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1、第五章 翻译的技巧篇之拆译及转换,教学内容,概述拆译词性转译,概述,拆译词性转译精简增补反译虚译和实译词语褒贬翻译被动式翻译数字倍数翻译,拆译,英汉翻译中最终更要的手段就是拆译。即在译文中讲过原文打破重组,或抽词拆译,或抽短语拆译,否则,英文中读起来流畅自然的句子,如照搬进中文,就变成“上下三十六根牙齿嚼不烂”(叶圣陶语)的“翻译腔”。在文学翻译中,设计作者文体风格的行文常须保持原文特有的节奏、句法、用法等,如有的句法缠绵(如 Henry James),有的句法干脆利落(如 Earnest Hemingway),这时的拆译或许需特别加以考虑。,从译文比较看拆译,译文的语言形式必须符合译文的语言

2、习惯。原文语言中最习见最自然的表现法,在译文中也必须用译文语言中国最习见最自然的表现法来翻译。1. He crashed down on a protesting chair.译文一:他猛然坐到一张吱吱地发出抗议声的椅子。译文二:他猛然做到一把椅子上,椅子被压得吱吱作响。,2. Darkness released him from his last restraints.译文一:黑暗把他从最后的顾忌中解放出来。译文二:在黑暗中,他就再也没有什么顾忌了。3. The bitter weather had driven everyone indoors.译文一:寒峭的天气已经把每个人都赶到室内。译

3、文二:天寒地冻,人人都已躲在室内。,4. She was a tall silent woman with a long nose and grey troubled eyes.译文一:她是一个沉默的高个子女人,有着长长的鼻子和忧郁的灰眼睛。译文二:她个子挺高,沉默寡言,长长的鼻子,一双灰眼睛,流露出忧郁的神情。5. The idea grew with him as he grew into manhood.译文一:那个思想随着他长大成人而成熟了。译文二:他成年了,而他的想法也随之成熟了。,6. Translating consists in reproducing in the recep

4、tor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (Eugene Nida 1969)译文一:所谓翻译,是指在译语中用最切近而又自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先在语义上,其次是文体上。(孙致礼译)译文二:翻译就是接受语言复制出与原语信息最接近的自然等值体首先是就意义而言,其次是就其风格而言。(柯平译)译文三:所谓翻译,是指从语义到语体在译语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原信息。

5、(谭再喜译)译文四:翻译是指从语义到文体在译语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原文的信息。(杨士焯译),长句拆译,1. Rome, as we all know, was not built in a day which was a step-by-step process involving many individuals.译文:大家都知道,罗马不是一天建立起来的,这是一个逐步完成的过程,一砖一瓦少了谁也不行。2. A notion has taken hold in the United States to that effect that the only people who sho

6、uld be encouraged to bring children into the world are those who can afford them.译文:在美国有一种根深蒂固的观点,说是只有那些抚养得起子女的人才应鼓励其生育。,3. The thought that she would be separated from husband during his long and dangerous journey saddened Mrs Brown.译文:布朗太太一想到丈夫踏上那漫长而危险的旅途,而在此期间,她又不能跟他在一起,心里不禁难过。,短句拆译,1. on one sun

7、shiny morning in June.在6月里的一天早上,天气晴朗。2. Im not the first man who has made mistakes.我又不是第一个犯错误的人。自来出错的人多了,我又不是头一个。3. This was a delight he could not forgo.这是他难以放弃的乐趣。他认为这是无上乐趣,不肯割舍。,4. Why should it be made longer than is necessary?为什么拖得太久呢?用不着嘛。5. His announcement got a mixed reaction.他的声明引起了反应,褒贬不一

8、。6. He was thunderingly insistent that something should be done about it.他大发雷霆,坚持必须对此事采取措施。7. He went hot and cold by turn他一阵发热,一阵发冷。总结:英语尚长句,省用标点符号,汉语则喜短句,多用标点符号,表达从容不迫,慢慢道来。,词性转译,英语是静态型语言,动作意义常借用其同源名词或其他词类来表达。在高级英语表达中,名词化和介词化现象非常普遍。翻译时,译者应该抓住短语和整句大意,而后化整为零,在充分理解的基础上,把译文搞通、搞活,让译文出彩。汉语则偏向动态,多用动词表达动作

9、意义,因而动词使用频率较高。英语和汉语词汇最大差别之一就是,英语讲究词性。翻译中,词性不予考虑,一切以译文能否自然流畅地传达意义为准。,名词的转换不转也可非转不可1. My admiration for him grew more.我对他的敬佩与日俱增。我对他越来越敬佩。我越来越敬佩他。,2. The international food shortage had a direct impact on Kuwait and other barren desert countries.国际粮食的缺乏对科威特和其他不毛的沙漠国家产生了一种直接的影响。由于世界普遍粮食缺乏,这就直接影响到科威特和其他

10、不毛的沙漠国家。全球性食品短缺现象直接影响了科威特等贫瘠的沙漠国家。,非转不可,1. Indo-China is a drain on French resources.印度支那战争不断地消耗法国的资源。2. He admires the Presidents stated decision to fight for the job.他对总统声明为保住其职位而决心奋斗表示钦佩。,形容词的转换,1. Perhaps she prod at the straw in her clumsy impatience.也许他会迫不及待、笨手笨脚地翻弄那个草铺。2. Buckley was in a cle

11、ar minority.巴克利显然属于少数。3. Doctors have said that they are not sure they can save his life.医生们说他们不敢肯定能否救得了他的命。,介词的转换,1. He is a jovial giant, with a huge appetite for food, drink and women. 他生性乐观,身材魁梧,贪吃贪杯又贪色。2. The man ran back down into the cellar.那个男子跑了回来,进了地窖。3. “Coming!” Away she skimmed over the

12、 lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.“来啦!”她转身蹦着跳着地跑了,越过草地,跑上小径,跨上台阶,穿过凉台,进了门廊。4. At the news they were quite surprised.听了这消息,他们感到十分惊奇。,副词的转换,1. They have not done so well ideologically, however, as organizationally.但是,他们的思想工作没有他们的组织工作做得好。2. He is physically weak b

13、ut mentally sound.他身体虽弱,但思想健康。3. The sun rose thinly from the sea.淡淡的太阳从海上升起。,精简与增补,英语句法结构重“形合”。句子各成分之间有适当的连接成分,表明各自的相互关系,强调语法关系的一致、协调。汉语句法结构重“意合”。句子各成分间关系靠意会,比较少用连接成分,结构形式比较松弛,词句比较简洁。翻译时,译者必须把握这个差别,省去汉语中可以不要的连接成分,省去可有可无的字词,使译文流畅自如。,精简1. Eczemaeksm (湿疹)may be found in all age groups and in both sexe

14、s.仿译:所有年龄组和两种性别都可患湿疹。简化:男女老少都可患湿疹。2. If you take this medicine, your illness will surely be cured.仿译:你要是服用这个药,你的病肯定能治好。简化:这药吃了准好。3. A doctors duty is to make every effort to save the dying and help the wounded.仿译:医生的职责是尽一切力量挽救垂死者和帮助受伤者。,简化:医生的职责是尽心尽力地救死扶伤。4. It was one of the few gestures of sentime

15、nt he was ever to make.仿译:那是他在感情方面所做出的很少的几次表示中的一个例子简化:他很少表露感情,这是难得的一次。5. The western system is characterized by the existence of competitive elections.仿译:西方制度是由竞选的存在为其特点的。简化:西方制度的一个特点是竞选。,四字格精简法,1. All evils are to be considerd with the good that is in them, and with what worse attends them.译文一:所以,考

16、虑到所有坏事的时候,应当想到坏事中还有好事,还应当想到,坏事中还可能有更坏的情况呢。(黄杲炘译)译文二:当我们遇到坏事的时候,我们应当考虑到其中所包含的好事,同时也应当考虑到更坏的情况。(徐霞村译)译文三:真是,我怎么不想想祸福相倚和祸不单行的道理呢?(郭建中译),2. They developed a simple hunting and fishing culture suited to the conditions of the region.他们因地制宜地发展了简易的狩猎业和渔业。3. He was mature in years and tried in wars but had t

17、he old, inbred arrogance of his family.他正值壮年,久经沙场,但是却带有他的家族的那种年深月久、代代相传的傲慢习气。4. His speech was Irish throughout, versatile, witty and occasionally pointed.他的演说自始至终带有爱尔兰人的风格:洋洋洒洒,妙趣横生,有时很犀利深刻。,增补,一是将原文句法上的省略成分按汉语习惯补出;二是将原文隐含的信息,按照汉语习惯表达出来。增补词语使译文句法完整(重复)1. I fell madly in love with her, and she with

18、me.我狂热地爱上了她,她也狂热地爱上了我。2. They began to study and analyze the situation of the enemy.他们开始研究敌情,分析敌情。3. He become an oil baron all by himself.他成为一个石油大王一个白手起家的石油大王。,增补解释性的辅助动词,使汉语符合搭配习惯。In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of th

19、e final communique.晚上,在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看兵乓球表演之后,他还得起草最后公报。增补语气词,英语里的语气通过汉语的语气词再现1. Dont tell me youve missed the train!恐怕你赶不上火车了吧?2. I declare, John, youve grown a foot.说真的,约翰,你长高一尺啦。,增补解释性的词(阐译),不补则译文晦涩费解。1. And the years flipped off the calendar like dry leaves from a lawn.日历一张张撕掉,好像落在草坪上的枯叶一样。岁月催人,日历

20、一张张撕掉,好像落在草坪上的枯叶一样。2. There are friends and friends.朋友有各种各样,有益友,有损友。,3. I buried my head under the miserable sheet and rug and cried like a child.译文一:我把头埋在悲惨的被单和毯子下面,像孩子样地哭了起来。译文二:我非常难过,一头扎进被单和毯子里,像个孩子一样哭了起来。译文三:我把头埋在那仿佛感染了我的悲惨心情的被单和毯子里,像孩子样地哭了起来。译文四,我把头埋在被单和毯子里,像孩子一样哭得好伤心。译文五,我把头埋在被单和毯子里,孩子似的哭了起来,而

21、那被单和毯子也仿佛感染了我的悲伤。,4. She tried hard to perform well, but the costume was not cooperating.译文一:她努力试图表演得好,但服装就是不合作。译文二:她努力好好地滑,但是服装就是不听话。译文三:她尽了最大努力,但运动衣掉下来的带子总是影响她。(叶子南译)译文四:她尽了最大努力,但运动衣上掉下来的带子妨碍了她的发挥。,实译与虚译,中国文化思维方式具有较强的具象性,西方文化思维方式则具有较强的抽象性。汉语重实,重形象,喜用具体的表现法,较少使用表示抽象概念的名词。英语使用抽象名词的频率明显高于汉语。在英译汉中,一方面

22、注意抽象名词的词性转换,一方面考虑实译与虚译的关系。,所谓实译:是指将词义或词组意义从抽象引向具体,从一般引向特殊,从概括引向局部,从“虚”引向“实”的过程。所谓虚译,是指将词义或词组意义从具体引向抽象,从特殊引向一般,从局部引向概括,从“实”引向“虚”的过程。,实译取向,1. Action and foresight will be needed as well as learning and reputation.不但需要有博学德高的学者,而且需要有远见卓识的实干家。2. He wished to try his luck by inviting the beautiful, young

23、lady to dance, but met with a rebuff.他想试试运气,请那位年轻貌美的女士跳舞,结果碰了一鼻子灰。3. However, such measures touch only the tip, but not address the basis of the problem.然而,这样的措施只不过是蜻蜓点水,并没有触及问题的根源。,虚译取向,1. I learned yesterday that their eldest son has been twice sent to prison. I wonder how many other skeletons the

24、yve got in their cupboard.我昨天才听说他们家大儿子坐过两次牢。真不知道他们家还有多少见不得人的事情。2. Foreign competition has taken the wind out of the sails of the U. S. automobile industry.国外的竞争势力已经使美国的汽车工业陷入颓势。3. The plan for a new swimming pool had to go by the board.建新游泳池的计划只能落空了。,褒译与贬译,词语翻译的褒义与贬义是由语篇上下文决定的,但是最终是落实在词语翻译上。一、原文词语褒贬

25、义明显,翻译时相应译出。1. He was a man of high renown.他是位有名望的人。2. Henry keeps boasting that he has talked to the President.亨利总是吹嘘说他曾同总统谈过话。3. Girls were all smiles on hearing the good news.听到这个好消息,姑娘们个个笑逐颜开。,根据上下文决定褒贬义译成褒义词The two politicians talked for no more than five minutes, at a significant moment in the

26、ir careers.两位政治家交谈了仅仅五分钟,这次谈话是在他们一生事业的重大时刻进行的。译成贬义词They arrested me as a spy and sent me out through Poland.他们把我当作“间谍”而逮捕了我,并取道波兰把我驱逐出境。He had lied to me and made me the tool of his wicked deeds.他欺骗了我,使我成了他罪恶勾当的工具。,倒译与顺译,倒译并不是独立存在的翻译技巧,与其他翻译技巧结合在一起的,尤其是“拆译”和“被动式的译法”紧密联系在一起。分成词组倒译和句子倒译。词组倒译:absent-mi

27、nded; well-conducted; northeast; southeast.句子倒译比较复杂,不同译者处理的方法各不相同,甚至不一定倒译。,复合句倒译1. They were sons of the men who had left their homes and taken to the mountains with their broad swords by their side.译文一:他们都是好汉们的后代,那些好汉们曾经抛妻别子,身带大刀进入深山。译文二:他们都是那些抛妻别子、身带大刀进入深山的好汉们的后代。2. Thermoplastic plastics become s

28、oft if they are heated.热塑料一经加热,就会变软。,被动句子的倒译1. Everything possible was done to conceal our movements from the enemy and to misled him. 我们采取了一切可能的措施,以便对敌人隐瞒我们的活动情况,并迷惑他们。2. Accounts are given of huge mountains sinking, of former plains seen heaved aloft, of fires flashing out amid the ruin.译文一:大山沉陷,平

29、原隆起,火焰喷射,周围是一片废墟,这些都有记载。译文二:据记载,大山沉陷,平原隆起,火焰喷射,周围是一片废墟。,用否定性副词或条件副词开头的句子的倒译。1. No possibility of alleviating adverse opinion of them should be overlooked. 我们不应忽视任何有助于缓和他们反对我们的可能性。2. Nothing was gained by all the overcaution.所有这些谨小慎微的措施,到头来是一无所得。带有介词短语的句子的倒译1. Dont sleep with the windows open.不要开着窗户睡

30、觉。睡觉时别开窗子。不要睡觉开着窗子。,2. It is popular for the fine views from the summit of the mountain.从山顶远眺,湖光山色,尽收眼底;这儿风景绝佳,闻名遐迩。3. Aristotle could have avoided the mistake of thinking that women have fewer teeth than men, by the simple device of asking Mrs. Aristotle to keep her mouth open while he counted.译文一:

31、亚里士多德本来能够避免这个错误的认识,即女人的牙齿比男人要少些;他只要用这个简单的方法,就是请亚里士多德夫人张开嘴巴,让他来数就行了。译文二:亚里士多德错认为女人的牙齿比男人少。其实,他只要请自己的夫人张一张口让他数一数,本是可以避免这个错误的。,顺译1. Always obey your parentswhen they are present.父母的话总是要听的当然是他们在身边的时候。2. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in w

32、ant of a wife.译文一:凡有产业的单身汉,总要娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理。译文二:有钱的单身汉总要娶太太,这是一条举世公认的真理。译文三:举世公认,一个拥有一大笔钱财的单身男人,必定想娶一个女人做太太。这已成为一条真理。译文四:饶有家资的单身男子必定想要娶妻室,这是举世公认的真情实理。译文五:世间有这样一条公认的真理凡财产丰厚的单身男人势必想娶个太太。,反译,词语反译语言差异决定的反译运用技巧的反译词语中的反译anxiety failure life sentencea barren tract of land prove worthy of our trustbe a

33、t a loss safe and sound wet paint with dignity,语言差异决定的反译1. Are you not prepared to do this work?Yes, I am. /No, Im not. 2.Look here, some boats are coming this way, dont you see them?3. I like Beijing very much, dont you?英语非人称结构影响1. The name slipped from my memory.我一时想不起这个名字。2. The meaning eludes me

34、.我弄不懂这个意思。,3. This was a view which seemed to have escaped the Prime MInister.首相似乎没有看到这一点。否定句译成肯定句1. I couldnt feel better.我感觉好极了。2. No man can have too much knowledge and practice.知识和实践越多越好。3. These scientiests could not believe the two Curies more.这些科学家完全相信居里夫人。4. There are no winners in a divorce

35、.,译文一:在离婚中没有胜者。译文二:离婚中的人都是两败俱伤。运用技巧的反译1. He thought, not very vividly, of his father and mother.正译:他并不是很鲜明地想到了他的爸爸和妈妈。反译:他模模糊糊地想到了他的爸爸和妈妈。2. No one knows where the shoe pinches like the wearer.正译:没有一个人会像穿鞋者那样知道鞋子挤脚。反译:哪儿挤脚,穿鞋人最清楚。3. The criminal is still at large.罪犯还未捉拿归案。,4. The project is yet all

36、in the air.这计划尚未落实。5. The world will be long forgetting their evil.世人不会很快就忘掉他们的罪行。6. The beauty of hte scenery passes all power of description.风景之美,非任何言语所能形容。英汉告示语中的正反译1. No Thoroughfare. (没有通路)禁止通行2. Authorized Cars Only(只有准许的车辆才可入内)未经许可,车辆不得入内,3. Employees Only (员工专道)顾客止步4. Passengers Only (只有旅客才可

37、通行)送客止步5. Please Tender Exact Fare (请付确切的车钱)恕不找零6. Courtesy Seats老、弱、病、残、孕专座(爱心专座)7. 20% Off八折优惠8. Nothing Can Come of Nothing.事有其本,事有其源。,被动式翻译,被动式的翻译法被动式译成被动式Robert was dismissed by the boss of the factory.罗伯特被工厂的老板开除了。被动式译成主动式1. The result of the invention of the steam engines was that human power

38、 was replaced by mechanical power.蒸汽机发明的结果是,机械力代替了人力。,2. Modern scientific discoveries lead to the conclusion that energy may be created from matter, which in turn, may be created from energy.现代科学的发展得出这样的结论:物质可以产生能,能又可以产生物质。3. Friction can be reduced and the life of the machine prolonged by lubricat

39、ion.润滑能减少摩擦,延长机器寿命。,倍数的翻译,英语倍数的表达与汉语不同。英语在表述或比较倍数时,无论使用什么句型,都包括基础倍数在内,因此都不是净增或净减,而是包括基数100%在内。所以表示倍数增加的英文可以译为“A是B的n倍”,或译为“A比B多n-1倍。英语中倍数减少译成汉语时,通常换算成百分数或分数来表示。因为减少了多少倍”不合汉语的逻辑。 在汉语中,倍数表示增加,表示减少,用“减少到几分之几”,“减少了几分之几”。所以英文的减少n times, 可以译为“A是B的1/n”,或“A比B少(n-1)/n。,A is n times greater/smaller/more .than

40、B1. Asia is four times larger than Europe.译文一:亚洲的面积是欧洲的4倍。译文二:亚洲比欧洲大3倍。2. The volume of the earth is 49 times larger than that of the moon.地球比月球大48倍。地球的大小是月球的49倍。3. Sound travels nearly 3 times slower in lead than in copper.声音在铅中的传播速度几乎是在铜中的1/3。声音在铅中的传播速度几乎比在铜中慢2/3。,A is n times as great/small, much

41、.as B.1. The oxygen atom is nearly 16 times as heavy as the hydrogen atom.氧原子的重量几乎是氢原子的16倍。2. The hydrogen atom is nearly 16 times as light as the oxygen atom.氢原子的重量几乎是氧原子的1/16.3. The mercury atom is about 5 times as heavy as calcium atom.汞原子重量大约为钙的5倍。,A is n times the size (length, amount, .) of B.

42、1. This book is three times the length of that one.这本书的篇幅是那本书的3倍。2. The newly broadened square is four times the size of the previous one.新扩建的广场是未扩建时的4倍大。A is n times upon/over B.1. The industrial output in our factory this year is ten times over that of 1999.今年我们工厂的产量比1999年的增加9倍。今年我们工厂的产量是1999年的10倍。,


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