1、 重庆高院法律英语教育方法状况及任务类型语言教育在其教育中的运用-法律英语论文1.绪论1.1 研究目的在中国,高校是法律人才培养的基地。作为培养国际性法律人才的关键课程,为我国法学专业高年级学生开设的法律英语存在很多问题,尤其是教学方面。目前的法律英语课程不能培养出合格的法律加英语复合型人才,无法顺应时代要求。According to the statistical data on the aster legal English, and in Chinanearly 64% cases involving foreign affairs have to be put aside, becau
2、se of the shortageof laastery of legal English.It is agreed by more and more judicial officials and Chinese lauch of themarket. Legal English is groong over one hundred thousand laore than tanage to negotiate and then sign contracts in English. As one of the keycourses that cultivate las on LET theo
3、ries that need solving. At present, in China systematicand practical research on the teaching of the language of the laethods, data collection.Chapter four displays the presentation and interpretation of results.Chapter five displays a sample unit of task-based language teaching, including itsteachi
4、ng plans and basic process.Chapter Tunicative language teaching 交际语言教学municative language teaching is an approach to the teaching of second andforeign languages phasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goalof learning a language. It is also referred to as municative approach to the te
5、achingof foreign languages or simply the municative approach.The origins of the municative language teaching are to be found in the changesin the British language teaching tradition dating from the late 1960s. The work of thecouncil of Europe, together with the efforts of language teaching specialis
6、ts and evengovernments gave prominence nationally and internationally to e to bereferred as the municative Approach, or simply municative LanguageThe primary focus of municative language teaching is helping students createmeaning rather than helping them develop perfectly grammatical structures or o
7、btainnative-like pronunciation. In this ined interms of hounicative petence.municative language teaching is usually considered as a broad approach tolanguage teaching, rather than as a specified teaching method practices. Therefore, it is often vieunicative language teaching:(1) An emphasis on learn
8、ing to municate through interaction in the targetlanguage.(2) The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation.(3) The provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on languagebut also on the learning management process.(4) An enhancement of the learners oportantcontribut
9、ing element to classroom learning.(5) An attempt to link classroom language learning .These five features shounicative language teachingare quite interested in the needs and desires of students together .CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. 32-37 3.1 SUBJECTS. 32-34 3.1.1 Teachers under Investigation
10、. 32-33 3.1.2 Students under Investigation .33-34 3.2 METHODOLOGY. 34-37 3.2.1 Classroom Observations .34-35 3.2.2 Questionnaire Design .35-36 3.2.3 The Design of IntervieETHODOLOGY APPLIED. 37-38 4.2 THE ROLES OF STUDENTS AND TEACHERS .38-42 4.3 THE TEACHING OBJECTIVES .42-43 4.4 SUMMARY .43-44 CHA
11、PTER FIVE A SAMPLE UNIT. 44-52 5.1 THE RATIONALE OF APPLYING TASK-BASED .44-45 5.2 TEACHING PLANS. 45 5.3 THE BASIC PROCESS OF TASK-BASED. 45-52Conclusion 结论Legal English belongs to the area of ESP. In order to understand legal Englishbetter, definition of ESP, classification of ESP, and origin of E
12、SP have been presented inchapter 2. Based on the understanding of ESP, the present study discussed legal English,including its definition, history development, characteristics. Legal English teaching,portant focus in this paper, has been discussed in chapter 2 as ent in the United States and China.T
13、his paper expounds the major theory of task based language teaching. The ideasand principles of task-based language teaching plement the theory of task-based language teaching into legalEnglish teaching. And one sample unit of task-based language teaching is presented.In chapter 4, the data collecte
14、d from the investigation have been presented andinterpreted. The results have exposed some of the important problems sexiting in legal English teaching call for a ne in the teaching methodology. Theauthor suppose that prove teachingmethodology in the class. Based on various problems exposed in legal
15、 English teachingand features of task-based language teaching, the author suggests that task-basedlanguage teaching be used in it.In chapter 5, On the basis of the results of the investigation and features oftask-based language teaching as e of problems appeared in college legal Englishteaching. From the sample the author presented above, ptto improve both language teaching and learning. Of course, task-based approach is not apletely and the only neethod. The task-based approach has much potential,but it has a long empirical success in the field of collegelegal English teaching