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药企跨界大健康1 保健食品常识.doc

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1、Leaders: provincial agricultural work Conference held in XX, which is our concern and love, will greatly promote XX agricultural and rural economic development. First of all, I am representing XX municipal party Committee and Government, extend a warm welcome to the attending leaders! XX has been gi

2、ven support and assistance to the province of agriculture, provincial agricultural Office, and expressed heartfelt thanks to all the friends! below, I XX with a brief report. A basic XX of XX municipality located (cities, omitted). One is the superior ecological environment. XX blue, clear, green, w

3、ater, air, 70% of land in the territory is covered with forests, grasslands, wetlands and waters, built 7 thousands of square kilometers of the total area of nature reserves. Within major industrial pollution sources, air quality at the national level, national levels, water quality, soil pollution,

4、 “pure land“ reputation, was heralded by the United Nations environmental officials “the most suitable place for human survival.“ Second, the enrichment of natural resources. A total area of more than 5 million mu of arable land (which owned 1.53 million acres), the annual grain output of more than

5、2 million tons and is located in the internationally recognized gold “cattle“, there should be more than 400,000 acres of grazing grassland, developing animal husbandry conditions; a total area of 4.1 million acres of forest land, rich in precious wood such as pine, ash, yellow pineapple, standing t

6、imber volume of more than 26 million cubic meters. Forest Xia has hundreds of species precious wildlife, more than 200 more species precious herbs, annual Super thousand tons of wild mushroom and reserves Super 100,000 tons of mountain dish; nectar plant throughout, can bee 100,000 group, is China “

7、bee of Xiang“, and national Northeast black bee reserves and important of bee products production base; can using water 2.5 billion cubic metres, should be fishing water 460,000 acres, rich big salmon, and “three spent five Luo“, North cold water specialty fish; found and proved reserves of mineral

8、resources has 36 species. Third, geopolitical advantages. XX open midpoint is located in the eastern part of the province along the border, 264 km long border, with national road passenger and freight transport port, built on the border between China and Russia has the largest permanent boundary Riv

9、er Bridge, running at full capacity the annual cargo capacity of up to 2.6 million tons. Russia two (HABA and Marina), two cities (Iman and Lesozavodsk) is the Russian Far East in developed areas. Lesozavodsk is only 8 km from XX port corresponding to the port of markovo, Lu Rinuo station is one of

10、three railway marshalling yards in the far East, the far East-Siberian railway and a parallel road runs through the pass. By rail and road, to the North by HABA capital Khabarovsk, the Russian hinterland, radiation in the CIS and Eastern European countries; to the South through the port of Vladivost

11、ok and the nahuo card on the sea, to reach South Korea, Japan and other Pacific Rim countries and regions. Four is rich in tourism resources. XX tourist resources types, many attractions, beautiful scenery of the Sino-Russian border-river-wusuli River, a famous treasure island, known as the “Orienta

12、l Maginot line“ of the Japanese invading army Tiger underground fortress ruins, General Chi药企跨界大健康1保健食品常识一、保健食品简介保健食品注册管理办法(试行) 于2005年7月1日正式实施,该办法对保健食品进行了严格定义:保健食品是指声称具有特定保健功能或者以补充维生素、矿物质为目的的食品,即适宜于特定人群食用,具有调节机体功能,不以治疗疾病为目的,并且对人体不产生任何急性、亚急性或者慢性危害的食品。1、标志:保健食品标志为天蓝色图案,下有保健食品字样,俗称“蓝帽子” 。所有的保健食品都有这个标志,

13、没使用这个标志的就肯定不是保健食品。2、原料(1)药食两用的中药名单丁香、八角茴香、刀豆、小茴香、小蓟、山药、山楂、马齿苋、乌梢蛇、乌梅、木瓜、火麻仁、代代花、玉竹、甘草、白芷、白果、白扁豆、白扁豆花、龙眼肉(桂圆) 、决明子、百合、肉豆蔻、肉桂、余甘子、佛手、杏仁(甜、苦) 、沙棘、牡蛎、芡实、Leaders: provincial agricultural work Conference held in XX, which is our concern and love, will greatly promote XX agricultural and rural economic dev

14、elopment. First of all, I am representing XX municipal party Committee and Government, extend a warm welcome to the attending leaders! XX has been given support and assistance to the province of agriculture, provincial agricultural Office, and expressed heartfelt thanks to all the friends! below, I

15、XX with a brief report. A basic XX of XX municipality located (cities, omitted). One is the superior ecological environment. XX blue, clear, green, water, air, 70% of land in the territory is covered with forests, grasslands, wetlands and waters, built 7 thousands of square kilometers of the total a

16、rea of nature reserves. Within major industrial pollution sources, air quality at the national level, national levels, water quality, soil pollution, “pure land“ reputation, was heralded by the United Nations environmental officials “the most suitable place for human survival.“ Second, the enrichmen

17、t of natural resources. A total area of more than 5 million mu of arable land (which owned 1.53 million acres), the annual grain output of more than 2 million tons and is located in the internationally recognized gold “cattle“, there should be more than 400,000 acres of grazing grassland, developing

18、 animal husbandry conditions; a total area of 4.1 million acres of forest land, rich in precious wood such as pine, ash, yellow pineapple, standing timber volume of more than 26 million cubic meters. Forest Xia has hundreds of species precious wildlife, more than 200 more species precious herbs, ann

19、ual Super thousand tons of wild mushroom and reserves Super 100,000 tons of mountain dish; nectar plant throughout, can bee 100,000 group, is China “bee of Xiang“, and national Northeast black bee reserves and important of bee products production base; can using water 2.5 billion cubic metres, shoul

20、d be fishing water 460,000 acres, rich big salmon, and “three spent five Luo“, North cold water specialty fish; found and proved reserves of mineral resources has 36 species. Third, geopolitical advantages. XX open midpoint is located in the eastern part of the province along the border, 264 km long

21、 border, with national road passenger and freight transport port, built on the border between China and Russia has the largest permanent boundary River Bridge, running at full capacity the annual cargo capacity of up to 2.6 million tons. Russia two (HABA and Marina), two cities (Iman and Lesozavodsk

22、) is the Russian Far East in developed areas. Lesozavodsk is only 8 km from XX port corresponding to the port of markovo, Lu Rinuo station is one of three railway marshalling yards in the far East, the far East-Siberian railway and a parallel road runs through the pass. By rail and road, to the Nort

23、h by HABA capital Khabarovsk, the Russian hinterland, radiation in the CIS and Eastern European countries; to the South through the port of Vladivostok and the nahuo card on the sea, to reach South Korea, Japan and other Pacific Rim countries and regions. Four is rich in tourism resources. XX touris

24、t resources types, many attractions, beautiful scenery of the Sino-Russian border-river-wusuli River, a famous treasure island, known as the “Oriental Maginot line“ of the Japanese invading army Tiger underground fortress ruins, General Chi花椒、赤小豆、阿胶、鸡内金、麦芽、昆布、枣(大枣、酸枣、黑枣) 、罗汉果、郁李仁、金银花、青果、鱼腥草、姜(生姜、干姜)

25、 、枳子、枸杞子、栀子、砂仁、胖大海、茯苓、香橼、香薷、桃仁、桑叶、桑椹、橘红、桔梗、益智仁、荷叶、莱菔子、莲子、高良姜、淡竹叶、淡豆豉、菊花、菊苣、黄芥子、黄精、紫苏、紫苏籽、葛根、黑芝麻、黑胡椒、槐米、槐花、蒲公英、蜂蜜、榧子、酸枣仁、鲜白茅根、鲜芦根、蝮蛇、橘皮、薄荷、薏苡仁、薤白、覆盆子、广藿香 84 种。(2)保健食品专用的物品名单人参、人参叶、人参果、三七、土茯苓、大蓟、女贞子、山茱萸、川牛膝、川贝母、川芎、马鹿胎、马鹿茸、马鹿骨、丹参、五加皮、五味子、升麻、天门冬、天麻、太子参、巴戟天、木香、木贼、牛蒡子、牛蒡根、车前子、车前草、北沙参、平贝母、玄参、生地黄、生何首乌、白及、白术

26、、白芍、白豆蔻、石决明、石斛(需提供可使用证明) 、地骨皮、当归、竹茹、红花、红景天、西洋参、吴茱萸、怀牛膝、杜仲、杜仲叶、沙苑子、牡丹皮、芦荟、苍术、补骨脂、诃子、赤芍、远志、麦门冬、龟甲、佩兰、侧柏叶、制大黄、制何首乌、刺五加、刺玫果、泽兰、泽泻、玫瑰花、玫瑰茄、知母、罗布麻、苦丁茶、金荞麦、金樱子、青皮、厚朴、厚朴花、姜黄、枳壳、枳实、柏子仁、珍珠、绞股蓝、胡芦巴、茜草、荜茇、韭菜子、首乌藤、香附、骨碎补、党参、桑白皮、桑枝、浙贝母、益母草、积雪草、淫羊藿、菟丝子、野菊花、银杏叶、黄芪、湖北贝母、番泻叶、蛤蚧、越橘、槐实、蒲黄、蒺藜、蜂胶、酸角、墨旱莲、熟大黄、熟地黄、鳖甲 114 种。

27、(3)保健食品禁用的物品名单八角莲、八里麻、千金子、土青木香、山莨菪、川乌、广防己、马桑叶、马钱子、六角莲、天仙子、巴豆、水银、长春花、甘遂、生天南星、生半夏、生白附子、生狼毒、白降丹、石蒜、关木通、农吉痢、夹竹桃、朱砂、米壳(罂粟壳) 、红升丹、红豆杉、红茴香、红粉、羊角拗、羊踯躅、丽江山慈姑、京大戟、昆明山海棠、河豚、闹Leaders: provincial agricultural work Conference held in XX, which is our concern and love, will greatly promote XX agricultural and rura

28、l economic development. First of all, I am representing XX municipal party Committee and Government, extend a warm welcome to the attending leaders! XX has been given support and assistance to the province of agriculture, provincial agricultural Office, and expressed heartfelt thanks to all the frie

29、nds! below, I XX with a brief report. A basic XX of XX municipality located (cities, omitted). One is the superior ecological environment. XX blue, clear, green, water, air, 70% of land in the territory is covered with forests, grasslands, wetlands and waters, built 7 thousands of square kilometers

30、of the total area of nature reserves. Within major industrial pollution sources, air quality at the national level, national levels, water quality, soil pollution, “pure land“ reputation, was heralded by the United Nations environmental officials “the most suitable place for human survival.“ Second,

31、 the enrichment of natural resources. A total area of more than 5 million mu of arable land (which owned 1.53 million acres), the annual grain output of more than 2 million tons and is located in the internationally recognized gold “cattle“, there should be more than 400,000 acres of grazing grassla

32、nd, developing animal husbandry conditions; a total area of 4.1 million acres of forest land, rich in precious wood such as pine, ash, yellow pineapple, standing timber volume of more than 26 million cubic meters. Forest Xia has hundreds of species precious wildlife, more than 200 more species preci

33、ous herbs, annual Super thousand tons of wild mushroom and reserves Super 100,000 tons of mountain dish; nectar plant throughout, can bee 100,000 group, is China “bee of Xiang“, and national Northeast black bee reserves and important of bee products production base; can using water 2.5 billion cubic

34、 metres, should be fishing water 460,000 acres, rich big salmon, and “three spent five Luo“, North cold water specialty fish; found and proved reserves of mineral resources has 36 species. Third, geopolitical advantages. XX open midpoint is located in the eastern part of the province along the borde

35、r, 264 km long border, with national road passenger and freight transport port, built on the border between China and Russia has the largest permanent boundary River Bridge, running at full capacity the annual cargo capacity of up to 2.6 million tons. Russia two (HABA and Marina), two cities (Iman a

36、nd Lesozavodsk) is the Russian Far East in developed areas. Lesozavodsk is only 8 km from XX port corresponding to the port of markovo, Lu Rinuo station is one of three railway marshalling yards in the far East, the far East-Siberian railway and a parallel road runs through the pass. By rail and roa

37、d, to the North by HABA capital Khabarovsk, the Russian hinterland, radiation in the CIS and Eastern European countries; to the South through the port of Vladivostok and the nahuo card on the sea, to reach South Korea, Japan and other Pacific Rim countries and regions. Four is rich in tourism resour

38、ces. XX tourist resources types, many attractions, beautiful scenery of the Sino-Russian border-river-wusuli River, a famous treasure island, known as the “Oriental Maginot line“ of the Japanese invading army Tiger underground fortress ruins, General Chi羊花、青娘虫、鱼藤、洋地黄、洋金花、牵牛子、砒石(白砒、红砒、砒霜) 、草乌、香加皮(杠柳皮

39、) 、骆驼蓬、鬼臼、莽草、铁棒槌、铃兰、雪上一枝蒿、黄花夹竹桃、斑蝥、硫磺、雄黄、雷公藤、颠茄、藜芦、蟾酥 89 种。3、保健功能(1)2003 年 5 月 1 日起实施的保健食品检验与评审技术规范规定保健食品的申报功能为:增强免疫力;改善睡眠;缓解体力疲劳;提高缺氧耐受力;对辐射危害有辅助保护功能;增加骨密度;对化学性肝损伤有辅助保护功能;缓解视疲劳;祛痤疮;祛黄褐斑;改善皮肤水份;改善皮肤油份;减肥;辅助降血糖;改善生长发育;抗氧化;改善营养性贫血;辅助改善记忆;调节肠道菌群;促进排铅;促进消化;清咽;对胃粘膜有辅助保护功能;促进泌乳;通便;辅助降血压;辅助降血脂(2)国家食品药品监督管理

40、局 2011 年 8 月 1 日发出保健食品功能范围调整方案征求意见稿 (食药监保化函2011322 号) ,要是正式下发,保健食品的申报功能只保留 18 项:有助于增强免疫力、有助于降低血脂、有助于降低血糖、有助于改善睡眠、抗氧化、有助于缓解运动疲劳、有助于减少体内脂肪、有助于增加骨密度、有助于改善缺铁性贫血、有助于改善记忆、清咽、有助于提高耐氧耐受力、有助于降低酒精性肝损伤危害、有助于排铅、有助于泌乳、有助于缓解视疲劳、有助于改善胃肠功能、有助于促进面部皮肤健康。除了以上具有特定功能的食品可以申报保健食品外,营养素类产品也纳入了保健食品的管理范畴,称为营养素补充剂,如以维生素、矿物质为主要

41、原料的产品,以补充人体营养素为目的的食品,可以用以申报保健食品。二、保健食品批准证书保健食品批准证书目前市场仍然有效使用的是“国食健字” 、 “卫食健字”2 种。1、 “国食健字 G(J)”Leaders: provincial agricultural work Conference held in XX, which is our concern and love, will greatly promote XX agricultural and rural economic development. First of all, I am representing XX municipal

42、 party Committee and Government, extend a warm welcome to the attending leaders! XX has been given support and assistance to the province of agriculture, provincial agricultural Office, and expressed heartfelt thanks to all the friends! below, I XX with a brief report. A basic XX of XX municipality

43、located (cities, omitted). One is the superior ecological environment. XX blue, clear, green, water, air, 70% of land in the territory is covered with forests, grasslands, wetlands and waters, built 7 thousands of square kilometers of the total area of nature reserves. Within major industrial pollut

44、ion sources, air quality at the national level, national levels, water quality, soil pollution, “pure land“ reputation, was heralded by the United Nations environmental officials “the most suitable place for human survival.“ Second, the enrichment of natural resources. A total area of more than 5 mi

45、llion mu of arable land (which owned 1.53 million acres), the annual grain output of more than 2 million tons and is located in the internationally recognized gold “cattle“, there should be more than 400,000 acres of grazing grassland, developing animal husbandry conditions; a total area of 4.1 mill

46、ion acres of forest land, rich in precious wood such as pine, ash, yellow pineapple, standing timber volume of more than 26 million cubic meters. Forest Xia has hundreds of species precious wildlife, more than 200 more species precious herbs, annual Super thousand tons of wild mushroom and reserves

47、Super 100,000 tons of mountain dish; nectar plant throughout, can bee 100,000 group, is China “bee of Xiang“, and national Northeast black bee reserves and important of bee products production base; can using water 2.5 billion cubic metres, should be fishing water 460,000 acres, rich big salmon, and

48、 “three spent five Luo“, North cold water specialty fish; found and proved reserves of mineral resources has 36 species. Third, geopolitical advantages. XX open midpoint is located in the eastern part of the province along the border, 264 km long border, with national road passenger and freight tran

49、sport port, built on the border between China and Russia has the largest permanent boundary River Bridge, running at full capacity the annual cargo capacity of up to 2.6 million tons. Russia two (HABA and Marina), two cities (Iman and Lesozavodsk) is the Russian Far East in developed areas. Lesozavodsk is only 8 km from XX port corresponding to the port of markovo, Lu Rinuo station is one of three railway marshalling yards in the far East, the far East-Siberian railway and a parallel road runs through the pass. By rail and road, to the North by HABA capital


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