1、附件(Appendix) 2BHP Billiton 奖学金年度评审表(Application Form of GUCAS for BHP Billiton Scholarship Annual Review)表一 (Table) 1姓 名(Name) _性 别 (Gender): 出生日期 (DOB):_年(Year) _月(Month)_日(Day)出生地点 (Place of Birth): 身份证件号码 (ID No.): 学生类别 (Degree to be Achieved, Please Tick) (请选择): 硕士研究生 (Master) 博士研究生(PhD) 培养单位 (C
2、AS Institute): 学习专业 (Major): 本人申请的奖学金期限为(Expected Scholarship Period):从(From) 年( Year) 月(Month) 至(To)_ 年(Year)_ 月(Month) 1 学生年度报告(最少一页,请另附页)(Annual Report of the Progress by Student in English ,Minimum One Page, to be Attached Separately)。2 导师评语(Statement from Supervisor Confirming the Progress of S
3、tudent):3 导师奖费用支出简述(Short Statement from Supervisor on How the Supervisor Award RMB4000 was Spent):4 导师或学生的其它有关说明(Any Other Relevant Information by Student and/or Supervisor):5 学生是否参加 2006年十月在北京召开的中科院/比和必拓年度研讨会(Will Student Attend the CAS/BHPB Workshop Held in October 2006 in Beijing)?6 导师或其代表是否参加 2
4、006年十月在北京召开的中科院/比和必拓年度研讨会(Will Supervisor or (Approved) Representative Attend the Workshop)?7 新学年度目标简述(Goals for 06/07 Year):8 预计毕业时间(Expected Completion Date):学生签字 (Students Signature): 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)导师签字 (Supervisors Signature): 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)注意事项:本页由奖学金生及导师本人逐项认真填写。需在本表相应框内做出选择的地方,请用符号“”表示( Notes
5、: The Table 1 is to be completed by the applicant and supervisor. Please tick by using “”, when selecting options in the table)。表二 (Table)2 本页由培养单位填写(To be completed by the CAS Institute)培养单位名称 (Name of CAS Institute):该生本学年主要课程考试成绩及所获学分情况 (Examination Results and Credits of the Scholarship Student d
6、uring the Academic Year) :课程名称 Subjects 成绩 Marks 学分 Credits学习态度 (Study Attitude):很好(Excellent) ,好(Good),一般(Fair),差(Poor)行为表现和奖惩情况 (Behavior Performance, Award and Punishment):_上年度评审情况(Review Results of Last Year):合格(Adequate) 不合格(Inadequate) 导师推荐意见(Recommendation of Supervisor):导师姓名Name工作单位Institute
7、职称/职务Title or Position联系电话TelephoneE-mail导师签字 (Supervisors Signature): 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)培养单位意见 (Comments of the Institute):负责人签字 (Signature by the Director): 培养单位公章 (Seal of Institute)年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)联合委员会意见 (Comments of the Joint Committee):联合委员会主席签字(中、澳)(Signatures of the Chairpersons of the Joint Committee):年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)