1、中 国 地 质 大 学 长 城 学 院本 科 毕 业 论 文题目 从喜福会看中美文化差异与交融 系 别 外语系 专 业 英 语 学 生 姓 名 陈 彩 红 学 号 06110426 指 导 教 师 李 洪 俊 职 称 讲 师 2014 年 5 月 10 日On the Differences and Reconciliation of Chinese and American Cultures in the Joy Luck ClubA Graduation Thesis Submitted byChen CaihongIn Partial Fulfillment of the Require
2、mentsForThe Degree of Bachelor of ArtsIn the Subject of English TranslationSupervisor: Li hongjunMay 10, 2014中国地质大学长城学院毕业设计(论文)任务书学生姓名 陈彩红 学号 06110426 班 级 2010 级翻译 2 班指导教师 李洪俊 职称 讲师 单 位 外 语 系毕业设计(论文)题目On the Differences and Reconciliation of Chinese and American Cultures in the Joy Luck Club 从喜福会看中美
3、文化差异与交融毕业设计(论文)主要内容和要求:(一) 主要内容:本课题以喜福会为切入点,对比和比较中美文化诸多方面的差异,主要从教育方式,爱情观和婚姻观,价值观,语言表达等方面进行讨论,通过对电影喜福会中不同人物性格,生活方式以及个人命运的刻画,生活化的描写了中美文化差异与交融,也深刻细致地表达出这种差异和交融对人们的启发和思考,几位女主人公的命运是中美文化差异和交融的现实体现,表达作家谭恩美的人生观和中美文化交融中的世界观。论文提纲如下:1.引言 1.1 作者谭恩美简介1.2喜福会简介2.喜福会体现的中美文化差异2.1 爱和婚姻的观念的不同2.1.1 亲情观念的差异2.1.2 婚姻观念的差异
4、 西方婚姻的观念2.1.2.2 中国婚姻的观念2.3 价值观的不同2.3.1 对平等的理解的差异2.3.2 中国的传统家庭观2.3.3 美国的个人主义家庭观2.4 语言表达方式的不同2.4.1 中国的语言表达方式2.4.2 美国的语言表达方式3. 喜福会展现的中美文化交融3.1 中美文化交融的表现3.1.1 母亲和女儿的和解3.1.2 文化价值的认同3.2 中美文化交融的因素4.喜福会中体现的中美文化和谐共处的方法4.1 增强政治和文化交流4.2 理解和尊重外国文化4.3 寻求共同点,求同存异5.结语(二)要求:论文撰写要求思路清晰、内容充实、论点明确,论据充分,论证严密,语言通
5、顺。撰写论文前应首先阅读相关的研究资料,掌握学术前沿动态,对相关理论著作要很好的把握,提高理论水平及思想深度。根据开题报告和老师提出的意见对论文提纲进行修改,确定大纲后认真撰写毕业论文。撰写论文结束后要根据老师的修改意见,认真反复的修改论文,并按照要求参加毕业论文的答辩,严格按照论文进度安排进行论文的写作。论文的格式、字数等撰写方面的要求参照中国地质大学长城学院毕业论文(设计)撰写规范 。毕业设计(论文)主要参考资料:1 Amy Tan. The Joy Luck Club M. New York:Lvy Books, 1990.2 John Henry Hewman. The Idea of
6、 a University J. Dublin:Ashfield, 2010.3 Lewis, M. The state of ELT and the way for ward M. London: Language Teaching Publications,1993.4 Shear, Walter. The Joy Luck ClubGeneration M. Dichotomy of Culture, 1993. 5 Stephen Souris. Only Two kinds of Daughters:Inter-Monologue Dialogicity in The Joy Luc
7、k Club M. Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers, 2000.6 Wang Jin. Cultural Conflicts and Compalibility Between the East and the West in The Joy Luck Club J. Wuhan:The Science Education Article Collects, 2007.7 李雪峰.中西方文化的冲突解读喜福会中的母女关系 J. 平原大学学报,2007.8 梁素琴 . 寻梦人的心理世界谭恩美小说喜福会 中的文化冲突探析J. 北京科技大学报,2006.9
8、谭恩美. 喜福会:哈佛蓝星双语名著导读M. 天津:天津科技翻译出版公司, 2003.10 张从益. 中西文化比较研究M. 长沙:湖南人民出版社, 2004.毕业设计(论文)应完成的主要工作:1 利用中国知网、维普、万方等数据库完成与毕业论文相关内容的论文的检索;利用图书馆的图书资源查阅相关的理论内容;充分的利用互联网进行资料的检索收集。2 与实习相关的选题要注意在实习过程中观察收集相关的数据;要做实证方面的论文要多方面搜集相关的地区及国家发布的统计数据。3 撰写开题报告之前要写出论文的大纲,并根据开题报告中指导教师所提出的意见进行修改。4 确定大纲之后认真的撰写论文,并根据指导教师的意见进行修
9、改。5. 论文定稿之后,按照要求进行毕业论文的答辩。毕业设计(论文)进度安排:序号 毕业设计(论文)各阶段内容 时间安排 备注1 论文选题 2013.11-2013.122 提交开题报告 2013.122014.13 完成初稿 2014.34 提交论文第二稿与定稿 2014.45 准备论文答辩 2014.56 论文答辩 2014.5 中旬78课题信息:课题性质: 设计 论文课题来源: 教学 科研 生产 其它发出任务书日期: 指导教师签名:年 月 日教研室意见:教研室主任签名:年 月 日 学生签名:中国地质大学长城学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告学生姓名 陈彩红 学号 06110426 专业班级 2
10、010 级翻译 2 班指导教师 李洪俊 职称 讲 师 单 位 外 语 系课题性质 设计 论文 课题来源 科研 教学 生产 其它毕业设计(论文)题目On the Differences and Reconciliation of Chinese and Western Cultures in the Joy Luck Club 从喜福会看中西方文化差异与交融一、研究目的: 美籍华裔作家谭恩美的小说喜福会一经面试就引起巨大反响,连续九个月稳坐“纽约时报畅销书排行榜” ,该小说细致的刻画了四对个性鲜明,具有代表性的中国母亲和在美国出生的女儿之间的情感故事,由于中西方文化的差异,每个国家都有各自不同的
12、射着东西方文化互相碰撞、沟通和交融的历史,也预示着在全球化时期,不同的国家、民族和文化相互共存应采取的态度-理解、沟通与信任。作品既表现了两代人、两种文化、两个民族的对立,又反映了大洋彼岸华人后代的美好企盼:跨越不同民族、文化和国家间的鸿沟,走出文化对峙的阴影, 构建一个多元共存、和谐共处的美好世界.三、研究现状:通过中国期刊网,我了解到国内目前有多所师范院校以及重点外国语大学对喜福会进行着相关的研究。如成都大学外国语学院副教授写的从喜福会看中美文化冲突、适应于共存 ,她通过对喜福会的研究深刻的写出了中西方文化的矛盾与共存,又如南通大学外语学院的张竞教授喜福会中的母女也介绍出了两代人的文化差异
13、矛盾的碰撞以及解决方法。 喜福会这部小说也被翻拍成同名电影,深受广大观众的喜爱。还有一些国外大学的文学课堂也不断地在深入研究着谭恩美的作品,由此可见中西方文化的差异在世界各地都非常受重视,我们更应该求同存异,寻找矛盾双方和谐共存的好方法。四、研究内容:1.引言 1.1 作者谭恩美简介1.2喜福会简介2.喜福会体现的中美文化差异2.1 爱和婚姻的观念的不同2.1.1 亲情观念的差异2.1.2 婚姻观念的差异2.1.2.1 西方婚姻的观念2.1.2.2 中国婚姻的观念2.3 价值观的不同2.3.1 对平等的理解的差异2.3.2 中国的传统家庭观2.3.3 美国的个人主义家庭观2.4 语言表达方式的
14、不同2.4.1 中国的语言表达方式2.4.2 美国的语言表达方式4. 喜福会展现的中美文化交融3.1 中美文化交融的表现3.1.1 母亲和女儿的和解3.1.2 文化价值的认同3.2 中美文化交融的因素4.喜福会中体现的中美文化和谐共处的方法4.1 增强政治和文化交流4.2 理解和尊重外国文化4.3 寻求共同点,求同存异5.结语五、研究方案:首先,通过网络和书籍了解所选题的研究状况,深入了解美国华裔作家谭恩美的小说喜福会相关背景知识。其次,认真剖析作者对喜福会注入的文化思想,解析小说中所隐藏的文化差异,并且对这些差异予以讨论研究,最后,总结以上分析,从而探索出中西方文化交流和谐共处的方法。六、进
15、度安排:12013.11-2013.12 论文选题22013.112014.1 提交开题报告32014.32013.4 完成初稿 42014.4 提交论文第二稿与定稿52014.5 准备论文答辩七、预期结果:通过对喜福会这部小说以及同名改编的电影的研究,发现其中所体现的中西方文化的差异与交融,深刻的剖析出造成这一现象的原因,并且寻求出解决文化差异,实现中西方文化和谐共处的方法。八、参考文献:1 Amy Tan. The Joy Luck Club M. New York:Lvy Books, 1990.2 John Henry Hewman. The Idea of a University
16、J. Dublin:Ashfield, 2010.3 Lewis, M. The state of ELT and the way for ward M. London: Language Teaching Publications,1993.4 Shear, Walter. The Joy Luck ClubGeneration M. Dichotomy of Culture, 1993. 5 Stephen Souris. Only Two kinds of Daughters:Inter-Monologue Dialogicity in The Joy Luck Club M. Phil
17、adelphia:Chelsea House Publishers, 2000.6 Wang Jin. Cultural Conflicts and Compalibility Between the East and the West in The Joy Luck Club J. Wuhan:The Science Education Article Collects, 2007.7 李雪峰.中西方文化的冲突解读喜福会中的母女关系 J. 平原大学学报,2007.8 梁素琴. 寻梦人的心理世界谭恩美小说喜福会中的文化冲突探析J. 北京科技大学报,2006.9 谭恩美. 喜福会:哈佛蓝星双语名
18、著导读M. 天津:天津科技翻译出版公司, 2003.10 张从益. 中西文化比较研究M. 长沙:湖南人民出版社, 2004.指导教师意见:指导教师签名:年 月 日教研室意见:审 查 结 果: 同 意 不 同 意教研室主任签名:年 月 日AcknowledgementsMy deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Li Hongjun, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of th
19、is thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Ji Yancun , who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Departm
20、ent of English: Li Jiayi , Yang Lei , who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years.Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates
21、who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.Chen Caihong May 10, 2014【摘 要】 喜福会是美国著名的华裔女作家谭恩美的代表作品。在小说中,她呈现给读者的是四位中国移民母亲与她们女儿之间的故事。这四位母亲都有着自己的世界观,她们的世界观又是立足于她们的中国生活经历。她们想把自己的经历一一讲述给女儿,并努力通过母爱的表达在她们与女儿的文化差异和冲突之间建立起沟通的
22、桥梁。起初女儿们不能理解她们的母亲及其代表的中国文化,但随着时间的流逝,女儿们开始理解她们的母亲,同情她们母亲的悲惨过去并最终接受了她们的母亲。本文以中国和美国的文化对比为切入点,分析了中国和美国在文化诸多方面的差异,主要从以下几方面进行了讨论:教育方式、爱情观和婚姻观、价值观、语言表达、称谓语。通过对喜福会中不同人物性格、生活方式及个人命运的刻画,生活化地描写了中西方文化差异与交融,也深刻细致地表达出这种差异和交融对人们的启发和思考,表达作家谭恩美得人生观和中西方文化交融中的世界观。【关键字】 教育方式;爱情观;婚姻观;价值观;文化差异 【Abstract】 The Joy Luck Clu
23、b is written by Amy Tan,a famous Chinese American writer. In the novel, she presents the stories of four Chinese-immigrant women and their American-born daughters. Each of the four Chinese women has her own view of the world based on her experiences in China and wants to share her experiences with h
24、er daughter, and they never cease to try to build a bridge over the cultural differences and conflicts between them and their daughters with their maternal love of various forms. At first the daughters dont understand their mothers and the Chinese culture that their mothers represent, but as time el
25、apses, the daughters begin to understand and appreciate their mothers past and accept their mothers in the end. This novel uses China and American cultural comparison as the entry point ,analysis of the similarities and differences between China and America in many aspects of culture, mainly discuss
26、 from the following aspects: ways of education, views of love and marriage, senses of value, ways of language expression and address terms. The article describes the differences and combination of Chinese and American cultures according to different characters, living ways, and individual fates in t
27、he the Joy Luck Club, and also profoundly expresses peoples inspiration and pondering upon the difference and combination.【Key Words】 ways of education; love; marriage; value; cultural differencesTable of ContentsChapter One Introduction 11.1 A Brief Introduction of Amy Tan.11.2 A Brief Introduction
28、 of the Joy Luck Club.1Chapter Two The Differences Between American and Chinese Cultures Presented in the Joy Luck Club22.1 Different Views of Love and Marriage .22.1.1 Different Views of Love.22.1.2 Different Views of Marriage .4 The American Concept of Marriage .4 The Chinese Conce
29、pt of Marriage .52.2 Different Values.62.2.1 Different Understanding Equality62.2.2 Traditional Chinese Family Concept 72.2.3 American Family Concept: Individualism 72.3 Different Ways of Language Expression.82.3.1 Chinese Language of Expression2.3.2 American Language of ExpressionChapter Three Comp
30、atibility of Chinese And American Cultures .93.1 Chinese Culture Blends with American Culture.93.1.1 Mother and Daughter of Reconciliation.93.1.2 The Recognition of Cultural Values .10Chapter Four Methods of the Harmonious Coexistence of Sino-US Culture from The Joy Luck Club.114.1 To Enhance Politi
31、cal and Cultural Exchanges.114.2 To Show Understanding of and Respect for Foreign Cultures.114.3 To Seek Common Points while Reserving Differences.12Chapter Five Conclusion.14Bibliography.15中国地质大学长城学院 2014 届本科毕业论文- 1 -Chapter One Introduction1.1 A Brief Introduction of Amy TanAmy Tan (Chinese: 譚恩美;
32、born February 19, 1952) is a Chinese American writer whose works explore mother-daughter relationships. In 1993, Tans adaptation of her first novel, The Joy Luck Club, became a commercially successful film. The book has been translated into 35 languages.Tan has written several other bestselling nove
33、ls, including The Kitchen Gods Wife, The Hundred Secret Senses, The Bonesetters Daughter and Saving Fish From Drowning. She also wrote a collection of non-fiction essays entitled The Opposite of Fate: A Book of Musings. Her most recent novel Saving Fish From Drowning explores the tribulations experi
34、enced by a group of people who disappear while on an art expedition in the jungles of Burma. In addition to these, Tan has written two childrens books: The Moon Lady (1992) and Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat (1994), which was turned into an animated series airing on PBS. She also appeared on PBS in
35、a short spot encouraging children to write.Amy Tan was born in Oakland, California to Chinese immigrants John Tan, an electrical engineer and Baptist minister, and Daisy, who was forced to leave her three daughters from a previous marriage behind in Shanghai. This incident provided the basis for Tan
36、s first novel, 1989 New York Times bestseller The Joy Luck Club.1.2 A Brief Introduction of the Joy Luck Club The Joy Luck Club is a well-known American-Chinese writer Amy Tans representative works.In the novel, she presented to the reader four Chinese immigrant mothers and their daughters. Although
37、 living in America, the immigrant mothers cling to Chinese traditional culture. They organize the Joy Luck Club regularly, a weekly meeting of best Chinese friends. Four mothers with their own view of the world, their world view is based on their experiences of life in China. However, the girls from
38、 their mothers can not understand the Chinese culture because they are born in America. So the conflicts have been vividly described in this book. As time goes by, after a series of misunderstandings and conflicts, they begin to understand each 中国地质大学长城学院 2014 届本科毕业论文- 1 -other. The two generations
39、go into harmony with their efforts of love.The book is structured somewhat like a mahjong game, with four parts divided into four sections to create sixteen chapters. The three mothers and four daughters (one mother, Suyuan Woo, dies before the novel opens) share stories about their lives in the for
40、m of vignettes. Each part is preceded by a parable relating to the game.In 1993, the novel was adapted into a feature film directed by Wayne Wang. The screenplay was written by the author Amy Tan along with Ronald Bass. The novel was also adapted into a play which premiered at Pan Asian Repertory Th
41、eatre in New York.中国地质大学长城学院 2014 届本科毕业论文- 2 -Chapter Two The Differences Between American and Chinese Cultures Presented in the Joy Luck ClubIn The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan explores the relationship between mothers and daughters.There are four mother-daughter pairs in the novel, mothers are the first
42、 generation immigrants, and the daughters are born in America. The mothers come from traditional families, they escape from the political upheaval of China, but they dont forget their Chinese traditional culture. 2.1 The Chinese Culture in the Joy Luck ClubIn the Joy Luck Club, we can see that the f
43、our mother-immigrants hold the joy luck club every week. All their best friends and related people will attend. They cook Chinese food, wear Chinese traditional clothes. Especially, they prefer to play mahjong. It undoubtedly provides a place for the others to get in retrospect. In my oppinion, I th
44、ink that playing mahjong reflects the character of a person and the culture of a nation. In The Joy Luck Club, we can see four vivid characters at the mahjong table. Jingmei plays mahjong with three eldly women, the expression and behavior of Auntie Lindo, she is aggressive and mighty as we see afte
45、r the movie telling the stories between she and her daughter. Analysing the character of Auntie Lindo, culture of the mahjong can present. When playing mahjong, every person prefers to suppress the others, making every endeavor to win. If something indicates he will lose, he will destroy all the gam
46、es to make everyone lose. Instead, as we know, pokers are more popular in America.2.2 Different Views of Love and MarriageChinese marriages are based on family conditions,while Westerns marriages are based on the same hobby .Their different survival environment affect the people characters and influ
47、ence peoples thoughts of their respective marriages. Men and women in the economy of different status determine their positions in the family, which determines the differences in their marriage. Social value is the mainstream of different thoughts, and it indirectly affects the publics view of marriage. Religious beliefs also play an important role in marriage customs and marriages maintaining. 中国地质大学长城学院 2014 届本科毕业论文- 2 -2.2.1 Maternal Love in the Joy Luc