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1、1目 录一、总经理致词 Welcome Speech2二、 “绿色通道”一键式服务 Service Centre3三、客用设施 Guest Facilities 4四、餐饮指南 FoodBeverage Guid 8五、会议设施 Conference Facilities 9六、康乐中心 Recreation Center if want toCLEANING change any bathroom,please put the card in the garbage.BOOK BAR To feature our cultural atmosphere, we put some books,

2、 magazines in every rooms exhibition desk and their prices are also listed; in need of them, please dial “0” and the charges will be included into your total expenses here.OFFICE FACILITIES simple office facilities are offered here and the charges will be included into your total expenses.叫早 请将您的要求拨

3、“0”告知。宠物 酒店内请勿携带宠物。送餐服务 酒店提供 24 小时客房送餐服务,请参阅客房送餐菜单。自行车 礼宾部可以安排自行车的出租事宜。如需要请拨“0” 进行预约。花卉服务 如需订购花卉、果篮,请直接拨打酒店绿色通道,电话为 “0”请勿打扰 如您需要安静时,要将房内 “请勿打扰”指示灯打开。托儿服务 直接拨打酒店绿色通道,电话为“0”电 吹 风 客房内备有小型电吹风,供您的使用。无烟客房 为提倡绿色环保,体现绿色生活,酒店设有无烟客房,为您提供更多的选择。客房安全 请您不要使用超负荷和与电源部相匹配的电器不要在灯伞上搭挂湿衣。请不要卧床吸烟,不要往废纸篓内扔烟蒂。客房照明 请将门锁磁卡插

4、入节能开关内,房间电源即可接通,取出数秒后自动断电。绿色洗涤提示 如需更换床上用品,请将卧室内的绿色洗涤提示卡防置于枕头上;如需更换卫生间内棉织品请放置于卫生间内的布草筐中书吧 为了突出酒店的文化氛围,所有客房在展示柜上配有一定量的书刊、杂志和价格名录;如有需要请直接拨打酒店绿色通道一键通,电话为“0”费用将直接加在您的房费中。办公用品 我们为商务客人准备了一定量的简易办公用品,请选用后费用将直接加在您的房费中。7INTRODUCTION TO For your healthy sleep, we prepare THE FUNCTIONS OF kinds of pillows. There

5、 is theTHE PILLOWS introduction to their functions on the bedstand. For the use, please dial “0”.OTHER SERVICES We provide crutches for disabled guests to use freely, offer sick guests caring service, and prepare thermometer, adhesive bandages, and hot water bags.SETTLEMENT OF The Front Office Cashi

6、er and ForeignBILL Exchange Counter are located on the firstfloor of the hotel hall. Credit Cards or RMB cash are acceptable. .Foreign currencies and travellers cheques can be exchanged at Foreign Exchange Counter.CHECK-OUT TIME The hotels check-out time is 12:00noon. However , if this time is not c

7、onvenient for you, please contact the Front Desk.CREDIT CARD We accept major credit cards, including JCB, VISA , American Express, MASTER,DINERS, Peony card , Dragon card , Golden Spike Card, Greatwall Card . and CHINA MERCHANTS BANK CREDIT CARD.ROOM RESERVA- For information and future reserva-TION

8、Tions at our hotel , please contact ourReservation Department.SALES 1.本国公民出示居民身份证。*Taiwannese show Mainland Pass for Taiwan residents; 2.台湾居民出示台湾居民往来大陆通行证。*Hong Kong and Macao compatriots show Return Pass for HK 3.港澳同胞出示港澳同胞回乡证。and Macao Compatriots; 4.外国人应出示本人有效护照。*Foreigners show valid passports2.

9、 Please fill in the Temporary Accommodation Registration (二)在住酒店时,请在前台认真填写临时住宿From carefully at the reception desk. 登记表。3No other person is allowed to stay without registration; (三)不能未登记留宿其他人,如需要留宿他人If needed, please go through the same formalities. 必须同样履行登记手续。4.You should stay at the room as arrang

10、ed by the hotel; if chang- (四)客人应按酒店提供的房间入住,如需调换ing room is needed, please go through the necessary formalities 房间,应通过酒店办理有关手续。with the hotel.5.According to the local regulations, meeting visitors at the hotel (五)本地的法律规定,在酒店客房内会客应在room is required to register at the reception desk. Meeting should 前台

11、登记,会客的时间最晚不超过 23 时。be finished no later than 23p.m.186.In China drostituting , whoring, gambling and drug taking and (六)中国的法律规定,卖淫、嫖娼、赌博、吸so on are all against the law. 毒等都是违法行为。III RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY TO GUEST 三.敬告宾客 .On Security While Staying Hotels 下榻酒店应注意的安全问题1.Every hotel has security offices a

12、nd personnel ,keeping 24-hour (一)每家酒店都有负责保安工作的部门和人contract with the Public Security Bureau , so guests may first look 员,他们与公安机关保持 24 小时的联系,如for help form them should there be any problem. 有问题可首先向他们咨询。2.Please keep valuables in the safe for valuables installed in the (二)将贵重物品存入客房内安装的贵重物room; lock at

13、the door and use safty chain at the door before going 品保险箱;在您就寝前,请将房门锁闭并使to bed. 用安全链。3.Guests are not allowed to bring the hotel guns. ammunition, (三)不得将枪支、弹药、易燃、易爆、剧Inflammables, explosive , hypertoxic and radioactive substances, 毒、放射性物质及属于中华人民共和国有关and cutting tools under the surveillance of and r

14、egulations of the 法律规定的管制刀具等带入酒店。Peoples Republic of china.4.Please follow the regulation of and reminders from the hotel (四)请遵守酒店管理当局出于执行我国有administration in the interest of hotel and guest safety and for 关法律及对酒店和住店客人安全考虑所作the purpose of complying with relevant Chinese laws. 出的规定和提示。IV On Fire Prev

15、ention and Control 四、防火Pursuant to the Fire Prevention Regulation of the Peoples 依据中华人民共和国消防管理条例有关规Republic of China , hotel guests should abide by of the 定,住店客个应遵守以下规定:following regulation: 1.Please do not bring into the hotel flammables, explosive (一)勿携带易燃、易爆的化学物品及充chemicals and pressure container

16、s 气受压容器进入宾馆,酒店。2.Please do not use fuel, of liguid petro gas stoves and any electro (二)勿在客房内使用燃油或液化石油气thermal appliances inside the hotel room. 等炉具和各种电热设备。3.No smoking in elevators, at stair and on beds.Crigarette ends (三)勿在电梯间、楼梯间及躺在床上吸烟。and matches should be put in the ash trays. 烟头和火柴棒应放在烟灰缸内。4.A

17、s the local regulation forbids setting off firecrackers, so (四)依据相关法规,不得将烟花爆竹please do not bring firecrackers into the hotel 带入宾馆酒店内。5.Without the permission of the hotel. guest are not allowed to use (五)未经同意,不得在客房内加装其它电器设备.extra electric appliances.196.Please do not put things at the hotel exits an

18、d fire prevention (六)在防火疏散通道和消防设施上堆放物品.因违反facilities . Guests breaking the regulation and responsible for 有关消防法规酿成火灾的责任者,应赔偿经济损失,fire should pay indemnities for economic losses. Serious destroy 造成严重后果的,将被依法追究刑事责任。are due for criminal responsibility.7.Please get familiar with the hotel make immediate

19、 exits soon (七)在您入往酒店后,应首先熟悉疏散通道的位置;after you checking in the hotel., so that you remain calm and 如遇发生火警和其它意外事故,请勿惊慌,及时向酒report to the hotel and exit according to the hotel arrangement. 店当局报警,并按酒店管理当局的安排迅速撤离。V. On Getting Helping from the Hotel 五、帮助In case of need please get in touch with the securi

20、ty office of 在需要帮助时,可首先与您下榻的酒店保安部门the hotel ,or you may report to the police in urgency ty 110 取得联系,也可以在遇到紧急情况时直接向公安机关报警。报警电话:110The Beijing Public Security Bureau wishes you have a pleasant 北京市公安局预祝您在北京逗留期间健康愉快,并and healthy stay at Beijing ,and welcome your next visit to Bei 欢迎再次光顾北京,同时欢迎对本市的治安管理提出

21、-jing. At the same time, we look forward to your advice and comments 意见和建议,我们将不胜感激。on the public security of Beijing.Thank you. 谢谢!响应绿色奥运、创建绿色服务,倡导绿色消费亲爱的朋友:您或许已经亲身感受到我们生存的环境正变得越来越令人担忧,水域污染使可以垂钓、游泳的湖泊与河流逐渐消失,而温室效应使“瑞雪兆丰年 ”成为一句日益遥远的谚语为了保护我们的生存环境,建设节约型社会,响 应绿色奥运的号召, 金潮玉玛国际酒店推出“响应绿色奥运、推广绿色服务,倡 导绿色消费” 活

22、动,在酒店各营业区域推出一系列“ 绿色服务”和“绿色产品 ”。在本酒店餐厅就餐时,请您适量点菜,并将剩余的菜食带回家,我 们将为您提供打包和存酒服务。本酒店不提供以野生保护动物为原料的菜肴,餐厅将向您推荐绿色食品,它 们将更有益于您的健康。20为了节约水资源,减少污染,我们对长住客人将不再每日更换棉织品。客房里 备有卡片和告示,您若必须要更换,可告知我们。我们还为您准备 了无烟客房,供您选择。一次性消耗用品的过度使用导致污染和浪费,希望您尽量重复使用。在未用完之前,我们将不再添加,您需要时可通过拨打酒店“绿色通道”电话“0”联系我们。离开客房时请您关闭客房的电器和空调,以减少能源的消耗。鉴于废

23、电池对环境的严重污染,大堂设有废电池收集箱,请您将废电池放入此箱,我 们将统一进行处理。“绿色奥运、 绿色服务、绿色消费” 是一种理念、一种品格、一种生活方式。我们只有一个地球!环境保护不但需要政府和专家,更需要您与我们的共同参与 让我们一起努力,共同创造一个和谐、 绿色的环境,迎接绿色奥运的到来。Respond to Green Olympic, Promote Green Service, and Call for Green Consumption Dear friends,You may have experienced yourself that our environment is

24、 more and more worrying. Water pollution has made it hard to find a clean lake and river to fish while the greenhouse effect has driven away from our life the old saying “snows are signs for next years good harvest.”To protect our environment, build an economical society and respond to the call for

25、Green Olympic, the Reward International Hotel has launched the activities of “Respond to Green Olympic, Promote Green Service, and Call for Green Consumption” and has carried out series of “Green Services” and “Green Products”.When dine in our restaurants, please order moderately. Please take home t

26、he leftovers and we offer packing and wine-storing service. We do not provide those dishes made of wild protected animals and we recommend to you green foods which will benefit your health.To save water and decrease pollution, the cotton textiles of the long-stayed guests will not be daily replaced.

27、 There are cards and notices in guest rooms and if you want to replace yours, please notify us. We also prepare smokeless guest rooms for you.The over use of one-time consumer goods will result in pollution and waste and we hope you can use them repeatedly. Before they are run out, we will not add n

28、ew ones and in need of them, please dial “0”to contact us.When leave, please turn off the electric appliances and air-conditioner to save energy.The used batteries can cause serious pollution to the environment, and there is the special box in the hall to collect the used batteries. Please put your

29、used batteries there and we will dispose them.“Respond to Green Olympic, Promote Green Service, and Call for Green Consumption” is not just a slogan, a topic and moreover, it is an idea, a virtue and a lifestyle. It is not only the governments and experts duties to protect environment, and it is dut

30、ies.Only one earth we have! Let us work together to build a harmonious, green environment and to 21welcome the Green Olympic.再次对您的光临表示感谢,并祝您居住愉快。Thank you for your visit to our hotel and enjoy your stay with us.以下暂时不用排版设计:客用品 赔偿价目表Guest Service Items Compensate Price List22尊敬的宾客, 欢迎您光临金潮玉玛国际酒店, 为了使您

31、和所有光临金潮玉玛国际酒店客房部的宾客居住舒适、方便,我们在客房内配置了各种设施和物品,如您想将某物品留作纪念或不当使用导致损坏,以下是购置(赔偿)价目:Welcome to Reward International Hotel. To guarantee you with a comfortable and convenient stay in our hotel, we have all of the guest rooms well equipped with various facilities and items to accommodate you. Below is the pu

32、rchase (compensation) price list involving all the items in guest rooms. Please refer to it ,in case you preferred to take any of them as souvenirs or carelessly damaged them.名 称 赔偿价(元)Item Purchase &Compensate Price(RMB¥)地 巾 40Bath-mat 枕 头 40PillowVIP 体重秤370VIP bathroom scales中 巾 15Face towel枕 套 35

33、Pillowcase健康体重秤300Bathroom scales 方 巾6Hand towel被子(大) 220Quilt (Large)漱口杯 13Tooth glasses浴 巾 65Bath towel被子(小) 180Quilt (Small)红酒杯 15Red wine glasses 晚安巾 40Goodnight towel浴 袍200Bath robe饮料杯 26Drink glasses床尾搭(大) 260Bed trail cover(large) 23洗衣袋25Laundry bag 咖啡杯碟 22Coffee cup /saucer床尾塔(小)140Bed trail

34、 cover(small)白拍(大)120Mattress (large)烟缸(大)26Ashtray(Big)床裙(大)170Bed cover (Large)白拍(中)115Mattress (Medium)烟缸(小)20Ashtray(Small)床裙(中)170Bed cover (Medium)白拍(小)100Mattress (Small)皂 碟26Soap Saucer床裙(小)130Bed cover (Small)男式衣架 26Mens clothes hanger糖 盅 42Handleless cup靠 垫 90Cushion女式衣架 18Womens clothes h

35、anger 冰 桶 320Ice bucket 抱 枕 130Neck Roll丝绸衣架 10Sill clothes hanger雨 伞 40Umbrella浴帘(大) 75Shower Curtain (Large)鞋 拔 25Shoes horn吹风机 400Hair dryer浴帘(中) 70 24Shower Curtain (Medium)灯具类Lamps名称 单位 购置赔偿价格(元)Item Unit Purchase Compensation (RMB¥)金杆灯 个 5,000.00Lamp with gold pole piece 塔形地灯 个 3,000.00 Turrif

36、orm floor lamp piece红杆地灯 个 3,000.00Floor lamp with red pole piece塔形床头灯 个 2,200.00Turriform beside lamp piece红杆写字台灯火 个 2,000.00Table lamp with red pole piece 塔形写字台灯 个 1,500.00Table lamp with turriform piece红杆床头 个 800.00Beside lamp with red pole piece家具类Furniture名称 单位 购置赔偿价格(元)Item Unit Purchase Compe

37、nsate Price (RMB¥)长沙发 张 12,000.00Sofa piece小沙发 张 8,000.00Small sofa piece长写字台 张 8,500.00Executive desk piece壁柜 组 6,000.00Ward robe set行李柜 组 4,300.00Baggage stand set电视柜 组 5,500.00TV cabinet set写字台 张 5,800.00Writing table piece长茶几 张 5,000.00Long tea-table piece方茶几 张 2,500.00Square tea-table piece25圆茶

38、几 张 2,000.00Round tea-table piece写字椅 把 2,300.00Writing chair piece脚凳 把 2,000.00 Ottoman piece上述木制家具, 每烫伤、刀刻、划伤、磕碰等各种损坏一处点位赔偿 500 元;每断裂一个部位赔偿 1000 元。如烫损、刀刻、划伤、磕碰等各种元件损坏五个点以上的按家具原价赔偿。Damage the above wooden furnitures in one point by burn , knife , scratch or collision will forfeit you 500 yuan and in one part1000 yuan . In case such points damaged in one piece of furniture


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