1、行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫 成果報告 人力資本管理與組織績效的關係 計畫類別: 個別型計畫 計畫編號: NSC92-2416-H-004-048- 執行期間: 92 年 08 月 01 日至 93 年 12 月 31 日 執行單位: 國立政治大學企業管理學系 計畫主持人: 林月雲 共同主持人: 林淑姬 報告類型: 精簡報告 報告附件: 出席國際會議研究心得報告及發表論文 處理方式: 本計畫可公開查詢 中 華 民 國 94年4月20日1THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT AND PERFORMANCE Considerable
2、 evidence suggests that human resource management (HRM) practices and systems make an important contribution to organizational performance (e.g., Delery Huselid, 1995). Within this area of research, empirical studies have reported a positive effectiveness of high-involvement HR systems, generally co
3、nceptualized as a set of distinct but interrelated HRM practices that together select, develop, retain, and motivate a workforce (Delery, 1998; Way, 2002). The common theme in the literature is of HRM skills that utilize information, motivation, and latitude, to develop a workforce which contains a
4、source of competitive advantage (Guthrie, 2001). Compared to traditional employee management, high-involvement HR systems focus on encouraging high employee participation, comprehensive training and developmental appraisal (Bae Delery Wright Ichniowski, Kochan, Levine, Olson, less research focuses o
5、n R however, relatively little research focuses on cross-level. Whether the high-involvement HR systems have equivalent effects on teams needs more attention, particularly regarding the R Delery Huselid, 1995). Classic mass production approaches, by contrast, emphasize low skill requirements, and fe
6、w incentives for discretionary effort. Skill requirements include staffing and training, both of which focus on enhancing employees competency and specific capability (e.g., Bae Batt, 2002). In contrast, the human resource incentives are performance appraisal and compensation, which can enhance firm
7、-specific human capital (e.g., Batt, 2002; Youndt et al., 1996). Empirical studies have shown that high-involvement systems are associated with performance in manufacturing plants (Appelbaum et al., 2000; Arthur, 1992, 1994; Ichniowski et al., 1996; MacDuffie, 1995; Youndt, Snell, Dean, Tsang, Rumbe
8、rger, Perry, 1991), and human capital with specific values to firms need different HR systems to manage and accumulate (Lepak Sparrowe et al., 2001). Additionally, outsiders acknowledge the boundary-spanning role of team leaders who are in almost constant communication with team members. According t
9、o Ancona and Caldwell (1992), team leaders boundary-spanning behaviors, such as building the positive image and scouting information for teams, can promote access to important resources necessary to maintain and improve performance, as well as quick responses to challenges that arise (Oh, Chung, Pod
10、sakoff = .25, p .05), which is presented in Model 3. Employee skills and attitude were the only personal factors that did not make significant contributions to creative performance. Following Baron and Kennys (1986) approach to studying the mediation effects, the first two steps shown in Models 2 an
11、d 3 have been supported. Next, we found that the high-involvement HR system was associated with higher levels of innovativeness and adaptation (= .39, p .01; = .49, p .01) presented in Models 5 and 6. The final step needed to show that human capital (innovativeness and adaptation) mediates the relat
12、ionship between high-involvement HR system and creative performance. This required consideration of whether the addition of innovativeness and adaptation eliminates the effect of a high-involvement HR system on creative performance. If it does eliminate the effect, then it is plausible that the mech
13、anism, which drives a high-involvement HR system to result in higher creative performance, itself derives from an enhancement of human capital, particularly innovativeness and adaptation. Results in Model 4 show that the addition of innovativeness and adaptation does 10eliminate the significance of
14、high-involvement HR system for predicting creative performance. As stated above, employee skills and attitude did not positively relate to high-involvement HR system and creative performance. Therefore, Hypothesis 1 was partly supported. - Insert TABLE 3 About Here - Hypothesis 2 predicts that leade
15、rs boundary-spanning behaviors moderate the HR-human capital relations in such a way that leaders enacting more boundary-spanning behaviors will induce more effectiveness of a HR system on human capital. To counter problems of multicollinearity in tests of interaction terms, we centered all independ
16、ent variables before creating the interaction terms (see Jaccard, Turrisi, Way, 2002); little explores the contents and multiple dimensions of human capital. This study generates three dimensions of human capital - employee skills and attitude, innovativeness, and adaptation - and finds the mediatin
17、g effects of innovativeness and adaptation between the relations of high-involvement HR system and performance. Compared to past research, this study 11focuses on the R however, the configuration of HR practices, as a HR system, might have a stronger impact than single practice. It is argued that bu
18、ndles of HR practices would enhance team effectiveness more effectively. Thus, one important practical implication is that organizations should adopt the 12high-involvement HR system to create specific R Choi, 2002). Consistent with the argument, this study found that leaders boundary-spanning behav
19、iors, such as build-up of positive image and collect information for teams, positively moderated the relationship of high-involvement HR system and innovativeness. It implies that leaders boundary-spanning behaviors do not waste limited resources of R Way, 2002). It reflected the general human capit
20、al across different workgroups in organizations. This study compensated for this gap by proposing three dimensions of R Snell Snell *p .01 16TABLE 3 Results of Regression Analyses Testing Mediation Effects of Human Capitala Creative performance Human capitalb Variables M1 M2 M3 M4 M5c M6d Control va
21、riables Company .80 .11 .11 .10 -.01 -.01 Team size .06 .02 .09 .11 -.06 -.04 Leaders industrial tenure .21 .20 .08 .07 .07 .21 Independent variables High-involvement HR system .29* -.10 .39* .49* Mediators Employee skills and attitude .09 .12 Innovativeness .53* .54* Adaptation .25* .29* Model F .9
22、4 6.19 12.70 26.30 9.84 19.60 R2.05 .13* .58* .59* .15* .29* R2.08* .53* .54* .14* .23* Note: a The entries in the table are the standardized s. *p .05; *p .01. b The regression coefficients are the second regression after controlling other variables. cM4 is the regression of innovativeness. dM5 is
23、the regression of adaptation. 17TABLE 4 Results of Regression Analysis Testing Moderation Effects of Leaders Boundary-spanning Behaviorsa Employee skills and attitude Innovativeness Adaptation Creative performance Control variables Company .12 -.07 .02 .09 Team size -.37* -.09 -.04 .01 Leaders indus
24、trial tenure .20 -.01 .19 .15 Independent variables High-involvement HR system (HR) .35* .29* .52* .25* Moderator Leaders boundary-spanning behaviors (BS) .06 .48* .04 .26* Interaction Term HR BS -.06 .27* .23 .24 Model F 4.34 4.74 4.55 2.32 R2.32* .34* .33* .20* R2b.01 .06* .04 .04 Note: a The entr
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