1、Equivalent Transformation of Real Power Supply Model real voltage source model uR-+ su-+ireal current source model iRsi-+uiVAR: suu u R i=+VAR:siuiiR= +equivalent condition?suuuuiRR= +ssuuiR= iuRR=Conclusion: R-+ su-+ui-+uiRsuRpay attention to the polarity:The arrow of the equivalent current source
2、should direct from the negative terminal to the positive terminal of the original voltage source.The positive terminal of the equivalent voltage source is at the end pointed by the arrow of the original current source.Practice problem:Please find the circuit current shown in the figure below by using the power equivalent transformation method.I I53310 V-+ 30 V6-+- +9VSolution: 5310 V- +I33A65AI53210V2A- + I5310V- +24V-+6VI55-+6 0.6 A55I =+