1、ReferencesContents1. Introduction2. References and a bibliography 3. Functions of references4. In-text reference5. End references6. Citation styles1. Introduction Referring to others point of views, methods, data, etc. Providing evidence of information for readers Following the given styles of refer
2、ences2. References and a bibliography References are those that have been referenced in thearticle or book, or cited directly in the text. A bibliography is listing all the materials that have been consulted while writing an essay or a book, or not cited directly in the text. 3. Functions of referen
3、ces To evaluate the level and quality of the paper To learn about the time range of the cited texts To learn about the authors cited To help make statistical studies of information andliterature4. In-text referencesAn in-text reference, also called the in-text citation, is an in-text marker that ind
4、icates to the reader that a particularconcept, phrase or idea is attributable to someone else.Direct citation and indirect citationDirect citationTo cite the text word by word with quotation marksE.g.:Darwin used the metaphor of tree “to express the otherform of interconnectedness genealogical rathe
5、r thanecological” (Gould, 1989, p. 14).Indirect citationTo paraphrase or summarize texts from original writingE.g. A:As metaphors for the workings of nature, Darwin used thetangled bank, the tree of life, and the face of nature (Gould,1989).E.g. B:Gould (1989) attributes Darwins success to his gift
6、formaking the appropriate metaphor.E.g. C:In a 1990 article, Taylor claims that Charlotte and EmilyBronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalitiesbut in their sources of inspiration for writing.Indirect citation from othersE.g.:If construct validity is seen as an exhaustive process that
7、can be accomplished over a 50-year period, test developersmay be inclined to think that any validity information isgood enough in the short run (Shepard 1993: 444, cited inChapelle 1998).5. End references( works listed or references)An end reference, also called the reference list, is a complete ref
8、erence list giving the full citation details for all sources referred to in the document.6. Citation StylesHarvard:Vancouver:APA:American Psychological Association Style is an author/date basedstyle. This means emphasis is placed on the author and the date ofa piece of work to uniquely identify it.E
9、.g.:The leading medical cause of Aboriginal mortality is due tocirculatory system disease. Other important causes of death includediseases of the respiratory system and injury or poisoning(Anderson, 1999; Saggers & Gray, 1999; Thomson, 1995).MLA:Modern Language Association Style is most often applie
10、d by the artsand humanities, particularly in the USA. It is arguably the most wellused of all of the citation styles.E.g.:Romantic poetry is characterized by the “spontaneous overflow ofpowerful feelings” (Wordsworth 263). Wordsworth extensivelyexplored the role of emotion in the creative process (2
11、63)IEEE:The IEEE ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)referencing style uses a numbered system.E.g.:Although user authentication plays an important role inguaranteeing that only those who are authenticated andpreauthorized are given access, statistics over the years haveshown that a number of unpredicted and most severesecurity breaches are committed by authorized, trusted, andidentified individuals 2, 6 - 7 8 9, 13.Thanks!