1、Category 2 History of Christianity1书名:罗马教皇列传2作者:刘明翰3出版社和出版年月:东方出版社1995年11月版4页数:312页字数:210千字印数:4000册5作者简介:刘明翰,1932年生于黑龙江省。东北师大世界史专业研究生毕业。现为湖南师范大学教授、湖南师范大学世界史研究室主任。撰写和主编的著作有:世界史中世纪史、世界史简编、美洲印第安人史略、外国历史常识中世纪部分、闵采尔、布鲁诺、外国史学名著评介(13卷)等。6内容提要:本书内容如下:(1)教皇制的产生与利奥一世;(2)被称为“中世纪教皇之父”的格利哥里一世;(3)扎迦利支持法兰克宫相丕平当国王;
3、(18)反对詹森派和迫害伽里略的乌尔班八世;(19)一再干预别国内政的克莱门特十一世;(20)反对法国大革命的庇护六世;(21)庇护七世同拿破仑的斗争和罗马教廷的新转折;(22)一八四八年欧洲革命前后的庇护九世;(23)第一个“资本主义教皇”利奥十三世;(24)庇护十世利奥十三世的继承者;(25)本笃十五世时天主教会作用的扩大;(26)二次大战前庇护十一世的梵蒂冈外交;(27)二战期间和战后五十年代的庇护十二世;(28)约翰二十三世与天主教会的开始中兴;(29)“跟上时代形势”的保罗六世把堂区扩及全世界;(30)当代梵蒂冈宝座上约翰-保罗二世。1.Title: Biographies of R
4、oman Emperors 羅馬教皇列傳2. Author: Liu Minghan 3. Publisher and Date of Publication: Beijing : Dongfang Chubanshe, Nov 19954. Pages: 312; Words: 210000; No. of Prints: 40005. About the Author: Liu Minghan, born in 1932 in Heilongjiang, graduated fromNorthwest Normal University as a graduate in World His
5、tory. He teaches now inHunan Normal University, and is the Officer in World History Centre of the HunanNormal University. His works includes World History: The Medieval History, AShort World History, A Brief History of the American Indians, Basic Knowledge inForeign History: The Medieval Era, Mnzer,
6、 Bruno, Introductions to ForeignClassics in Historical Studies etc.6. Summary: The contents of this book are as follows: (1) The Emergence of Papacy, and Leo I;(2) Gregory I, the “Father of Medieval Popes”; (3) Pope Zachariass Support ofPepin to be the King of the Franks; (4) Stephen II and “donatio
7、n of Pepin” in 756;(5) Leo IIIs Coronation of Charlemagne; (6) John XIIs Coronation of Otto I as the“Emperor of the Roman Empire”; (7) Gregory VII at the climax of confrontationsbetween State and Religion; (8) Urban II the Initiator and Organiser of the“Crusades”; (9) Innocent III calling himself as
8、 the “King of Kings and the Lord ofLords”; (10) Boniface VIII, when the Papacy fell from the “Climax”; (11) ClementV and the “Avignon Captivity”; (12) Benedict XII and the “Indulgences”; (13)Martin V and his Suppression of the Hussite Movement; (14) Nicolas V as the“First Humanist Pope”; (15) Pope J
9、ulius II with his Chief Mission to Revive thePapal State; (16) Leo X Embodying Doubleness and Contradictoriness; (17) PaulIII Leading the Catholic Church in the Counter-Reformation; (18) Urban VIIIagainst the Jansenists and Galileo; (19) Clement XI Interfering the Internal Affairsof Other States; (2
10、0) Pius VI against the French Revolution; (21) Pius VIIsConfrontation with Napoleon and New Turns of the Vatican; (22) Pius IX beforeand after the European Revolution in 1848 (23) Leo XIII as the first “CapitalistPope”; (24) Pius X the Follower of Leo XIII; (25) Benedict XV and the Expansionof the I
11、nfluence of the Catholic Church; (26) The Vatican Foreign Affairs of PiusXI before the WWII; (27) The WWII and Pius XII in the Post-war 1950s; (28)John XXIII and the Revival of the Catholic Church; (29) “Follow the Time”-PaulVI Expanded the Parishes to All the World; (30) John Paul II the ContemporaryPope in Vatican.