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1集宁一中 2015—2016 学年第一学期第一次月考考试高一年级理科综合试题本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。本试卷满分为 270 分,考试时间为 120 分钟。第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共 102 分)可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 F-19 Mg-24 Al-27 Si-28 S-32 Cl-35.5一、选择题(本题共 11 小题,每小题 6 分,共 66 分。在下列各题的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题意的。)1.生命活动离不开细胞,对此理解不正确的是 ( )A.一切生物的生命活动都是在细胞内或在细胞的参与下完成的B.SARS 病毒没有细胞结构,但能独立完成各种生命活 动C.除病毒外,一切生物体都是由细胞构成的,细胞是构成有机体的基本单位D.单细胞生物依靠单个细胞就能完成各种生命活动,多细胞生物依赖各种分化的细胞密切合作,共同完成复杂的生命活动2.若下图代表与生命系统相关概念的范围,其中正确的是 ( )3.HIV 病毒与变形虫的区别;蓝藻与菠菜细胞的本质区别分 别是( )A. 有无细胞壁、有无遗传物质 B.有无细胞结构、有无核膜C.有无核膜、有无细胞结构 D.有无核膜、有无细胞壁 4.观察同一材料的同一部位时,高倍镜与低倍镜相比( )A.物像小、视野亮,看到的细胞数目多B.物像小、视野暗,看到的细胞数目少C.物像大、视野暗,看到的细胞数目少D.物 像大、视野亮,看到的细胞数目多5.生物组织中还原糖、脂肪和蛋白质三种有机物的鉴定实验中,以下操作错误的是 ( )选项 a b cA 生物大分子 细胞 组织B 个体 种群 群落C 生态系统 群落 种群D 组 织 系统 器官2A.可溶性还原糖的鉴定,可用酒精灯直接加热产生砖红色沉淀 B.只有脂肪的鉴定需要使用显微镜C.用双缩脲试剂检测蛋白质不需要加热 D.使用斐林试剂和双缩脲试剂最好是现配现用6.下列实验仪器不宜直接用来加热的是( ) A.试管 B.坩埚 C.蒸发皿 D.烧杯7.以下是一些常用的危险品标志,装运乙醇的包装箱应贴的图标是( )A B C D8.下列叙述错误的是 ( )A.1mol 任何物质都含有 6.02×1023个原子B.0.012kg 12C 含有阿伏加德罗常数个碳原子C.在使用摩尔表示物质的量的单位时,应指明粒子的种类D.物质的量是国际单位制中七个基本物理量之一9.在 1.01×105Pa,20℃时,下列气体各 2.8L,其质量最大的是( )A.N 2 B.Cl 2 C.NH 3 D.SO 210.下列溶液中,跟 100mL 0.5mol/L NaCl 溶液所含的 Cl- 物质的量浓度相同的是( )A.100mL0.5mol/L MgCl 2溶液 B.200mL 0.25mol/L CaCl 2溶液C.50ml 1.0mol/L NaCl 溶液 D.25ml 0.4mol/L HCl 溶液11.由 CO2、H 2和 CO 组成的混合气体在同温、同压下与氮气的密度相同,则该混合气体中 CO2、H 2和 CO 的体积比为( ) A.19∶8∶13 B.22∶1∶1 4 C.13∶9∶29 D.26∶16∶27二、选择题(本题共 6 小题:每小题 6 分,共 36 分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,12---15 题只有一个选项正确,16---17 题有多个选项符合题目要求。全部选对的得 6 分,选不全的得 3 分,有选错的或不答的得 0 分。)12. 下列各种情况,可以把研究对象看作质点的是( )3A.研究小木块的翻倒过程B.讨论地球的公转C. 教练为运动员分析乒乓球的运动D.计算整列火车通过某一路标的时间13. 钓鱼岛自古就是我国固有的领土,它到温 州的直线距离为 356 km。若某天我国海监船为维护我国对钓鱼岛的主权,早上 8:00 从温州出发去钓鱼岛巡航,航行了 480 km,历时 8 时 20 分到达钓鱼岛。下列说法中正确的是( )A.8:00 是指时间间隔B.8 时 20 分是指时刻C.该海监船位移大小为 480 km,路程为 356 kmD.该问题中可以将海监船看成质点14. 关于质点的位移和路程,下列说法中正确的是( )A.沿直线运动的物体,位移和路程是相等的B.质点沿不同的路径由 A 到 B,其路程可能不同而位移是相同的C.质点通过一段路程,其位移不可能是零D.质点运动的位移大小可能大于路程15. 下列所描述的运动中,错误的是( )A.速度变化方向为正,加速度方向为负 B.速度变化很大,加速度很小C.速度变化越来越快,加速度的值越来越大 D.速度越来越大,加速度越来越小.16.汽车刹车后做匀减速直线运动,经 3s 后停止运动,那么,汽车在这连续的三个 1s 初的速度之比和这连续的三个 1s 内汽车通过的位移之比分别为( )A.v 1:v 2:v 3=3:2:1 B.v 1:v 2:v 3= : :3 2 1C.x 1:x 2:x 3=3:2:1 D.x 1:x 2:x 3=5:3:117.某物体做匀变速直线运动,加速度大小为 6m/s2,那么在任意 1 s 内( )A.此物体的末速度一定等于初速度的 6 倍 B.此物体任意 1 s 的初速度与前 1 s 末的速度相等C.此物体在每 1 s 内的速度变化大小为 6 m/s D.此物体在任意 1 s 内的末速度比初速度大 6 m/s 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共 168 分)三、非选择题(共 11 小题)18. (每空 4 分,共 8 分)中国是掌控空中加油技术的少数国家之一。我国自行研制的第三代战斗机歼—10 在空中加油时,若以歼—10 战斗机为参考系,加油机是 ,若以地面上的房屋4为参考系,加油机是 。 (选填“静止”或“运动” )19. (每空 4 分,共 12 分)一小球从距地 面 4 米的高处竖直向下抛出,被地面弹回,在距地面 1米处被接住,坐标 原点定在抛出点的正下方 2 米处,选竖直向下为坐标轴的正方向,则抛出点,落地点,接住点的位置坐标分别是 米, 米, 米。20. (每空 4 分,共 8 分)升降机提升重物时重物运动的 v-t 图象如图所示,利用该图象分析并求解以下问题:(1)0~2 s 与 5~8 s 内的加速度大小之比是 。(2)整个过程发生的位移是 米。21.(15 分) 某质点由 A 出发做直线运动,前 5s 向东行驶了 30m 经过 B 点,又行驶了 5s 前进了 60m 到达 C 点,在 C 点停了 4s 后又向西行驶,经历了 6s 运动了 120m 到达 A 点的西侧的 D 点,如图所示,求(1)每段时间内的平均速度大小和方向?(2)全过程的平均速度 .22.(21 分)汽车以 10 m/s 的速度在平直公路上匀速行驶,刹车后经 2 s 速度变为 6 m/s,求:(1)刹车后 2 s 内前进的距离及刹车过程中的加速度;(2)刹车后前进 9 m 所用的时间;(3)刹车后 8 s 内前进的距离.23. (每空 4 分,共 44 分) 某次实验需配制 0.4mol•L-1NaOH 溶液 500mL.配制方法如下:(1)配置该溶液所需玻璃仪器除烧杯、量筒、玻璃棒外还需_____和_____;(2)用托盘天平准确称量_____g 固体 NaOH;(3)将称量好的 NaOH 固体放在 500mL 大烧杯中,倒入约 300mL 蒸馏水,用玻璃棒搅 拌,使固体全部溶解,待_____后,将烧杯中的溶液注入容量瓶中;(4)用少量蒸馏水洗涤烧杯以及玻璃棒 2~3 次,洗涤后的溶液____ _,轻轻晃动容量瓶,使溶液混合均匀;(5)向容量瓶中加入蒸馏水,到液面__ ___时,改用胶头滴管加蒸馏水至液面与刻度线相5切.盖好瓶塞,倒转摇匀,装入细口瓶贴上标签.(6)下列情况对所配制浓度有何影响?(用偏大、偏小、无影响填写)A.所用的固体 NaOH 长时间放置在密封不好的容器中_____B.容量瓶用蒸馏洗涤后残留有少量的水_____C.定容时俯视溶液的液凹面_____(7)如果加水 定容时超出了刻度线,会造成溶液浓度 _____,不能将超出部分再吸走,须_ ____.24. (每空 4 分,共 8 分)同温同压下,等质量的 SO2与 CO2相比较,密度之比为 体积之比为 25.(每空 2 分,共 2 分)20 g A 物质和 14 g B 物质恰好完全反应,生成 8.8 g C 物质、3.6 g D 物质和 0.2 mol E 物质,则 E 物质的摩尔质量为 26. (每空 2 分,共 18 分)下图是几种生物的基本结构单位。请根据图回答下面的题。(1)最有可能属于病毒的是 ,它在结构上不同于其他三种图示的显著特点是 ;病毒的生活及繁殖必须在 内才能进行。(2)图中属于原核细胞的是 ,它在结构上不同于真核细胞的最显著特点是 ,与真核细胞的统一性表现在 。(3)图中能进行光合作用的是〔 〕 ,能完成此生理过程的物质基6础是因为其内含有 ,因而它是一类营 生活的生物。27. (每空 2 分,共 16 分)下列是某化合物的结构简图,据图回答:(1)此化合物的名称是 。(2)图中①的名称是 ;④的名称是 ;⑥的名称是 ;图中表示 R 基团的编号是 。(3)形成该化合物的反应叫做 ,此反应在 (填一种细胞器)中发生,在该过程中,相对分子质量减少了 。28. (每空 2 分,共 16 分) 用显微镜观察同一标本 4 次,每次仅调整目镜或物镜和细准焦螺旋,结果得下图(1)请从下列目镜与物镜的组合中找出与图像③④对应的是:③________; ④________。A.目镜 10× 物镜 10× B.目镜 10× 物镜 20×C.目镜 10× 物镜 4× D.目镜 10× 物镜 40×(2)视野最暗的图像是________(填序号),图像太暗则应调节_______ 和 _______ 。(3)选择组合 A:目镜 10×,物镜 10×,所观察到的物像是实际物体的________ 倍,这个放大倍数是指________(填“长度” 、 “面积” 、 “体积”);若 A 组合视野中细胞为 160 个,则换上 D 组合,视野中细胞为________个。1集宁一中 2015-----2016 学年第一学期第一次月考考试高一年级数学试题本试卷满分为 120 分,考试时间为 100 分钟第一卷(选择题 共 50 分)一、选择题(在下列各题的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题意的。每小题 5 分,共 50 分)1.方程组 的解组成的集合是 ( ) 31xy1,2.A,2.B1,2.C2,1.D2.若集合 ,则集合 M 的所有非空真子集的个数是 ( )0-,,.函数 的值域是 ( )),41(2Zxxy1,0.A12,.B26C.,3D4.已知函数 的定义域为(-1,0),则函数 的定义域为 ( ))(xf )12(xf.1,A.1,B.,0C.,2D5.下列函数既是增函数又是奇函数的是 ( )1.xyA3.xyBC. |.D6.函数 的图像只可能是 ( ))0(2abxybaxy与2A B C D7.已知偶函数 在区间 上是增函数,则 的大小)(xf,0 )32()1aff与关系是 ( ))32()1.affA )32()1.affBCD8.若一系列的函数解析式相同、值域相同,但定义域不同,则称这些函数为“同型异构”函数。那么函数解析式为 ,值域为 的“同型异构”函数有 Rxy,29-1,( )A.10 个 B.9 个 C.8 个 D.7 个 9.已知函数 的图像恒过定点 P,则点 P 的坐标是 ( )14)(xafA.(1,5) B.(1,4) C.(0,4) D.(4,0)10.函数 的定义域为 ( )xxy3243,1.A4,1.B21,.C,0,.D第二卷(非选择题 共 70 分)11. 则 ______1,2345,2,3,45,UABCUABC12.函数 是定义在 R 上的偶函数,且在 上是减函数,则()yfx26.(填“”或“1 时, 为增区间, 为减区间3,3,当 0a1 时, 为减区间, 为增区间,2,21集宁一中 2015——2016 学年第一学期第一次月考高一年级文综试题本试卷满分为 240 分,考试时间为 80 分钟第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共 105 分)一、选择题(在下列各题的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题意的。每小题 5 分,共 105 分。 )下图为阳直射点移动图,读图完成第 1~2 题。1、 国庆节位于( ) A.a 段 B.b 段 C.c 段 D.d 段2、当太阳直射点位于 A 点时,则此时( )A.北半球为冬季 B.南半球昼长夜短C.北回归线正午太阳高度角为 90° D.地球公转速度较快3、一条河流沿北纬 35°自西向东流(如图所示) ,河中有一沙坝,下列叙述正确的是( ) A.淘金作业可以在南岸进行 B.北岸可以建河港C.河水中的漩涡呈顺时针状态 D.沙坝将与北岸相连下表为我国甲、乙两城市某日日出日落时间(北京时间)统计表,据此完成 4~5 题。城 市 日出时间 日落时间甲 5:28 19:002乙 7:23 20:274、甲地位于乙地的( )A.东北方 B.西北方 C.东南方 D.西南方5、当甲地日出时,理论上地球上的日期分界线除 180°经线外,还有( )A.0°经线 B.38°W 经线 C.38°E 经线 D.60°W 经线读中心点为地球北极的示意图,完成第 6~7 题。6、若阴影部分表示黑夜,甲地的时间为( ) A.8 时 B.9 时 C.15 时 D.16 时7、若阴影部分表示 23 日,空白部分表示 22 日,则北京时间为( ) A.23 日 2 点 B.22 日 8 点 C.23 日 8 点 D.22 日 2 点8、2015 年,中国人民银行发行 2015 吉祥文化金银纪念币一套。该套纪念币共 8 枚,其中金币 4枚,银币 4 枚,均为中华人民共和国法定货币。该纪念币与同面额人民币等值流通。下列说法正确的是( )A.该纪念币的本质是用于交换的劳动产品B.该纪念币的购买力由国家规定,因为它是由国家发行的C.该纪念币的收藏价值最终由其使用价值决定D.该纪念币可以充当商品交换的媒介,具有流通手段职能9、解决物价问题的一项重要措施是控制过多货币投放量,消除物价上涨的货币基础。这种做 法的理论依据是( )A.发行纸币过多会引起物价上涨B.货币具有流通手段职能C.纸币本质是一般等价物D.价格是价值的货币表现10、近年来,相继发生的“毒奶粉” “地沟油” “瘦肉精”等食品安全事件牵动着 大众的神经。这一系列事件也应引起食品生产企业的警醒,努力确保食品质量和安全,为消费者创造一个放心的消费环境。这是因 为( )A.重视产品质量就能盈利3B.使用价值和价值是商品的两个基本属性C.产品的质量就是商品的价值D.商品的使用价值是商品能够满足人们某种需要的属性11、在国际外汇市场。2012 年 9 月 20 日,100 美元可以兑换 633.80 元人民币;2015 年 1 月 27 日,1 美元可以兑换 6.1384 元人民币。该变化带来的影响可能有( )A.我国产品在国际市场上的竞争力增强B.我国居民会更多地购买美国债券C.美国出口到中国的产品变的更贵D.我国居民到美国留学的费用减少12、近年来,很多地方都实行阶梯电价、阶梯水价。所谓阶梯水价是规定一个基本用水基数,超过这个基数部分,水的单价就会提高,以下对实行“阶梯式计量水价”的理解,哪一项是错误的( )A.能够引导人们绿色消费 B.说明水的价格是由供求关系决定的C.有利于提高水资源的利用率 D.是运用价格杠杆来调节水资源的配置13、目前,部分中学生在日常生活消费中出现了追求名牌的风气.针对这种现象,你认为正确的态度应该是( )①摒弃盲目攀比,但不反对名牌 ②名牌就是现代、前卫,崇尚名牌合情合理③反对盲目攀比,摒弃名牌 ④根据自己的实际情况,理性对待名牌A.①④ B.②③ C.②④ D.③④14、百年老店“全聚德”开展了一项“适量点菜,吃完有奖”活动,倡导“够吃正好”的消费理念,对传统的“有吃有剩”的观念提出了挑战。 “全聚德”倡导的这种消费( ) ① 是一种理智的消费,符合求实心理 ② 是求异心理引发 的消费③ 不利于可持续性消费 ④ 体现了“勤俭节约,艰苦奋斗”的消费原则A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D. ①④15、 《书序》说:“武王既胜殷,邦诸侯,班宗彝,作《分器》 。 ”这里所说的“诸侯” ( )①臣服于商王朝 ②相对于材料中的武王是小宗 ③可以拥有军队,可以自己任命官员 ④ 普遍实行嫡长子继承制A.②③④ B. ①③④ C. ① ② ③ D. ①②③④416、 “(楚庄王十六年)伐陈,杀夏征舒 。……已破陈,即县之。 ”“(韩桓惠王十年)我上党郡守以上党郡降赵。 ”这说明春秋战国时期( )A.楚国和赵国分别分封了陈国和韩国 B.楚庄王完成了全国的统一C.秦国在新征服的地方设立了郡县 D.出现了分封制和郡县制并存的局面17、 “天下之事无小大皆决于上” “丞相诸大臣皆受成事,倚辨于上。 ”这反映了( )A.三公九卿互相制约 B.秦律细密严苛 C.皇权至高无上 D.丞相独揽大权18、一位西方学者评论秦始皇:“建立了绝对的专制制度,这一制度以个人亲信为基础,而不考虑世系和教育。 ”从人类政治文明发展的角度看,这一政治转向的积极意义主要在( )A.从血缘政治向官僚政治转变 B.从军功政治向文治政治转变C.从分权政治向专制政治转变 D.从地方分权向中央集权转变19、 “它排除了丞相个人专断,相权过大威胁皇权而出现的政治危机,而且增强了决策施政的程序性和合理性,提高了行政效率。 ”材料中的“它”是指( )A.西汉中、外朝制度 B.唐朝三省六部制度C.元朝行省制度 D.明朝内阁制度20、贾谊《治安策》载:“欲天下之治安,莫若众诸侯而少其力。 ”“力小则易使以义,国小则无邪心。 ”这一主张后来发展为( )A. 削夺王国的封地 B. 夺去王侯的爵位 C. 颁行推恩令 D. 继承西周分封制21、 “时方镇阙守帅,稍命文臣权之,又置转运使、通判,为之条禁,文簿渐为精密,由是利用归公上而外权削矣。 ”其实质是( )A.剥夺朝中大将的兵权 B.防止分裂割据C.防止“陈桥兵变”重演 D.加强中央集权第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共 135 分)522、 读太阳系示意图,回答下列问题。 (20 分)(1)八颗行星中,A 表示 ,B 表示 。按结构特征,它们都属于 行星。(2)按运动特征,八颗行星绕日公转轨道有同向性,即都是自 向 ,呈 时针方向运动。另外,还具有 性和 性。(3)哈雷彗星的公转周期为 年。太阳之所以是太阳系的中心天体,主要是因为其 。 23、甲图为“某日地球光照图” ,读图回答下列问题。(25 分)(1)此时北京时间为 点钟;图中昼长最短的点是 ;太阳高度角小于 0°的点是 。(2)此日,B 地地方时 时日出,C 地地方时 时日落。(3)若计划在 A、B、C 三地均新建住宅小区 ,小区中的楼房高度相等,则楼间距最大的是 地。(4)若黄赤交角增大至 30°,地球上的温度带会有什么变化? 。 24、未来几年,我们要牢牢把握扩大内需这一战略基点,加快建立扩大消费需求长效机制,扩大国内市场规模。着力破解制约扩大内需的体制机制障碍,加快形成消费、投资、出口协调拉动经济增6长新局面。请从影响消费水平因素的角度就如何刺激居民消费需求、提高居民的消费率提几条建议。 (20 分)25、某校高一(7)班召开了“聚焦中学生消费现象”的主题班会,在探讨对消费的认识时,甲、乙、丙同学各自发表了自己的见解。甲同学:某手机广告云“我自己的手机我喜欢就行了,管它是否时尚主流,管它有没有摄像头去玩偷拍,管它 4 096 色还是 65 000 千色,它有个性,够反叛,跟我有 feel,我就要它!”乙同学:“食品消费,向广告看齐;人情消费,向父母看齐;服装消费,向名牌看齐;美容消费,向明星看齐。 ”丙同学:只买对的不买贵的。(1)甲、乙、丙三位同学的观点体现了什么消费心理?(9 分)(2)你认为作为当代中学生应积极践行哪些消费原则?(16 分)26、 制度创新是人类社会发展进步的一个重要体现。阅读下列有关我国古代政治制度的材料,回答问题。 (20 分)材料一:周文、武所封子弟同姓甚众,然后属疏远,相攻击如仇雠,诸侯更相诛伐,周天子弗能禁止。 ——《史记·秦始皇本纪》材料二:“寡人以眇眇之身,兴兵诛暴乱,赖宗庙之灵,六王咸伏其奉,天下大定。今名号不更,无以称成功,传后世……朕为始皇帝。后世以计数,二世三世至于万世,传之无穷。 ”材料三:“天下共苦战斗不休,以有侯王。赖宗庙,天下初定,又复立国,是树兵也,而求其宁息,岂不难哉!廷尉议是。 ”分天下以为三十六郡,郡置守、尉、监。(1)材料一主要叙述了哪一历史现象?(5 分)(2)结合材料二,根据所学知识回答秦始皇建立的皇帝制度有何特点。 (5 分)秦朝中央政权的基本结构是什么?(5 分)这种中央政权组织有何特点?(5 分)27、阅读下列材料,回答问题。 (25 分)材料一 明代废除丞相以前,历代著名丞相及其命运7时 期 代表人物 命 运秦 国 吕不韦 秦王以“仲父”相称,掌握国家大权,后被流放。东汉末年 曹 操挟天子以令诸 侯,掌握 国家大权,其子篡夺皇位。三国蜀 诸葛亮受刘备托孤,掌握国家大权, 鞠躬尽瘁。材料二 废除丞相以后,相当于丞相地位的官职所享有权力范围的变化时期 职位 所享有权力范围明代中叶以后 内阁首辅 拥有票拟权,但不是合法的宰相,地位常受到挑战 。清代 军机大臣 承旨拟写,相当于顾问、秘书班子。(1)阅读材料,根据所学知识说明明太祖废除丞相制度的原因是什么?(8 分)(2)内阁首辅、军机大臣有时也被人称为“宰相” ,你认为这种 称呼是否有实质意义?说明理由。(8 分)(3)相权的逐步削弱,以至最终废除说明了什么?(9 分)8高一地理卷答案1、选择题1.B解析:国庆节为 10 月 1 日,此时太阳直射点应该在赤道和南回归线之间。2.C解析:太阳直射 A 点时,为北半球夏至(太阳直射北回归线,北回线上的正午太阳高度为 90°)日 6 月 22 日前后。北半球处于夏半年,昼长 夜短,地球接近公转轨道上的远日点。3.D解析:北半球自西向东流淌的河流,在地转偏向力的影响下南岸受冲刷严重,北岸沉积。 (淘金在沉积岸,建港在侵蚀岸;河水中的漩涡南半球呈顺时针状态、北半球 呈逆时针状态)4.A解析:由两地的日出日落时间可计算出两地的昼长分别为:甲 13 时 32 分,乙 13 时 4 分,由此可知北半球昼长夜短,为夏半年;此时北半球纬度越高昼越长,可知甲纬度较乙高;甲地日出时刻早,乙地日出时刻晚,可知乙位于甲地的西方,因此甲位于乙的东北方。5.C解析:甲地的日出时间为北京时间的 5:28,另一条日期分界线为地方时为 0 时的经线,计算可知为 38°E。6.B解析:昼半球的中央经线地方时为 12 点,甲地与 12 点经线相差 45°,且位于其西侧。7.C解析:根据题干可知,0°经线地方时为 0 点,所以北京时间为 8 点,且位于 23 日的范围。2、综合题22.(1)水星 金星 类地(2)西 东 逆 近原性 共面性(3)76 质量大23.(1)10:00 E A(2)4:00 18:00 B(3)热带、寒带范围扩大,温带范围缩小。9高一年级文综试题政治答案选择题:8、D 9、A 10、B 11、D 12、B 13、A 14、D 24.①收入是消费的基础和前提。国家要保持经济的稳定增长,增加居民收入,提高居民家庭消费水平。②居民消费水平不仅取决于当前的收入,而且受未来收入预期的影响。因此要增加就业,稳定居民消费预期。③社会总体消费水平的高低与人们收入差距的大小有密切的联系。国家要缩小收入差距,实现共 同富裕。④物价变动会影响人们的购买力。国家要稳定物价,提高居民的购买力。25.(1)甲:求异心理。乙: 攀比心理。丙:求实心理。(2)①量入为出,适度消费。②避免盲从,理性消费。③保护环境,绿色消费。④勤俭节约,艰苦奋斗。东校区高一年级第一次月考试卷(历史) 参考答案一、单项选择题15-21 ADAA BCD2、非选择题26. (1 )周初实行分封制,诸侯与周王关系密切;后来诸侯之间互相争霸,周王权威受到挑战。(2)特点:皇帝制度体现了皇帝的独尊、皇位的世袭和皇权的至高无上。基本结构:秦朝实行三公九卿制,丞相、御史大夫和太尉是中央三个最高官职,诸卿分管国家和皇家的各种事务。特点:三公之间分工明确,互相配合,互相牵制。(3)郡县制。原因:分封制是造成天下动荡不安的根源;郡县制有利于天子对地方的控制。1027. (1)明初沿袭元制,丞 相位高权重,对皇权构成威胁。明太祖吸 取元朝权贵专权,内乱频繁的教训,借口杀胡惟庸,废丞相制度。(2)没有。内阁首辅有票拟权但还要经过皇帝批红,军机 大臣可参与军国大事但只能跪奏笔录、上传下达,二者均不具备宰相的实权,只是充当“顾问” 、 “秘书”角色,不是实质意义上的宰相。(3)在皇权与相权矛盾斗争中,相权不断削弱,皇权不断加强,并最终占据上风,专制皇权发展到了顶峰。1集宁一中霸王河校区高一年级 2015---2016 年度第一次英语月考第Ⅰ卷第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,选出最佳选项。并在卡上将该选项涂黑.A2.26-meter-tall Yao Ming made his NBA debut (初次登台) on October 23, 2002 and got 6 points for the Houston Rockets in the game. The next day, he got 13 points (得分)in another game. Most people think that Yao Ming is a born basketball player. But Yao said, “When you watch it on TV, it looks very easy. But when you are playing in the NBA, it is really not so easy.” He said that joining the Houston Rockets was a new start and a new challenge. “I hope that through very hard work I can make everyone happy and help the Rockets win more games,” he said Yao Ming speaks some English. Both he and his teammates can understand each other. They don't think there is a language problem. While Yao Ming faces this new challenge, the people of Houston have shown great interest in him and they hope Yao Ming will bring new energy (活力) to the Rockets. The team has started having lessons to learn more about China, and many people who work for the Rockets have learned to speak some Chinese.1.Yao Ming got 13 poins on October _____, 2002.A. 22 B.23 C.24 D.262.Yao Ming said that _____.A. playing in the NBA was difficult B. it was hard to watch NBA games on TVC. he was an NBA star D. it was boring to play basketball3.From the passage we can know that Yao Ming ________.A. will work hard for his teamB. made the highest score in his first NBA gameC. can't understand his teammatesD. teaches the Rockets workers Chinese himself4.The passage is probably ______.A. an advertisement B. a notice2C. a news report D. an instructionBFISH FOR FUN! DO NOT FISH FOR FOOD!FISHERMEN! FOR THE PROTECTION OF YOUR HEALTH!FISH FROM THESE WATERS SHOULD NOT BE EATEN BECAUSE OF MERCURY CONTAMINATION.Department of Land and Forests5. What’s this? It’s a ________.A. letter B. diary C. newspaper D. notice6. It has been put up _______.A. to give an order for fish B. for a concertC. to warn fishermen of the danger D. for making fun of fishermen7. It told the fishermen ________.A. to stop fishing B. the fish from the waters is unfit to eat.C. that they would never go fishing. D. that fishing was not allowed here.8. Though we don’t know the exact meaning of “mercury contamination” we guess it______.A. can feed up fish for people to eat B. is helpful for healthC. can make people lose weight D. is poisonous and dangerous to healthCArriving in Sydney on his own from India, my husband, Rashid, stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.3During the first week of his stay, he went out one day to do some shopping. He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was gone. He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers, including his passport.He reported the case to the police and then sat there,lost and lonely in strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one. Late in the evening, the phone rang. It was a stranger. He was trying to pronounce my husband’s name and was asking him a lot of questions. Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶)that had been left out on the footpath.My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents. Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers. Her parents had carefully sorted them out, although they had found mainly foreign addresses on most of the documents. At last they had seen a half-written letter in the pile in which my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend.That family not only restored the important documents to us that day but also restored our faith and trust in people. We still remember their kindness and often send a warm wish their way.9. What did Rashid plan to do after his arrival in Sydney?A. Go shopping B. Find a houseC. Join his family D. Take his family10. The girl’s parents got Rashid’s phone number from_______.A. a friend of his family B. a Sydney policemanC. a letter in his papers D. a stranger in Sydney11. What does the underlined word “restored” in the last paragraph mean?A. Showed B. Sent out C. Delivered D. Gave back12. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. From India to Australia. B. Living in a a New Country.C. Turning Trash to Treasure. D. In Search of New Friends. DAre your kids money-hungry? It may be time to talk to them about money management. 4While most children know how to spend money, only a few know the virtues (美德) of saving it. April is Financial Youth Literacy Month, which means it is as good a time as any to start talking to kids about money. Lori Mackey, the “Money Mama” and author of Money Mama and the Three Little Pigs which is a read-aloud book that teaches the basics of sound money management, visited “Good Morning America” to explain how to teach kids about saving and spending. Mackey said it’s never too early to start talking to kids about money. “It’s never too late, but if you can start early, you can teach them to give, invest, spend and save wisely, and they learn the habits of wealth,” she said. She advised that all children have some pocket money so they can understand how money works. “They make better choices if they are spending their money, and don’t become materialistic (物质主义的),” Mackey said. “If they want a toy, they have to spend their money. They don’t want to waste theirs.” Parents can have children earn money to pay for unnecessary expenses. “Whatever you are spending on your children for things they don’t actually need, allow them to earn it. In this way, it’s not costing you any money. You’re just transferring it,” Mackey said. Mackey also suggested that parents should follow the following ways when talking to their kids about the value of money.13. What will the next paragraph most probably be about?A. The ways of how to talk to kids about the value of money.B. The ways of how to teach kids to make money themselves.C. The ways of how to teach kids to spend money properly.D. The ways of how to save as much money as possible.14. According to Mackey,________________.A. it’s good to teach kids the habits of wealth earlyB. parents should allow their kids to quit school to make moneyC. too much pocket money can do harm to kidsD. the later that kids learn about money management, the better it is15. It can be inferred from the passage that .A. no kids actually want to waste their parents’ money5B. kids can learn about money by spending money C. kids will become materialistic without pocket moneyD. students should have lessons about spending money at school第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.16 They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games. Often they get very excited when their player or team wins.17 Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. What fun it is to jump into a pool or lake, whether in China, Egypt or Italy! 18 Think how many lovers to skate or ski in Japan, Norway or Canada.Some sports or game go back thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Neither one is a hundred years old yet. 19 Water-skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. 20 One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace.A. And think of people in cold countries.B. Sports help to train a person’s character.C. Not a few people participate in different sports competitions themselves.D. Many people like to watch others play games.E. People aren’t inventing new sports or games.F. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them.G. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳6选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Making friends is a skill.Like most skills, it 21 patience(耐心).If you want to meet people and make friends, you must be willing to 22 some action.You must first go where there are people.You won’t make friends staying home 23 .Joining a club or group, talking to those who like the same things 24 you do is much easier.Or join someone 25 some activity.Many people are 26 when talking to new people. 27 all, meeting strangers means seeing the unknown.And it’s human nature to feel a bit 28 about the unknown.Most of fears about 29 new people come from doubts about 30 .We imagine other people are 31 us——finding us too tall or too short, too this or too that. But don’t forget that they must be feeling the same way.Try to accept yourself 32 you are, and try to put the other at ease.You’ll both feel more comfortable.Try to act self-confident(自信) even 33 you don’t feel that way when you 34 a room full of strangers.Walk tall and straight, look at other people directly and __35_.If you see someone you’d like to 36 , say something.Don’t wait for 37 person to start a talk.Just meeting someone 38 does not mean that you’ll make friends with that person. 39 is based on mutual(相互的) likings and “give and take”.It takes time to __40__ friendship.21.A.costs B.needs C.spends D.wants22. A.take B.make C.do D.carry23. A.lonely B.yourself C.alone D.with you24. A.as B.that C.which D.what25. A.with B.in C.on D.to26. A.shy B.excited C.afraid D.worried27. A.At B.For C.In D.After28. A.unhappy B.usual C.upset(不安) D.unlucky29. A.meeting B.talking C.visiting D.speaking30. A.yourself B.himself C.yourselves D.ourselves731. A.talking B.saying C.judging D.laughing32. A.like B.as C.what D.that33. A.when B.if C.as D.what34.A.come B.go C.enter D.step to35.A.laugh B.smile C.cry D.jump36.A.speak to B.talk about C.say to D.call up37.A.other B.the other C.another D.others38.A.old B.young C.new D.little39.A.Relation B.Friendship C.Connection D.Feeling40.A.develop B. start C. keep D. change 第Ⅱ卷英语知识运用(共 10 分;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about __41___ (be) late for school.There were many people waiting at the bus stop, ___42____ some of them looked very anxious and ___43__(disappoint) . when the bus finally came, we all hurried on board. I got a place next ____44___ the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk. A boy on a bike ____45___ (catch ) my attention. He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he refused ____46___(stop) until we reached the next stop. Still, the boy kept ____47___(ride). He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting. Finally, when we came to the next stop, the boy ran up the door of the bus. I heard an excited conversation. Then the driver stood up and asked,“____48___ anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?” A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh, dear! It ‘s ____49___ (I )”. She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully, Five others on the bus began talking about what the boy had done and the crowd of strangers ___50__(sudden) became friendly to one another.8第四部分:写作(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(Λ),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。My dream school starts at 8:30 a.m and ends at 3:30 p.m. They are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We didn’t need to do so many homework . Therefore , we have more time with after-school activities. For example, we can do reading for one and a half hour and play sport for one hour every day. My dream school look like a big garden. There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classrooms, buildings. We can lie on the grass for a rest, sat by the lake listening music. The teachers here are kind and helpfully. They are not only our teachers but also our friends.第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分)假如你在暑假期间参加了一个英语夏令营,在该夏令营结束时举行的晚会上,你要对这次夏令营进行简单总结,并表达感谢。请用英语写一份发言稿,要点如下:1. 时间:7 月 10 日—7 月 28 日;2. 人数:110 人(教师 10 人,学生 100 人);3. 主要活动:练习英语口语,朗诵英文诗歌,唱英文歌曲等。注意:1. 短文必须包括所有的内容要点,但不得逐句翻译;2. 词数:100 左右。____________________________________________________________________9__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10高一英语答案阅读理解(A) CAAC (B) DCBD(C)BCDC (D)AAB 七选五 D F A G B完型填空21-25 BACAB 26-30ADCAD 31-35CBBCB 36-40ABCBA语篇填空41. being 42. and 43. disappointed 44. to 45. caught 46. to stop 47. riding 48.did 49. me/mine 50. suddenly第四部分My dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. They are three lessonTherein the morning and two in the afternoon. We didn’t need to do so many homework.don’t muchTherefore , we have more time with after-school activities. For example, we can do readingforfor one and a half hour and play sport for one hour every day.hoursMy dream school look like a big garden. There are all kinds of the flowers looksand trees around the classroom, buildings. We can lie on the grass for a rest, sat by the sitlake listening∧ music. The teachers here are kind and helpfully. They are not only ourto helpfulteachers but also our friends.(范文)书面表达(One possible version)How time flies! Eighteen days have passed before I knew it. Our English Summer Camp, from July 10 to July 28, has successfully achieved its aims. All the participants — ten teachers and one hundred students — contributed a lot to making it successful. 11During the summer camp, we held many interesting activities, such as practising oral English, reading aloud English poems and singing English songs. I am very grateful t
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