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1、 博士学位论文基于压缩感知的宽带频谱感知技术研究RESEARCH ON WIDE-BAND SPECTRUMSENSING BASED ON COMPRESSIVE SENSING李含青哈尔滨工业大学2014 年 7月国内图书分类号:TN929.5国际图书分类号: 621.396学校代码:10213密级:公开工学博士学位论文基于压缩感知的宽带频谱感知技术研究博 士 研 究 生:李含青 导 师 :郭庆教授 申 请 学 位:工学博士 学 科:信息与通信工程 所 在 单 位:电子与信息工程学院 答 辩 日 期:2014 年 7月 授予学位单位 :哈尔滨工业大学 Classified Index: T

2、N929.5U.D.C: 621.396Dissertation for the Doctoral Degree in EngineeringRESEARCH ON WIDE-BAND SPECTRUMSENSING BASED ON COMPRESSIVE SENSINGCandidate:Supervisor:Li HanqingProf. Guo QingAcademic Degree Applied for : Doctor of EngineeringInformation and Communication Speciality:EngineeringSchool of Elect

3、ronics and Affiliation:Information Engineering July, 2014 Date of Defence:Degree-Conferring-Institution : Harbin Institute of Technology摘 要摘 要认知无线电在软件无线电的基础上发展而来,能够通过对外界频谱环境的持续感知,及时发现并使用授权频段内尚未被主用户利用的空闲频谱,是一种可以有效提高频谱资源利用效率的智能无线电技术,也能够有效缓解随着无线通信用户数量急剧增加和无线通信技术迅速发展而变得日益严峻的频谱资源稀缺问题。频谱感知技术是构建认知无线电系统、实现认



6、疏度先验信息受限的情况,本文基于顺序压缩感知提出能够自适应确定最佳随机测量次数的宽带频谱感知算法。此外,对恶意认知用户攻击下的可靠宽带压缩频谱感知算法也进行了研究。本文主要研究内容和成果列举如下:首先,本文对传统的窄带频谱感知技术进行介绍,并指出感知宽带频谱时认知无线电系统所面临的挑战。在详细介绍压缩感知原理的基础上,分析宽带压缩频谱感知技术特点。针对由无线衰落环境引起的隐终端问题,提出能够解决该问题的多用户联合频谱感知方法。最后对本文重点研究的多认知用户集中- I -哈尔滨工业大学工学博士学位论文式和分布式宽带认知无线电网络结构进行详细分析,并给出了衡量宽带压缩频谱感知的性能指标,为本文研究




10、谱的采样开销,并且在受到恶意认知用户攻击的集中式和分布式宽带认知无线电网络中都能够实现可靠准确的宽带频谱感知。关键词:压缩感知;认知无线电;联合频谱感知;稀疏度先验信息受限;频谱感知数据伪造攻击- II -AbstractAbstractDeveloping based on software-defined radio, cognitive radio is an intelligentradio technology which is able to discover and utilize idle authorized spectrumwhich is allocated to pri

11、mary user but not being used temporarily, via sensingexternal wireless spectrum environment persistently. Cognitive radio can efficientlysolve the growing problem of spectrum resource scarcity caused by the rapiddevelopment of wireless communication technology and fast growth of wirelessusers. As th

12、e core technology of constructing and implementing cognitive radio,spectrum sensing enables cognitive radio system to discover and utilize spectrumresource, while protecting authorized primary user from harmful interference. As therapid increase of wireless services and growing need of wireless spec

13、trum resource,in order to improve the utilization of spectrum resource, wide-band spectrumsensing has become an important research direction in the field of cognitive radio.In wide-band cognitive radio systems, since the utilization of wide-bandspectrum is very low, and primary users only occupy a s

14、mall amount of spectrum,the signal in frequency domain has sparsity. Compressive spectrum sensing utilizessuch sparsity, projects high-dimensional signals on low-dimensional measurements,and reconstructs original signals using optimization algorithms. In this way,wide-band spectrum can be scanned di

15、rectly at sub-Nyquist rates, and efficientwide-band spectrum sensing can be realized. However, wide-band compressivespectrum sensing encounters many challenges: First, hidden terminal problem isbrought by wireless fading environment, and harms the detection performance ofwide-band spectrum sensing;

16、Second, because of the lack of prior knowledge onsparsity order, cognitive users will have difficulties in deciding accurate samplingrates while sensing the wide-band spectrum, which will lead to sampling wastage orpoor sensing performance; In addition, in the cognitive radio system there may exists

17、ome malicious cognitive users, who will attack the system by sending falsespectrum sensing data during the data fusion process, which will impair theperformance of wide-band spectrum sensing seriously.In order to solve above problems, this dissertation research on how to improvethe performance of wi

18、de-band spectrum sensing using compressive sensing theoryand collaborative spectrum sensing technology, in both centralized and distributedcognitive radio networks. Based on sequential compressive sensing, a wide-bandspectrum sensing algorithm which can adaptively determine the optimal number ofrand

19、om measurements is proposed to solve the problem of sensing without the priorknowledge of the sparsity order. Additionally, a reliable wide-band compressive- III -哈尔滨工业大学工学博士学位论文spectrum sensing is proposed to defend malicious users. The main work andcontributions of this dissertation are as follows

20、:Firstly, this dissertation introduces traditional narrow-band spectrum sensingtechniques, and analyzes the challenges faced when sensing wide-band spectrum.Compressive sensing theory is introduced, and the technical characteristics ofwide-band spectrum sensing are analyzed. Then collaborative spect

21、rum sensingtechnology, which can solve the hidden terminal problem, is introduced. Thisdissertation has proposed a detailed analysis on the structures of multi-usercentralized and distributed wide-band cognitive radio networks, and providedspecifications to evaluate the performance of wide-band comp

22、ressive spectrumsensing.Secondly, in order to solve the hidden terminal problem and reduce the burdenof high sampling rates when sensing wide-band spectrum, this dissertation hasproposed both centralized and distributed wide-band compressive spectrum sensingalgorithms respectively for centralized an

23、d distributed cognitive networks.Cognitive users sample wide-band signals at sub-Nyquist rates, and gain spatialdiversity gain via collaboration to relieve the negative influence caused by fadingenvironment. In addition, original signals are reconstructed utilizing joint sparseproperty via iterative

24、 support detection. Simulations show that the proposedalgorithms can reduce the sampling burden, and have better wide-band detectionperformances than conventional compressive spectrum sensing methods.Thirdly, in the process of wide-band compressive spectrum sensing, the lack ofprior knowledge of wid

25、e-band spectrum sparsity order will cause the system toemploy overmuch or inadequate random measurements, which leads to samplingwastage or poor sensing performance. To solve this problem, this dissertation hasproposed a novel wide-band compressive spectrum sensing algorithm based onsequential compr

26、essive sensing and sparsity adaptive matching pursuit. By obtainingsequential random measurements and reconstruction error, minimal number ofrandom measurements can be determined. Simulations show that the proposedalgorithm can utilize system resource efficiently, and achieve the desired spectrumsen

27、sing performance while avoiding the sampling wastage.Last but not the least, due to the openness and configurability, cognitive radiosystem may encounter spectrum sensing data falsification attacks by maliciouscognitive users. To solve this problem, common forms of attack are analyzed. Areputation-b

28、ased algorithm is proposed for centralized cognitive radio networks,where fusion center uses the reputation of cognitive users to determine their weightsin data fusion, and eliminates the negative influence caused by malicious users. Asfor distributed cognitive radio networks, a consensus-based wide

29、-band compressivespectrum sensing algorithm using dynamic threshold to adjust fusion weights is- IV -Abstractproposed. Simulations show that the proposed algorithms can both effectivelyreduce sampling costs, successfully combat spectrum sensing data falsify attacks,and achieve accurate and reliable

30、wide-band spectrum sensing in respectivelycentralized and distributed cognitive networks.Keywords: compressive sensing; cognitive radio; collaborative spectrum sensing;lacking the prior knowledge of sparsity order; spectrum sensing data falsification- V -哈尔滨工业大学工学博士学位论文目 录摘 要 . IABSTRACT III第 1章 绪 论

31、 . 11.1 课题背景及研究的目的和意义 .11.1.1 课题研究背景 11.1.2 课题研究的目的和意义 31.2 国内外研究现状分析 .51.2.1 认知无线电概念 51.2.2 国内外研究现状分析 91.3 学位论文的主要研究内容 16第 2章 频谱感知技术理论分析 192.1 引言 . 192.2 频谱感知模型 202.2.1 频谱资源定义 202.2.2 二元假设模型 202.3 单认知用户频谱感知技术 212.3.1 典型窄带频谱感知技术 212.3.2 宽带频谱感知面临的挑战 252.3.3 压缩感知理论基础 262.3.4 宽带压缩频谱感知技术 332.4 多认知用户联合宽带

32、频谱感知技术 332.4.1 隐终端问题 342.4.2 联合频谱感知技术 352.4.3 联合宽带压缩频谱感知网络结构 . 372.4.4 恶意用户攻击下的压缩频谱感知网络结构 . 392.4.5 宽带压缩频谱感知性能指标 412.5 本章小结 43第 3章 基于迭代支持检测的宽带压缩频谱感知算法 . 443.1 引言 . 443.2 集中式宽带压缩频谱感知算法 . 45- VI -目 录3.2.1 宽带频谱及信号模型 453.2.2 宽带信号压缩测量 473.2.3 集中式宽带压缩频谱感知算法描述 . 473.2.4 支持集检测门限的确定方法 513.2.5 算法仿真及性能分析 523.3

33、 分布式宽带压缩频谱感知算法 . 563.3.1 系统模型 563.3.2 分布式宽带压缩频谱感知算法描述 . 573.3.3 算法仿真及性能分析 593.4 本章小结 62第 4章 基于顺序压缩感知的自适应宽带频谱感知算法 . 644.1 引言 . 644.2 单用户自适应宽带频谱感知算法 . 654.2.1 问题描述 654.2.2 自适应宽带频谱感知算法描述 664.3 多用户自适应宽带频谱感知算法 . 714.4 算法仿真与性能分析 . 744.5 本章小结 79第 5章 抗 SSDF 攻击的可靠宽带频谱感知算法 . 805.1 引言 . 805.2 基于 B ETA声望系统的集中式

34、宽带压缩频谱感知算法 815.2.1 宽带频谱及信号模型 815.2.2 SSDF 攻击方式 835.2.3 宽带压缩频谱感知建模 845.2.4 Beta 声望系 统 855.2.5 基于声望系统的集中式宽带频谱感知算法描述 . 875.2.6 算法仿真及性能分析 905.3 基于共识概念的可靠宽带频谱感知算法 945.3.1 基于共识的常规联合频谱感知概述 . 955.3.2 分布式联合频谱感知中的 SSDF 攻击方式 . 975.3.3 基于共识的可靠宽带压缩频谱感知算法描述 . 975.3.4 算法仿真及性能分析 995.4 本章小结 103结 论 . 105- VII -哈尔滨工业大

35、学工学博士学位论文参考文献 . 108攻读博士学位期间发表的论文及其它成果 120哈尔滨工业大学学位论文原创性声明和使用权限 . 122致谢 . 123个人简历 . 124- VIII -ContentsContentsAbstract (In Chinese) Abstract (In English) IChapter 1 Introduction 11.1 Background, objective and significance of the dissertation11.1.1 Research background.11.1.2 Objective and significanc

36、e of the dissertation.31.2 Cognitive radio and its research status in China and abroad.51.2.1 The concept of cognitive radio.51.2.2 Research status in China and abroad.91.3 Main research contents of this dissertation.16Chapter 2 Theoretical analysis of spectrum sensing technology 192.1 Introduction1

37、92.2 Spectrum sensing models202.2.1 Definition of spectrum resource.202.2.2 Binary hypothesis model202.3 Single cognitive user spectrum sensing technology212.3.1 Classical narrow-band spectrum sensing technology212.3.2 Challenges faced by wide-band spectrum sensing252.3.3 Introduction of compressive

38、 sensing.262.3.4 Wide-band compressive spectrum sensing technology.332.4 Multiple cognitive user collaborative wide-band spectrum sensing.332.4.1 Hidden terminal problem.342.4.2 Collaborative spectrum sensing352.4.3 Network structure for wide-band compressive spectrum sensing.372.4.3 Network structu

39、re for compressive spectrum sensing under attack.392.4.5 Performance index of wide-band compressive spectrum sensing412.5 Summary43Chapter 3 Wide-band compressive spectrum sensing via iterative supportdetection 443.1 Introduction443.2 Centralized wide-band compressive spectrum sensing453.2.1 Wide-ba

40、nd spectrum and signal model.453.2.2 Compressive measurement of wide-band signal.473.2.3 Algorithm description473.2.4 Determination of the support detection threshold.513.2.5 Simulation results and performance analysis52- IX -哈尔滨工业大学工学博士学位论文3.3 Distributed wide-band compressive spectrum sensing563.3

41、.1 System model563.3.2 Algorithm description573.3.3 Simulation results and performance analysis593.4 Summary62Chapter 4 Adaptive wide-band spectrum sensing using sequential compressivesensing. 644.1 Introduction644.2 Singal user adaptive wide-band spectrum sensing.654.2.1 Problem description.654.2.2

42、 Algorithm description664.3 Multiple user adaptive wide-band spectrum sensing.714.4 Simulation results and performance analysis744.5 Summary79Chapter 5 Reliable wide-band spectrum sensing against SSDF attacks805.1 Introduction805.2 Centralized wide-band compressive spectrum sensing based on Betarepu

43、tation system.815.2.1 Wide-band spectrum and signal model.815.2.2 SSDF attack forms.835.2.3 Compressive measurement of wide-band spectrum845.2.4 Beta reputation system.855.2.5 Algorithm description875.2.6 Simulation results and performance analysis905.3 Consensus-based reliable wide-band spectrum se

44、nsing.945.3.1 Conventional consensus-based collaborative spectrum sensing955.3.2 SSDF attack forms in distributed cognitive network975.3.3 Algorithm description975.3.4 Simulation results and performance analysis995.4 Summary103Conclusions .105References .108Papers published in the period of Ph.D. ed

45、ucation .120Statement of copyright and Letter of authorization .122Acknowledgements 123Resume.124- X -第 1章 绪 论第 1章 绪 论1.1 课题背景及研究的目的和意义1.1.1 课题研究背景作为一种特殊的自然资源,无线频谱具有有限和不可再生的特点。随着现代无线通信技术的持续迅猛发展,以及人们对无线通信业务需求的日益增长,无线频谱资源无法充分满足现行无线通信高速率、高带宽和高质量业务的需要。无线频谱资源稀缺的问题变得越来越严峻,并且严重制约着无线通信研究领域中新技术的应用和发展。为了有效利用珍


47、,尽管现行静态分配策略具有简单易行、方便频谱管理的优点,但是会导致频谱资源的利用效率十分低下,并且是造成现有频谱资源稀缺问题的重要原因之一。 Shared Spectrum 公司在测试报告中给出了所统计的美国国内 6个地区的频谱使用情况,如图 1-1 所示 1。其中频谱利用率平均为 5.2%,最大频谱利用率出现在纽约,为 13.1%;而最小频谱利用率仅为 1% ,在新墨西哥州的国家射频天文台测试得到。北美地区 30MHz3GHz范围频段的频谱使用情况如图 1-2 所示 1,可以看出绝大多数频段的频谱利用率都是非常低的。美国联邦通信委员会 (Federal Communications Comm

48、ission,FCC)的研究结果也表明现 在对于频谱资源的利用情况非常不合理,用于工 业、科研、医疗和陆地移动通信的非授权频谱资源十分紧张,而另一方面大量授权频谱资源却经常处于闲置状态 2。北京交通大学无线宽带移动通信研究所测量了北京地区的频谱利用率情况,发现 698806MHz 频段频谱利用率为 21.29%,850970MHz 频段的频谱 利用率约为 2.33% ,而 10002000MHz 频段的频谱利用率低于 1%3 。- 1 -哈尔滨工业大学工学博士学位论文图 1-1 美国六个区域的频谱 利用率情况统计Fig. 1-1 Utilization of spectrum resources in 6 areas of US


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