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资料记录表 information sheet.pdf

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1、A/C No.: Mega International Commercial Bank Hong Kong Branch Account Opening Form (Non Individual Account) - 1 - 資料記錄表資料記錄表資料記錄表資料記錄表 Information Sheet 有關人士之資料有關人士之資料有關人士之資料有關人士之資料 Information of Relevant Person 第 _有關人士 _ Relevant Person 男 Male 女 Female 先生 Mr. 小姐 Miss 女士 Ms. 太太 Mrs. 中文姓名 Name in Chi

2、nese 英文姓名 Name in English 董事 Director 東主 Sole Proprietorship 合夥 人 (持股比例 _%) Partner (_% shareholding percentage) 主要股東 (持股比例 _%) Substantial Shareholder (_% shareholding percentage) 實益擁有人 (持股比例 _%) Beneficial Owner ( _%shareholding percentage) 授權人員 Authorized Person 身份證明身份證明身份證明身份證明 文件文件文件文件 Identifi

3、cation Document 國籍 Nationality 身份證明文件類型 ID Document Type 香港身份證 HKID 護照 Passport (簽發國家 Issuing Country:_) 其他 ,請註明 Others, please specify _ 身份證明文件號碼 ID Document No. 出生日期 Date of Birth _ _ _ 日 Day 月 Month 年 Year 居住國家 Residence of Country 住宅地址 /永久地址 Residential Address/Permanent Address 通訊地址 (如與住宅地址 /永久

4、地址不同 ) Correspondence Address (if different from residential address/permanent address) 住宅電話號碼 Home Telephone No. 流動電話號碼 Mobile Phone No. 傳真號碼 Fax No. 職業職業職業職業 Occupation 自僱 商號東主 全職受僱 兼職受僱 /臨時性質 /合約僱員工 Self-employed 學生 Student Merchant 家庭主婦 Housewife Full-time job 退休人士 Retired Part-time/Temporary/Co

5、ntract worker 其他 , 請註明 _ Other, please specify_ 其他資料其他資料其他資料其他資料 Other Information 是Yes 否No 有關人士是否現任職或曾任職於國家政府部門之高級官員或擔任公職 (如政府委任之委員會等 )? 若 “是 ”, 請詳述 : Is the Relevant Person a current or former senior official in the local or foreign government (e.g. appointed member of committee and etc)? If Yes,

6、please specify: 國家及地區 Country and District: _ 工作機構名稱 /部門 Name of Working Organization / Department: _ 職位 Job Title: _ 工作年期 Working Years : _ 離職日期 (如有 ) Date of Resignation (if any): _ 有關人士是否現正或曾經從事政治工作 (如政黨人士 、政府顧問等 )? 若 “是 ”, 請詳述 : Is the Relevant Person involved in any political activities such as

7、 political party or government consultant? If “Yes”, please specify: 國家及地區 Country and District: _ 工作機構名稱 /部門 Name of Working Organization / Department: _ 職位 Job Title: _ 工作年期 Working Years : _ 離職日期 (如有 ) Date of Resignation (if any): _ A/C No.: Mega International Commercial Bank Hong Kong Branch Ac

8、count Opening Form (Non Individual Account) - 2 - 有關人士是否現正或曾經擔任國營企業或上市公司高級管理層職位 ?若 “是 ”, 請詳述 Does/Did the Relevant Person hold a current or former senior management position of a stated owned enterprise or listed company? If “Yes”, please specify: 國家及地區 Country and District: _ 工作機構名稱 /部門 Name of Wor

9、king Organization / Department: _ 職位 Job Title: _ 工作年期 Working Years : _ 離職日期 (如有 ) Date of Resignation (if any): _ 有關人士之直系親屬是否現正或曾經從事以上其中一項活動 ?若 “是 ”, 請詳述 (可另紙書寫並加簽確 認) : Is/Was the Relevant Persons immediate family member involved in any of the above activities? If “Yes”, please specify (please de

10、scribe in a separate sheet and sign therein for confirmation, if necessary): 直系親屬姓名 Name of Immediate Family Member: _ 與申請人關係 Relationship with the Applicant: _ 國家及地區 Country and District: _ 工作機構名稱 /部門 Name of Working Organization / Department:_ 職位 Job Title:_ 工作年期 Working Years : _ 離職日期 (如有 ) Date

11、of Resignation (if any): _ 有關人士是否在美國境內出生 ,或曾否或目前為美國公民 、擁有 美國國籍 、取得美國永久居住權 ,或正辦理美國移民手續? Is/Was the Relevant Person borne in U.S., or a holder of U.S. citizenship, U.S. nationality or permanent right of abode, or applying U.S. immigration? 身分證照編號 Passport Number: _ 身分證照類型 : 美國護照 / 州身分證照 / 駕駛執照 / 綠卡 /

12、軍人證 / 其他 (請註明 : _) Type of Passport: US Passport / State Licence / Driving License / Green Card / Military ID / Other (please specify: _) 社會保障編號 Social Security Number: _ 納稅個人識別號碼 (如有 ) Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (if any): _ 棄籍 /除籍日期 (如有 ) Date of Expatriation/Denaturalization (if any

13、): _ 有關人士現正或曾否 ,直接或間接地持股於美國登記之公司 /團體逾 10%或以上 ?若 “是 ”, 請詳述 Does/Did the Relevant Person hold 10% or more shareholding, directly or indirectly in any of company / entity registered in U.S.? If “Yes”, please specify 機構名稱 Name of Organization: _ 登記市 /州份 City/State of Registration: _ 公司註冊號 Company Regist

14、ration Number: _ 截至開戶日當天的實際持控股權權益 : _股 (_%) Shares held up to the date of account opening _ shares (_%) 有關人士是否持有美國物業或擁有在美國開立之投資帳戶 ?若 “是 ”, 請詳述 Does the Relevant Person hold any property or maintain security account in U.S.? If “Yes”, please specify 物業地址 Address of Property: _ 投資目的 : 在美事業投資 / 移民投資 /

15、教育基金 / 個人增值 / 退休金 / 其他 (請註明 ) : _ Investment Objective: Business Investment in U.S. / Immigration Investment / Education Fund / Personal Income Growth / Retirement / Other (please specify) : _ - Deliberately remains BLANK beneath this mark - 本節以下刻意留為空白本節以下刻意留為空白本節以下刻意留為空白本節以下刻意留為空白 A/C No.: Mega Int

16、ernational Commercial Bank Hong Kong Branch Account Opening Form (Non Individual Account) - 3 - 有關人士有關人士有關人士有關人士 及被授權人員聲明及被授權人員聲明及被授權人員聲明及被授權人員聲明 Relevant Person and Authorized Person Declaration 1. 有關人士 已細閱及完全明白本 帳戶持續審查資料表 之內容 ,有關人士 確認本 帳戶持續審查資料表 所載資料均屬真實 、正確 、最新及完整的資料 。如帳戶持續審查資料表 所載之資料有任何更改 ,有關人士

17、承諾會即時以貴行規定之表格通知貴行 。 The Relevant Person(s) has/have read and fully understood the contents of this Account Ongoing Review Form. The Relevant Person(s) confirm(s) that information given by the Relevant Person(s) in this Account Ongoing Review Form is true, correct, update and complete. The Relevant P

18、erson(s) further undertake(s) to notify the Bank forthwith in the form prescribed by the Bank in case of any change of any such information. 2. 有關人士 確認及聲明 ,有關人士 已獲提供下列文件副本及已詳細閱讀其條文 ,並同意受其約束 : The Relevant Person(s) acknowledge(s) and declare(s) that the Relevant Person(s) has/have been provided with

19、 a copy of the following documents and carefully read and agreed to be bound by the same:- circle6 銀行服務總條款 “Master Terms for Banking Service” circle6 關於香港個人資料 (私隱 )條例致客戶的通告 “Notice to Customers relating to Hong Kongs Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance” circle6 關於兆豐國際商業銀行 履行台灣個資法告知義務內容之通知 履行中華民國個人資料保護

20、法第八條第一項告知義務內容 (僅限擁有中華民國籍人士適用 ) “ Mega International Commercial Banks Statement of Advice Regarding the Compliance of the Disclosure Obligation as Prescribed in the Personal Information Protection Act of the Republic of China Statement of Advice Regarding the Compliance of Paragraph 1 of Article 8 of

21、 the Personal Information Protection Act of the Republic of China” (Only Applicable to Holder(s) of the Republic of China Citizenship) circle6 關於兆豐國際商業銀行 履行台灣個資法告知義務內容之通知 履行中華民國個人資料保護法第 九條第一項告知義務內容 (僅限擁有中華民國籍人士適用 ) “ Mega International Commercial Banks Statement of Advice Regarding the Compliance of

22、 the Disclosure Obligation as Prescribed in the Personal Information Protection Act of the Republic of China Statement of Advice Regarding the Compliance of Paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the Personal Information Protection Act of the Republic of China” (Only Applicable to Holder(s) of the Republic of

23、China Citizenship) circle6 稅務要求通知 “Tax Requirement Notice” circle6 傳真及電子傳送交易指示彌償書 “Facsimile and Electronically Transmitted Instruction Indemnity” 3. 就上述文件及本 帳戶持續審查資料表 ,有關人士 已被邀請提問及如有需要可尋求獨立意見 ,如有關人士 有此意願 ,有關人士 確認 有關人士 已細閱及明白上述文件及本 帳戶持續審查資料表 之內容並同意受其約束 。 The Relevant Person(s) has/have been invited

24、to ask questions and take independent profession advice on the above documents and this Account Ongoing Review Form if the Relevant Person(s) wish(es). The Relevant Person(s) hereby confirm(s) that the Relevant Person(s) has/have read and fully understood the contents of the abovementioned documents

25、 and this Account Ongoing Review Form and agree(s) to be bound by them. 4. 有關人士 確認及明白 ,除非上下文另有規定 ,本本 帳戶持續審查資料表 採納 銀行服務總條款 的定義詞語 。 The Relevant Person(s) acknowledge(s) and understand(s) that the defined terms in the “Master Terms for Banking Service” are adopted in this Account Ongoing Review Form u

26、nless the context otherwise requires. 5. 有關人士 確認及聲明如 有關人士 或被授權人員 (如有 )此後擁有美國國籍或擁有美國永久居留權 ,有關人士 會即時以書面通知貴行 。有關人士 確認及明白貴行並不對任何 有關人士 或被授權人員 (如有 )因疏忽或蓄意不通知貴行最新資料而引致的一切直接或間接後果而承擔任何責任 ,並承諾就未有通知貴行而招致貴行的所有損失或損害承擔不可推卸的賠償責任 。 The Relevant Person(s) acknowledge(s) and declare(s) that he/she/they and the Author

27、ized Person(s) (if any) shall notify the Bank in writing as and when the he/she/they and the Authorized Person(s) holds U.S. citizenship or permanent right of abode. The Relevant Person(s) acknowledge(s) and understand(s) that the Bank shall not be liable for any direct or indirect consequences in r

28、elation to the negligence or premeditation on reporting the latest information to the Bank by him/her/them and the Authorized Person(s) (if any) and the Relevant Person(s) and the Authorised Person(s) (if any) has/have the compelling obligation to be responsible for the Banks losses and damages aris

29、ing out of or in connection with the failure by the Relevant Person(s) and the Authorised Person(s) to notify the Bank. 6. 有關人士 明白 、確認及同意 ,在適當的情況下 ,有關人士 及被授權人員之個人資料及交易紀錄或須披露予其他司法管轄區的主管當局,包括但不限於台灣及美國主管當局 , 以及 貴行總行與 提供貴行代理銀行服務之代理銀行等機構 ,該等資料有可能被移轉至香港持別行政區外 。 The Relevant Person(s) understand(s), acknow

30、ledge(s) and agree(s) that, where the circumstances are appropriate, the personal data of the Relevant Person(s) and the Authorized Person(s) and the transaction record(s) may be disclosed to the competent authority of other jurisdictions including, without limitation, the competent authority of Tai

31、wan and U.S and the Head Office of the Bank, the correspondent banks and institutions which provide correspondent banking services to the Bank. Such Information may be transferred to a place outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. A/C No.: Mega International Commercial Bank Hong Kong Br

32、anch Account Opening Form (Non Individual Account) - 4 - 7. 被授權人員同意及確認 ,本帳戶持續審查資料表 及銀行服務 總條款 關於被授權人員的條文將對其有絕對約束力 。 The Authorized Person(s) agree(s) and acknowledge(s) that, in so far as the provision of this Account Ongoing Review Form and of Master Terms for Banking Service relates to him/her/them

33、, the same shall be absolutely binding on the Authorized Person(s). 8. 本帳戶持續審查資料表 之中英文文義如有歧異 , 應以英文為準 。 The English version of this Account Ongoing Review Form shall prevail if there is any discrepancy between the English and Chinese version. X 有關人士簽署 Signature of Relevant Person 姓名 Name 日期 Date S.V.


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