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1、 申办冬奥会诗歌篇一:冬奥诗歌铸梦冬奥,书写历史2008 奥运举办成功中国就有另一个梦, 这个梦就是2022 冬奥会能在北京举行。 7 月 31 日奥委会主席把主办权交给北京,消息传出世界目光聚焦到故宫长城。 瞬间北京张家口联成一线万众欢腾, 五星红旗闪烁舞动的更加艳丽庄重。 这是世界在中国首次主办的冬奥会, 中华儿女们都沉浸在无比喜悦之中。 在中国举办世界冬奥会这已不是梦, 把喜悦化为力量熔在办好冬奥会中。 人们都说索契冬奥会办的精彩非凡, 我们说北京的这次会一定功名聚成。 欢迎世界冰雪健儿精英们来到北京, 温馨祥和的北京已向您们招手欢迎。 到时一座座现代竞技场馆辉宏惊世, 让时光记下非凡精

2、彩卓越冰雪运动。篇二:冬奥会的诗歌陈水铃冬奥会的诗歌冰天雪地人涌情,体坛健儿是英雄。祥年冬运扬豪气,壮我中华热力生。壮我中华奥运冠,非凡精彩登峰端。赢得辉煌世界看,四海健儿超越梦。九州俊彦远扬帆,万里长城壮观瞻。注释:冰天雪地人涌情:形容冰雪漫天盖地,发自内心的一种情感。体坛健儿是英雄:体育界的运动员都是英雄。祥年冬运扬豪气:一位年老的人在冬奥会做出巨大的奉献。壮我中华热力生:他们是我中华的运动员。 壮我中华奥运冠:赢得中华的奥运冠军。非凡精彩登峰端:非常有意义、精彩的登高台。 赢得辉煌世界看:赢得很大的成绩让世界看。四海健儿超越梦:四面八方的运动员在超越梦想。 九州俊彦远扬帆:邹衍的杰出之士

3、远方而来。万里长城壮观瞻:指我国长城,比喻国家的人民军队。在壮观的往上或往前看。落款:姓名:陈水铃区县:东城区学校:灯市口小学东高房校区 班级:四年级一班组别:年级组联系电话:15601102278电子邮箱:篇三:2020 申办冬奥会陈词全文+翻译北京申冬奥代表团陈述摘录1. 于再清:中国有一句古谚语,千里之行始于足下,今天在奥林匹克历程中将会迈出历史性的一步。迈出这一步,你们选择北京,举办一届以运动员为中心的奥运会,为冰雪运动长远发展奠定基础。We have a saying in China, a journey of thousand miles starts with a single

4、 step. Today a historical step in the journey of Olympic movement will be taken. You have the choice to choose the city who will not only deliver an athelete-centered Olympic Games,but who will also build a foundation for ice sports development.2. 王安顺:12 个场馆中有 11 个是 2008 奥运遗产,大幅度降低了办赛成本。Eleven of th

5、e 12 venues in Beijing are already Games legacy venues, substantially reducing costs. 延庆和张家口所有的新建场馆都符合当地的长远发展规划。And all new venues planned in Yanqing and Zhangjiakou align with the long-term regional development plans.我们的赛事组织能力包括举办亚洲冬季运动会,将为北京 2022 冬奥会和冬残奥会的圆满成功提供最可靠的保证。Our proven event-organizing c

6、apability, including holding the Asian Winter Games, will provide a reliable platform for successful winter games.3. 杨澜中国的经济强健信心强,不依赖任何单一产业。我们拥有丰富的自然资源,是世界上许多国家的贸易伙伴。所有的这些因素让我国的多样化发展充满活力,为我国有能力举办奥运会提供保障。Chinas economy is robust and resilient. It is not dependent on any one sector. We have our fair s

7、hare of natural resources and we are the worlds largest trading p(转载于:www.cSSyq.co m 书 业 网 :申办冬奥会诗歌)artner. These factors give our economy diversity and strength to support every commitment we make.我们在 2008 年取得的成功为我们在冬奥会上取得新的成功打下基础,为奥运会提供长期的财务可靠性,维护了奥运会的声誉。Strong marketing success in 2008 sets the s

8、tage for us to achieve records for 2022, protecting the long-term financial viability and reputation of the Olympic Games.我国政府预计到 2025 年中国体育产业规模将达到 8 千亿美元。这一市场的增长使得中国和世界冬季体育运动从中长期收益。The sports industry in China is expected to reach $800 billion by 2025. Winter sport in China and abroad will be the l

9、ong-term beneficiary of this unparallel growth.4. 张海迪北京 2008 残奥委为残疾人留下了珍贵的遗产,他们获得了更多的尊重与关爱。Beijing 2008 Paralympics Games left great legacies for people with impairment, bringing greater respect and care.越来越多的残疾人参加体育运动,并且获得了无数的奖牌。让冬奥会的圣火照亮残疾人兄弟姐妹的心,激励他们战胜困难,实现他们的的美好梦想。More people with impairment now

10、 take part in sport and have been awarded with countless medals.The Paralympics flame will encourage all people who have disability, inspiring them to overcome their challenges and realize their dreams.5. 杨洋中国有很多懂体育、有激情的体育迷,我们致力于把体育教育扩展到教室、企业、媒体。 China has many knowledgeable and inspiring fans, and

11、we are committed to expanding sports education in our classrooms, business and media.北京 2022 已经明确表示我们工作的重中之重是把运动员放在奥运会的中心位置,我们要给他们最好的体验。Beijing 2022 has made its priority clear that athletes are the heart of the Games, we will give them the best experience.6. 姚明世界上大部分地区的篮球赛季,都是在冬天进行的,所以我把篮球看作冬季项目。I

12、consider basketball a winter sport since basketball season in most of the world takes place during winter.08 年我在五棵松篮球馆参加了奥运会,我期待 2022 年五棵松冰雪覆盖。I played at the Wukesong Arena in 2008 Games, and I look forward to seeing Wukesong covered in ice in 2022.7. 李妮娜北京 2022 在中国重要的传统节日春节期间举办,这是一个参观中国很棒的时间。欢迎您到我

13、们国家来做客。When the Games are held, China will be holding its most important festival: Chinese New Year. It will be an amazing time to visit China, and wed like to welcome your visit.冬季的雪,仍然是我童年记忆的一部分。那时,中国只有两个空中滑雪场地,现在几百名年轻运动员在中国 10 多个专业场地进行训练。Snow in cold winter, climbing slopes and carrying skis in o

14、ur childhood are still part of my memories. At that time, China had only two aerial skiing venues, but now hundreds of young athletes train in more than 10 specialized venues.雪,令我着迷。10 岁那年,滑雪就成了我生活的一部分。在漫长的冬季,成为滑雪冠军的梦想,激励着我坚持训练。I was amazed by snow. And when I was ten, skiing became a part of my lif

15、e. The dream of becoming an Olympic Champion in skating has encouraged me to train persistently.8. 刘延东中国政府全力支持北京申办 2022 冬奥会和冬残奥会,我们将提供财政、法律、安保、医疗保健和组织运行等各方面的保障。Chinese government fully supports Beijings bid for 2022 Winter Olympic Games and will provide all kinds of safeguards for the Games, includi

16、ng finance, law, security, health care and organizational operations.2022 的冬奥会如果在北京举办,将带动三亿中国人,特别是北京青少年参与冰雪运动。冬奥会会激发中国人的激情,增强他们的体质。The Games will inspire 300 million Chinese, especially young people in Beijing, to join the Winter sports fun if the city wins the 2022 bid. The Games can ignite their p

17、assion, and make them healthier.作为一个负责任的国家,中国将会实现我们的一切承诺。As a responsible country, China will meet all preparatory pledges.杨澜北京冬奥会申办陈述英文全文:Ladies and gentlemen, Chinas economy is robust and resilient(强健而有活力). It is notdependent on any one sector. We have our fair share of natural resources and are t

18、he worlds largest trading partner. All of these factors give our economy diversity and strength to support every commitment that we make. The IOC evaluation commission report noted that our OCOG budget (奥组委预算) is well thoughtout and presents a valuable financial plan. We assure all stakeholders(利益相关

19、者) that their interests are not going to be affected by foreign exchange risk(外汇风险). With the guidence of the IOC our experienced game team developed a plan that is practical on expenses and conservative on revenues(支出务实,收入稳健). When Beijing last implemented the Olympic marketing programme, we broke

20、many records and generated 1.2 billion USD in revenues for our domestic partners. Both international and Chinese companies competed for the right to associate with Olympic Games.Strong marketing success in 2008 sets the stage for us to achieve records for 2022 protecting the long-term financial viab

21、ility(长期财务可行性) and reputation of the Olympic Games. With the growth of income and living standards the purchasing power(购买力) of Chinese consumers is growing faster than any other major market in the world. Sports and fitness are becoming central to our lifestyle. The sports industry in China is expe

22、cted to reach 800 billion USD by 2025. Winter sport in China and abroad will be the long term beneficiary(长期受益者) of this unparalleled growth(空前的增长). And Olympic Winter Games in the Chinese market will create unprecedented opportunities(前所未有的机会) for sport in 2022 and well beyond. Thank you very much.

23、参考翻译:中国为奥林匹克冬季运动提供了最广阔的舞台。中国是世界第二大经济体。2014 年,中国的 GDP 增长了 7.4%,使中国成为全球增长速度最快的主要经济体之一。预计到 2020 年,中国的经济总量和人均收入将比 2010 年翻一番。中国经济强健,资源多样,适应性强,不过度依赖于任何单一产业。我们拥有丰富的自然资源,是世界上许多国家最大的贸易伙伴。所有这些因素让我国的经济多样化发展,并且充满活力,让中国有能力为成功举办冬奥会提供保障。国际奥委会评估委员会的报告指出, “北京冬奥组委的预算应是经过深思熟虑的,并提供了一份切实可行的财务计划” 。我们有经验丰富的预算团队,有国际奥委会的专业指

24、导,保证我们能够实现积极稳健的收入和务实有效的支出。我们还将有效管理汇率波动对利益相关方的影响。北京在实施 2008 市场开发计划时,打破了多项记录,创造了 12 亿美元的国内市场开发收入。国内外企业通过竞争积极争取与奥运会合作的权利。我们在夏季奥运会取得的成功,为我们在冬奥会上取得新的成绩打下了基础,为奥运会提供了长期的财务可靠性,维护了奥运会的声誉。随着收入和生活水平的提高,中国消费者的购买力比世界其他任何主要市场增长得都快。体育健身正在成为人们新的生活时尚。我国政府预计,到 2025 年中国体育产业规模将达到8,000 亿美元。随着这一市场的增长,中国和世界冬季体育运动将从中长期受益。在中国举办一届冬奥会,将为 2022 及其之后的体育事业提供前所未有的机遇。


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