1、1施 工 安 全 手 册CONSTRUCTION SAFETY HANDBOOK234安全组织机构图SAFETY ORGANIZATION项目经理Project manager安全经理Safety manager安全监理Safety supervisormanager安全监理Safety supervisor安全员Coordinator 安全员Coordinator 安全员Coordinator安全员Coordinator5一、安全培训I. Safety training1、进场安全培训1. Safety training before entering the site所有进入施工现场的施工
2、人员必须参加项目部安全部门组织的安全培训,对于特殊工种人员还必须持有国家劳动部门颁发的特殊工种证件,通过安全培训的人员将得到统一制作的胸卡,经过培训的人员将登记造册,以便今后管理。All construction personnel should attend the safety training hold by safety department before entering the work site. To those staffs engage in special work, the certificate gained from the government is requir
3、ed. After the training, those who have passed can get the badges and will be registered as well for a good management. 2、日常安全教育2. Normal safety education(1)、每天下午召开各队安全人员例会,及时提出各队发现的不安全问题,通知各队进行整改。(2)、每周召开一次全体施工人员安全周会,对于一周来各队的安全工作做一个总结。联系方法:1、主要管理人员配备手机;Contact: 1. Equip the main administrations with
4、 cell phone.项目经理职责:负责整个项目的管理工作,安全的第一责任人,对所有的项目人员负责安全经理职责:全面负责这个项目的安全工作,对安全规章进行定期检查和审核安全监理职责:执行日常检查并对不安全行为和情况采取措施,对工人的安全工作规范进行培训和监控,做好安全记录、会议记录等安全员职责:配合安全监理做好安全工作,确保工作顺利进行,无违章操作Project Manager: Overall in-charge of the safety management, No.1 responsibility person for all employees of the project.Saf
5、ety Manager: Overall in-charge of safety performance, regular inspection and audit of safety rules and regulations.Safety Supervisor: Conduct daily inspection and act on unsafe acts and conditions; train and monitor workers safe practices; maintain and monitor safety records and meeting minutes.Safe
6、ty Staffs: Co-ordinate with safety supervisor to ensure the successful performance and non-breach operation.6(1) In the afternoon, the safeties should hold a meeting to solve safety problems and correct their activities.(2) Every week, all construction personnel should attend safety weekly meeting a
7、nd make a summary of safety work.3、胸卡注销3. Badge cancellation对于因某种原因离开本项目的施工人员,将收回其胸卡并注销登记造册。Those who will leave the site for some reasons should return badges and cancel theirs register.二、人员防护用品II. Personal protection equipment1、安全帽1. Hard hat进入施工场地的施工人员必须戴符合国家标准的合格安全帽。项目部统一要求:所有管理人员配带白色安全帽,工人配带黄色或
8、蓝色的安全帽,安全员配戴红色安全帽。所有安全帽上必须贴有各单位的标签。Construction personnel must wear hard hats approved by state standard before entering into the site.Project department requires that all the administrations wear white hard hats and workers yellow or blue hard hats. All hard hats must stick the labels .2、安全眼镜2. Saf
9、ety glasses进入施工场地的施工人员,如参加电焊、切割、凿毛等对眼睛有伤害的作业,必须配带安全防护眼镜,防护眼镜的材质要求耐冲击而不易碎,必须有侧面防护。Workers, who are doing welding, cutting or concrete roughening, must wear safety glasses which can resist punch and are with side protection.3、安全鞋3. Safety shoes7进入施工场地的施工人员必须穿经项目部认可的安全鞋。All personnel entering site must
10、 wear safety shoes approved by project department.安全鞋的主要要求:(1)、应装有防砸内包头;(2)、鞋底防穿刺;(3)、鞋底应有防滑齿或防滑花纹。Main requirements to safety shoes:(1) Installed hit protection cover(2) Bottom of the boots should be sting protected(3) Bottom of the boots should be slide protected4、工作服4. Uniform进入现场的施工人员必须穿工作服。All
11、personnel entering site should wear .5、安全带5. Safety harness进行高空作业必须带符合国家标准的安全带。Those who work high should wear safety harness approved by State Standards.正确使用安全带的方法:(1)、使用前检查安全带各部分是否安好无损;(2)、两根保险绳使用中分别高挂,避免相互钩挂;(3)、移动中应保证有一根保险绳高挂在安全可靠的物体上;(4)、使用后将安全带束起,存放在干燥、通风处。The correct using method should be:(1
12、) Check before using(2) Hang the two ropes above and avoid hang to each other(3) During moving, keep one rope hang on stable objects(4) After usage, put the safety harness properly in dry and breezy condition.6、防护面罩86. Protection mask进行特殊工种作业时应配带相应的防护面罩。When doing special work, proper protection mas
13、k must be used.(1)、无齿切割、打磨时必须配带全面型护面罩;(2)、进行焊接时必须配带头戴式焊接防护面罩。(1) When using chop saw or grinding, whole mask must be used.(2) When performing welding, welding mask is required.7、耳塞7. Ear plug进行锤凿、切割等具有较大噪音的工作时,操作人及周边人员必须配带耳塞。Whenever performing hammer drilling and cutting, operator and persons nearb
14、y must put on ear plugs.8、手套8. Gloves(1)、进行电焊、气割时必须配戴专业手套;(2)、操作某些电动工具时应配戴高压绝缘手套,如:电动打夯机、电动振动棒等;(3)、进行搬运、拆除等容易伤及手部的工作时应配戴橡胶涂层手套。(1) Professional gloves are required when welding or cutting.(2) Insulation gloves are required when operating some electrical tools like piling machine or poker vibrator.(
15、3) Apply rubber coating gloves when conducting moving or removal activities when can easily hurt hands.9、口罩9. Mask对于某些灰尘较多或具有刺激性气味的工作必须配戴口罩。Masks are required for staffs who work in over-dust condition or with stimulate smell.三、高空作业III. Work high above ground9凡在坠落高度基准面 2m 以上(包含 2m)有可能坠落得高处进行作业,都称为高空
16、作业。Definition: work at 2 meters above datum plane and have the possibility of falling down.(一)、使用梯子进行高空作业i Use ladders使用梯子进行高空作业时应注意:(1)、使用前先检查;(2)、上下梯子时,手上不要拿任何物体,要使用绳索吊运物体;(3)、在梯子上工作时要面对梯子,并使用双绳安全带;(4)、任何时候只能一人在梯子上工作;(5)、电焊,接近任何电线或电器维修时,不可使用金属梯Caution:(1) Check before use(2) Dont take anything in
17、hand when claming up and down, use ropes to lift the objects(3) Face to the ladder when work on it and use two ropes safety harness(4) One person works on ladder only(5) Metal ladders are not permitted to use for welding, electrical equipment maintenance or work near power cables.1、直梯、伸缩梯:1. Straigh
18、t ladder and extension ladder:(1)、梯子的坡道不应过大;(2)、必须有专人扶梯或顶端加固系牢;(3)、梯子必须高出工作面 1m 左右;(4)、伸缩梯必须重叠最少 3 个横档;(5)、不可将伸缩梯分开,分别使用。(1) The slope of the ladder should not be too fast(2) Must have special person hold the ladder or tight on the top(3) The ladder must be 1m higher than the work surface(4) Extensi
19、on ladder must fold at least 3 cross beams(5) Extension ladder cannot be used separately102、人字梯:2. Double ladder:(1)、梯子要充分打开,使四脚水平,撑开到锁定点加以锁定,如使用木质人字梯,中间必须加一金属连接杆。人字梯上部夹角以 35。 -45。 为宜;(2)、不能站在平台或顶层踏脚杆上工作;(3)、不可将人字梯当单梯使用。(1) The ladder should be fully open with a 3545 degree angle at the top and four
20、 feet at one level which be locked as well. When use wood double ladder, a metal connection rod should be put at the middle.(2) Stand on the flat or the top rod is not allowed.(3) The double ladder cannot be used as a single ladder.(二)、使用脚手架的高空作业ii Use scaffolds脚手架是建筑施工中必不可少的临时设施,砖墙砌筑、墙面抹灰、装饰和粉刷、结构构
21、件安装等,都需要搭设脚手架。Scaffolds are necessary temporary utilities in construction work like brick masonry, wall grout, paint and parts installation.脚手架应满足以下要求:1、要有足够的牢固性和稳定性,保证施工期间在所有规定的荷载作用下或在气候条件的影响下不变形、不摇摆、不倾斜,能保证安全;2、构造要简单,搭设、拆除和搬运要方便。Requirements for scaffold:1. Should be stable and tight enough during
22、 the construction and without shaking, leaning or deforming to ensure safety.2. Simple structure and easy usage.脚手架的搭设材料:1、钢管应采用外径 48mm,壁厚 3.5mm 的焊接钢管,也可采用同样规格无缝钢管或外径 5051mm,壁厚34mm 的焊接钢管或其他钢管;2、扣件使用专用钢管扣件;113、脚手板使用板厚 45cm 的木板。Scaffold material:1. Use 48mm external diameter 3.5mm thickness weld steel
23、 pipes or seamless steel pipes. 5051mm external diameter 34mm thickness steel pipes are also acceptable.2. Fastener should be professional one.3. Wood board should be 45cm thick.安全措施:1、搭设脚手架时基础必须坚实;2、钢管底部使用木板或铁板作为垫木;3、脚手架立管要垂直,横管要水平,各自间距必须符合规范要求;4、所使用的钢管不能有裂缝,弯曲变形;5、脚手架工作平台必须有齐腰高的两道护栏,必须满铺跳板,必须有踢脚板;
24、6、脚手架必须有上下爬梯,不能捆绑木梯使用;7、脚手架上工作人员必须配戴双绳安全带;8、对于可以移动式脚手架必须有制动装置,移动时所有人员必须下来。Safety measurement:1. Have a stable foundation when set-up scaffolds.2. Use wood board or metal sheet as sole timber.3. The space between steel pipes must meet relative requirements. Pipes should be vertical or level.4. No sea
25、m or deformation with the pipes.5. Full installed with wood boards s work flat and two enclosure pipes are required above it.6. Climbing ladders are required and wood ladders tied on it are not acceptable.7. Those who work on scaffolds must wear two ropes safety harness.8. The movable scaffolds must
26、 have brake. During moving, nobody can stay on the scaffold.(三)、临边及洞口高空作业(iii)、Work near edge and holes12在施工现场,当高空作业中工作面的边沿没有围护设施或虽有围护设施但其高度低于 800mm 时,这一类作业称为临边作业。在进行临边作业时,必须设置牢固可靠的安全防护设施,这些防护措施主要为防护栏杆和安全网。防护栏杆可使用建筑工地上普遍使用的直径 48-51mm 的脚手钢管,搭设高度 1m-1.2m 左右,分三层搭设,底部可用木板或其他材料安装踢脚板,防止物品高空坠落。施工现场,结构体上往往存
27、在着各式各样的孔与洞,在孔与洞边的高空作业统称为洞口作业。洞口作业的防护措施,主要有设置防护栏杆,用遮盖物盖设,以及架设安全网等方式。Definition: work high above ground without enclosure or the enclosure less than 800mm.Make reliable protecting measurement with enclosure fence or safety net when working near edge. The protecting fence can be made by standard 48-51m
28、m scaffold pipes to 1m-1.2m high with baseboard which can prevent object from falling down.Hole work: to work near hole and in a high condition.Safety measurements: put protecting fence, net or coving holes.四、动火作业IV. Hot work(一)、无齿切割(i). Chop saw cutting使用电动无齿切割机或手持式切割机进行切割作业时,必须提前申请办理“无齿切割工作动火作业许可证
29、”工作时要注意以下几方面:(1)、检查设备是否处于良好的工作状态,各部分是否完好无损;(2)、工作时要清理工作区域的易燃物品;(3)、要设置一定数量的合格灭火器;(4)、操作人员必须戴全面型防护面罩,戴手套及耳塞;(5)、工作时防火员必须在场;(6)、工作完毕后,要仔细检查工作区域,确认无隐患后方可离去。Apply for “hot work permit (cutting)” before cutting with electric chop saw or hand hold one.(1) Make sure the equipment is in a good working condi
30、tion before using.13(2) Clear up the work area and flammable objects.(3) Put some approved fire extinguisher on the spot.(4) Operator must wear protecting mask, gloves and ear plugs.(5) The fire protecting guy must be on the spot.(6) Check the work area thoroughly before leaving.(二)、电焊(ii). Welding进
32、可离去。Apply for “Hot work permit (welding)” prior to the welding work.(1) Make sure the welding machine is in a good condition before work. All exposed parts should be well isolated. (2) Clean up the flammable objects and enclose the work area.(3) Put fire extinguisher around.(4) Only certificate hold
33、er can operate the welder. When welding is in process, operator must wear professional welding mask and gloves.(5) Put rubber board or other insulated material on the ground when it is wet.(6) With fire protection personnel presenting when working.(7) Make sure no hidden hazard existing before leavi
34、ng.(三)、气割14iii. Gas cutting进行气割作业时,必须提前申请办理“气割工作动火作业许可证”工作时要注意以下几方面:(1)、工作时氧气、乙炔气瓶必须直立放置并固定在稳定的物体上,同时两个气瓶要分开 5m 左右放置并远离其他动火作业,移动气瓶时必须使用专用小车;(2)、乙炔气瓶必须有回火装置;(3)、表盘必须处于正常的工作状态;(4)、管子不能有破损,连接处要使用专用卡箍,不能用铁丝或其他东西捆绑;(5)、工作前清理工作区域内的易燃物品,并对工作区域进行围护;(6)、设置一定数量合格的灭火器;(7)、操作人员必须持证上岗,必须戴专用防护眼镜、专用工作手套;(8)、工作时防火员
35、必须在场;(9)、工作完毕后,必须仔细检查工作区域,确认无隐患后方可离去。Get Gas Cutting Permit before starting work.(1) Fix the oxygen and acetylene gas cylinder at stable objects and separate the cylinders at least 5m to each other. Use cart to move the cylinders. Keep away from other hot work. (2) Tempering device is required for t
36、he acetylene gas cylinder.(3) The instrument panel must be in good status.(4) The hose must be good and use professional clip at the joint.(5) Clean up flammable materials out of work area and barricade the area.(6) Furnish some approved fire extinguishers.(7) Operator should hold relative certifica
37、te. Take professional safety glasses and gloves during work.(8) Fire watcher stays on site during work.(9) Check the work spot and make sure potential hazard before leaving.五、开挖作业V Excavation work进行开挖作业时,必须提前申请办理“开挖作业许可证”工作时要注意以下几方面:1、了解开挖区域的地质及地下情况,根据具体情况确定开挖形式:人工开挖或机械开挖;152、开挖时应根据现场情况放坡,基坑坡度 1:11:
38、1.5 左右,开挖作业,若应场地限制不能放坡,为防止边坡塌方,可采用设置挡土支撑的方法;3、开挖的同时要对开挖区域用钢管进行围护,设置专用的上下梯子,夜间要设置明显的提示标志;4、在坑边堆放弃土、材料和移动施工机械,应与坑边保持一定的距离,当土质良好时,要距坑边 0.8m以外,堆放高度不能超过 1.5m;5、开挖前要做好排水工作,防止地表水、施工用水浸入开挖区域或冲刷边坡;6、挖土时要随时注意土壁的变动情况,如发现有裂纹或部分塌落现象,要及时进行支撑或改缓放坡,并注意支撑的稳固和边坡的变化;7、用挖掘机开挖时,在挖掘机的工作半径内不能有其他工作;8、开挖后应尽快进行施工,尽早回填。Apply
39、for Excavation Work Permit before starting work. The following points should be taken into consideration:1. Comprehend the geological situation and underground interfaces of work area and choose excavation method accordingly. Manual and mechanical excavation are both acceptable.2. Base slope setting
40、 on site conditions. Foundation pit slope is around 1:11:1.5. Apply retaining wall to avoid collapse if necessary.3. Establish barricade around excavation area by steel pipes. Set up specific ladders and night signal signs.4. Keep distance away from the pit edges while piling up soil and material or
41、 shifting construction machines. When the soil condition is good, the distance to pit edge should be longer than 0.8m and piling height lower than 1.5m.5. Dewater before excavation in case that the surface or construction water permeates into pit or erode the slope.6. Be ware of any change along slo
42、pe while work. Make a stable retaining wall or adjust slope in case partial collapse or crack found.7. No other work interferes within the excavation radius.8. After excavation, carry out work and backfill quickly.六、吊装作业16VI Rigging work1、倒链的使用1. Chain block usage对于某些不能使用吊车的简单起吊作业可以使用倒链进行作业。(1)、作业之前
43、必须严格检查倒链的各个部位,是否正常;(2)、所使用的倒链必须有保险舌头;(3)、起吊物品时严禁超载,必须使用合适的钢丝绳,不能使用铁丝或其他物品代替;(4)、拉动链子时不能过快过猛;(5)、起吊后不能长时间停留空中,如需暂时将物体悬空,应将手拉链拴在起重链上,以防止倒链自锁失灵造成意外事故;(6)、作业完毕应及时将倒链取下,对于转动部件要定期润滑,防止链条锈蚀。Use chain block as to simple rigging work which needs not crane.(1) Check all parts of chain block beforehand.(2) Cha
44、in block must be with insurance device.(3) Never overload. Choose proficient cable instead of iron wires or other substitute.(4) Never pull chain too fast or harshly.(5) Never hang lifted goods too long. Fasten hand chain to lift chain to avoid accident if temporary suspension is needed.(6) Take the
45、 chain down when work is over. Periodically lubricate the turning parts in case of rust.2、吊车的使用2、Crane usage进行吊装作业时,应提前申请办理“吊装作业许可证”,提交吊装方案,工作时要注意以下几方面:(1)、要保证起重设备处于良好的工作状态,起重操作人员必须持证上岗,遵守操作规程的规定;(2)、指挥人员必须穿桔红色马甲,使用口哨、指挥旗或对讲机进行指挥作业;(3)、起吊区域必须用警示带进行围护;(4)、对所要起吊的物体应了解其准确的自重,使用合适的钢丝绳及其他起吊用具,起吊物起吊后必须平稳,
46、多件物体吊装时必须捆绑牢固;17(5)、起吊时必须使用两根缆绳,避免起吊物来回摆动;(6)、严禁任何人在已吊起的物体下停留或穿行,已吊起的物体不能长时间停在空中;(7)、遇六级以上大风、或大雨、大雾、大雪等恶劣气候条件时,应停止起重吊装作业。Apply for Crane Work Permit and submit crane suspension plan before commencement. Take the following points into consideration.(1) Keep crane in good condition. Operator has the s
47、pecific license and should observe SOP.(2) Signal person wears orange waistcoat and direct work with whistle, flag or radio.(3) Barricade rigging area by caution tapes.(4) Make clear the weight of lifted goods and choose proper cables and other devices. Stabilize the suspended material. Tie up the g
48、oods when the quantity is more than one.(5) Take two cable to lift up in order to avoid swing.(6) Never stay or pass underneath the suspended goods. Never keep it hung too long.(7) Stop work in inclement weather. 七、施工临时用电VII Temporary construction power1、配电箱1. Distribution box(1)、总配电箱应设置在靠近电源的地点,分配电
49、箱应设置在用电设备或负载相对集中的地方;(2)、配电箱必须防雨、防尘,箱门必须配锁;(3)、配电箱内的电器设备必须完好可靠,不准使用破损,不合格的电器,空气开关及漏电保护器必须按规范进行安装和使用;(4)、配电箱必须有接地线,必须实行“一机一闸”制,严禁同一个开关电器直接控制二台及二台以上用电设备;(5)、所有配电箱必须每月进行检查和维修,检查和维修人员必须是专业电工。(1) Fix main distribution box close to power source and install branch box adjacent to aggregated area of electric facilities or power loads.(2) Distribution box should be waterproof /dust proof and lockable as well.18(3) Equipment inside must be intact. Never use broken and unqualified facilities. Set up and apply air breaker and GFCI as directed.(4) Distribution box must be equipped with earth w