1、中国人寿保险公司二一年概况 公司版国寿综述 1452001年,中国人寿保险公司系统员工在江总书记“三个代表”重要思想的指引下,在上级有关部门的正确领导和大力支持下,在国务院派驻的监事会的直接督导下,认真贯彻落实年初全国工作会议以及大中城市业务推动会议、电视电话会议精神,团结一心、锐意进取、顽强拼搏,在市场竞争日益激烈、工作难度不断加大的情况下,经受住了各种严峻考验,取得了显著成绩。全年实现保费收入813.14亿元,完成了年计划的 123%,同比增长了24.78%,占全国寿险市场份额的56.7%。到年末,公司总资产达到2209.66亿元。一、强力启动了大中城市业务发展战略大中城市是公司业务发展的
10、了教育培训工作,总公司制订了教育培训纲要和培训大纲,举办了各类培训班90个,参训人数达6600多人次。各级公司也广泛开展了员工和代理人培训。各地还注意发挥工会、共青团等群众团体的作用,加强了相关组织的建设,民主管理进一步推进。此外,代理人队伍不断发展壮大,到2001年底实有营销网点4681个,同比增长了17.8%;个人代理人达42.4万人,同比增长了38.2%。An Outline of China Life Insurance Company in 2001 公司版国寿综述 147In 2001, under the guidance of “the Three Represents” br
11、ought forward by Comrade Jiang Zemin, the General Secretary of the Party, under the correct leadership and great support of the upper relevant departments and under the direct supervision of the commission sent by the State Council, all the employees of China Life Insurance Company carried out the s
12、pirit of the national working conference at the beginning of the year, the meeting of launching business in big and middle cities and the TV telephone meeting, uniting as one mind, determining to advance and struggling tough. Under the situation of increasing intensive competition and more difficult
13、ies in work, they went through all kinds of severe tests and made eminent achievements. The premium income realized in the whole year was 81.314 billion yuan, accomplishing 123 percent of the annual plan, up 24.78 percent from the previous year, accounting for 56.7 percent of the market share in lif
14、e insurance in China. By the end of the year, the total assets of the company were 220.966 billion yuan.1. Greatly starting the strategy of business development in big and middle citiesBig and middle cities are the strategic place of business development, also the main battle of competition between
15、the insurance companies. In 2001, China Life at first determined the key point and the attacking direction of business development of the company in big and middle cities and carried out the strategy of business development of big and middle cities in 75 big and middle cities. The Head Office specia
16、lly held the meeting for launching business in big and middle cities, worked out the 28 measures for driving the business development in big and middle cities, made greater efforts to checking the business development in big and middle cities, combined the payroll of the big and middle cities with e
17、xpenses available and encouraged the enthusiasm of the company in the development. All the different-grade companies carefully carried out the spirit of the meeting for driving business in big and middle cities, combined the local practice, issued many new measures for the development, actively incr
18、eased the effective persons, tried to expand the sale channel for group insurance, widely held a variety of business contests, put the developing strategy of the Head Office into effect and made eminent achievements. In 2001, the premium income in 75 big and middle cities was 46.8 billion yuan, acco
19、unting for 57 percent of the total premium income of China Life Insurance Company, which was 2 percent higher than that in 2000 with 27.12 percent of the growth rate.2. Launching proper and suitable products participating in profitsIn 2001, in the exploitation of products and the issuing strategy, t
20、he company did not copy others and did not follow like sheep, but carefully analyzed the developing stage of life insurance market in China and the practical situation of the company itself, in time launched a series of products participating in profits. The launch of the products participating in p
21、rofits met with the social need, effectively expanded the space for developing business, greatly encouraged the morale of the acquisition team and stimulated the working enthusiasm of all the staff members. After the products participating in profits were launched in China Life in the whole country,
22、 all the different-grade companies carefully planned, actively launched and rapidly raised the hot tide for launching insurance products participating in profits by different ways such as the meeting for instructing the products. The premium income of products participating in profits in the year wa
23、s 16.378 billion yuan, accounting for 46.89 percent of the first-year business premium income. The products participating in profits became the fist product for driving business development in the company.3. Deeply carrying on the reform of “three systems”At first, according to the principle of cond
24、ensation, high efficiency and uniformity, there was a definitude in the establishment of the departments of all different-grade companies, the division of duties and the number of staff members. The company drew out a scientific management and checking method for the staff members strictly complying
25、 with the number of the staff members to deicide the posts and persons. By the end of 2001, the company reduced all kinds of persons of 824. The old framework that seniority must be give top priority was broken, which created a condition for the excellent young men to become eminent. Secondly, the c
26、ompany widely advanced the reform of employment system, further improved the working contractual system of all staff members and the position employment system, broke the employment fields and implemented the same work with the same salary and the same position with the same duty. Thirdly, the compa
27、ny deepened the reform of distribution system, established the new-type salary system, carried out the position salary and distributed by duty and ability, paid more to the business post and the special professional post, combined the personal income with the personal performance and the business be
28、nefits of the company and reasonably drew the distribution difference. All theses measures were carried out for the company to create a good of employment environment inside the company and primarily formed the system of the management in manpower resource combining the personal development of the s
29、taff members with the enterprise development.4. Strengthening the overall intensive management China Life made new advance in the aspect of the construction of business, finance and information technology centers, primarily realized the concentrated handle for business and finance in over the city b
30、ranches; implemented The Practice in Life Insuranceand a series of standards of business management in checking underwriting and claims and the handbook for protecting business, uniformly updated the CBPS7 edition, spread the system of the qualification for two-check special professional positions,
31、generally valued the adjustment of business structure and some companies paid more attention to it and tamped the developing base. The company realized the data concentration in the provincial branches and the business data in 9 municipalities and planning-singled cities concentrating on the Head Of
32、fice, carried on the concentrated purchase on the computer equipment in the whole system and effectively saved the expenses. The company strengthened the cost accounting, paid attention to the guidance function of the expense policy, further carried on the management of the budget system. According
33、to the relevant decisions of the State Council and China Insurance Regulatory Commission, there was an activity of adjusting and standardizing insurance market, which further standardized the business action of all the companies. The company strengthened to clean up and collected the assets, further
34、 made sure the bottom of the family, made emphasis on the special audit for the use and management in the commission of personal agency business, promoting a healthy development in marketing business. The company made an audit for the manager off post and provided the reference evidence for the pers
35、onnel department to appoint cadres. The company increased the degree of the intensive management and effectively promoted the adjustment of the business structure and the improvement of business benefits.5. Really strengthening the capital applicationIn 2001, according to the reforming thread of man
36、aging through standards, operating through systems and making business through market, the company actively carried on the systematic reform for capital application, established the new-type of capital application with investment decision, investment operation and risk control as “three aspects as o
37、ne body”, built up a center of professional capital application. The capital application was further concentrated in the company. The funds concentrated by the Head Office accounted for 66.27 percent of the funds available in the whole system in 2001, which was 19.67 percent higher than 46.6 percent
38、 of the year 2000. The balance of the capital application at the end of the year was 125.863 billion yuan, increasing 62.634 billion yuan from the beginning of the year. The income was 4.367 billion yuan. Under the situation of a narrow investment channel and the depression in capital, it was not ea
39、sy to achieve such a result and was significant, which both promoted an increase in the overall level of capital application and strongly supported the development in business of the company.6. Primarily forming the framework of customer serviceAccording to the arrangement of concentrated business m
40、anagement, most of the provincial branches established customer service institutions, equipped the full-time persons for customer service, built up a set of service systems and standards. In over 300 cities of the country opened the “95519” customer service special telephone, which was convenient to
41、 customers. The company strengthened the civilized service with excellent quality, set up the brand and image of its own professional service, increased the customer service of the company to a new level and effectively improved the environment of business development.7. Actively publicizing the bra
42、nd of the companyIn 2001, China Life greatly publicized the brand with the main ad wording as the main contents. There were many big bill-boards at the main traffic street and busy roads. In order to cooperate with launching the products participating in profits and using the “95519” customer servic
43、e line, the company organized a large scale of publicity. The Head Office used the focus events such as Beijing Bidding for Olympic Games, the scheme for the development of the young workers in cities by the League Central Committees and Chang Jian crossing the English Channel to design a series of
44、publicities and made ads of the companys image on CCTV at the golden time. Moreover, after a series of big accidents occurring, such as the explosion in Shijiazhuang, the hill slide at Wulong County Chongqin and the penetrating water at the Tin Mine in Lajia Nandan Guangxi, the local companies held
45、the salvage and dealt with claims in time, which generated a good social response after the report by the media. The company strengthened the publicity of the brand, enhanced the well-known name and reputation of the company and promoted the business development.8. Greatly advancing the construction
46、 of leadershipAll the staff members of China Life carefully held the activity of learning and teaching the important thought of “three represents”, organized to study the important talking of “7.1.” made by General Secretary Jiang and the The Decisionin the Sixth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Cent
47、ral Committee and reinforced the ability and the self-consciousness of all the Party members and cadres in carrying out the important thought of “three represents”. The company strictly checked the leaders of the provincial branches and adjusted them, over the year adjusted 118 members of the leader
48、ship of 33 provincial branches, used a large number of excellent young cadres with high quality. The company strengthened the construction of the Partys style and incorruptness with a positive achievement in the incorruptness and self-regulation of the leaders, grasping the original resource against
49、 corruptness and executing laws and supervision. 59 cases that were illegal and against rules in all kinds were handled and 64 persons involved in were punished. The company really strengthened the education and training work. The Head Office worked out the program for education and training and the training syllabus, holdi