1、考试科目:高级写作与翻译 (B卷) 共24页 第1页 2010年招收攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 (B卷) * 学科、专业名称:外国语言文学 英语语言文学专业、外国语言学及应用语言学专业 研究方向: 考试科目名称:808高级写作珝翻译 考生注意:所有答案必须写在答题纸(卷)上,写在本试题上一律不给分。 I. Translate the following into English (40) 电视在家中以强大的攻势出现了,家人们聚在一块参加的活动随之减少。这还不算,家庭成员彼此之间的关系也明显而微妙地受到了影响。孩子耗费大量时间看电视,与电视中的人物产生单向联系,这种联系勿需交流,勿需相互作用
2、,势必会影响他与现实的人进行交往。 有研究表明了眼神交流比例在现实生活关系中的重要性,并指出了人们眼神交流模式的本质,不论他是否直视他人的眼睛,看向一旁或东张西望,都对他人际交往的成败起到重要作用。尽管在一些儿童节目中,人们声称要和孩子直接对话,并且通过把摄像机直接对准被拍摄者进一步加深了这种错觉。但看电视的孩子们却无法进行眼神交流,孩子需要同其他现实的人发展一种信任、开放的交往能力,可这种节目却扭曲了现实生活关系,它会怎样影响孩子的交往能力呢? 一位老师对她个人观看电视的经验作了如下的评论: “在看了几个小时的电视之后,我很难将自己调动起来和现实中的人交往,很难实现从看电视到现实关系的转变。
3、我猜想那是因为看电视时不需要付出任何努力,而与现实中的人交往常常需要费点脑筋。然后想像一下,这对一个小孩来说可考试科目:高级写作与翻译 (B卷) 共24页 第2页 能会更难,尤其是每天看许多电视的孩子。” II. Translate the following into Chinese (40) (1) It is not the turkey alone were g rateful. Not even the pumpkin pie. Some of the people seated at the table are strangers - friends of friends, -an
4、d some are desperately familiar, faces we live and work everyday. (2) In any other week, today would merely be Thursday and the gathering of all these people - cooking and serving and cleaning - a chore. But today it doesnt feel that way. The host - perhaps its you - stands up and asks that we give
5、thanks, and we do, each in our own way. And what we are thankful for is simply this, the food, the shelter, the company and above all, the sense of belonging. (3) As holidays go, Thanksgiving is in some ways the most philosophical. Today we try not to take for granted the things we almost always tak
6、e for granted. We try, if only in that brief pause before the eating begins, to see 考试科目:高级写作与翻译 (B卷) 共24页 第3页 through the well-worn patterns of our lives to what lies behind them. In other words, we try to understand how very rich we are, whether we feel very rich or not. Today is one of the few ti
7、mes most Americans consciously set desire aside, if only because desire is incompatible with the gratitude - not to mention the abundance - that Thanksgiving summons. (4) Its tempting to think that one T hanksgiving is pretty much like another, except for differences in the guest list and the recipe
8、s. But it isnt true. This is always a feast about where we are now. Thanksgiving reflects the complexion of the year were in. Some years it feels joyful, al most hapiness in nature. Other years it seems marked by a conspicuous humility uncommon in the calendar of American emotions. (5) And this year
9、? We will probably remember giving thanks for some fundamental principles that should be honored every day of the year in the life of this nation - principles of generosity, tolerance and inclusion(包容). This is a fea st that no one should be turned away from. The abundance of the food piled on the t
10、able should signify that there is plenty for all, plenty to be shared. The welcome we feel makes sense only 考试科目:高级写作与翻译 (B卷) 共24页 第4页 if we also extend it to others. III Write an essay of approximately 400 words according to the topic given below.(50) Some educators believe that students should rec
11、eive letter grades in their examinations while others consider pass-fail grades more appropriate. Write a composition of about 400 words on this topic, giving advantages and disadvantages of the two positions and explain which position you support. IV. Make a summary of the passage given below with
12、approximately 150 words.(20) “You will never walk again. You will have to use a wheelchair .” Unprepared for the doctors grim p rognosis, I heard these words fall heavily on my ears, numbing my soul. If I had never felt hopeless before, I felt hopeless then. My catastrophic car accident had left me
13、unconscious and in critical condition. I awakened to find both legs swathed in casts, the left one in traction to aid the healing of a broken hip and pelvis. While I had other 考试科目:高级写作与翻译 (B卷) 共24页 第5页 serious injuries, my legs were my prime concern. Working as a special-needs teacher and “on the g
14、o” by nature, I couldnt ima gine being confined, let alone an invalid. Lying in my bed motionless and relying on prayer, I wondered how I could give my ten-year-old son hope that Mom would heal. Hed b een cheerful on every visit, but I saw the fear in his eyes. Looking forward to having a totally ha
15、ndicapped mother and the implications of that were weighing heavily on his little shoulders. He needed the ray of hope that I would not be in a wheelchair forever. Just maybe, I thought, I could use this experience to teach what to do when adversity strikes. But I wasnt just being altruistic. I n ee
16、ded something besides my physical healing to sink my Irish stubbornness intoits that trait that kept me goi ng through the toughest challenge of my life. It didnt take me long to become impa tient with my limited mobility and even with the pace the therapists were willing to go with me. I vowed to l
17、earn everything they showed me. Attempting to move on my own at night after the nurses last rounds, Im sure I broke every hos pital rule. I needed to make things happen my way. And being confined to a wheelchair the rest of my life didnt fit into my plans. At first, I taught myself to move from the
18、bed to the wheelchair. I 考试科目:高级写作与翻译 (B卷) 共24页 第6页 made tiny movements for weeks, afraid of falling, but more afraid to just lie in bed. I reached a point where my arms were strong enough to swing me into the chair. Getting out of the chair and back into bed proved more difficult, but I soon develo
19、ped a method of grabbing the sheets with one hand and the traction bar with the other. I wouldnt win any gy mnastics competitions, but it worked; I often wondered what the nurses and therapists would have done if theyd seen me struggling on my o wn. Once sure I could return myself to the bed from th
20、e wheelchair, I began to tackle a walker that had been left in my room by a former hospital roommate. If the nurses noticed that the wheelchair and walker were not where they had left them, they werent saying anything . I wondered if a conspiracy of silence had developed: I wouldnt s ay anything abo
21、ut my secret therapy sessions, and they kept quiet as well. Every night in my private room, as soon as I knew I wouldnt be interrupted or discovered, I would maneuver myself from the bed to the floor, holding on to the bed rail for dear life, and slowly putting my weight on my feet. After several we
22、eks of these ever so difficult efforts, my strength and confidence continued to build. So came the ultimate challenge: alternating and moving my feet one inch at a time. I had dreams of striding briskly down the halls at school, playing dodge ball at recess, and driving againgrandiose dr eams to be
23、sure, but I knew one 考试科目:高级写作与翻译 (B卷) 共24页 第7页 thing for certain: there would come a day when the wheelchair would be gone and I would walk. It came the time to share my accomplishments with the person most important to me. One night, before my son arrived for his regular visit, I pulled myself int
24、o the chair and stationed the walker in front of me. When I heard him greet the nurses at the station, I dragged myself up. As he opened the door, I took a few small steps. Shocked, he could only watch as I turned and started back to bed. All of the pain, the fear, and the struggle faded as I heard
25、the words I had longed to hear, “Momm y, you can walk!” I am now able to walk alone, sometimes using a cane. I am able to take public transportation to shop and visit friends. My life has been blessed with many milestones and accomplishments of which I am proud. But none has ever brought me the sati
26、sfaction and joy offered by those four little words spoken by my son. 考试科目:高级写作与翻译 (B卷) 共24页 第8页 2010 年招收攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(B 卷) * 学科、专业名称: 外国语言文学 英语语言文学专业、外国语言学及应用语言学专业 研究方向: 考试科目名称:法语 考试科目代码:280 考生注意:所有答案必须写在答题纸(卷)上,写在本试题上一律不给分。 考试科目:高级写作与翻译 (B卷) 共24页 第9页 I. Compltez les phrases suivantes en choisiss
27、ant A, B, C ou D. Chaque phrase na quune rponse. ( 20 points ) 1. Le cache-mouchoir est un jeu je jouais quand jtais enfant. A. que B. duquel C. dont D. auquel 2. Elodie a un petit chien gris. Ses cousins ont aussi un chien mais est tout noir. A. le sien B. les siens C. le leur D. les leurs 3. du sp
28、ort, cette jeune fille garde bien sa ligne. A. Fait B. Faisant C. Ayant fait D. En faisant 4. As-tu prt Le Pre Goriot Amlie ? Oui, je ai prt. A. le lui B. la lui C. lui le D. lui la 5. Llve pourra sortir de la salle dexamen ds quil sa copie au professeur. A. rendrait B. aurait rendu C. rendra D. aur
29、a rendu 6. convient cette actrice, ce sont des films damour. A. Ce que B. Ce qui C. Ce dont D. Ce o 7. Notre maison construite bois donne la mer. A. par, B. de, pour C. en, sur D. avec, cte de 8. Il na pas lu ce livre il ne peut pas en parler. 考试科目:高级写作与翻译 (B卷) 共24页 第10页 A. ainsi B. pourtant C. donc
30、 D. alors 9. Je te prte mon vlo condition que tu demain. A. me le rendes B. le me rends C. me le rendras D. le me rendrais10. Il na reu aucune rponse quoiquil lui il y a trois semaines. A. avait crit B. ait crit C. aurait crit D. eut crit 11. Le directeur a occupations quil ncrit plus ses amis. A. b
31、eaucoup d B. tant d C. bien des D. trop d 12. Sils coutaient la radio franaise, ils mieux les actualits en France. A. comprennent B. comprendront C. comprendraientD. comprendirent 13. On voit bien il est attach sa patrie. A. quel point B. au point qu C. tel point qu D. tel point 14. a tlphon cet apr
32、s-midi ? A. Qui est-ce que B. Quest-ce que C. Qui est-ce qui D. Quest-ce qui 15. Vous devez nous soyons tenus au courant. A. vous attendre B. souhaiter queC. vous imaginer D. veiller ce que 考试科目:高级写作与翻译 (B卷) 共24页 第11页 ce que ce que 16. Jai prfr ne pas le faire me tromper. A. en vue de B. de manire C
33、. de peur de D. de faon 17. Elle de la maison midi et elle la voiture du garage. A. a sorti, est sorti B. est sortie, a sorti C. a sorti, est sortie D. est sortie, a sortie 18. dure que soit sa vie, elle ne se plaint jamais. A. Quoique B. Quelle C. Bien D. Quelque 19. Il ma dit que cette tche accomp
34、lie avant la fin du mois courant. A. tait B. serait C.aurait t D. avait t 20. A peine Virginie sortie que la pluie se mit tomber violemment.A. fut-elle B. elle fut C. fit-elle D. elle fit II. Trouvez les fautes dans les phrases suivantes et corrigez-les. Chaque phrase nen contient quune. ( 10 points
35、 ) 1. Je nai fait que dentrer et sortir. 2. Le grade de colonel est plus infrieur celui de gnral. 3. Il a tout vendu, la voiture y compris. 考试科目:高级写作与翻译 (B卷) 共24页 第12页 4. Aprs se promener, Sophie se remettra travailler. 5. Je vais sortir bien quil pleut. 6. Nous sommes rentrs en un froid glacial. 7.
36、 Jacques, tu as des amies chinoises ? Oui, jen ai quelques. 8. Tout son argent ayant dpens, il a recommenc chercher du travail. 9. Les animaux tel que le tigre, le lion et le lopard sont trs froces. 10. Avez-vous assist la soutenance de Pierre ? Oui, je lui ai assist. III. Exercice Trous ( 10 points
37、 ) Lisez le petit texte suivant et compltez les blancs en choisissant A, B, C ou D. Vous navez quun choix pour chaque blanc. 考试科目:高级写作与翻译 (B卷) 共24页 第13页 Leuro na pas chang les habitudes des Franais Larrive de leuro na rien chang : les Franais ont conserv leurs bonnes vieilles habitudes de paiement,
38、( 1 ) leurs bas de laine de gros billets et gard les petites coupures pour les achats courants. Certains ( 2 ) ce que la mort du franc entrane celle des bas de laine et des lessiveuses , du nom des bacs lessive dans lesquels les Franais dissimulaient leurs conomies. Selon la Banque de France, prs de
39、 154 milliards de francs ( 3 ) ainsi dans les placards des Franais en 2000. Ds les derniers mois de 2001, la Fdration bancaire franaise a de fait constat un effet lessiveuse avec lafflux de billets de 200 et 500 francs arrivant ( 4 ) trsors cachs. Ce reflux a rduit la masse montaire en circulation :
40、 elle a ( 5 ) de 46,1 milliards deuros de billets en circulation fin 2000 31, 5 milliards fin 2001. Aprs le changement de monnaie le 1erjanvier 2002, les Franais ont regarni leurs bas de laine, ( 6 ) des billets de 200 et 500 euros. Ils ont ainsi renou avec un phnomne dj ancien, qui fait de la Franc
41、e le pays dEurope o les grosses coupures circulent le moins. Les billet s de 10 et 20 euros reprsentent 75% de la circulation en France, ( 7 ) seulement 44% dans lensemble de leurozone. Leu ro na pas non plus boulever s les habitudes des Franais au distributeur automatique : ils continuent effectuer
42、 des retraits dune v aleur de 60 euros ( 8 ) . 考试科目:高级写作与翻译 (B卷) 共24页 第14页 ( 9 ) prvaut galement pour les moyens de paiement. On stait demand lan dernier si larrive de leuro ne ( 10 ) pas plus au paiement par carte quau paiement par chque. Or, rien na chan g dans ce domaine. 1. A. mis B. rempli C. d
43、pos D. cach 2. A. imaginaient B. pensaient C. croyaient D. sattendaient 3. A. dormaient B. dissimulaient C. cachaient D. stockaient 4. A. lorigine de B. compter de C. en dehors de D. en provenance de 5. A. affaibli B. dcru C. abaiss D. rduit 6. A. amasss B. amassant C. ayant amass D. tant amass 7. A
44、. pas B. si C. contre D. non 8. A. en principe B. en totalit C. en moyenne D. en ralit 9. A. Le risque B. Lhabitude C. Le reflux D. La stabilit 10. A. bnficierait B. dvelopperait C. permettrait D. encourageraitIV. Comprhension crite ( 30 points ) Lisez les textes suivants et rpondez aux questions. P
45、our chaque question, on vous propose quatre rponses : A, B, C et D. Mais une seule rponse 考试科目:高级写作与翻译 (B卷) 共24页 第15页 convient. Texte 1 Quelle cole pour demain ? Le journal Quotidien On dit que lcole va mal. Certains lves ne travaillent pas et ne respectent pas les professeurs. Il y a eu des inciden
46、ts graves dans quelques collges. Un parent Le problme est quon a mlang tous les lves. Da ns la classe de 5ede ma fille, il y a des enfants qui ne savent pas lire. Quand le professeur soccupe deux, les autres ncoutent pas. Quand il soccupe des lves qui ont le niveau, les autres ne comprennent pas. Rs
47、ultat, il y a toujours une partie de la classe qui ne sintr esse pas au cours. Il faut des classes spciales pour les lves en difficulit. Un professeur Vous avez raison. La vie dun professeur nest pas toujours facile mais je ne suis pas daccord avec votre solutio n. Lcole est faite pour apprendre les maths, lhistoire, les sciences, l es langues. Mais elle est aussi faite pour apprendre vivre