1、Vocabulary and StructureRead the following expressions, and figure out therelationship between them:walk- commute (Para.1)public utilities- electricity, gas, water and sewage, information technology (Para.2)daily needs - food, water, and energy (Para.3)HyponymyHyponymy refers to the relationship bet
2、ween lexical itemsin which the meaning of one includes the meaning of theothers.Blueteeth Smart phone Tablet Smart DevicesA category with a high degree of generality isusually referred to as superordinate (上义词 ).HyponymyA category which is more specific or with one ormore additional features is refe
3、rred to assubordinate (下义词 ).Smart device is superordinate, while the rest aresubordinate or hyponym.Hyponymye.g. laugh (superordinate), smile, giggle, grin (subordinates)Hyponymy can also be found in verbs.Watch a micro-lecture and learn more abouthyponymy.Fill in the graph of hyponymy about vehicles.vehicletrain car bicyclesports car Sedanbus aircraft shipSUV pick-upDo more practice in Exercise 7 on page 63-64.Thanks!