1、使用繫留氣球放飛(無人)作拍攝用途 許可証名稱: 繫留氣球放飛(無人)許可證 審批部門: 民航處 聯絡: 民航處航空交通管理部 地址:香港大嶼山國際機場航空交通管制大樓 電話:2910 6233 傳真:2910 0186 規例:1995 年空中航行(香港)令第 70 條 監管事項: 氣球放飛 發出許可證條件: 依照1995年空中航行(香港)令第70條所發出的許可證內 會附加氣球飛行之規條;以及 申請人應考慮是否需要向其他機構或政府部門申請其他與 氣球飛行有關之准許。 如何申請: 1. 申請人須將填妥之申請表格及有關文件在不少於氣球放飛的 14 個工作天前寄到民航處助理處長(航空交通管理)。 2
2、. 逾期提出申請概不接受。 收費: 每個許可證:$1,470 許可證有效期: 列於許可證上 所需表格: 申請指引可於電影服務統籌科的資料中心索取或網站下載。 只接受網上申請(表格 DCA251),網址為: http:/www.cad.gov.hk/chinese/applications.html 2014 年 10 月 只供參考 如需申請,請填寫載於 http:/www.cad.gov.hk/chinese/applications.html 的電子表格香港特別行政區政府 民航處 Civil Aviation Department The Government of the Hong Kon
3、g Special Administrative Region Application for Flying Captive Balloon (No persons on board) (Form e-DCA 251) * Applicants will be charged in accordance with Hong Kong Air Navigation (Fees) Regulations (CAP. 448 sub.leg. D) * Please read the attached NOTES at Page 2 carefully before completing this
4、form. 1. Name of applicant (see Note 4) 2. Company address Contact Person Mr. Ms. 3. Telephone No. Fax No. 4. Contact e-mail address 5. Any former balloon operation experience in HK? If yes, state when Yes No 6. Type of balloon Helium other type 7. Number of balloons flown 8. Linear dimensions of ba
5、lloon(s) diameter for spherical length x width x height 9. Height of balloon above anchor point metres (including height of balloon) 10. Height of anchor point above ground level if on elevated structure, e.g. rooftop (see Note 5c) metres 11. Dimension of clear area (see Note 5b and 5c) radius from
6、anchor point length x width 12. No. of anchor(s) and weight (each) nos. kilograms 13. Length and number of anchor ropes metres nos. 14. Lifting force of balloon (see Note 5e) kilograms 15. Maxmium Take-Off Weight (MTOW) of balloon (see Note 5e) kilograms 16. Balloon manufacturers wind limitation (se
7、e Note 5e) knots 17. Proposed date(s) of flight (inclusive) (see 5f) Start Date End Date 18. Proposed time(s) of flight (inclusive) Start Time 00 hr 00 min (local) End Time 00 hr 00 min (local) 19. Precise location of flight (see Note 5a b) bank draft in Hong Kong Dollars (HK$) in favour of The Gove
8、rnment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and drawn on a bank located in Hong Kong; or c) bank transfer to: Bank Name The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp Ltd Bank Address No. 1 Queens Road Central, Hong Kong Swift Code HSBC-HKHH-HKH Bank Account No. 002-268126-008 Bank Account Name Th
9、e Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Treasury No. 1 Collection Account (Attn. Civil Aviation Department) Payment Details Please quote this application. 2. If payment is by crossed cheque or bank draft, (a) or (b) above, they shall be sent by post to: Chief (Operations and Pers
10、onnel), Air Traffic Management Division, Civil Aviation Department, Air Traffic Control Complex, 1 Control Tower Road, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong. If payment is by bank transfer, (c) above, the receipt may be sent by fax to no. 2910 0186, or by post to the above address. For
11、overseas transfer, please include enough bank charges and tender exact amount in Hong Kong Dollars to avoid any underpayment due to exchange difference and any deduction made by your appointed bank in Hong Kong. 3. The application form and all relevant information should reach the Civil Aviation Dep
12、artment (CAD) at least 14 working days prior to the date of the proposed balloon flight. Applications received after this deadline will not be processed in time. Depending on the particular circumstances of the proposed balloon operation, extra time may be required for processing of the application.
13、 4. The applicant is normally the operator of the balloon, or the Company itself. 5. The following supporting documents shall be submitted to the following email address: ballooncad.gov.hk in addition to the e-Form application. These documents shall either be in pdf or Word format for text files, an
14、d pdf or jpeg format for photo files. Incomplete or insufficient information may delay the application process. a) Photographs and/or maps showing the location of the proposed balloon flight and the adjacent area. b) Scaled site plan showing the locations of the anchors and the clear area, with the
15、dimension of the clear area precisely marked. c) Elevation or cross sectional plan showing that the cable swept path(s) of the balloon will remain clear of any structures or nearby road traffic and method to secure the balloon. d) Description of measures to ensure that the clear area would not be ac
16、cessible by the public (such as area being fenced off or guarded). e) Specification of the balloon. f) A letter from the owner or management company of the land authorising the use of the location for flying a captive balloon. g) If the flight is for hire or reward, the operator is also required to
17、submit an Application for Permission to Operate Non-Schedule Services (DCA122) obtainable at the following site: http:/www.cad.gov.hk/application/DCA%20122.pdf . h) For balloon capable of carrying passengers, the operator is required to provide a copy of the insurance certificate showing that the ba
18、lloon carries appropriate insurance cover for any accident, incident or occurrence in compliance with the requirements set out in the Civil Aviation (Insurance) Order. Additional information may be required and further conditions may be imposed depending on the particular circumstances of the propos
19、ed balloon operation. 6. Information shall be entered in all applicable fields of the form. Any enquiries concerning the e-Form should be made to the duty CAD officer, tel. no. 29106233. 7. CAD may conduct a site visit to the location to verify the information submitted by the applicant. (The applic
20、ant will be required to arrange such visit if required.) 8. This application and the requisite Permission, if granted, only relates to the requirements of the Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995. The applicant shall obtain any other necessary authorization or permission under any other relevant le
21、gislation from CAD, other Government Department(s) or appropriate organization(s) as applicable before undertaking the captive balloon flight. 9. The applicant is advised not to enter into any contractual obligation or begin publicity of the balloon flight until the requisite permissions and authorisations have been obtained. * Form e-DCA 251 (31 Mar 14)