1、11Writing sucesfulgrant proposals forgraduate researchProfesor Mary BucholtzDepartment of LinguisticsUCSBbucholtzlinguistics.ucsb.edu2Why aply for a grant?Moneyto improve your researchto make your life easier while you researchPrestigeGrants (especially external ones) look very impresive onyour CVEx
2、perienceIf you plan to have a research career, you ned to masterthe art of grant writing earlyTeaching positions also often require some grant writing3Where to start: Sources ofinformationGraduate DivisionMailing lists and websitesYour departmentYour advisorOther graduate students24Where to start: S
3、ources offundingUCSB-internal grantsUC-wide grantsExternal grants (public and private)Note: Most graduate research fundingrequires ABD statusMany government-funded sources are restrictedto domestic students, but some sources arespecifically for international students5When to start: EarlyIdeally, ide
4、ntify promising funding sources at leastsix months to a year before you plan to do theresearchDevelop a timeline for writing your grant proposalEquivalent in time and effort to a dissertation prospectusor a research article: allocate the time you nedAt least thre months for a major external grant pr
5、oposal(e.g., NSF)At least a month for an internal or smal external grantproposalAt least two weks for a rewrite of an existing grantproposal for resubmision to the same or another agency6How to start: Plan and prepareFind a god match for your research interestsDont waste your time aplying to funding
6、agencies that are unlikely to be interested in thetype of work you doFamiliarize yourself with the guidelines andfolow them to the leterPlan first, then write37Planing your grant proposalThink through every aspect of the research designWhere wil you cary out the research? Why there?What methodologie
7、s wil you use?What precisely wil the research involve, with respect to bothpeople and resources/tols? Why are these the best people andtols for this project?Wil you ned to go through Human Subjects? Wil other sorts ofpermision be neded?How long wil it take you to complete the research and writing?Wh
8、at special skils wil you ned? Do you have them or can youacquire them before carying out the research?What expenses wil you incur?What resources, skils, or background do you already have?8Planing your grant proposalDecide what you expect to find outHypotheses (science model)Research questions (quali
9、tative/humanistic model)Decide whats new and important about your projectNote: New is not the same as importantHow does it fit into the scholarly dialogue (i.e., publishedresearch in your field)?Be original but not too originalThink of ways to frame your project in relation towhat the funding agency
10、 is looking forDont make reviewers adapt to your worldview; talk tothem in their own language9Planing your budgetDont gues prices: include actual curent costs andgive a dollar amount (round to nearest dollar)Dont inflate your budget, but dont pretend you canget by on les money than you really nedEve
11、ryday expenses are just as important as big-ticket itemsInclude things that will make your research lifeeasier (e.g., asistants, equipment, per diem)Consult your advisor about what you canreasonably include410Preparing to writeCompile the relevant literature(s)For most references, skim, dont read cl
12、oselyConect your project to several bodies of work(e.g., based on theory, method, area)Select references apropriate to the fundingagencyYour reviewer may have writen a key reference!Dont be exhaustive, but include as manyrelevant references as you reasonably can11Writing the proposal: StructureFollo
13、w the structure given in the guidelines exactlyIf no explicit guidelines are given, include the followingsections:Goals of the projectPrevious researchResearch design (or Research plan for humanistic work)Significance of the projectUse headingsUse keywords from the guidelines12Writing: Content and s
14、tyleBe explicit and clearState exactly why your project is crucial at this stage in thedevelopment of the fieldAvoid specialist jargonAvoid complicated proseHumanistic fields use a more complex style, but aim for clarityand dont use an elevated style youre not comfortable withInclude as many specifi
15、c details as posibleRepeat the key ideas throughout the proposal (in diferent words)Avoid cute and clever titles; instead, be specific and descriptiveIn aplying for humanities funding, your title can be clever if thesubtitle is specific and descriptive513Writing: Content and styleWrite like a schola
16、r, not a studentMake others ideas serve your neds, dont subordinate yourwork to theirsGive yourself credit for your skils and acomplishments (and besure to cite yourself if at al posible)Dont wory that your project wont turn out quite as promised;surprises are part of the procesSound more certain th
17、an you (probably) felDont apologize for the projects limitationsAvoid self-praiseUse description, not evaluation, to demonstrate yourqualificationsNOT: “This project is important because” BUT “This project is the first to”14Acomodating reviewersReviewers have to read quickly; make theinformation eas
18、y for them to find by having cleartopic sentences and explicit transitions betwenideasMake your proposal memorable by including richdetails, not vague generalizationsDont make it easy for reviewers to throw yourproposal outfollow directions!Dont asume reviewers are specialists in your field;define t
19、ers and avoid jargonCritique with cautionyour target may be yourreviewer15Geting helpLok at some examples of sucesfulproposalsAsk for detailed, critical fedback from anexperienced grant writer/reviewerKep your advisor informed and involvedthroughout the proces616After youve apliedDont get your hopes
20、 up; statisticaly, theods are against youAply to other funding sources, but be sureto adapt the proposal to the new fundersprioritiesChange the framing (and the budget as neded),not the research design17If youre rejectedIf you dont receive funding, take reviewerscriticisms seriously (if available) a
21、nd work toimprove the proposal for next timeDont get discouragedrevise and reaplyto other funding sourcesThe first rule of grant writing: Youre onlyguaranted not to get funding if you dont aply18If youre fundedStart laying the groundwork right away to get theproject up and runingBe organized; having
22、 a grant means being amanagerMet the funders deadlines (e.g., for submittingfinal reports)Present at conferences and publish work from yourgrantand acknowledge your funder!Funding agencies look for evidence that their money waswell spent before funding someone againStart planing for the next grant71
23、9For more tips on survivinggrad schol and beyondhtp:/ww.linguistics.ucsb.edu/faculty/bucholtz/socioculturalAlthough labeled as ”Resources for SociocuturalLinguistics,” the page contains information aboutwriting a thesis/dissertation, conference abstracts,academic publishing, and the job search, amongother issuesPlease let me know if youd like to se other topicsadresed on the website