1、Myths and Facts about Water SafetyIf a genie popped out of a magic lamp and offered to protectyour children from a leading cause of injury-related death,what would you say?a) Nah, its too much trouble.b) I always watch my children, so nothing will go wrong.c) My parents didnt worry about this stuf,
2、and I survived.d) Sure, genie, youre on.The correct answer, of course, is “d.” But its parents, notgenies, who can protect children from drowning.Drowning prevention has three parts: 1) precautions,2) supervision, and 3) consistent use of life vests, also knownas life jackets or personal flotation d
3、evices (PFDs). Its assimple as one-two-three, yet drowning continues to claimlives. Why? In part, water safety experts suspect that weredistracted or deceived by myths about water safety.Myths give us a false sense of safety, and allow our kids to beset up for danger. Here are some common misconcept
4、ions:Myth #1: Drowning is noisy. Ill hear my childsplashing and struggling in time to help.Maybe in the movies, but not in real life. This myth reallyendangers young children. They dont have the ability tofigure out what to do, such as right themselves or stand up,even in a few inches of water. As a
5、 result, they just “slipaway” in silence.Toddlers and preschoolers need constant adult supervisionand life vests that fit each time they play near or in the wateror on a dock.Most drownings happen during a brief lapse in supervision,when a parent becomes distracted or involved in some otheractivity.
6、 A life vest is no substitute for supervision, but it canbuy time.Myth #2: I dont live or vacation near the water, so Idont need to worry.There are water hazards in and around every home. Toddlershave drowned in five-gallon buckets, garden ponds and toiletbowls. Keep young children out of the bathro
7、om except whendirectly supervised and dont leave buckets or barrels wherethey can gather water. Children can drown in just a few inchesof liquid.Stay in the bathroom with young children each minute theyare in the bathtub. Remember Myth #1 and dont leave theroom thinking that splashing noises or a sl
8、ightly older siblingwill alert you to trouble. A babys or toddlers bath can be alife or death situation, and should be entrusted only to adults.Continued on back 2002, 2003 Childrens Hospital and RegionalMedical Center, Seattle, WA. All rights reserved.Myths and Facts about Water Safety. . . . . . .
9、 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Myth #3: Once children learn to swim, theydont need life vests.At swimming pools and supervised swimming areas, anolder child who swims well may not need to wear a lifevest. Thats where judgment comes in. Man
10、y public orresort pools have swimming tests, but often its up toyou. Children need to be really good swimmers.Around steep banks, rivers or docks, where the water isswift, dark and cold, the drowning risk increases and res-cue becomes much harder. With those factors workingagainst us, we need to use
11、 more caution.When boating, rafting or inner-tubing, or whileswimming in open water like a lake or a river, adults andchildren should always wear properly fitted life vests.Water conditions change, boats capsize, and cold watermakes life-saving and swimming skills difficult. Lifevests improve chance
12、s of survival and rescue. But theyonly work if they are worn. You need to wear life vests,too, so you are prepared to help a child or yourself.Myth #4: Kids wont wear life vests.Theyll wear them if the expectation is clear andconsistent. It helps to start young. Make life vests a partof all water ac
13、tivities, just like bringing sunscreen ifyoure going to be in the sun. Coast Guard-approvedlife vests come in many shapes, sizes and colors. Letyour children pick their favorite, as long as its the rightsize and type for what you need. As children grow older,keep insisting on life vest use. Check th
14、eir life vestseach year for fit, wear and tear, and style.Myth #5: Alcohol improves a good time on thewater.This myth has been created by alcohol advertising.Drinking affects judgment and motor skills in a boator by a pool just as it does in a car. It slows reactions,making adults and teens victims
15、of silent drowning.It can also increase the risk of hypothermia orcardiac arrest. When boating, a no-alcohol rule isimportant for both the driver and the passengers.Myth #6: Ive taken life-saving and CPR, so Ican rescue my child.CPR and life-saving dont replace adult supervision, lifevests, swimming
16、 skills and water safety awareness. Itonly takes five minutes under water to have braindamage, a cardiac arrest, or even to die.FACT: Prevention is the only cur e f o rdrowning, and its within every parentsgrasp.Talk with your health care providerVisit the Osceola County Drowning PreventionWebsite: 2002, 2003 Childrens Hospital and RegionalMedical Center, Seattle, WA. All rights reserved.Printed on recycled paperPub.6/02, Rev. 4/03NPG CE379