1、1 电子电气基础课程时代发展的思考 TheInvestigation of theDevelopment of the FoundationCourses of Electronic and Electrical Engineering 王越 北京理工大学 Yue Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology 2008年1月 I. 中国一些高校电子/电气工程系课程设置和美国普林斯顿大 学电气工程系课程设置比较 Comparison of the Course Structure Electronic and Electrical Engineering betwe
2、en some key university of China and the Princeton University in America China 一些中国大学 (Some of Chinese universities) PrincetonUniversity of America 美国普林斯顿大学工程和应用科学院电气工程系 (Department of Electrical Engineering of the Schol of Engineering and Applied Science of PrincetonUniversity ). 1. 教育目标 (The Goal o
3、f the Education) China 教育目标同高等教育目标 (The goal of the education is the same as required bythe Chinese higher education). PrincetonUniversity of America 构成学生未来发展的坚实基础。学生未来发展的职业,包括下一步的研 究生学习,直接进入工业界,或以电气工程课程为背景进入商务、法律 以及医学领域。 (To form a sound basis for the future development of students: The undergradua
4、tes career choices are the study for graduate degrees, employment in industries, or employment in other fields like2 busines, law, medicine and so on with electrical engineering programs as the career backgrounds.) A. 本科学位 (Undergraduate Degrees) China B. 工学学士 (Bachelor of Engineering) PrincetonUniv
5、ersity of America 工程科学士 (Bachelor of Science in Engineering) 2. 课程结构 (Structure of Courses) A. 简介 (Introduction) China 获学位所需课程数 3638 (Number of courses necessary for bachelor degree ) PrincetonUniversity of America 36 (at least),其中在人文社会科学领域至少应该读完7门课,其中在 下列六领域中的四领域各选一门,六领域为认识论和认知学、伦理 思想和道德价值观,外国语、历史分
6、析、文学和艺术、和社会分析。 B.S.E Students must complete a minimum of seven courses in the humanities and social science. B.S.E students are required to take one course in four of the folowing six areas: epistemology and cognition, ethical thought and moral value, foreign language, historical analysis, literatur
7、e and arts, social analysis. B. 课程结构组成(Structure of Courses) 1) 基础课层次 (Courses atthe Basic Level) China 数学、物理、外语、政治 PrincetonUniversity of America ELE 101 Calculus ELE 104 Calculus ELE 201 Multivariable calculus/Advanced MC ELE 207 Linear Algebra with Application/Advanced LAA ELE 103 General Physics
8、/105Advanced LAA ELE 104 General Physics/106 Advanced PHY CHE 207 Advanced chemistry/Materials Chemistry cos12b General computer science.3 2) 专业基础课层次 (ProgramCourses at the Basic Level) China 重点大学与普林斯顿大学的 foundation 和 core 课程大体相同,外加 计算机原理、嵌入式计算机原理、算法和数据结构等课程。 The courses which the key universities i
9、n China ofer at this level are very similar to the foundation and core courses of Princeton university, but theyofer additional courses in computer science such as Algorithms and Data Structure, General Computer Science, and Embedded Computer System etc. PrincetonUniversity of America Foundations: E
10、LE 201 Introduction to ElectricalSignals and Systems ELE 203:Electronic Circuits. ELE 206:Introduction to Logic Design. ELE 208:Integrated Circuits: Practice and Principles. Core: ELE 301:Circuits and Signal Procesing. ELE 302:System Design and Analysis Mathematics. Mathematics: MAT 301/MAE 305E: Ma
11、thematic in Engineering . MAT 302/MAE 306: Mathematic in Engineering I. ORF 309/MAT 309: Probability and Stochastic System. MAT COS 341: Discrete Mathematics. 3)专业课程层次 (Courses atthe ProgramLevel) China 系划分为56个专业,学生在 5门至 4门专业课中选三门。 PrincetonUniversity of America There are five to six programs (conce
12、ntrations) in a department, and students must complete at level 3 courses among 5 to 6 program (Concentration). Concentration: Three courses in a chosen concentration Areas of concentration: Telecomunication and Network Informationand System Robotics and Control Signal and Image Procesing Microelect
13、ronics and Integrated Circuits Solid State Device OpticalComunication Optical and OpticsElectronics Engineering Computer System and Software Computer Design4 Real time Computing ComputerArchitecture 4)Breadth: at least one course ineachof the two diferent general areas. Comunication, SignalProcesing
14、, and Control 382,481,482,483,485,486,488 382: Distributed Algorithms and Optimization Method 482: DigitalSignalProcesing 486: Digital comunication and network c. Computer Engineer/computer Science 375, 386, 462, 463, 465, 466. d. Solidstate Electronics: 341, 342 (or PHY 208,305), 401, 402, 441, 442
15、 e. Optical Engineering 351, 352, 453, 454 5)Engineering Science: At least one of the following engineering science courses outside the E department must be taken. COS: 217, 226, 320, 423, 425, 487. MAE: 206, 221, 222, 319, 330, 344, 345, 433, 547. MSE: 301, 302. CHE: 301, 302. ORF: 307, 311, 405, 4
16、06, 417. 6) 设计和实践 (Design and Practice) China There is a design project for the graduation examination to encourage students to do some research work in labs under the guidance ofprofessors. PrincetonUniversity of America Design: At least one upperclas E Course beyond ELE 302 must be selected: 352,
17、375, 401, 402, 454, 463, 475, 482, COS426 and MAE 412.5 I.社会科学技术和学科进化模型 (The Evolution Model Between Society, Science, Technology, Engineering and Enterprises) 1. Simplified Model 科学界 Science 技术界 Technology 工程界 Engineering 企业界 Enterprises 大学(Universities) 教授(Profesors) 学科(disciplines) 学生(Students) 课
18、程(Courses) 由多个复杂的关系包括催化循环和反馈循环形成了进化过程,信息 领域高等教育 (含电气电子工程)的改革发展是社会进化的一个 重要环节(There are a lot of complex relations including catalysis circulations and feedback circulation including positive and negative feedback to formthe evolution of the Society.) The reform and development of higher education in
19、information field is one of the important segments in the evolution of society. 2. 人类社会进步的基本规律 (The Basic Principles of the Evolution of HumanSociety) A. 整个进化过程是由简单往复杂,有低级往高级不断进化,永不停止。 The whole evolution is a perpetual proces always from the low level to the high level, from the simplicity to the c
20、omplexity and never to stop. B. 系统和事物的耗散结构和自组织机理使事物生存和有序活动,并 不断通过“涨落”达到新的有序。 The disipative construction and the selforganization mechanism maintain the system and make its movement in certain order. The systems and entities will achieve a new order through the fluctuation in its dynamic movement.6
21、C. 大小宇宙共同进化 The micro and macrouniverses evolve together. D. 进化的机制不断进化 The mechanism of the evolution of the system also evolves as the result. E. 事物进化的核心机理是其内部的两对立面相互反对作用和转化 The core mechanism of the evolution is the opposing sides of the entity interacting against and converting to each other. F.
22、所有的事物的存在都依靠一组充分必要条件组成的前提条件,前 提 条件的变化会使事物性质变化 The existence of all things depends on a set of preconditions which consist of necesary and suficient conditions, and when the precondition changes, the feature of that thing must change. II. 电子电气工程教学和课程发展讨论 (The Discusion of the Development of the Course
23、Teaching of in theElectronic andElectricalEngineering) 1. 问题和挑战 (The Problems and Challenges) A. 人类知识的无限积累和个人学习能力和时间的有限形成日益尖锐矛 盾The unlimited accumulation of human knowledge and the limitation of both the studycapability and the study time are in sharp conflict. B. 大学本科教育时间固定四年不能延长 The duration for
24、the undergraduate education in universities is four years, fixed without any extension. C. 信息科技发展越快,为了学生学习和工作的发展,对基础课要求越高 The faster the development in information science and technology, the7 tougher the requirements of the fundamental courses for the students who want advancements bothintheir stud
25、yand workin the future. 2. 电子电气工程基础课群改革发展的理念和原理 The Core Ideas and Principle for the Reform and Development of the Group of Program Courses at the Basic Level (Foundation ,Core Mathematics Courses in the Princeton University) A. 系统层次 (At theSystemLevel) 1) 增加具有先进内容基础课的数目,以供学生选择 To take measures to i
26、ncrease the number of advanced fundamental courses for the studentsto choose from 2) 加强教授(尤其是正教授)对学生选择专业方向进行帮助指导进而 帮助学生选择基础课。 To enhance the teachers (especially the professors) guidance in helping studentsto making decision on their research interests and select their basic courses accordingly 3) 聘
27、请更多知名教授开设电子电气工程基础课. To invite more distinguished professors to teach the fundamental courses inelectronic and electrical engineering 4) 大力支持教授进行基础课内容改革和发展的研究 To reinforce profesors eforts to cary on the research into the reform and development of the fundamental courses B. 在教学和课程内容层面 (At theTeaching
28、 and Course Content Level) 1) 对优秀学生讲课中以难带易帮助学生思考并节省时间 For excellent students, profesors give lectures with difficult contents covering the easy ones, that will save time and help students to think better. 2) 讲课中联系基础概念基本原理在前沿科学和技术前沿法中起重要 作用以激起学生兴趣 In lectures, professors demonstrate how important rol
29、e the basic ideas and principles play in the development of advanced technologyto arouse students interest. 3) 建议教授按对立统一律来安排课程内容,即有现时主要内容,也 有对立面非主要内容,这很需要,因为对立面的内容很可能是未 来发展内容, 这样可帮助学生有辩证思想和预知未来内容。 例如, 现在大量计算机是冯诺依曼模式, 但非诺依曼模式的数据驱动模 式用于多媒体信息处理是很具优势的8 We suggest that professors arrange the contents of
30、a course, according the law of unity in conflict. Lectures should cover both the currently dominant contents and the contents in opposition which might be new growth points for the future development. The way of teaching may well help students to think dialectically and predict developments in the f
31、uture. For example, currently dominating computer science teaching is VonNeuman Mode but Date Driving Mode which is regarded as the none VonNeuman Mode have tremendous advantage in the use of the advanced multimedia data procesing. 4) 因为所有的科技原理、方法和技术都有一定的约束条件,当要求 更严格的约束条件下工作时,这意味着原理、方法、技术都需要 发展改进, 这
32、对未来发展很重要, 建议教授在教学中谈及此问题, 提醒学生注意课程内容的发展。例如,在超高速数据流和时钟频 率工作下的同步问题是先进逻辑电路极重要问题。 Because al methods, principles and theories of science and technology perform their functions under certain restrained conditions, and when these conditions change into more restraining conditions, the methods, principles a
33、nd theories must take a further development, which is very important. So we suggest that professors talk about these in their lectures. For example, the synchronization between the ultra high speed data flow and ultra high speed clock is a very important isue in the advanced logic circuit design. IV. 简要结论 (A Brief Conclusion) 没有完善解决挑战和问题的方案,我们只能不断研究和改革 There are no final and perfect solution for the challenges and problems, and we need to make continuous reforms and researches into the fundamental courses in E/E Engineering.