1、白领 必读六步,让你成为职场上的沟通高手俗话说得好“人在江湖,身不由己。 ”在外企里也是一样,职场上更是形形色色的人等,每个人都想想翩翩起舞、挥洒才华、争得提升。但是,毕竟要和这些人融洽相处、沟通合作,才能更好地完成自己的工作,也能快乐地度过工作时光。那么,如何怎样做才能成为办公室里的沟通高手呢?西雅图工作英语的专家在这里教大家几招吧!一、有效沟通的先决条件是和谐气氛。你见过吵架能吵出一个好的结果么?人在情绪当中,意气用事,完全非理性的状态下,是没有办法解决问题的。在陌生的环境中(包括陌生的人、陌生的地点、陌生的关系、陌生的事情)与人沟通时,人的保护机制自然而然会启动,心没有打开,大家说话小心
3、醒你:把焦点放在自己身上,去改变自己的沟通方式,尝试用不同的方法去做沟通。我们可以改变自己,但不可以改变别人,除非“别人”愿意去改变。三、应给别人一些空间。沟通不只是自己说说说,还应听对方的声音。每个人的价值观不完全相同,所以观点的冲突在所难免。 尝试听听对方的意思,从对方的角度听听,也许同样有几份道理。所以不要强人所难,打压, 权势,只会造成口服心不服的局面。大家都只会闹个不愉快,沟通完后,大家心情都郁闷死了。四、沟通的意义在于对方的回应。“素质太低,根本听不懂我说什么” 。其实是你自己素质太低,不会有对方能听懂的语言去表达。沟通的目的是形成共识,取的理解。所以,表达的好与坏,是以对方的理解
4、为唯一衡量标准。我爱你,我很爱你,但是对方说,没有感觉到,或者对方说,你根本不爱我。沟通跟恋爱一样,不是你以为表达清楚了就清楚了。沟通也不在于你的演说技巧有多么的流利,也不在于你说的多有道理,多么地正确,沟通没有对与错之分,只是有没有效果的区别。而效果的决定因素,是对方的回应, 对方收到了多少。五、不要假设。以自己之心度他人之腹,以为自己很聪明,以为了解他心里想什么,以为他会这样或那样。“我已经完全告诉他了,他怎么会这样,真不明白。 ”你当然不明白,因为你以为他已经明真的不掉线吗?、?白了,谁告诉你,他听懂啦?怎么样去判断对方有没有明白?很简单,让对方复述一遍。千万不要问:明白了没有?大部分人
5、的标准答案:明白了( 没明白不 显得自己理解能力太差了嘛); 也万万不要问:有没有什么疑问?大部分人的标准答案:没有了。 “跟他说也没有用,他肯定不愿意去做的” ,凭什么你替对方作决定呢?你问都没问过,怎么就判定他不愿意呢?所以,不要假设,不要瞎猜,有疑问应向对方求证。看多了电视剧的人会发现,剧情里的人际关系特别是男女之间的关系,之所以出现我爱的人嫁给别人了,都是假设惹的祸。六、直接对话,坦而言之。“老板,生产部经理不配合我的工作,找他沟通他根本不听” 。如果你是老板,你会怎么做呢?我知道,有很多经理人,或者很多老板,听到这样的信息,会把那个生产经理找过来,拐弯抹角或单刀直入地去了解事情的“真
6、相” ,然后会下达指示或解决方法。这样有效吗?没有效!不但没有效,而且后果很严重。为什么很多老板天天累呢?是他们自己找的!因为以后一有沟通不了的事或沟通不了的人,当事人只会找老板了,老板就忙着去协调了。这样的事情,解决起来其实很简单,直接把两个当事人叫过来,让他们把“沟通不了的工作”好好通过沟通形成共识并拿出解决方案来。老板坐在旁边听就可以了,有需要的时候,也可以出招指导指导他们。真的不掉线吗?、?雅思口语(一)Q: What do you like to do in your spare time?A: The thing I am interested in is to do physic
7、al exercises such as jogging when Im available.Q: What are the difficulties to realize it?A1: The great difficulty for me is to have less work and social experience because most of panies really concerned them. A2: One of the challenges for me is to own less work and social experience because a majo
8、rity of organizations concerned them most in modern society. Q: Whats the meaning of your Chinese name?A: The name of me was given by my grandpa who passed away as I was 18 years old. He wished me to be brave and intelligent enough. You know, “WEI” just means intelligent and bravery in Chinese.Q: Wh
9、ats your name?A: Im C-h-e-n H-u-i. Nice to meet you!Q: How can I call you?A: Thats if you can call me Ja for short. Now thats my English name.Q: Can I see your ID?A: Yes, please.Q: Whats the meaning of your Chinese name?A: Well, Ive looked up the dictionary. Its the sign of intelligence in China.Q:
10、Have you ever changed your name, why?A: Not yet so far, coz I dont think its different. Q: Do Chinese people like changing their names? Why?A: Actually I dont think so, coz I havent heard of it around me.Q: Whats their purpose in changing their names?A: Im not sure. Maybe fortune is ing as soon as t
11、hey do so.Q: Are you working or studying?A: So far Im still a college student.Q: Whats your major?真的不掉线吗?、?A: Well, I major in marketing. Its so interesting, because Ive studied a lot of successful cases of excellent panies like Coca Cola.Q: Do you like your major or dislike it? Why?A: Why not? Im v
12、ery interested in doing planning work in business. It teaches me a lot.Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of your school?A: Generally its pretty good. Its full of the aroma of academy. On the other hand, I wish I didnt live in the student room, coz I gotta share a small room with other 7 s
13、tudents.Q: Is it difficult for you to hunt for a job after graduation?A: Actually its not as easy as eating pies. Ive been interviewed for a lot of jobs, but they turned me down for my little experience.Q: Whats the school youve attended?A: A couple of years ago I was studying economies in Ren Min U
14、niversity. Its reputable anyway.Q: Whats the most interesting subject?A: I do love math, coz I really enjoy the sense of puzzling over questions.Q: Whats your ideal job?A: Im dressing of opening a homemade restaurant, coz Im crazy about cooking new dishes. It would be my greatest dream, I believe.Q:
15、 Are you studying or working?A: So far Im still an employer.Q: How long have you been working?A: Well, Ive been working for a firm as an accountant over 4 years.Q: Whatre your main responsibilities?A: Normally Im in charge of accounting work at my pany, but sometimes Im asking to help some fresh sta
16、ffs.Q: Whats the most difficult thing at work?A: Sure. I guess its hard to put up with a micromanager like mine, coz I cant do to the schedule.Q: Do you like your job?真的不掉线吗?、?A: Well, its pretty good. You know, its well-paid and relaxing. On the other hand, I wish I could have more days off.Q: What
17、 would be your ideal job?A: Actually I wish I could be a free lancer, because Im uninterested in my current work. Its boring.Q: Whatre the most popular jobs in your country?A: Sure. Sports and entertainment superstars are the most popular jobs. Theyre not only well-paid but also admiring.Q: Did you
18、ever do a part-time job?A: I havent got any experience like that, actually. But I was doing voluntary work in my munity.Q: Are there any jobs that only men or women should do?A: Actually I dont think theres any difference in working between male and female. Probably some like nursing is more suitabl
19、e for women. Q: How long have you been studying English?A: Ive been doing so for about a decade since I was a high school student. Its long, isnt it?Q: What do you think of English?A: Well, its really important, coz I wanna study and live with my girlfriend in Canada.Q: How to learn English well? (O
20、r: How to improve your English?)A: First of all, a good textbooks very important. I like “New Interchange”, coz its very useful. Ive learnt a lot of born and bred idioms. Next, a responsible teacher would be great. Its not only my guide but also my helper.Q: Are there any difficulties about studying
21、 English?A: Sure. Its not as easy as eating pies, I guess. Its hard to find a native speaker to tell me whats right or not. So, sometimes I speak some Chinglish.Q: What other language can you speak?A: So far I cant speak anything else but English and Chinese.Q: Do you think your native language is e
22、asier than English?A: I dont think so, but I guess my Chinese is bound to be better than English, coz I speak it every day.真的不掉线吗?、?Q: Do many foreigners speak your native language?A: Sure. Its amazing. Ive seen an American speak Chinese so fluently and coherently. Say, weve got TV shows to teach th
23、em Chinese.Q: How important is your native language in the world today?A: Its absolutely something. You know, if foreigners want make sense of real Chinese culture, they must do it by virtue of Chinese language.Q: When do you usually get up?A: Im used to getting up so early, coz I need to do morning
24、 exercises.Q: When do you usually go to bed?A: Im accustomed to going to bed late, coz I like watching TV at midnight.Q: Are your workday and weekend routines different?A: Sure. Im always busy with a lot of routines on workday. Its so boring. On the other hand, “Thanks goodness, its Friday.” Its abs
25、olutely a holiday.Q: Whats your favorite time of a day?A: Mornings the greatest time, coz its the beginning of a lovely day.Q: What is the worst part of your day?A: Actually I have no sense of afternoon, coz Im always feeling sleepy and tired.真的不掉线吗?、?华 盟字幕社教学+个人原 创 快速上手,使用 POPSUB 制作时间轴基础教程 新手同样适用(此
26、文转载请注明原作者 zipwinmax,出自IT 先锋数 码社区- 华 盟字幕社之字幕技术探讨中心(.it-dm./bbs/)谢谢 合作)最近光忙于字幕组 TV 动画字幕制作与连载了很多方面暂时无视中今天好不容易抽出半天时间来写教程不容易啊 XDPOPSUB 是漫游字幕组开发的一个字幕综合处理软件,尤以时间轴处理方面最为强大和方便最新版本是 v0.73 版,下载地址为yeax.3322.org:8000/files/PopSub_Version0.73.rar绿色软件,解压缩到文件夹里后直接运行popsub.exe 即可(为避免出现一些冲突,解压缩后请先运行文件夹里的 unregister.b
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28、PSUB 里面有内建播放器MPC6.4,但还是把这两个播放软件都在本机上安装好了为妙)DirectX 9.0(如果你的机器里不是最新 DX9.0版本,用 POPSUB 打开 动画时很可能会因为错误而打不开,这是某猫(猫猫拳) 同学的亲身经历,大家不要重蹈覆辙哦)真的不掉线吗?、?最后我们还需要视频编码器包,以能让POPSUB 的内建播放器播放那些高达 120FPS的动画更加顺畅,在此推荐一个视频编码器包下载地址,集成了最新 FFDSHOW 编码器的: POPSUB 哦)都搞定了之后,我们就差不多可以开始正式学习了要声明的是:安装 POPSUB 之后,其安装目录文件家里已经有很详尽的说明文件“r
29、eadme.rtf”,但担心部分新手看后无所适从,因此特此写出此篇时间轴快速上手的教程,若想进一步挖掘 POPSUB 的其他方面的更多的功能,请仔细认真阅读 readme.rtf 文档!第一次打开 POPSUB.exe 后,程序会要求你输入口令,同时页面右下角会提示你输入同好口令“TONGHAO-FANSUB”,但请不要 输入这个,输 入这个密码会在卡拉 OK 和翻译等的使用中受到限制(虽然今次讲的时间轴不在此范围之列),请改输入 readme.rtf 中提供的漫迷口令“POPGO-FANSUB”。如果已经输入过同好口令,可以在 POPSUB 中选择“关于”“改变口令”来改变口令由于是时间轴制作,所以我们假定你现在已经有翻译文稿(txt 格式) 以及片源(AVI 视频文件)(补 充一句,如果装了适当的视频编码器的话,甚至打开 RMVB 外挂字幕都可以的)假定你的翻译文稿在你计算机内的路径是C:1.txt