in Chinese about the dog,for example, “a homeless dog”, “a running dog” and “a dog catching a mouse”.have negative meanings.But in Western countries,people use “dog” to describe positive actions.In English,for example, “You are a lucky dog” means “You are a lucky person”.And “Every dog has its day” means “Each person has good luck sometimes”.However.Chinese love cats very much.But in Western culture. “cat” is often used to describe a woman who is cruel(冷的) .There are many other examples of how “cat” is used differently as well.The rose is regarded(视为)as a symbol(象征)of love in both China and some Western countries.People think the rose stands for(代表)love,peace,courage and friendship. And the rose is the national flower of England,America and many other countries.The words about animals and plants are used in positive or negative ways in different cultures.We can learn about many differences in different cultures by comparing how some words are used21.The word “dog” in Chinese usually_______________.A. stands for peace B.stands for good luckC.has a negative meaning D.has a positive meaning22. “Every dog has its day” means“__________________”.A.Everybody in the world is lucky B.Each person has his own way of lifeC.If one works hard,he’s sure to succeedD.Everybody has a time in life to be lucky23.Western people usually use “cat” to refer to“________________” .A.a tired person B.a brave man C.a homeless person D.an unkind woman24.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. “A lucky dog” means “a lucky person” in Western countries.B.Chinese people prefer dogs to cats.C.Western people consider cats to be good friends.D.The rose is the nat ional flower of all the Western countries.425. What does the writer talk about in the passage?A.Some words have both negative and positive meanings.B.Different countries have different cultures.C.The rose means the same in Chinese culture and Western culture.D.Western culture and Chinese culture have a lot in common.BWhenever the sun dropped and the blue sky came up, my father and I used to climb the mountain near my house. Walking together, my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through which I learned lessons from his experiences. He always told me, “You should have goals like climbing the mountain.” Without the mountain-climbing that we both enjoyed, we couldn’t have enough time to spend together because my father was very busy. I really got a lot from mountain-climbing. It gave me time to talk with my father and to be in deep thought as well as develop my patience (耐力).Once we climbed a very high mountain. It was so challenging for me because I was only ten years old. During the first few hours of climbing, I enjoyed the flowers and trees, and the birds’ singing, but as time passed, I got a pain in both of my legs. I wanted to quit climbing. In fact, I hated it at that moment, but my father said to me, “You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain, but you can’t see it before you reach the top. Only there at the top, can you see all of the nice things, just like in life.”At that time, I was too young to understand his words. But later after that, I got new hope and confidence . I found myself standing at the top of the sky, which was as clear as crystal (水晶). 26. The passage tells us that mountain-climbing was ________ for Father and Son.A. hard B. enjoyable C. painful D. comfortable27. The word “quit” in the passage means “________”.A. carry on B. put off C. give up D. pick up 28. Which of the following is similar in meaning to the father’s words in the second paragraph?A. You will get all you need at the top of the mountain. B. The sky is always as clear as crystal. C. You can find life is full of nice things.D. Never give up half-way.29. We can infer (推断) from the last paragraph that ________.A. the writer was very successful in his life B. the writer didn’t reach the top of the mountainC. though the writer was young, he could understand his father D. the writer used to stop half-way when he climbed the mountain30. The best title for the passage is“________”.A. Reaching the Top of the Mountain B. Enjoy the Beautiful Views5C. Conversations between Father and Son D. Father and I CMaybe you know floods(洪水), droughts(干旱), earthquakes, sandstorms and so on. But have you ever heard of typhoons?Typhoons are some of the worst storms, usually around the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea. Most happen in July, August and September.How does a typhoon happen? When lots of sea water gets hot in the summer sun, it evaporates(蒸发掉) into the air. This makes the air hotter. When the air gets warm enough, it starts to move higher up into the sky. Then, cooler air around it rushes in. It fills the space that is left. After the air gets warmer, it starts to move quickly, making wind. The wind goes in circles, and it keeps moving higher in the sky. The warmer the air gets, the quicker the wind moves. And when the wind moves faster than 30 meters a second, a typhoon begins.A typhoon has two parts. One is called the“eye”. In the eye, the wind does not move so fast. The other part is the wall of clouds around the eye. This is where the strongest wind and hardest rains are.Typhoons are very dangerous. In 2004, Typhoon Yunna killed 164 people in Zhejiang, and 24 people were missing. In May 2006, Typhoon Pearl hit Guangdong and Fujian, and thousands of houses were damaged.What to do when a typhoon hitsStay inside. Close all the windows and stay away from them.Try to bring all of your things inside. Strong winds could even blow away your bikes!Listen to the radio or TV for important information.If you’re told to go to a safer place, do so right away. 31. Typhoons often happen .A. in the hot season B. in the cold seasonC. in the daytime D. at night32. Which picture can tell the meaning of the underlined sentences“…,it starts to move higher up into the sky. Then, cooler air around it rushes in.”?33. When a typhoon comes, we CANNOT A. close all the windows B. listen to typhoon newsC. stay outside with our bikes D. stay inside the strong house34. This passage is mainly about .A. the knowledge of typhoon B. the eye of a typhoonC. the most dangerous typhoon Yunna D. the names of typhoon635. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The warmer the air gets, the slower the wind moves.B. This year Typhoon Peal killed 164 people in Zhejiang.C. The strongest winds and harder rains are in the eye of typhoon.D. A typhoon will happen when the wind goes faster than 30 meters a second.D阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。答案写在相应题号的下方。A; To the Red Hotel. B; The driver was very honest.C; Fifteen dollars! D; Where are you going, sir?E; I know how much I have to pay for the trip.F;After a long time G;Not long after.It was a cold night. The taxi driver didn’t take even one passenger all day. When he went by the railway station, he saw a young man coming out with two bags in his hands. So he drove to him and asked,”___36___””___37___” they young man answered. When the taxi driver heard this, he didn’t feel happy any more. They young man would give him only three dollars because the hotel was near the railway station, but suddenly, he had an idea. He took the young man through many streets of the big city.___38__, they arrived at the hotel. “Here we are! You should pay me fifteen dollars, please,” the taxi driver said to the young man. “What? ___39__ Do you think I’m a fool? Only last week, I took a taxi from the railway station to this hotel and I only gave the driver thirteen dollars. ___40__”第三部分 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I like to be near water — the sea, lake or river. That is probably because I was born in a village __41__ the sea, and have lived __42__ life close to water of some __43__. When I am in some place __44__ is far from the lake, river and sea,I am restless and always __45__ that there is something __46__, though it is sometimes hard to __47__ what it is.Of course, the sports I like are __48__ which need water — sailing, rowing and swimming. It is __49__ to swim in a small swimming pool, __50__ rowing and sailing are impossible without a lot of water. Rowing is best on a river, and sailing on the sea or a big lake, but one can __51__ some sailing on a river, and one can certainly row on a lake or the sea when the __52__ is good.Of the three sports — swimming, rowing and sailing, I like rowing __53__, because it is the __54__ to continue during the winter, when the water is too cold for swimming and the sea is too rough for sailing. __55__ on the coldest day one can row; __56__ ice on the 7water, or thick fog stops one. Sometimes it is so cold when I go __57__ that drops of water __58__. In such weather, it is not very __59__ to swim; one can't stay in the water long; however, when one is rowing, one gets __60__ the longer one goes on.41.A. by B. on C. in D. far from42.A. my most B. most of my C. my most of D. most my43.A. good B. kind C. place D. land44.A. there B. which C. where D. this45.A. know B. find C. feel D. want46.A. missed B. missing C. which is missed D. nice47.A. make B. see C. do D. say48.A. few B. some C. many D. those49.A. able B. easy C. possible D. impossible50.A. but B. and C. however D. or51.A. have B. get C. make D. do52.A. sky B. weather C. day D. water53.A. better B. more C. best D. least54.A. most interesting B. coldest C. hardest D. easiest55.A. Even B. Ever C. But D. Only56.A. not B. only C. it is hardly D. not only57.A. to rowing B. on rowing C. out rowing D. on to row58.A. freeze B. drop C. turn warm D. get cool59.A. glad B. pleased C. pleasure D. pleasant60.A. warmer B. happier C. cooler D. colder第二卷 :非选择题(共 50 分)第四部分词组英汉互译。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分。)61.遭受______________ 62.利用 ___________ 63. 与.相处,进展_____________ 64. change one’s mind____________ 65. grow crazy about _____________ 66.get tired of______________67.官方语言 _________________ 68.in ruins ___________________69.在…中起作用____________ 70.关心;挂念________________ 第五部分:语法填空(共 10 题,每题 1 分, 满分 10 分。) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内的单词正确形式 I’m Anne. I lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II . I was from a 71 (Jew) family, so we had to hide away in order not 72 (catch) by the German Nazis. During that time it was because I hadn’t been able to go 73 (outdoor) for so long 74 I grew so crazy about everything to do 75 nature . I can still remember there was a time 76 a deep blue sky, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me 77 (spellbind). That’s changed since I came here. Once, I stayed 78 (wake) on purpose until half past eleven .I 8decided to look at the moon at midnight by 79 (me). But I didn’t dare to open the window to see the night face to face because I was afraid of being discovered by the Nazis. It ’s no 80 (please) looking through dirty curtains any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced. 第六部分:根据所给汉语完成下列课文中的句子(共 15 空格,每空格 1 分,满分 15 分)81. 有一天晚上,我熬到 11 点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮。One evening I stayed awake ______ ______ until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself. 82. 这是我一