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1、乌干达 HIMA 850t/d 水泥生产线 - 1 -目 录 Content一、编制依据 Basis of edit 1二、筒体结构滑模施工技术方案 cylinder slip forming construction technical plan 1三、生料库滑模施工 RAW MILL SILO SLIP FORMING CONSTRUCTION 3(一) 滑模工艺设计 design of slip forming technics.3(二) 外筒滑模平台设计 design of out cylinder slip forming platform3(三) 内筒滑模平台设计 design o

2、f inner cylinder slip forming platform.7(四) 油路布置 disposal of oil route 10四、库壁结构滑升施工工艺 SILO WALL STRUCTURE ELEVATING CONSTRUCTION TECHNICAL11(一) 滑升区段的划分 elevation section division .11(二) 滑模平台组装 slip forming platform installation.11(三) 组装顺序 installation sequence.错误!未定义书签。(四) 组装注意重点 installation attent

3、ion point 12(五) 一个浇灌层滑模施工工艺流程 one pouring layers slip forming construction technical flow .13(六) 始滑 first slip.14(七) 钢筋和钢绞线绑扎 reinforcing steel bars and bars tendon colligation14(八) 预留洞 reserved holes .16(九) 混凝土振捣 concrete vibration .17(十) 滑升 sliding up 18(十一) 平台的偏移及扭转的测量与控制 flat form excursion Devi

4、ation of the platform shall be corrected by inclining in slow 乌干达 HIMA 850t/d 水泥生产线 第 19 页 共 14 页speed. When empty slip happens, use the out mechanical force to rectify it and make shuttering return to the right location. 2)在操作平台上,每滑升 5060cm 作一次水平测量并将水平标高用红油漆标于各支承杆上,调整各千斤顶和限位卡,以控制平台均衡提升,纠正倾斜或扭转,或用水箱

5、胶管对每个千斤顶的水平进行检查,即时调整其升差。On flat form, sliding up 50-60cm, make a horizontal measure and paint red marks on supporting shaft as horizontal level, adjust jack and limit switch to control balance of flat from, correct excursion and deviation or use water tank hose make inspection for every jack to adju

6、st lifting tolerance.3)平台纠扭:平台扭转采用牵拉法,沿周边均布 8 个点用手拉葫芦与扭转方向反向牵拉,平台提升时达到反向纠扭。Correct deviation of Flat form adopted pulling method. Set 8 equal points around the edge and use hand hoist to pull reverse the running direction to realize the reverse twist.4)垂直偏差的测量同时用重球法进行,在筒壁底部适当位置作十字观测标志,用20kg 重 3 钢绳挂于

7、平台架上,用卷筒控制,随滑升调整高度,以便随时观测。Measurement of vertical difference adopted heavy ball method. Make a “+” sign observation mark at the bottom of silo, use 20kg , 3mm steel rod hung from flat form , use rolling cylinder to control, follow sliding up adjust height in order to take easy observation. 5)在纠正结构垂直

8、偏差时,应徐缓进行,避免出现硬弯。Correct structure vertical difference should be slow speed to avoid inflection.6)滑模施工工程结构的允许偏差如下表 Slip Forming Construction Structure Allowed Tolerance as Follow: 项 目 内 容 Content允许偏差 Allowed Tolerance(mm )库壁直径 Silo Wall DiameterCross section of Silo Wall 0.1% ,Not more than 25乌干达 HI

9、MA 850t/d 水泥生产线 第 20 页 共 14 页标高 Level 30全高 High High 0.1% not more than50垂直度 Vertical Degree每 7.5 米高仓身 7.5M high Storehouse25柱、梁、壁、截面尺寸 Pole, girder, wall cross section dimension+10 -5门窗洞口及预留洞口的位置偏差 Position Difference of door, window and obligate wall hole15预埋件位置偏差 Embed Position Difference 2012.操作

10、平台的拆除和改装 Flat form Back out and Refit1)生料库外筒模板在滑至标高 13.6m 处进行改装,内筒滑模平台在滑至标高 10.M处即可拆除,施工减压锥底板。Raw materials outside wall shuttering should be refit when it sliding up to 13.6M high Inside wall shuttering should be back out when it sliding up to 10M high,then begin construction of decompress cone bot

11、tom board. 2)当全部滑完和不需要外吊架时,即可拆除全部滑模结构。拆除的顺序是:外吊架外模外平台内平台内模围檩桁架千斤顶提升架,小件由人工拆卸,先集中在顶部再捆绑好吊至地面运走,大件必用吊车配合拆卸,必须先将吊勾挂好才能拆卸以保证安全。When slip forming work are complete and there is no need lifting frame, it will remove all the slip forming structures. The procedure is: outside scaffold-outside shuttering-out

12、side flat form-inner flat form-inner shuttering-purlin-jack-hoist frame, small items remove by hand, loading to ground then move to store; big items remove by crane, it should hung crane hook as well to ensure safety. 五、滑模模板 Shuttering本工程采用柔性大模板体系的滑升模板,刚度大,板面平整,提升架可在任意位置直接同模板连结,面板采用定型钢模板,再配以调节模板和异形模

13、板。This project adopted flexible large sliding-up shuttering, stiffness, flat surface. Hoist frame can be connected with shuttering direct at any position. 乌干达 HIMA 850t/d 水泥生产线 第 21 页 共 14 页六、垂直运输 Vertical Transportation根据计算,本工程筒壁砼:生料库外筒 51m3/m,内筒约为 50m3/m,因此,现场配置砼垂直运输设备:1 台塔吊和 2 台混凝土输送泵车。Based on c

14、alculation, this project silo wall concrete: raw materials silo outside 51m3/m, silo inside 50m3/m. site arranged vertical lifting equipment: one tower crane and two concrete conveying trucks.必要时砼加缓凝剂,控制凝结时间在 78 小时,配合滑模速度,与砼的运输过程和可泵性相适应综合考虑。I f necessary, it add retarder to control concreting time i

15、n 7-8 hours. 七、应急措施及注意事项 Emergency Method and Noticed Proceeding(一) 应急措施 Emergency Method1、供电:现场备用一台发电机;Supply Power: One generator stand by on site;2、混凝土输送:在滑模前,保证现场有一台拖式泵;并制作好两个料斗,在出现意外情况时,用塔吊吊装混凝土;Concrete Conveying: before slip forming work, ensure one pump, two feed hopper on site. In addition,

16、 tower crane for emergency use.3、安全应急:救护车停靠在现场,在有人中暑时,能随时治疗;Safety Emergency Method: an ambulance muse parked on site. It will treat patient in time if anyone get heat stroke.4、下雨:备用充足的塑料布,在下大雨时,对滑模混凝土进行覆盖;Rain: Prepare enough plastic covering cloth to cover concrete if there is a raining.5、停滑:当塔吊出现

17、意外情况或其他特殊情况时,不能继续滑升时需考虑停滑。在停滑时,每隔 0.5-1.0 小时提升 1-2 个行程,至模板与砼不再粘接(大约 4 小时) ,第二天再提升一个行程。Stop slip forming: when tower crane get accident or special condition, it should be consider stop slip forming. During the stop period, in every interval 0.5-1.0 hour to sliding up 1-2 courses until shuttering do n

18、ot sticky ( around 4 hours), then sliding up one course on next day. 乌干达 HIMA 850t/d 水泥生产线 第 22 页 共 14 页(二) 施工注意事项 Construction attention items1、库壁滑升是技术性,专业性很强工作,需要周密的安排和强有力的协调。在指挥管理上各工序要有专人负责,明确责任,专人专管,不搞兼职;在分级负责制上,平台上指挥和平台下指挥对总指挥负责;伙食生活医务等事项由后勤负责人对平台下指挥负责;Silo wall sliding up is very strict in tec

19、hnology and specialty, and therefore, it must be carefully arranged and effectively coordinated. All the items shall be managed specially by different person with clearly defined responsibility; everybody must work full-time without part-time job. According to the management system, the persons who

20、in charged above and below the platforms are under the leadership of the chief management. The persons who in charged material supply, tests, concrete grading and dosing, concrete mixing, concrete horizontal transport, rebar classification and lifting, accommodation and medicine are under leadership

21、 of the one who is responsible for the items below the platform. 2、砼垂直运输、钢筋绑扎、砼浇捣、平台调平、支承杆接长、高度控制、出模砼表面处理、预埋件安放等工作要有业人负责并对平台上指挥负责;工序划分要定人、定岗、定机、定位,明确工作范围,以确保施工顺利进行,保证质量。The persons who in charged concrete vertical transport, rebar binding, concrete grouting and vibrating, platform leveling correctio

22、n, prolonging of the supports, height control, surface treatment of the concrete after taking away the formworks, installation of embedded parts of each section are under the leadership of the person who is responsible for the items above the platform.3、滑模系统折除应在砼浇筑完毕 2 天后进行,折除以先装后折为原则,折除人员必须服从指挥,带好安

23、全带,按顺序折除,并充分利用塔吊。The slip form system shall be dismantled 2 days after the concrete grouting has been completed. The working principle is “dismantlement after assemble”, the operators must comply with all the instructions, well fasten the safety belt, dismantlement must be done in right sequence, an

24、d take use of tower crane. 乌干达 HIMA 850t/d 水泥生产线 第 23 页 共 14 页八、安全技术措施 Safety Regulation on Site1、滑模施工主要为高空作业,危险性较大,参加滑模的各位员工必须加强学习,提高自己的安全意识和安全观念,保证本次滑模施工安全顺利地完成。Slip form mainly works high above the ground, and very dangerous. Therefore, the staff works for this job must enhance their knowledge an

25、d improve their safety consciousness and conception to accomplish the job successfully. 2、进入现场应自觉遵守各种安全规范、规程,严禁酒后、穿拖鞋、硬底鞋等进入现场施工作业;严禁在现场打闹、嬉戏等。When enter into the jobsite, please comply with all of the safety specifications and regulations. It is forbidden to work on site after drinking, or with sli

26、ppers, hard-sole shoes. It is not permitted to fight and play on site.3、经医生检查不宜进入高空作业的人员,严禁上平台进行高空作业;高空施工人员严禁向下扔任何物体,如有物品调运,则必须从井架或塔吊运下。吊运物品时,不准站在平台栏杆以外操作,必要时需将安全带系牢后方可进行操作。After checked by doctor, the person who is not suitable to work above the ground is forbidden to go with the platform. The staf

27、f that works above the ground is forbidden to throw anything to the ground, if it is necessary to transfer something, it must be transferred through head frame or tower crane. When transfer something, the operator must be within the platform handrails and well fasten the safety belt.4、滑升操作平台组装时必须保证有

28、足够的刚度和稳固性,平台操作人员需随时检查平台的稳固性,发现问题以便及时修整。平台上所有施工人员必须紧密配合,相互照应,所有物件必须平均堆放和不宜过多堆放,以免造成滑升平台失稳;在平台上推料车,搬运物品,倾倒砼等要小心谨慎,宜轻不宜重。When assemble elevation platform must ensure that it has enough stiffness and soundness. Flat form operator should check its soundness at any time in order to make maintenance in tim

29、e. Peoples who are working on flat form should cooperate and help each other. All the items should be stock at different place do not keep it at 乌干达 HIMA 850t/d 水泥生产线 第 24 页 共 14 页one place to causing flat form over balance. All the people who are working on flat form should be careful of pushing ha

30、ndcart, moving items and pouring concrete and so on.5、保证和完善各项安全宣传措施,醒目位置设立安全生产宣传牌、标志牌等,滑模高空施工作业时设置施工安全区,安全区用白线明确标明,闲杂人员不得入内。施工现场周边设临时围墙,夜间设灯光照明。Actions must be taken to ensure and improve safety works, safety production plate and nameplate must be erected in the striking places. During slip form con

31、struction above the ground, safety area must be marked definitely by white lines to prevent the entering of the persons not belongs to the working group. The jobsite must be temporarily fenced and installed with electrical lighting for nighttime.6、加强机械电器设备接地、接零,建筑机械(塔机、井架等)的避雷装置和其他安全限位的管理和整改,实行一机一闸。

32、Strengthen the connection of earthing of mechanical and electrical equipments and the lightning device and safety limit devices of construction machines (tower crane, head frame etc.).7、机操人员(包括砼振捣工) ,特殊工种必须经过培训,持上岗证上班,非操作人员不准动用机电设备。The machine operators (including vibrating personnel), and special w

33、orkers shall attend relative trainings, and works with certificates. Non-operator could not touch the mechanical and electrical equipments8、加强夜间施工照明管理。严禁乱拉接电线,遵守现场用电制度对于电线均应用木杆架设严禁随地拖拉或用钢管搭设,严禁挂在井架或钢管架上。Strengthen the lighting of works during night. It is forbidden to connect the wires randomly. Com

34、ply with the power regulations, the telegraph pole shall be wooden, it could not be dragged everywhere and hung on the head frame or contact with steel pipes.9、为防止高空坠落,施工过程中“四口” 及“五临边”必须设置防护措施。滑模平台、高架平台、挂脚手、上人斜道均设安全网水平、垂直封闭In order to prevent somebody fall down from high altitude, the four openings

35、and the 乌干达 HIMA 850t/d 水泥生产线 第 25 页 共 14 页places nearby shall be equipped with protection advices. The slip form platform, head frame platform and scaffold, chute access shall be vertically and horizontally complete-closed with safety net.10、各分项施工工序均要制定安全技术措施。项目一般的安全施工措施由项目副经理审查批准,由现场施工员交底后执行。对于重要临

36、时设施、重要施工工序、特殊作业、季节性施工、等项目的安全施工措施须经技术、安全部门审查批准,现场施工员交底后方可执行。Each constructing procedure should set up safety regulation. Vice site manager inspect and approve safety regulation. Site administrators implement safety regulation. Important temporary construction, important construction procedure, specia

37、l construction, season construction, project safety regulation should get approve from project and safety department then deliver it to site administrator for implementation.11、严格贯彻执行防火工作责任制,平台上应根据实际情况配置一定数量的灭火器。Strictly carry out the fireproofing system, fire extinguisher must be available on the platform.12、现场施工必须随时服从项目部统一安排部署,必须严格执行项目部制定的各项安全规章制度。Site construction must follow Sinoma SCC Project management arrangement and implement all of safety regulation strictly.


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