1、Protect the Earth,Story time,Francis * 2014Suyu Experimental Primary School,Unit 7,Protect the Earth,Story time,Francis * 2014Suyu Experimental Primary School,Unit 7,beautiful Earth,What did some people do to the Earth?,What did some people do to the Earth?,Protect the Earth,Protect the Earth,Unit 7
2、,Save water,Save energy,Save trees,Dont use too much plastic,1,2,3,4,Save water,Read and discuss 读课文讨论下列问题,Reading Task 1,Why should we save water?,Water is useful.,Save water,Why?,We use water to .,water flowers,wash clothes,wash hands,clean the floor,.,useful,Water is useful.,There is not much wat
3、er.,Save water,Why?,In many places, there is not much water.,Water is useful.,There is not much water.,Save water,Why?,How?,Water is useful. We drink water and use it to clean things every day.,In many places, there is not much water.,We should not waste water.,We should reuse and save it.,Save wate
4、r,Read and answer,Reading Task 2,How to save water?,save water,I turn off the tap after washing hands.,waste water,reuse water,I use water to wash clothes, then I use the water again to clean the floor.,I use water to wash my car every day.,use,again,Water is useful.,There is not much water.,Save wa
5、ter,Why?,How?,We should not,We should,waste water,save water,reuse water,Save energy,Save trees,Dont use too much plastic,Why?,How?,Reading Task 3,1. Read and underline默读2-4段。用不同颜色的笔划出相关句子。,2. Discuss in groups 同桌讨论。,Save energy,Save trees,Dont use too much plastic,Why?,How?,Reading Task 3,Most of o
6、ur energy comes from coal and oil.There is not much coal or oil on Earth.,Save energy,Why?,How?,70% coal,18% oil,Energy used in China,Most of our energy comes from coal and oil.,Energy comes from too.,?,Solar energy,Wind energy,Hydroenergy,Nuclear energy,Most of our energy comes from coal and oil.Th
7、ere is not much coal or oil on Earth.,Save energy,Why?,How?,We should save energy.We should not drive so much.,We use woods to make tables, chairs and many other things. Trees help keep the air clean.,Save trees,Why?,How?,We should not cut down too many trees.,We use plastic to make bags and bottles
8、.,Dont use too much plastic,Why?,How?,We should use paper bags and glass bottles.,Too much plastic is bad for the Earth.,Save water,Save energy,Save trees,Dont use too much plastic,True or false,True or false,Water is very useful.,T,True or false,We should save water and reuse it.,T,True or false,We
9、 should waste water.,F,True or false,Most of our energy comes from coal and oil.,T,True or false,There is a lot of coal and oil on Earth.,F,True or false,Cars use a lot of energy.,T,True or false,We should cut down many trees.,F,True or false,Trees help keep the air clean.,T,True or false,We should
10、not use plastic bags.,True or false,We should not use plastic bags.,Enjoy Reading,1. Read after the recorder 跟读课文。2. Try to be a spokesman 尝试做一名“保护地球”发言人。,Enjoy Reading 1 享受阅读,Water is useful. We drink water and use water to clean things every day. In many places, there is not much water. We should
11、not waste water. We should reuse and save it.,Save water,Enjoy Reading,Water is useful.,We drink water and use water to clean things every day.,In many places, there is not much water.,We should not waste water.,We should reuse and save it.,Tips:1. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation。
12、注意语音语调。2. Pay attention to sentence stress and sense groups. 注意重音和意群。,Enjoy Reading 1 享受阅读,Enjoy Reading,Save energy,Most of our energy comes from coal and oil.There is not much coal or oil on Earth.We should save energy.We should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy.,Most of our energ
13、y comes from coal and oil.,There is not much coal or oil on Earth.,We should save energy.,We should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy.,Enjoy Reading 1 享受阅读,Enjoy Reading,Save trees,Wood comes from trees. We use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things.We should not cut down
14、 too many trees because trees help keep the air clean.,Wood comes from trees.,We use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things.,We should not cut down too many trees because trees help keep the air clean.,Enjoy Reading 1 享受阅读,Enjoy Reading,Dont use too much plastic,We use plastic to make bag
15、s and bottles buttoo much plastic is bad for the Earth.We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles.We should use paper bags and glass bottles.,We use plastic to make bags and bottles buttoo much plastic is bad for the Earth.,We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles.,We should use pa
16、per bags and glass bottles.,Enjoy Reading,1. Read after the recorder 跟读课文。2. Try to be a spokesman 尝试做一名“保护地球”发言人。,Tips:选择你喜欢的一项环保内容,大声朗读。尝试用演讲的方式发言。,Complete the sentences and make a picture book.小组合作,相互讨论。完成绘本制作。,Enjoy writing,Protect the Earth,The Earth is not only a planet,but also our home.We should protect the Earth!,The Earth is not only a planet,but also our home.We should protect the Earth!,Homework1,Read the text and try to retell it.2,Share your picture book with your family or classmates.,